Sexy Shorts

By margaretmaymargo

202K 633 127

A collection of R-Rated short stories and one-shots, contain sexual content and/or mention of drug/alcohol us... More

Sexy Shorts

1 - Breaking Rules

109K 522 126
By margaretmaymargo

Okay, so this started out as a one-shot and it kept going. I hope that the other R-Rated shorts I write for this collection don't turn out so long, so I apologize in advance. 

2 – Breaking Rules

          To say that Bale scared me was a bit of an understatement. He was the kind of guy that just intimidated you—whether he meant to or not. Bale had a hard exterior; a life of alcohol, drugs, sex, and rock n roll. He wore a leather jacket and drove a Harley. He was the bad guy.

          Coincidentally, he was my older brother’s best friend. They shared an apartment together, both twenty-one and out of the house. It was a seedy apartment complex in a bad part of the city. I spent more time there than I would have liked, but home wasn’t very welcoming.

          I’d been tossed from home to home since my parents died when I was six. At first, the foster care system tried to place my older brother, Cameron, and I together, but then they gave up at that.

          Cameron aged out of the foster care system and got an apartment with Bale. However, me being only seventeen, I was stuck with living with strangers; strangers with evil intents and sly, deceitful ways, so when I could I would hang out at Cameron’s.

          However, not everyone at the apartment was so welcoming of my presence. Bale was a little rude sometimes. He called me “princess” and “kid” all the time, even though he isn’t that much older than me.

          I had left bright and early to go to Cameron’s. It was Saturday, a day best spent away from home. Every day was a day best spent away from home. Even the word “home” was a disgrace to the shelter that I resided in with the world’s worst foster family.

          Of course Cameron was still in bed, and I let myself in. I sat in the living room on their ragged old couch and turned on the TV. I watched the news, minus the sound. I wasn’t dumb enough to wake Bale or Cameron up.

          I snooped in their cupboards and stole a chocolate fudge Pop Tart, Bale’s favorite. He made sure he always had a box on hand, and I was eating the last one. Hopefully I could pass it off on Cameron.

          “You have no life, kid,” Bale grumbled as he left his bedroom. His hair was a disheveled mess, he had bags under his eyes and he was nursing a hangover, “And you’re eating my fucking Pop-Tarts.” He grabbed my leftovers and ate them.

          “Sorry?” I said, not really all that apologetic.

          “You sit here and watch TV, sometimes eat our food, or read a book. I mean seriously, who reads a fucking book?”

          “I like books,” I said, trying to defend myself.

          “I’m just saying you’re not living. You need to be wild for once. It seriously can’t be fun to sit here at your brothers and watch the big kids have fun,” he said.

          I took his advice. I’d been invited to Stevie Wilkes party, and his parties were legendary. I’m talking straight out of Project X kind of parties. So I went, how bad could it be?

          Needless to say, it was terrible. Everyone was drunk. I’d drank a beer, trying to choke it down because let’s face the facts; beer tastes disgusting. Some people were doing drugs that I’m pretty sure Bale would deem dangerous, and he did it all. Then there was my foster brother, Kyle.

          “Come on, Sloane, you know you want to,” my foster brother, Kyle smirked. He grabbed at my shirt, drunk as a fish. His hands were rough and grabby on my boobs.

          “No!” I screamed, and he tore at my shirt, ripping it in the process. I regretted going to the party. I thought going might make things better. I thought it’d get my thoughts off the horrible situation at home, but instead, the situation followed me.

          Kyle pinned me to the ground and I screamed. He tore my skirt, his hands rough and grabby. I knew I had to put up a fight, it was my only chance. I managed to kick him in the balls and get him off of me. I punched him kicked him the stomach, screaming. I ran like hell after that. My shirt was in bad condition, and tears streaked my face.

          I ran for a few blocks, hoping to get away, before realizing I had nowhere to go. I called Cameron, only to get his voice mail. I had one option left; Bale.

          “Princess?” he answered the phone, sounding surprised.

          “Where’s Cameron?” I asked, my voice shaky from crying.

