Touch {Louis Tomlinson AU}

By LoganEPoole

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"In total darkness, I reach out and touch." -Troye Sivan More

Before You Read
extended summary
Official Playlist


684 30 15
By LoganEPoole

above is a picture of Cameron


I stumbled to the kitchen, my hair up in an extremely messy bun, throwing myself into one of the chairs attached to the island. My brother curtly laughs in front of me, before walking alway from the island and towards the sink. "You came home late last night." I groaned, waving my hand towards him, signaling him to shut up. I wasn't in the mood, nor awake enough to listen to him. "When are you going to grow up and get an actual job, V?"

"When are you going to start minding your own damn business?" I asked, lifting my head up from the countertop and staring at him.

"Fighting is not a job, Vale!"

"Then what the f*** does Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and Ronda Rousey do for a living?!" I snap, standing up and walking towards him quickly. "I make more money a fight then you make being a teacher!"

"Im going to work. I'm done having the same argument all the time." He said, before gather up his things and heading towards the front door.

"You're leaving because you know I'm right!" I yelled, before the door slammed loudly, making the entire apartment shake. "F***ing asshole."

Cameron was older than me by a good two minutes and he thinks that he can control me and boss me around because of it. Since my first fight, he's always said I needed a real job. Our mother always said she wanted me and him to succeed and have a better life then she had. But I'm doing just fine with my fights.

The sound of my phone vibrating against the granite brought me back to Earth, Nate's pictures and name popping up on my screen. I wanted to decline and go back to bed, but I knew that when he called me, there was a new fight later that night. "What do you want, Nate?" I snapped, a chuckle from the other end making me roll my eyes.

"Well good morning to you, too, Princess."

"Nathan," I growled.

"I'm sorry, V." He laughed. "Anyway, you wanna go out tonight?" I rolled my eyes, tapping my fingers against the tabletop in frustration. "I'm not meaning as a date, V. I'm meaning as friends."

"Funny, I didn't realize we were friends, I thought we were just business partners."

"Answer the damn question." Did I really want to waste my night on someone like Nate? He pisses me off enough to where I want to hurt him, but was it worth it? Before I could reply, he sighed loudly into the receiver, a small smile forming on my face. "I'll buy you drinks and pay for food if you decide to get any."

Works every time.


As I walked from my truck towards the club Nate told me to meet him at, I took a drag of my cigarette before flicking it to the ground and stepping on it with my boot. Beside me, I saw a group of guys eyeballing me from head to toe. Due to my current occupation, I'm used to the constant stares. And truthfully, I kind of enjoy it.

Once I arrived, I instantly spotted Nate. He was leaning against the building with a man with scruffy brunet hair standing beside him. I sighed deeply, before Nate pushed himself off the wall and walked towards me. "Hey-"

"Who the f*** is that?" I ask, pointing at the random person. "You asked me to come when I could be training, then you invite some douchebag looking guy with you-"

"He's a friend of mine. I haven't seen him in years and he showed up out of nowhere. So, I invited him to come along."

"Jesus." I groaned, looking over his shoulder towards his friend. "What? Is he your boyfriend?"

"What? No, I-"

"Let's just go inside." I snapped, shoving past Nate towards the main entrance, the friend looking at me like I'm an absolute weirdo. I didn't even bother to introduce myself as I walked past him and straight to the bar.

I ordered a beer, Nate walking up beside me and rolling his eyes. "Vale, this is Louis. Louis, this is the wicked witch of Texas." The friend - Louis - nodded his head at me in acknowledgement, I returning him the same gesture. They both joined me at the bar, my drink arriving not long after.

"So, Nate tells me you're a fighter." Louis said, trying to make conversation. He may be good looking, but he's not very smart. I glanced over at him with narrowed eyes, causing him to turn and face me completely. "Don't talk much do ya?"

"I talk plenty. But right now, your accent is annoying the piss out of me." I bit, gulping down my beer and ordering another. I looked past Louis, finding that Nate was talking to a woman that was completely out of his league.

"Really? My accent?" He chuckled, grabbing his beer from the bar and placing it against his lips. This man just won't shut up, will he?

"Yes, your accent."

"A lot of American women - and men - find my accent quite attractive."

"Well, congraduf***inglations."

"Calm down. I'm just trying to make conversation." He said, before turning his attention towards the dancing taking place on the floor. He took small sips of his beer every now and then, but for the most part, he didn't bother me. "If you won an award, you'd win the 'I'm an asshole' award."

"And I would accept it with f***ing pride." I smiled. "I suggest you get to know me before you label me as an asshole, babe." I added, walking away from the bar, Louis' eyes glued on me as I headed towards Nate.

"You have to pay for those!" The bartender yelled over the music.

"Nathan Perkins will pick it up!" I waved off.

When I found him, he had redhead sitting on his lap, matching flirtatious smiles on their faces. Just as she leaned in to kiss him, I cleared my throat, their attention snapping towards me. "I'm heading out. Your little friend is annoying me."

"Louis? He-"

"Tell your girlfriend 'hello' for me." I added, the redhead jumping off Nate's lap and walking towards the dance floor. Nate flipped me off, as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket and exited the club.



I love Vale. She's sassy.

Logan, xx

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