The girl who cried wolf (R ra...

By misspiggy88

378K 8.4K 511

When Mia's mother is killed she dicovers she is not quite human, she's half Lycan. Rescued by the family she... More

The girl who cried wolf: Prologue
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter One
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Ten
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twelve
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fourteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fifteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Sixteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Seventeen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eighteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Nineteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-Seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter thirty three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty six
The girl who cried wolf: Epilogue
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The girl who cried wolf: Chapter eleven

9.7K 219 4
By misspiggy88

Chapter Eleven

      As our lips touched I felt as though the world had melted around us. I didn’t care that everyone was watching it was nice not to hide. He moved his lips away from mine and looked deep into my eyes as he brushed some hair from my cheek. I could see love in his apologetic eyes, I knew he was sincere. Even though I had said I had forgiven him, part of me was still angry and upset and I could feel this part of me taking over. I looked him square in the eyes and slapped him as hard as I could. I could hear everyone gasping; Luca just looked back at me stunned by what had just happened. Before I could stop myself I slapped him again, even harder than the first. I turned around quickly and came face to face with everyone’s shocked faces. Well almost everyone, out of the corner of my eyes I saw Faith and Tyler. Tyler had a big goofy grin on face; he gave me quick wink and a thumbs up as I stormed off towards the house. As I walked up the steps of the porch, I felt this strange feeling inside me. It was telling me to go back to Luca but after what had just happened I couldn’t. I hurried up the stairs to my room, knowing it wouldn’t take Luca too long to come in after me. I knew he wouldn’t have been too impressed about being embarrassed in front of everyone. As I reached my bedroom door I felt something was wrong, I slowly pushed the door open and walked in cautiously. At first I didn’t see anything unusual but then I looked over to my bedside table. There on the table was a red rose and a lit candle. I froze for a brief moment before I took a closer look. Like all the others there was a note with the rose. I hesitated before reaching down and picking up the note. Once again a sickening feeling in my stomach began to grow. I slowly turned over the note to read it. ‘Dear Mia beautiful and fiery you are a real gem.’ As I finished reading the note, I noticed something glistening out of the corner of my eye. I took a closer look at the candle and was shocked to see a ruby ring beside it. I picked it up and was amazed by the size of the stone; it was cut into a heart shape. Whoever this admirer was, their gestures were getting grander. I was scared to know who it was and what they wanted from me. I felt as though the ring was burning through my and the sickening feeling in my stomach was becoming overwhelming. I could feel my body burning up and my head was beginning to spin. Before I knew it everything was going dark.


(Luca’s POV)

     I placed my hand on my cheek, where Mia had slapped me. I knew I deserved it and so much more. I hated knowing how much I hurt her, I didn’t care that everyone was watching and I didn’t care what they thought. They should know I was a complete arse. Through all the whispering and stares I could hear laughter. I turned to see Tyler and faith, Tyler was almost in tears from laughter but faith she just stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, just staring at me. I’d seen this look before; she was angry and disappointed at me.

     “Do you realise what you’ve done?” I heard her say. “You’re such an idiot Luca, you could have lost everything. You do realise you’ve lost her trust now.” She continued.

I just stood still looking back at her, her words truly sinking in.

     “I know I was idiot, it was like I had lost control of myself.” I replied as I turned away, I couldn’t stand looking into her disappointed eyes any longer.

     “No Luca you knew what you were doing, you just didn’t think. You may be my best friend but she’s my family and you are a fucking arsehole.” She shouted at me. 

My face spun back round to her, we had had arguments in the past but she had never been this angry with me. I understood why, she had every reason to be angry with me Mia is after all her niece and she is protective of her.

     “I’m so sorry Faith. I promise I’ll never hurt her again.” I said sheepishly.

     “It’s not me that you need to convince. Besides I don’t think a simple apology is going to cut it, you need to prove it to her.” She spat back at me.

