I Fell In Love, But With A Ba...

By XxMaskedWriter

9.9K 149 34

Danielle Thomas is a 17 year old high school girl she is smart, pretty, and friendly. She is 5 ft 6, have bru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
[Author's Note] important
chapter 16

Chapter 15

326 6 0
By XxMaskedWriter


Side pic of Em's room~~~~>


~! Chapter15 !~


I touched my lips. The lips that kiss Enrique, i can't believe he kiss me again this is the second time. Does he like me? Or was that a goodbye kiss? i really hope he comes back, i really hope he does. A knock on my door distract me from my thoughts 

"Come In." I yelled

The door opened and in came Sarah, with a teary face, i rush to her and hug her while she sob, Enrique left since 6pm and it's now 7pm.  After a couples minutes she stop and we walked to my bed she lie down facing the pillow and i sat up and leaned back on the headboardl, she broke the silence

"God, i mussy look bad, I've been crying from since he left." she said sitting up on the bed

"Well i am not going to lie to you, you do look bad." I said and lift a piece of her hair and pretend to shudder and she laughed

"See i know how to make you laugh." I smirked

"Yeah,Yeah whatever. Did my brother come over here?" She teased

I felt a blush coming up and i tried to hide it with my hair before she saw, but she did see 

"Oh he did and your blushing." she laughed poking my cheeks i slap away her hands

"So what if he did." I said looking at her and smiling

"So what did he tell you." she asked looking very interested in what i have to say

I rolled my eyes." He just told me that when he was in the gang, Em's mother was pregnant and that the last couple of months he was there he had Em and that he drop out  when something ad happen but the man Gusto i think said that he'll come back for him and he decided that he wants to come back for him now, so he might or  might not come back." 

"Oh, that pretty much sums its up then." Sarah said 

"Yup." I said 

"Did he do or say anything else?" She ask

I blushed, shit. 

"Oh he did, he did.Tell me." She said jumping up and down on my bed

I narrowed my eyes at her and sang to myself

"Humpty Dumpty jumping on the bed, Humpty Dumpty hit her big head." and with that i kicked her off the bed, and she hit with a loud thump and i laughed

She got up and glared."Mean Dani, that was very mean and my head is not big." 

i pulled a straight face"Come on Sar your head is twice the size of mines." and she glared at me and I laughed again and she glared and i stop and clear my throat. "I mean are you alright Sar?"

She huffed and rolled her eyes." So what did he say." 

I sighed i have to tell her she is my best-friend after all."He kissed me before he left." I said softly so that she didn't hear, but she did because she began to smile wide

"What did you say i didn't hear properly."  She said smiling 

I huffed."He kissed me before he left."

She squeal and i laughed."How did it happen."

"Well when he was leaving my bedroom i called him and i ran and hug him then he spin my around and my back was against the door and he kiss me it was soft and sweet but no tongue like the last time, then we pulled apart he say bye and he give me a peck and he went along." I said smiling 

"Wait! he kissed you twice?" She asked her eyes wide open

"Yeah, at the beach house." I said trying to remember if i told her that or not

"Hmm. So did you like it?" She said smiling again, hell that was far from alright, i can still taste his lips it taste like the ice cream he had last. hmmm. Strawberry.

"It was alright." I said shrugging 

"You know it wasn't just alright." She laughed

"Fine, it was so good, i want to do it again, all the time." I admitt and laughed 

she laughed "So do you-" She began but her phone rang and she answered it without looking at the caller I.D


"Enrique!, you alright?" My ears perked up, he's okay and i blew out a breathe of relief

"I'm at Dani's, Why?" 


"Fine, i'll see you in a few." and she hung  up 

"So what did he say?" I asked 

"Well he say we have to go by his house, it's important." She said getting up "Lets go." 

I looked down at my self i had on a black short pants with a blue get yer nerd on sponge bob shirt, my face isn't greasy and my hair was in a ponytail, i looked okay to go next door, i put on my black Roxy flip flops and headed to Sarah's.

"Hey mum, did you miss me." i joked with Chloe, Sarah's and Enrique's mum."

"Not at all." She joked back 

I gasped in fake horror."I think i'll go to get adopt then, my own mother don't even miss me." I said holding my heart in fake hurt 

She laughed."You might of well do that." 