          “He’s staying with Lila for the night. Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

          “I…I need help,” I stammered, realizing I was asking for help from someone who terrified me.

          “Where are you?” he asked.

          “Corner of South and Maine,” I said.

          “I’ll be there in five minutes,” he said. I stood in the chilly air, not bothering to even assess the damage. I knew my clothes were shredded and  I was going to be bruised in the morning.

          I relaxed slightly when I heard Bale’s Harley pull up. He got off quickly, and rushed over to me.

          “What the fuck happened?” he asked.

          “I’m fine. Can…Can I crash at yours?” I asked, my voice stammering.

          “I asked what the fuck happened,” he growled out.

          “Kyle wouldn’t take no for an answer, can we please go,” I said, my voice cracking and I knew I was going to cry. I really didn’t want to cry in front of Bale. He already thought I was a child, and now I was going to be a cry baby.

          “I’m going to fucking kill him,” he growled.

          “No, it’s fine, I’m fine. I just want to get out of here,” I said, tears filling my eyes and overflowing. Bale softened from his hard stance, and shrugged off his leather jacket. He handed it to me.

          “What--,” I started. He didn’t give his jacket to anyone. He got pissed if girls even touched it wrong, and here he was giving it to me.

          “Sloane, don’t make me reconsider this. I’m going to let Kyle get away with it tonight, but I swear to holy hell I am going to murder him the next time I see him,” he growled. I slipped on the jacket. He got on the motorcycle, and I followed suit. I wasn’t about to admit to him I was terrified of motorcycles.

          I wrapped my arms around his hard stomach, and buried my face into his back as he started it. I wanted to cry, to sob, and bawl like a baby, but I knew I couldn’t do that. I was bigger than that. I didn’t need to.

          Once we’d made it to Bale’s shitty apartment, he helped me off of his death-trap of a machine that he called a motorcycle. He led me up to his apartment, neither of us talking. He held my hand in his, and it was the slight reassurance I needed.

          I sat on the couch and Bale sat beside me, still not talking. He seemed as if he was in deep thought. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he softened from his rigid posture.

          “You can take a shower, and I’ll get you some clothes,” he said softly after a bit. I got up, following him into his room. I’d never dared to enter his room. We weren’t really on great terms, so it would be weird for me to have gone in there randomly.

          It was clean, surprisingly. His bed was unmade, but other than that his room was clean. His walls were a dark navy blue and his floor a shiny hardwood. He had some stuff sitting on his dresser, but it was tolerable.

          “Here,” he said, digging out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

          “Thanks,” I said, walking out of his room and into the bathroom. I took a shower, fiddling with the control most of the time because it would go from unbearably hot to iceberg cold in a matter of seconds. I guess that’s the price you have to pay when you live in a shitty apartment complex.

          I slipped on Bale’s clothes, drowning in them. He was a tall, muscular six foot three and I was five foot three on a good day if you rounded up. I scrunched my hair with some random hair gel I found. I would kill to brush my teeth, the taste in my mouth still reminding me of Kyle.

          I opened the bathroom door to find Bale sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. He looked up when the door opened, and I held up the toothpaste.

          “Can--,” I started.

          “You can use my toothbrush if it doesn’t bother you. I don’t care,” he said. I smiled at him slightly and walked back in the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked back out into the living room.

          “You can sleep in Cameron’s room, or on the couch if it bothers you,” he said. I nodded.

          “I’ll be in my room if you need me,” he said, starting to leave.


          “Yeah?” he turned around.

          “Thank you,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. He shrugged, and I went into Cameron’s room. I laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning. I couldn’t get comfortable. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had almost happened. I just didn’t want to be alone. I wanted to get past this.

          I got up, walking across the hall to Bale’s room. He’d left his door open. I walked in, and he rolled over to face me.

          “I-,” I started, but my voice broke, and I was on the verge of tears.

          “Come here,” he said softly, and I climbed into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I broke loose, crying. He pulled me into his chest so tightly I almost couldn’t breathe. It was just what I needed.

