Clandestine [Supernatural Fan...

By Crying_Burning_Liar

88 5 1

Phanuel is just one of the many Rit Zien's in Heaven- being created by their Father as an angelic healer, and... More

Surprising Affinity

Unhealthy Unrest

28 3 1
By Crying_Burning_Liar

Hey there :D

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Dean and Castiel enter:


The walls felt thin and unusually cold as a figure's pained voice echoed throughout the building. Dean took another swig of beer, his eyes flat and blurry with grief - maybe pain as well and could only hope to drown out the sound. He set down the bottle in a haggard state and the glass clinked against the wooden table roughly, drawing his attention for only a moment before the voice screamed then muffled itself. The man chuckled sadly to himself, dammit.. What do I do?

His grip on the beer glass tightened, filled with rage not only for the task they have to complete, but to his own uselessness. He lifted it up again but was mildly numb to find it already empty. Vulgar words slipped from his mouth before a sound of birds wings distracted him. His head shot up, eyes full of hope that he knows he shouldn't keep, that he knew he could fall into damnation if he continued to be disappointed. But he looked up at the appearing figure - his friend - with anticipation and a rough choked voice. "Cass. You found something?"

The angel let his eyes drift to the multiple beer bottles scattered and his head moved slightly over towards the pained voice in another room. He couldn't help but let the worried emotion in his heart enter into his voice. "I'm sorry Dean, I haven't." He was quick to continue seeing Dean's face drop slightly. "But I do have something that could help ease his pain." 

His friend held out a metal bowl filled with a multitude of herbs and a small glass bottle filled to the brim with a dark blue liquid. Dean nodded his head once before getting up and heading to the kitchen. Cass sighed lowly now standing alone, he moved his head with Dean's body. "Dean, this habit of drinking, It's worrying me greatly." 

Dean pulled open the fridge and took out another brown bottle and chuckled softly, then paused hearing Sam's voice stop and sighed in relief. He finally went to sleep... He stood back and didn't flinch when Castiel stood right by his side with a frown. Dean shrugged at him. "My problem, not yours."

The angel stared at him in displeasure, and sighed. "Dean," he narrowed his eyes with concern. "Sam's internal health troubles me as well, but we both have to stay strong and fit for him when he needs us." Dean moved away from him and sat back down in the same chair he'd put himself into four days ago. 

Castiel took in a silent breath before clutching the metal bowl and glancing at Dean, before disappearing without a whisper. Dean's green eyes switched back to where his friend once stood before looking up at the ceiling then the bottle in his hand. Dammit.. he set it down and felt a tear slide down his cheek before using his hand to wipe it away in a rush. God, I'm sorry Sammy..

The sound of a door shutting made Dean sit up a little straighter and tip his head away from the hall Castiel walked out of. Cass' voice resonated towards him. "He's sleeping peacefully now, no nightmares." 

Dean nodded. "Thanks Cass."

Castiel sighed and nodded as well, feeling the usual emotion of exhaustion. "I'm going to continue looking for a way around his fate, I probably won't be back until a long while. I have the other side of the earth to-" The angel stopped mid-sentence, a small gasp escaping his lips.

Dean noticed the sudden pause and turned towards Castiel. "What's wrong?" His green eyes saw the angels expression: confusion held Cass' features. Castiel then turned to him with a small grin.

"Dean, I think I just found your brother's healer." Dean's eyes widened and he stood up and walked over to his friend with narrowed brows.

"What are you talking about? You didn't even move." Castiel shook his head lightly. 

"No, I felt him, he's out of Heaven- I can reach him." The angel whispered the next part to himself. "How could he have possibly left without triggering more angels down?" 

Dean stared at Castiel with sudden hope. "Where is he?" Castiel paused for a bit. 

"London, a hospital in Felixstowe." Dean raised his eyebrows at the location. 

"That's pretty far away." Castiel nodded with a grin. 

"I'll get him."

Dean watched him carefully before thinking out loud. "Wait, he's an angel?" Cass looked at him.


Dean chuckled softly and picked up his beer glass with a sad expression, causing Castiel's face to flatten a bit in confusion. "Last I heard Cass, all angels were after you." Dean looked at him then back at his drink. "They won't help Sam." He turned from Castiel and sat back roughly on his arm chair, his lips lined with a frown.  Castiel shook his head, though now Dean was faced away and couldn't see him.

"No, he won't hurt me-" 

"Dammit Cas-" Dean interrupted him with a harsh tone, but was filled with grief stronger than before. Castiel couldn't help but flinch at his voce. Dean sighed loudly. "We're not going to get an angel that might kill Sam instead of heal him- I'm not taking the risk."

The angel stared at him in silence as Dean lifted the brown bottle and took a slow drink. He shook his head. "Dean, I too want Sam to be okay, and he can helps us- will help us, because he cannot do otherwise."

Dean stopped, catching the last part of Cass' speech and turning to look behind him in confusion. "What do you mean he's incap-" But Castiel was gone from the room. Dean stood up from his chair and cursed, of course the friggin' angel would go off on his own. He never listens. Dammit Cass.


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