I laughed along with her and was going to say back something when i felt someone hit my foot, i look down a say Em. I bend down to her height

"Hey, Em." I said smiling 

She smile shyly." Hi, Dani." she mumbled out but stuttered on my name because she cant get it pronounce properly

"want a lift up?" I asked suggestively and she nodded and i lift her up and she put her head on the crop of my neck and suck her finger and play the the hair at the back of my head

"She's sleepy, she does that when she's sleepy, play with your hair." A voice said i turned around and saw Enrique leaning against the door to enter the living room, oh my gosh what if he doesn't want to hold his daughter? what if he think she'll get attach to me and he doesn't want that? oh my goodness

"If you want you can take her." I said looking to see his reaction 

"Na she looks comfortable." He said smiling and walking up to me and his daughter

"Hey princess." He said looking at Em, Em hold up her face from my neck and smile brightly with droopy eyes fill with sleep 

"Daddy." she said while smiling 

"Hey princess, you want to come with me or stay here with Dani." He asked while playing with her fingers

She looked up at me and then at Enrique and shake her head and lay back down on my neck, sucking her finger and playing with the back of my hair, a smile instantly went on my face, i think she likes me and i looked down at her and her eyes shut and her breathing was deeper, she was sleeping. I looked at Enrique and saw him smiling 

"What?" I asked confused, why was he smiling 

"She likes you." He said and i smile.maybe she does after all

"Yeah, maybe she'll like me more than you." I said laughing 

"I doubt, she's my kid so she have to love me more." he said laughing 

"Sure." I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me, and i heard a camera snap and we turned around and saw Chloe with a camera looking at the picture 

"you three look so cute together, It's perfect." She smiled softly and looking at the picture lovingly 

"can i see it?" I asked and Chloe looked up and walked to us and showed us the picture. It is so cute Enrique and i was facing and smiling at each other, while Em was laying down on my neck playing with my hair. It was a perfect moment,

"You three look like a family. maybe someday that'll happen." Chloe said breaking the silence

I looked up at Enrique and he was staring at the picture and he had a his eyebrows squeeze together, he does that when he's thinking. Is he thinking about what Chloe said being a family? Maybe he doesn't want to be a family. i shut my eyes not wanting to think about it because it hurt too much.

I sighed softly." I should put Em in her room."

Enrique's face snapped up to mines and he had a emotion in his eyes, i couldn't tell what it was. He ran his hand through his hair ."Yeah we should, follow me, I'll take you to her room,." 

I followed him to her room and he stop infront of his door, was her room in there? but he turned to the door opposite his and opened it. He had Em room opposite his that's sweet 

In her room was pink and had in writing Enrique loves Emma-Rae Always and Forever and at the end of the sentence it had to hand prints a large one and a tiny one. The large one was Enrique and the tiny one was Em's that was so sweet , my heart squeeze at the sight of it, He really love his daughter i gasped when i saw the bed it in a corner opposite the door, her bed is so cute it had a castle as a bed it had stairs where you can climb up at the top of the castle and a slide to slide back down, then the bed was underneath and it had 2 steps climbing up to get in the bed the mattress was pink and then pillows were white. Over to the other corner it  had a toy fence it started from one corner to the other and was as long as 6ft and it had all sorts of toys in it, It had a pink toy car, 4 stuff dolls and 2 barbie dolls, it had a cooking set and a makeup table in the corner and had drawing on the floor that was with a boy and girl holding hands and on top of the boy it had daddy and the on top on the girl head it had me, Enrique and Em draw it, I looked so beautiful.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Enrique said taking Em from me and walking to tuck her in, he kiss her forehead and said i love you to her, then he turn on the night lamp and pull the mosquito net all around the bed then he put up a bar to she wouldn't fall off and he came and stand up in front me 

"Yeah, its beautiful, i have to give credits for the person who put this room together." i said looking around again 

"you should, cause i worked very hard." He said smiling 

"W-what you did all of this?" I asked shock that he did all of this 

"Didn't i just tell you so?" He said chuckling. i laughed and pushed his chest 

"Whatever.You must really love her." I said 

"Yeah, she's all i have, she keeps me alive and makes me laughed and smile and angry all at the same time, i love her with everything in me." he said chuckling looking at her 

"yeah you must." I smiled 

"Why didn't you run when i showed you Em, most girl's would tell me that they don't want to be a step mummy or mummy too early." He said looking at me

'As you can see i'm not like most girls." I said raising an eyebrow 

"Trust me i know." He said laughing and i laughed along 

"why didn't you doa?" He asked again 

"Because Enrique, I like a father who supports his child or is a only parent it looks really sweet and stuff, plus why would Em ruined me and your friendship, i like Em allot, i wouldn't run for the hills or anything, you came with Em and i rather have you and her in my life then not to have both of you at all." I said and looked at him 

He smiled."So you want play mummy with my daughter." he laughed

I laughed. "Let's go downstairs." i said walking. He followed me and walked beside me when i look up at him he had a goofy grin on his face, I rolled my eyes, what a strange boy.