          I don’t know how long I lay there sobbing, being held by Bale, of all people. I just let it out of my system. And when I’d stopped, I felt better. Bale was still holding me tightly against him, like I’d break if I moved.

          “Thank you,” I choked out.


          I woke to feel someone slowly sliding out of bed. Last night’s events slowly came back to me, and I realized it wasn’t just a terrible dream. I sat up a little, and Bale’s brown eyes caught mine.

          “Shit, sorry. You can go back to bed. I was just going to go to the store to pick up breakfast,” he said. I tried not to stare at his fit body. He was muscular but not disgustingly so and he had a few tattoos scattered around. He was only wearing boxer-briefs and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t distracting.

          “It’s okay,” I said softly, getting up.

          “You want to come with me?” he offered.

          “Sure,” I said, getting up. I slipped on my shoes, while he pulled on a pair of pants and a t-shirt. He grabbed keys and handed me his leather jacket. I gave him a skeptical look. He never gives his leather jacket away, and here I am wearing it for the second time in less than twenty four hours.

          We walked down the street to the nearest grocery store, and I was thankful he didn’t make us take that deathtrap of a motorcycle. I grabbed a cart, and Bale rolled his eyes.

          “You’re going to make me go broke, kid,” he laughed, taking the cart and pushing it. I led him through the store, getting him the food he needed. He was nearly out of milk, his cereal stale, and his bread moldy. I don’t know how he or Cameron would survive if it wasn’t for me.

          I led him to the Pop-Tart aisle, and tried to decide what flavor to buy. I grabbed a box of cookie dough and tossed it in the cart.

          “Ew, no, chocolate fudge,” he said, pulling three boxes off the shelf, and grabbing my box of cookie dough and putting it back on the shelf. I grabbed his chocolate fudge boxes and put them back on the shelf.

          “How about s’mores?”

          “It’s my money, and I say we get chocolate fudge,” he smirked.

          “Well, if it isn’t Bale Dean and…his jailbait? Damn, your standards are at an all-time low,” a tall, busty blonde said as she walked up.

          She was the kind of girl you loved to hate. She had all the good traits; tall, tan, blonde, big breasted, you name it. She wore heels to the grocery store and looked flawless. I wanted to punch her in the face.

          “I don’t really think you should be speaking, Britt,” Bale said. His once carefree, joking manner was now solemn, hard. That’s when it hit me. This was Britt. As in Britt-the-Bitch, the girl who Bale had fallen for a few years back only to find her cheating on him. Since he’s turned to countless girls, not getting attached or in any sort of relationship.

          “Oh come on, at least I’m not a fucking pedophile, she’s like, what, twelve?” she spat.

          “I’m right here,” I said, stepping up to face her, “I’m Cameron’s sister, nice to meet you, and I’m seventeen, if you were wondering.”

          “Like I care. I’m just glad I got out when I did. I can’t believe you’re robbing the cradle to get a new fuck buddy,” she spat at Bale.

          “We’re not fucking,” I started to protest.

          “Oh shut up, you may think you’re something special, but you’re not. I mean come on, you come to the grocery in his fucking clothes and try to tell me you’re not together…?” she spat at me.

          “You’re right, Britt, we’re together, we’ve been together for a while now, it’s pretty serious, she’s not a fuck buddy, now could you leave us alone?” Bale said to her. I gave him a ‘what the hell’ look and he just clenched his jaw.

          “You settling down? I can’t fucking believe it. Prove it,” she smirked.

          Bale turned to me, and mouthed ‘sorry’ before giving me the best kiss of my life. His lips were hungry on mine, and I tangled my fingers in his hair. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I almost moaned at the feel of his tongue on mine. Our tongues battled for dominance, ultimately he won.

          His eyes bore into mine as we pulled away, and I knew that this wasn’t over. He turned to face Britt. My lips were still tingly from the amazing kiss. I held my hand over my lips.

          “Proof enough?” he asked.

