Unpredictable (c.h.)

By ghostafi

2K 21 10

A story in which Naomi Irwin, a 16 year old cheerleader with depression, finds love in her next door neighbor More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
*Not an update :(*
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Not an update :(
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Thank you

Chapter Twenty One

55 0 0
By ghostafi

We all woke up the next morning at Michael's house with hangovers, everyone except Luke, he was the designated driver. I instantly regretted the decision to get drunk because now I had to get ready for homecoming.

"Guys come on get up so that we can go home and get ready for the dance." Luke stated enthusiastically earning many groans from the rest of us.

"All of you shut up and leave my house." Mikey mumbled from his pillow which was our que to go.

On the drive home there was no radio. The only noise filling the car was groans from us finding things posted last night from the party.

"Omg did you guys see Cally kissed Marcus even though she's with Sam?" Bella gossiped.

"Some people just can't control themselves, I've got all I need right here, even when I'm drunk." Calum said pulling me closer. Everyone else in the car either groaned or awed, there was no in between.

"Alright lovebirds, this is your stop, so get out of my car." Luke said.

Me and Calum parted ways with a brief kiss on the lips and went into our separate houses. When I got inside I ran upstairs so that I could get to the shower before Ashton. I quickly grabbed my towel and raced toward the bathroom door just as he was and then bang. Head trauma.

"Ah Jesus Ashton your head actually is hard." I said to him while he was still standing having knocked me down. He began to go into the bathroom until I spoke.

"Can you help me up please, my head really hurts?" I asked sweetly, appealing to his better nature, if he had one.

"Ugh fine." He said helping me up.

"Thanks now- wait wtf I think your drum kit is broken" I said looking into his room so that I could trick him.

"O my god what?!" He panicked rushing into his room. I took this opportunity to stroll into the bathroom and lock the door.

"Naomi you fucktard!" He banged against the door.

"Had to be done brother." I said teasingly, not waiting for a response as I climbed into the shower and turned the water on.

When I got done with my shower I casually walked out, being lightly pushed by Ashton of course but I didn't really care. I walked into my room and pulled my dress off the hanger and put it on my bed. Then I plugged in my hair dryer and curler and dried my hair while I waited for the curler to heat up. When my hair was all dry I did ringlet curls to my long dirty blonde hair. When I was done with that I applied foundation, mascara, and a line of sparky black eyeliner on my upper lids. I finished my makeup off with red lipstick on my lips. I then put on my silver charm bracelet that Calum gave me and threw on my matte black heels. I looked in the mirror and immediately noticed my scars. I then went to my desk to put foundation on them because I was still really self conscious. I checked the time and it was 7:30, so I had half an hour before I was going to be picked up so I went to check on Ashton. I went into his room to see mom tying his tie for him.

"Wow Ashton, what are you going to do if you DO make it big, how are you going to wear award show clothes if you can't even tie a tie?" I giggled.

"I'll just wear skinny jeans to the award show then." He snickered.

"Always classy." I laughed. "Anyways, are you ready the limos coming in- 25 minutes." I asked, pausing to look at my phone.

"Ye-" "I need pictures!" Ashton started, being cut off by my mom.

"Ughhhhh mommmmm" me and Ashton said simultaneously.

"First of all, that's creepy, second of all, don't anger a pregnant woman." Mom said.

"Finnnneeeeee" we said as the others walked in.

"Okay first couples." She ordered making me line up with Calum, and Bella line up with Michael since we were the only official couples. After that we did siblings, girls, guys, then group.

"Oh these are all so cute, I'll have to send them to Joy!" Mom said looking at her phone.

Soon enough the limo came and we all got inside.

"GUYS LETS TAKE A LIMO SELFIE" Lexi exclaimed from the front seat making Ashton groan.

"Ashton stop being such a Debby downer and get in the damn picture." She complained forcing his head towards Michael's. Right after she took the picture, we rolled up at the school. As we got out I accidentally stepped on Calum's foot and began to worry because I was wearing heels and I was heavy.

"Hey don't worry that didn't really hurt, you're light as a feather." He said causing a blush to creep on to my face.

When we got inside we all immediately sat down and got food because honestly none of us wanted to dance at the moment. When I was mid-through my pile of grapes, Calum got up.

"Alright well I didn't spend 25 dollars per ticket to sit and eat so Naomi, may I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand.

"You may." I said taking his hand.

*cue Tenerife sea*

"You know I really love this song" I said to him as we attempted to dance.

"Me too, maybe it could be ours?" He said insecurely.

I chuckled at his cute awkwardness and shook my head yes.

"Good because it describes you perfectly." He said making me blush. "And I absolutely love when you blush." He whispered sending shivers down my back.

"Calum I- I'm really glad this happened." I stuttered.

"Me too babe, me too." He said softly.

The rest of the night was spent dancing until we could no longer stand and in a moment I realized I really did love Calum Hood.

A/N- Okay awwwwwwwww that was so cute holy god. Also I'm really obsessed with Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran so that's the song they dance to. And if anyone actually reads this story tysm I love you. I promise something cool will happen in the next chapter so stay tuned. Okay bye loves

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