Faith was right, Mia may have said she had forgiven me but the trust between us was gone. There had to be something I could do that would show her I’m sorry. I needed to talk to her, just the two of us. I looked into Faith’s eyes. Her expression softened as though she knew what I was thinking. I quickly hurried off towards the house, when I got inside I raced up the stairs and headed for Mia’s room. I was surprised to the door was ajar; as I stepped closer I could sense fear. Mia’s fear. I pushed the door open; I saw Mia stood by her bedside table. I could see her swaying from side to side as though she was going to faint. I hurried over to her and caught her just as she was about to go. Her body felt cold but her skin felt damp from perspiration and she was white as a ghost. I tried to bring back round but she out cold. I gently scooped her up into my arms and placed her bed. As I did so I heard something clatter on the floor, I made sure she was ok before I knelt down to see what it was that fell from her hand. I noticed something shining in front of her bed side table. As I reached down for it I realised I had seen it before. I hesitated briefly before picking up the ring, the ring that Wyatt had got for Hope before she left. Every year on the day she was sent away he would haul himself away in his room, sitting of his desk staring at her ring. This ring. He never took it out from his room, ever. So what on earth was it doing in here? Why on earth did Mia have it? I slowly sat on the floor looking at the ring just trying to figure out what was going on. There was no way that Wyatt would let anyone get their hands on it, unless. I lifted my head slightly; there on the table I saw a lit candle and a rose. I moved towards it, as I looked over at the rose I noticed a note. I quickly snatched it up, I recognised the handwriting. It was Wyatt’s handwriting; he had given her the rose. He had given her the ring. He was trying to win her over; he was trying to get my Mia. As the sudden realisation took over me, anger filled my body. I clenched my hands into tight fists; I could fell the ring digging into my palm.   

     “Faith, Tyler Mia’s room now!!!” I shouted.

     “What’s wrong?” Faith answered me sounding concerned.

    “No time for questions, just do it!!” I shouted again.

I could feel the rage taking over me as my body began to shake uncontrollably, I needed to find Wyatt and I needed to find him now. In an instant I jumped up onto my feet and began to pace around Mia room, I needed to try and stay calm. For now.

     “Is Mia ok?” Tyler asked.

     “Both shut up and get up here. I need you to sit with Mia; I need to have a word with Wyatt.” I said my voice full of venom.

Wyatt may have been my older brother and my alpha but right now I wanted to rip his throat out. Mia was mine and he wasn’t going to have her. As I heard the two of them race up the stairs I ran as I as fast as I could to Wyatt’s office. I broke open the door smashing it into pieces, I searched the room but he was nowhere to be found. I sniffed the air trying to find a fresh trail of his scent but I couldn’t. I turned quickly heading back out of his office, blinded by rage I didn’t notice that Antonio was stood in the doorway. That was until I walked straight into him; he stumbled back a little but still blocked my path.

     “Get the fuck out of my way!” I spat at him.

He still didn’t budge, I looked him in the eyes let out a low warning growl but it didn’t faze him. I could feel myself losing control, if he didn’t move I was going to turn any second.

     “No! We need to talk. Now!” Antonio spat back at me.

     “Sorry no can do, now get out of the way!” I shouted pushing him as hard as I could, managing to move him enough to get past.

As I tried to run past Antonio he grabbed hold of my arm stopping me from going any further. I turned quickly and went to punch him. Before my fist could hit his face he grabbed it with his other hand.

    “How dare you treat my sister like that! Did you seriously think you would get away with it?” he shouted back at me.

    “I don’t have time for this shit; I need to find my brother.” I roared trying to get free of him.

We both began to growl at each just Faith walked out into the hallway.

     “What the hell is going on?” She asked confuse by the scene in front of her.

     “Nothing. Where is Wyatt?” I replied spitting out the last word.

She looked at me as she walked towards us; she placed her hands on our chests and pushed us away from each with ease. As she did so I noticed that Antonio’s and Faith’s bodies tense up, as faith’s hand made contact with his chest. It puzzled me for a second but I had my own problems to worry about right now.

    “He’s gone.” Faith eventually answered looking deep into my amber eyes.

     “What do you mean he’s gone?” i asked annoyed that he slipped past me.

     “He left a few moments ago with my brothers, he said they were going to investigate Antonio’s and Lucia’s story. He said that he’d he didn’t know for sure how long he would be gone but that you were in charge for now.” She replied as she struggled not to look at Antonio.

     “Shit, the crafty bastard!” I shouted to myself as I punched the wall.

I turned and looked at the pair of them, their eyes full of confusion. I knew I owed Faith an explanation but I didn’t owe Antonio anything. I’d tell faith all about when he was gone.

    “Who, can you please tell what is going on Luca? You’re worrying me.” Faith said, her eyes glued on me.

    “I’ll explain everything later.” I replied, glancing quickly over to Antonio.

For some reason the jerk had a smug look on his face.

     “Well it would seem you have plenty of time to discuss what you did.” Antonio said crossing his arms over his chest.

     “I didn’t do anything to your sister, she came on to me and nothing happened. I have a mate and right now I need to be with her.” I said as I started to walk away from the two of them.