          “Whatever,” she huffed and clomped away on her hooker heels. Bale tossed a box of chocolate fudge Pop-tarts in the cart and said nothing as he walked to the cash register.

          He paid and we left. He carried most of the bags, but I carried the eggs and bread to make sure they wouldn’t get smashed. It bothered me how he could kiss me like that and then say nothing. I mean, I know I’m his best friend’s little sister, but the least he could say was to make sure it wouldn’t happen again. Ugh, Bale was so infuriating.

          He held the apartment door open for me and I walked in, sitting the groceries on the counter.

          “Do you want me to make French toast?” I asked. Bale slammed the door behind him and dropped his groceries on the floor. I turned around to catch his wild brown eyes staring at me. I glanced at his lips, wanting nothing more than to kiss him again.

          “Oh fuck it,” he growled and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. I melted into the kiss, and he picked me up, setting me down on the counter behind me. His tongue on mine made me moan. I tangled my fingers in his hair.

          He pulled away, kissing down my neck and sucking on my neck. I slipped my fingers underneath his shirt, wanting to feel his skin. He pulled away, his eyes not leaving mine before he peeled off his shirt. He tossed it to the floor and I slammed my lips back onto his.

          His hands were on my hips, his thumbs rubbing my skin just under my shirt. He slowly pulled it up as we kissed. He pulled away, and slowly pulled off my shirt, as if not wanting to move too fast or make me upset.

          However, I was past the point. He was an unbelievably good kisser. I wanted him, more than I’d ever wanted any guy before. Who better to lose my virginity with than with a guy I hated? I mean, I won’t have to worry about any of the complicated stuff that way…

          I pulled my shirt off the rest of the way, tossing it to the ground, and kissing Bale again. He pushed himself against me, and I could feel his arousal at my core. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my ass and lifted me off the counter. He carried me into his bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

          He laid me on the bed, climbing on top of me, but holding his weight off of me. I wanted to feel him on me; I wasn’t a fucking China doll. I pulled him onto me, wrapping my legs around his waist so his large bulge lined up with my core, and lightly rubbed against it.

          “Fuck,” he growled out, capturing my lips with his again. I unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down. He pulled them the rest of the way off, and reached for my pants. He slipped them off quickly.

          He kissed me again, eagerly, his lips hungry and possessive on mine. I tangled my fingers in his hair. He reached between my thighs and rubbed me through my underwear. I moaned. Now I knew why girls were so willing to sleep with him.

          Bale slipped my soaked underwear off, tossing it aside along with my bra. He sucked on my nipple as he rubbed my clit, and I moaned. He slipped a finger into me, and I just about lost it. All my sensibilities were long gone. Now, I only had one thing on my mind; Bale.

          “Damn, you’re so fucking tight,” he growled before pecking my lips. He pumped his fingers in and out, and I moaned uncontrollably as he built me up into a climax. Just as I was about to orgasm, he pulled his hand out.

          “Bale,” I panted, but it came out like whine. He smirked and pecked my lips before kissing a trail down my stomach, making my heart pound. He kissed between my thighs before slipping his tongue into my core. I nearly screamed out in pleasure.

          He continued on, and it felt so good I couldn’t even think straight. I wrapped my legs around him, making him trapped. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he built me up to a climax, and with one flick of the tongue, pushed me over the edge.

          I breathed heavily, panting. I smiled at Bale, and he smirked. I kissed him hard on the lips. He smirked again. I reached for his boxers, pulling them down slightly.

          “Sloane, we…don’t have to,” he said.

          “I know,” I said, continuing to pull off his boxer briefs.

          “…Are you sure you want to do this? I can’t undo it,” he said, stopping me.

          “I’m sure. I want to do it. I mean…I’ve never…but I want to,” I said, hoping he’d catch my drift.

          “You’ve never…?” he trailed off, as if he was shocked.

          “No,” I said softly.

          “Wow. Wow. And you want me to be your first?”

          “Bale,” I sighed, feeling embarrassed.

          “Wow,” he said, then whispered the damn word again, “Wow.” I hid my face in my hands, completely mortified.

