Alaska (Lesbian Story) book o...

By moon-xoh

95.4K 2K 449

Everything goes Magenta's way, she gets what she wants. Life is handed to her on a silver platter. Everyone l... More

Ugh! Boys.
Princess Bubblegum.
Hot Water.
Stress Out Then Make Out.
I See Fire.
Cotton Or Candy.
Tropical Punch.
Sugar Shit.
Cherry Soda.
Pink Marshmallow.
Bloody Little Thing.

American Reject.

4.9K 177 60
By moon-xoh


Last night I felt like complete shít and there was nothing I could do about it. Alaska took my first kiss and my heart with it and all together she broke it into a million pieces. She shoved me off her like I was some parasite. What did I do that was oh so awful? It hurt my heart so bad that all I could do was cry and cry. I had to keep my sprit high though, I couldn't show her or anyone that she had broke me. Today is a new day and I'm still Magenta the hottest bítch in school. Who's Alaska? I don't know some freak from the street.

I took a deep breath before entering the school building. All eyes on me as soon as I cross over the threshold. Today I decided to wear a dark red skirt with a black long sleeve shirt that shows some cleavage. Not to much but just enough to make people curious about what's underneath. My hair is down held back by a dark red headband. All tied together with my black chucks. My book bag is hanging over shoulder.

I walk to my locker ignoring the drooling boys and girls trying to hold on to their boyfriends. When I open my locker a couple of envelopes fallout. One's bright red the other is white. I open the red on first.

'You probably won't even read this but If you do I just wanted to say that you are the most perfect girl I have ever seen in my life. I wish that one day you would give me a chance or even give me the time of day, even if I don't deserve it. Magenta I like you a lot and I want you to be mine'

- anonymous writer

My cheeks went warm. I have no idea who this person is but they just made my day. If the person left their name then I would have said something to them, but they didn't. I wanna meet this person.

"Secret admirer?" Tori's voice came from behind me making me jump out my skin. I turned and looked at my friend. Her hair is black but at the tips its gray. Her eyes are the color of the ocean.

"You scared me Tori." I told her shoving the letters back in my locker.

"My bad. But why didn't you answer any of my calls last night." She said tucking her hair behind her ear. She's such a pretty little petal.

"I was busy." I answered her walking away; she followed close behind.

"With what?"

"I was just busy okay, damn hop off my díck." I said rolling my eyes as I walked faster down the hall. I no longer heard Tori's footsteps behind me. Then I started to feel bad, I'm a bítch. I just shook off my emotions and told myself to apologize to Tori later.

When I got to class I saw Jade sitting waiting for me with Tori next to her. Tori looked like she was gonna cry. Damnit. I walked up to them and looked at Tori.

"Tori, I'm sorry. I've just been under a lot of stress lately." I said rubbing my friends back trying my best to make her understand that I'm truly sorry.

"It's whatever." She dissed me, and it hurt.

"Tori I-" she got up from her seat making a loud sound as she dragged her chair across the room.

Then Jade leaned over to me and whispered, "What's her problem?"

"I told her to hop off my díck." I answered feeling worse by the minute.

I looked across the room to see Alaska looking at me. She looked at me with pure disgust.


Its last period and Tori and I still haven't made up. Its weird because we usually could never stay mad at each other this long. I must have really messed up this time because I was only thinking of myself. Gosh I'm so fúcking selfish.

I sat down in the back of the room putting my head down on the desk. Then I felt someone slip into the desk next to me. I looked up and see Princess Bubblegum. Ugh! Fúck her. I could feel tears threatening to fall down my cheeks as my heart twisted in pain. Why does she have this effect on me? I wanted to stand up and slap her with all my might. I wanted to hurt her like she hurt me. I wanted her to feel my pain.

"I could.. ya know sit somewhere else." She slowly backed away from me. I guess she could feel my vibe.

I shook my head at her then stood up, "Fuck you." Was all I said before pushing past her hard.

I walked out the door trying my hardest to keep my tears in. Then I couldn't hold them anymore;  ran to the bathroom as fast as I could with tears falling from my eyes. My heart hurts so much. Why? Because of Alaska, the bítch stole my heart and crushed it. The worst part is that she doesn't even seem to care as if I mean nothing to her. No one has ever looked at me like she does, with hateful eyes. What made her wanna kiss me then hurt me so bad?

When I got to the bathroom I saw a crying Tori. She looked at me and saw the tears on my face. I ran to my best friend and hugged her tight.

"I'm so so sorry." I cried into her shoulder. She held me tight in her arms as we both cried for different reasons.

"Its okay, I forgive you." She said when we pulled apart. I looked into her bule eyes and she looked into mine. Then in the mist of all this chaos she leaned in and kissed me softly.

Her lips are soft like cotten. Tori's lips feel really good against mine, but it feels nothing like when Alaska kissed me. There's  no sparks and tingles. Its just soft lips and heavy touching, but I like it because it makes me forget about Alaska. I want more of Tori hoping that she'll erase Alaska from my brain. I push her back against the wall kissing her harder and tangling my hands in her hair.

"I love you, Magenta." Tori says against my lips. Then she pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes to say:"I've liked you since freshman year."

I look at her completely astonished. "Tori? What are you talking about?" I ask her.

" I wanna be more than friends with you Magenta. Can you give me a chance?" Her bule eyes look in mine with plead.

"I don't know Tori. I mean we're best friends." I said that because one if I do date her it would be for all the wrong reasons. Out of guilt, pity and most of all my own self pity.

"Yeah, best friends that just kissed." She reminded me.

"I know and we shouldn't have. It was wrong." I backed away from her. I picked up my book bag and left Tori in the bathroom by herself.

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