The Perfect Scandal

By harperlbrennan

647K 23.7K 10.8K

After two years of mixing drinks at a local bar and serving caramel macchiatos to the stereotypical, teenage... More

Coming Soon
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Final Regards
New Developments
Deleted Scene I

Chapter Seven

24.2K 885 361
By harperlbrennan

"Yes, please Miss!" I exclaimed, raising my hips up to meet her fingers as they relentlessly pressed into me.

My body was on fire, every nerve-ending tingled with desire. My chest heaved: my lungs combusted into nothing but ash and debris inside of me. Shutting my eyes, I allowed my head to fall back upon the pillow, canting my hips up, up, up. I wanted more, I needed more. I needed Mallory to be tongue deep inside of me, lips and tongue thrashing against me like the waves of an ocean crashing against the rocks during a storm.

The small of my back began to ache with the position-- hips pressed into the air, but the rising pressure in my lower stomach was far more urgent. The flames inside of me were burning brighter, engulfing my whole body little by little with each plunge of fingers.

"That's it," Mallory cooed, her voice thick and heavy as she looked down upon me, "take everything I have to offer you, my sweet, you've earned it."

She was just as sweaty as, if not more so, I was. Her usually composed self was in a disheveled mess; hair flung out in every direction, maroon smudged at both corners of her lips, and clothes removed asides from a bra. The only article of clothing she wore was no use, each cup was pulled down and tucked beneath her breasts and the under-wire. Pert nipples stood to attention, lightly defined abdominal muscles twitched, and toned arms flexed with each thrust. Mallory Morgan was undeniably beautiful, but in this moment, every appealing attribute about her seemed to magnify by thousands.

I panted beneath the woman, my throat drier than the Sahara. The way she twisted her fingers was unbelievable, and the way her body contorted in order to apply more pressure was astonishing. This woman, while she may be completely infuriating, was content (possibly ecstatic) to give to her lovers.

"Miss," I choked out, practically sobbing at the sheer pleasure she was giving me. "Plea-please."

Mallory looked down at me once again, adoration on her lips as they curled into a small grin that could brighten my soul, if I had one. Her eyes flashed quickly to danger, mischeviousness curving her lips from that smile to a smirk. The look she was giving me was predatory, and I was open and willing to being her prey.

"Of course dear, come for me."

Those simple words, accompanied with her fingers, caused my eyes to roll back and my shoulders to stiffen against the mattress. It started off low in my gut, slowly but surely traveling up. It paralyzed my back muscles first, then arms, then relocated to my legs and feet. I felt like I was holding plank position, my body tightened and shook so deliciously that I almost forgot to breath.

"Yes, yes!" I exclaimed, by mouth practically wired open, curving into a wide smile.

As soon as the blinding, white light dicipated from my eyes, I lifted my head from the pillow and opened my eyes, just staring at Mallory. I hadn't noticed when she removed her fingers: perhaps when my body was shaking like a palm tree, but I sobbed at the absence, still wanting more dispite the fact that I was about to pass out from exhaustion.

Orgasms took a lot out of a woman.

Mallory leaned over me, then lowered herself, pressing her firm body against my own. She brought her lips to my own, hungrily crashing against them with teeth and tongue. There was nothing sweet about the way she attacked my lips, but pure animalistic.

She released me from her liplock suddenly, pulling away with a smirk on those smeared lips.

"Ask me for anything, my dear, and you will receive," she murmured, her breath dancing against the she'll of my ear.

I shivered in excitement. "You," I whispered, my heart speaking before my mind had the opportunity to object.

Biting my lip in anticipation, I watched as surprise crossed Mallory's features, but soon, confusion, then understanding. And then, she laughed.

I didn't know what was funny, but in that moment, I felt ashamed.

What would possess me to say such a thing? I didn't want her; that was ridiculous.