          “No, no, it’s a good wow,” he laughed, pulling my hands from my face, “I’m just…flattered, I guess.” A crappy grin covered his face. I relaxed a little. He pecked my lips and pulled his boxers off, freeing his massive erection. My eyes widened at his size.

          He smirked in response and lined himself up with my core. He slid in slowly, and I winced as tears sprung to my eyes.

          “Shit, I’m so sorry,” Bale froze, wiping my tears away.

          “No, it’s okay, just keep going,” I said, and he watched me for a second before continuing. He thrust in deeper, and I moaned, all of the feeling of pain long gone. He continued thrusting in and out, his strokes getting deeper, harder, and faster with each thrust. He and I were moaning with each thrust, building up to an orgasm.

          He came a few thrusts after me, and collapsed to my said. I had never felt so good in my entire life. I rolled over to face him, pecking his lips. He smiled a little, as we both regained our breath. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close to him.

          I smiled up at him, my hand on his chest, tracing his tattoos.

          “Wow,” he whispered and smirked.

          “You’re so annoying,” I laughed, “You kept saying wow and I was getting nervous and embarrassed.”

          “Princess, you never have to be embarrassed around me,” he said, pecking my lips. We sat in silence for a while, his eyes on me as I traced the tattoos on his chest.

          “Did you think this would happen when you kissed me?” I asked.

          “No…I mean…I thought about it as soon as I kissed you with you and your little moans, but I didn’t kiss you hoping for sex,” he said.

          “Why did you kiss me?” I asked, “The second time, I mean, I know why you kissed me the first time.”

          “You’re kind of hot, whether you know it or not. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t checked you out or thought about you while I was in the shower, if you catch my drift. I’ve just always tried to ignore it. But after last night, I gave up.”

          “Oh,” I said.

          “Oh? What’s that supposed to mean?”

          “Just oh,” I said, pecking him on the lips. He kissed back greedily before pulling away.

          “What are you going to do about Kyle?” he asked me.

          “I don’t know,” I said, truthfully not knowing.

          “I’ve been thinking, what if you became an emancipated minor?”

          “Well, usually, if you’re in the foster care system, they want you to have a stable living environment set up so you don’t end up homeless. I’d have to get a job and find somewhere to live,” I said.

          “You could live here,” he said.

          “Wow, sleep with me once and ask me to move in with you, aren’t you jumping the gun a bit?” I laughed.

          “I don’t know,” he said, “You’re not like the other girls, Sloane.”

          I smiled, and kissed him. His lips greedily kissed mine, and he rolled over on top of me. I could feel his already growing boner. I tangled my fingers in his hair, and kissed back. I wasn’t sure what this was between us, but it felt nice.

          There was a knock at the door, and we both froze.

          “Look man, I’m really glad you’re getting some tail and all, but some of us have hangovers that need slept off so could you keep it down?” Cameron’s voice boomed outside.

          “Yeah, we’ll try. Sorry,” Bale yelled back, and continued kissing me. He kissed down my neck and across my collar bone. I sucked on his neck, he groaned loudly, and I pressed a hand over his mouth. I didn’t know what this was between us, but I sure as hell didn’t want Cameron complicating things.

          He licked my hand, and I pulled it away, wiping it on his chest.

          “So you’ll swap spit and other bodily fluids, but me licking your hand is disgusting?” he chuckled softly and then kissed me again.

          “Hey, man, have you heard from Sloane? She called me a bunch of times and left a really scary voicemail,” Cameron yelled through the door. Bale pulled away his head falling to my chest.

          “Yeah, she’s fine, I helped her,” Bale replied.

          “Thanks, dude, you’re awesome. Where is she now?” Cameron asked.

          “She’s um…well, she’s,” Bale stammered, “Look, I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

          “Way to go,” I hissed.

          “What was I supposed to say?” he asked me.

          “I don’t know, make something up. You sound suspicious now,” I said.

          “Sorry,” Cameron yelled from outside. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, and Bale kissed me hard on the lips. And then, my cell phone started ringing. We both froze, and Bale tried hopping up quickly, to get it, only for the bedroom door to open.