We went downstairs and Sarah, Chris and Demetri was there

"So what did you have to tell us Rique?" Sarah asked as i sat down besides her

He sighed and sat down in front of us " I went to gusto and he want me kill some man Marco for him and sell drugs in my school and give Em some to sell to the parents ."

"What!" the four of us said together

"I know right i told him no and i want out and he told me go." I said 

"So your free?" Sarah asked smiling 

"Not quite." he said looking sad at all of us ." He also said that he wasn't going to let me go that easy he'll kill someone close to me he call the 4 of you, Lil, Em, Mum, and Marsha." He said holding his head in his head 

They was silence or about a minute then he looked up and saw emotion in his eyes he's going to say something i wouldn't like.

"I'm going to join it back, the gang with gusto. i'm going." He said softly 

I jumped up and shouted." What! no! you can't!." i said shaking my head, i wasn't going to let him do it

He stood up and sighed and walked over to me and hugged me." I have to, i cant let any of you get hurt." 

"No." I sobbed in his shirt, he can't go, what if he get's hurt or worse kill and Em wouldn't have no one and i wouldn't have him neither he just can't i was going to say something when Chloe cut in 

"She's right, you are not going to join that gang no more." She said firmly 

"I have to mum, he'll kill people until i join." Enrique said letting me go and running his hand through his head pacing back and forth

"You aren't, your going to come up with something to keep us safe. She said sitting down in my seat while i was standing up hugging myself to stop crying 

After a couple minutes he stop pace and looked up." OK i have something." He said and sat down and he point to me and to an empty space beside him and said "Sit now." I went and sit next to him and he slide a hand around my waist.

"Okay if we do this it will come of great and we'll get to kill that bastard." He said 

"Yeah, so what the plan." Metri said looking like he was ready.

'Okay so mum you still have that safe in the basement if anything happens right and the combination?" he asked Chloe

"Yeah i do." She said 

"Good, when you are in the house keep Em with you always in case anything happen and one of gusto men come in you'll just have to pick up Em and run to the safe and stay there until i come home, have your phone, and make sure there's food in there always in case you have to stay there longer." He said commandingly and she nodded her head 

"Dani, does your mum have a safe in her house?" He asked me

I shook my head."No. but my mum have a black belt in karate and she teaches self defense classes in the evening for kids and she is train to use a gun, and Lily knows what to do if there's danger, mum taught her." I said 

"Perfect." He nodded then he turn to Sarah and Chris 

"Okay Sarah and Chris, you still have your guns?" He asked and they nodded."Good, go to our shooting spot and train and then go to our warehouse and practise fighting again and Chris if you let anything happen to my baby twin sister am going to have you head hear me?" Enrique said glaring at Chris menacingly and Chris gulped and shook his head

He turned to Metri." You still training right.?" And metri nodded."Good keep on training and practising with the gun." He said and Metri nodded 

Then he turned to me ."You have any training with a gun?" He asked me 

"No." I said i hate guns they are killing machines 

"Do you know how to fight?" He asked me 

"No." I said, i really should of take those classes my mum was offering to me 

"Shit!." He said running his hand through his hair 

"Sorry." I said quietly 

"It's not your fault. We are starting tomorrow at 10 be ready." he said and i nodded 

"Good so that's that and all of us is safe." he said and he stood up and pull me up with him 

"I'm taking Dani home okay." He said and grab my wrist and pulled my along i put in my flip flops and  we went outside 

"Sorry for being so useless." I said feeling really guilty 

"Your not useless, plus you going to be with me all the time, you love my company." He said chuckling 

We arrived by my step and i chuckled." Right, because your so fun to be around." I said sarcastically joking with him.

He laughed and said ."8 don't forget be ready."

I nodded and smile."Bye baby daddy ." I said 

He laughed."Bye baby doll." 

I laughed at his nickname for me and shut the door. Everyone like they was asleep i checked mum, she was snuggle up to Ben i smiled and shut the door and went to Lil's room 

I opened it and Lil lift her head and peeked at me I smiled ."Why aren't you sleeping yet?" I asked her standing by her room

"I was waiting until you get home, i want to sleep with you." she said

I chuckled well lets go i said she grab her doll and came, i held her hand and we walked to my room, i shut the door behind us and she climb into my bed, i went and change and came back and climb in my bed, she was almost asleep i kissed her forehead ."I love you Lil." I said and she snuggle closer to me ."I wuv you too Dani." I smile and fall into a deep sleep


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So how did you like the moments dani had with almost everyone.. Which moments did you like the best?

Enjoy the chapter next upload coming soon!

Music of the Chapter: I love it by Icona

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