Sliding out from under the older woman, I stood from the bed and began gathering my clothing, balling each article into one giant roll, but someone grabbed a hold of my wrist, stopping me from leaving, and I knew exactly who it was.

I tried to snatch my wrist away. "Let go of me," I sneered.

"Sit back down," Mallory spoke softly, placing her free hand on my shoulder, gently stroking her fingers against my skin. She pressed her chest against my back, her lips touching the nape of my neck.


All of a sudden, Mallory's teeth were pressed into my skin, marking my neck and causing me to squeal. I dropped the clothes from my hand and tried to turn around, but the infuriating woman kept me in place.

When she released me from her grip, I panted in gratitude and turned on the heel of my foot to look at the older woman. I first noticed that Mallory's sinful lips were parted slightly and her eyes were narrowed while her nostrils flared in anger. "Would you like to repeat yourself, Miss Holland?"

"Yes, Miss," I responded with my head hung, knowing full and welk what mistake I made. "if you would allow me to do so."


Raising my eyes to meet hers, I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I'm sorry, Miss. I have no right to say no unless stated in our contract." I began kissing her, on her cheeks, lips, neck, anywhere I could manage easily while appearing apologetic. "Please forgive me. I'll take any punishment you deem fit."

She pushed me away with the palm of her hand, but it was a only a light shove. "Sit down."

I worried about the tone of Mallory's voice, but did as I was told and settled back onto the bed. Watching carefully as the older woman paced across the floor, I sat on the edge of my seat.

"I should punish you."

My head hung low. I knew what was coming to me, and, to be honest, I deserved it.

"But I've decided otherwise."

Launching my head up, I widened my eyes in astonishment. That didn't happen often, and when it did, it was when Mallory felt bad, which was rare, but still. I got off the bed quickly and knelt in front of her, kissing the tops of her thighs. "Thank you, Miss."

Instead of pushing me away again, Mallory began stroking my hair, humming in response to me. "My dear," she cooed, "You've shaped so well, I'm incredibly proud of you."

As she comforted me by running her fingers through my hair, she inflated my ego ridiculous. Her opinion shouldn't matter to me, but it did. I wanted her approval so desperately; I craved it like oxygen.

"Now," she stated with a click of her tongue, stopping her movements. "Why don't you show me just how sorry you are."

I looked up at her with wide eyes only to see a devilish smirk on those sinful lips. Mallory parted her legs slightly by changing her stance, then laced her fingers in my hair once again. Not needing any further direction, I licked my lips, sat on my hunches, and stretched my neck in order to be closer, practically engulfed, between her thighs. She smelled of musk and dew, a strange combination that was oh so arousing.

Humming in delight, I went to work, moving my tongue up and down, side to side, around and around her slit. She made the most beautiful sounds as I ate her that I was tempted to touch myself, knowing that just the sounds she made made me soaked.

"Focus on my clit, dear" Mallory sighed, digging her nails in my scalp.

And I did.

"Oh!" The older woman exclaimed, then chuckled huskily. "That's it, sweetest, don't stop. Show me how devoted you are to my pleasure."

I began sucking with even greater purpose, eating the woman above me as if it were my last meal. I slurped and sucked, but it didn't sound half as appealing as Mallory did when she was a mewling mess.

Her thighs tightened around my head and her nails dug deeper into my scalp. I smiled to myself knowing she was about to come, and that I was the cause of this pleasure.

"Don't stop!"

I would never, I thought to myself.



My eyes shot open. Warm dots soon escaped my vision as I took in my surroundings. Comfy bed. White ceiling. Person beside me. Shit.

"Babe," Kalob murmured beside me, his hand on my shoulder. "You were moving in your sleep, I thought you were having a nightmare."

How sweet, but I was about to punch him.


Did I just dream that I was screwing Mallory Morgan?! WHAT.

I'm officially screwed. Good lawd.

"Yeah, that's what it was," I said nonchalantly, slipping out of the bed as fast as possible to get ready for the day.

This was going to be a long day.

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