    “This so called mate of yours can’t mean that much to you. I saw the way you looked at my sister.” He said following me.

I stopped dead in my tracks, turned and punch him right between the eyes.

     “Mia means the world to me, don’t you ever say otherwise. As for your sister, yes I’ll admit I was attracted to her but she nothing compared to Mia. Besides it would seem your sister is no angel.” I said turning away from him again.

     “Do you ever talk about my sister like that!” he shouted after me.

I didn’t stop I just kept on walking, I needed to be with Mia. I needed to know if she was ok and how long this had been going on. I could hear faith and Antonio walking behind me, Antonio was really starting to get on my last nerve. He seriously needed to back off. I had enough to deal with right now with Wyatt. As I stepped into Mia room I was relieved to see her awake and sat up on her bed. Tyler was sat beside her, his arm wrapped around her shoulders and his head rested on hers. Even though he was her cousin, my inner wolf wasn’t comfortable with him being that close to her. Right now I had to push that aside, I was grateful that he had stayed with her and made sure she was ok. I stepped slowly towards her bed; although I was full of concern I knew I still wasn’t her favourite person right now. She looked over at me with her big blue eyes and I felt my body instantly relax. I slowly lowered myself onto the edge of the bed. I smiled softy at her and stroked her cheek with my fingers, her skin felt cold. I was aware that Faith had followed me and that Antonio was stood in the doorway. I turned my head to him and was surprised by the concerned expression on his face.

     “Is she ok, she really doesn’t look well?” he asked as he took a hesitant step into Mia’s room.

     “She seems to be ok, just a little shaken up.” Tyler replied.

I was thankful that he had, I really didn’t want to speak to Antonio right now.

     “Is there anything I could do to help? Maybe I could get her glass of water or something?” He asked, continuing to surprise me.

    “That would be great, thanks.” Faith answered.

     “I’ll be right back.” He said as he walked out of the room.

Faith nodded at him and stayed quiet until she heard him walk down the stairs. At which she turned back to me.

     “Right, now what the hell is going on?” She snapped at me.

I looked over at Mia she was shaking a little and her eyes seemed a little vacant. I didn’t think now was the time to tell her that the ring was from Wyatt. Instead in just handed the ring to Faith in a way that meant Mia couldn’t see. As soon as faith looked down at her hand, her face went pale.

     “I found it, it fell from Mia’s hand when I lifted her to the bed.” I said silently to her. “I also found those.” I gestured to the rose and the candle on the bedside table. 

She looked back down to at the ring in her hand then back to me.

     “This is what I think it is isn’t it?” She asked.

I just looked over at her and nodded; she walked over to bed and sat down beside Tyler. I could tell by her face that she had come to the same conclusion I had. I held Mia’s hand while we all sat there quietly. A few minutes later Antonio returned with the glass of water, he walked over to bed and handed me the glass.

     “I hope this helps.” He said as I tried to get Mia to take the glass.

    “Thanks.” I replied. “Mia come on have some water.” I continued.

She looked over at and slowly reached out for the glass. She took it in her shaky hand and lifted it to her mouth. I started to relax when she began to drink; I could the colour returning to her face. She starting to look a little more like herself. She looked over at me, she looked a little confused.

     “What happened? When did you get here?” she asked.

I reached out to touch her hand but she flinched slightly, I slowly lowered my hand back down. It hurt to know she still hurting.

    “Well I came up here to talk to you and when I walked in you were about to faint. I caught you and put you on your bed. Mia can I ask you something?” I asked.

     “You just did but ok.” She replied with a little smirk on her face, she wasn’t definitely starting to feel better.

I smiled back at her, seeing her smile made me feel warm inside.

    “Is this the first time you’ve receive a note or a rose?” I asked trying to look a little more serious.

For a moment she just looked down at her hands, eventually she looked back up me.

     “No. this is the third time I have found a note and rose. The first time was on my sixteenth birthday.” She said as she looked away briefly. “Every time I find one, I feel sick in the pit of my stomach. Whoever it is they’re me.”  

At the exact same time Faith and I look over at each other. It was clear we were both thinking the same thing.

     “We can’t tell her it’s Wyatt, not until I have spoken to him. I don’t want to freak her out even more.” I said to her.

     “Agreed.” She answered.

     “Don’t worry Mia whoever it is they won’t be sending you anything again. I promise.” I said looking into her.

She looked at me for a moment, a small smile on face. Before I knew it she threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my and resting her head on my shoulder.

     “Thank you.” She said against my neck.

The others decided to leave us alone; we just sat there on her bed in each other’s arms. 

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