          Cameron stood wide-eyed, holding his phone to his ear. Bale fell back on the bed, his thin sheets barely covering him.

          “YOU!” Cameron shouted, “YOU’RE FUCKING MY SISTER.”

          “You don’t even know the whole story, so calm the fuck down,” Bale yelled. He got up, pulling on his boxer-briefs, and I sat up, making sure the sheets covered me.

          “I’m gone for one fucking night and you fuck my sister! Wow, and I thought we were friends!” Cameron spat.

          “Fuck, you know I’ve liked her for fucking ever,” Bale yelled.

          “But that doesn’t mean you can fuck her!” Cameron yelled.

          “Excuse me,” I started.

          “Shut up,” Cameron yelled back at me, like I was the scum of the earth.

          “Don’t fucking yell at her like that,” Bale yelled, and that’s when all hell broke loose. Cameron punched Bale in the nose, and it started gushing blood. Bale replied with a, “You fucker,” and the next thing I knew they were both rolling on the ground, punching each other.

          I got up, slipping on my underwear and bra. I dug through Bale’s drawers and pulled on a t-shirt.

          “Guys,” I said, to no avail.



          “GUYS!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. They both stopped, bleeding.

          “Living room, now,” I growled out. They both got up and sat on the couch.

          “Cameron, it takes two to fucking tango. It’s pretty low of you to think that your best friend wouldn’t even make one hundred percent sure that I wanted to before we did. I’m seventeen. Age of legal consent is sixteen. I’m capable of making my own fucking decisions and having sex is my business,

          “Bale, Cameron is your best friend, and I’m flattered that you were siding with me, but come on, you have been friends forever. Is this really worth losing your best friend over?

          “Guys, you’ve been best friends forever. I don’t want to fuck that up,” I said.

          “What’s the full story?” Cameron asked.

          We filled him in on what he’d missed in the past few hours.

          “We need to get you out of that house,” Cameron said.

          “You’ve got what, a week of school left?” Bale asked me.

          “A week and a half, yeah,” I said.

          “Do you think you can survive that long still with the Bolton’s?” Bale asked, “I mean, we can make sure you’re never there alone and you can stay here.”

          “Yeah,” I said.

          “We’ll file for emancipated minor today and if things in court progress quickly, we might be able to have you out of there by then,” Bale said.

          “So, this uh, thing between you two…,” Cameron trailed off.

          “We haven’t even discussed that yet,” Bale said.

          “Whatever you decide, first off, she’s my baby sister. You can’t hump and dump whenever it’s convenient for you, it’s fine if you guys decide not to pursue this thing. If you hurt her, I will fuck you up. Don’t have sex when I’m around, that’s disgusting, and lastly, don’t knock her up,” Cameron said.

          And that’s the moment my heart dropped into my stomach, and Bale gave me a wide-eyed look.

          “Don’t fucking tell me you already fucked it up?” Cameron winced.

          “I’m sorry, I just…fuck, I don’t know. It slipped my mind. I mean, she was in my bed, and I’ve had dreams about that happening, and I’ve jacked off to her in the shower, and there she was and I just, fuck,” Bale sighed.

          “There’s a morning after pill, I’ll pick it up,” Cameron sighed, “You two better get your shit together. You haven’t even managed to go through day one successfully.”

          Cameron got up and left, and Bale looked at me.

          “So,” he started.

          “I don’t want you to think that we have to do a whole relationship thing or even anything because of me,” I said.

          “I’m going to lose my man card for this, so take it to the grave, but I kind of want a relationship with you…?” he said, sounding like he was asking a question, “But I’m not sure how, I mean, the last one I was in was with Britt and you saw how that worked out.”

          “Then let’s just keep doing this and see where it takes us,” I said. He smiled and pecked me on the lips. I kissed him back, and he picked me up, holding my with his hands on my ass and carried me into his room. He shut and locked the door behind him, “Now, no more interruptions.”

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