Amidst the stars (Pokemon fan...

By shinymewgirl

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Past, Present and Future. The defining parts of a person's life. Past life, memories and actions. Present tho... More



452 44 14
By shinymewgirl

"Sir, allow to me take her."

"No, I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own daughter. Could you get her Pokémon though and fetch someone to tend to them." My fathers voice reached my ears as I became aware that I was being carried.

My eyes fluttered open to be met with the familiar sights of my home. Tears flooded my eyes. I'm home, I'm actually home.

"You ready for that bath Kayley?" My father asked, looking down at me with a comforting smile.

I nodded as my eyes glazed over ever detail of my home. I'd almost forgotten what my house looked like. How much I loved the beautiful paintings that hung on the walls, the landscapes filled with happy Pokémon playing in beaches, forests and mountainous regions. The paintings of rare or mythical Pokémon or even legendaries. Tears fells over my cheeks as I wondered whether or not this was real or if the last of my sanity had snapped and I was just imagining all of this. I looked up at my father and decided that this was real and even if it wasn't, I was glad to be here.

"I'm going to stand you up now, okay. Do you think you need help?" My father asked with concern.

I nodded and my father gently stood me on my feet, my knees shook from having weight on them suddenly. They buckled but my father still held onto me tightly, stroking my hair. I shut my eyes and straightened my legs, standing up again. This time I stayed on my feet with help from my father, he helped me to the bathroom where one of the house keepers had already run a bath.

I took my time in the warm, soapy bath, letting the soothing warm water soak out every last speck of grim from my hair and skin. I used as least half the bottle of squirty, Razzberry soap trying to make sure that every last inch of my body had been scrubbed spotless. As more dirt and grim came off, the more noticeable bruises and scabs became. I ran my fingers over them, pinching my eyes shut in disgust of their cause. Tears ran down my cheeks as everything that had happened these past few months plagued my mind like a bad smell.

But I was home now. No one could hurt me again here, I could hide in my castle of a home forever and not been ever seen again by the world. Somehow, although in a way comforting, my plan seemed lonely, disdainful almost. But why, I didn't want to leave ever again but somehow it seemed unable to be avoided. I decided that this topic could be dwelled upon later, after I had slept in my own bed and calmed down from the whole terrifying experience.  

I exited the bathroom, my clean yellow nightgown that once fit snugly over my now seemed several sizes to big. I leaned against the door frame for a moment, breathing in the fresh citrusy smell of the cleaning products used in my house. I'd barely even noticed them before but now, it seemed like the most heavenly smell ever. I closed my eyes for a moment, I was beyond exhausted and I doubt I could even make it to my room alone. I barely remembered where it was.

I opened my eyes and turned to my right, using the wall for support as I wandered the many halls of my home. Thankfully my room was on this floor so I wouldn't have to go up or down any stairs and my room wasn't that far from here. I turned the corner and crashed into something, or should I say, someone. I fell backwards, instantly feeling fearful of who it could be, I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut while pushing myself away.

"Hey hey hey, Kayley, it's just me." My fathers voice soothed as he crouched by my side. "You're safe now."

My father picked me up lightly in his arms, whispering soothing things to me as he carried me to my room. I kept my eyes shut the entire time, scared that if I opened them, my fathers voice would vanish. I was sat in the big fluffy lounge chair that sat in my room, I looked around confused until I felt a hairbrush being dragged lightly though my hair. My father made sure he didn't hurt me, gently tugging at any knots he found until my silky black hair was straight again. He then worked on pulling into a single plait down my back. My father hasn't done my hair for me for years, to the point I doubted he remembered he knew how to do it, but it felt nice to have someone fussing over me like he was.

After he finished, he picked me up, laying me in my double bed. The fluffy duvet was pulled over me and I opened my eyes a little to see my father had pulled up a chair next to my bed. He took one of my hands in his and drew invisible circles on the back. He hummed a gentle tune to which I could put the words to, though I was to tired to actually sing them I let the song lul me sleep in my bed so soft, it felt like I was sleeping on a cloud.

All I want to do is to tell you how I feel. To say I love you with every inch of my heart. You're my sunshine and my moon in the dark. You are my stars at night, igniting the fire within my heart.

I make a wish at night that you would stay with me. Be with me everyday and visit me in my dreams. I hold you close to me in a special place within, filled with love and peace and things to make you grin.

You are my everything, you are what I love in the world. If you you would just say yes, I would take flight like a bird. Every star so bight and every moons final glow cannot not describe how you make my emotions flow. So on this night, with the full moon above all I want to say tonight is

"I love you more then I dare let show." Me and my father sung the words at the same time. He smiled at me, leaning foreword to kiss me lightly on the forehead.

"I love you Kayley." My father smiled, stroking the top of my head with his spare hand.

"I love you to daddy." I smiled back as sleep finally over took me, wrapping itself around me like a blanket of love.


I stood at the doorway, backpack in one hand, Dreamy in the other, Ivy stood proudly by my side, resting her head against my leg. Both had made a full recovery from any injuries that had obtained months ago. Ivy's mossy like skin glistened in the sun light as she happy absorbed their rays while Dreamy had nothing more then a few fading burn scars. This is the first time since my kidnapping that we'd be going outside. Daddy had taken the past month off work to stay by my side and help nurse me back to health and help me feel safe again but now, we were going on a trip to Hoenn together. Daddy was doing it for business but he said he had things arranged for me to do as well, but also promised that I would safe the entire time.

Our driver took my bag to put into the car and my fathers hand soon replaced it. "Are you ready Kayley? If you don't feel comfortable, I can postpone this meeting."

I shook my head. "No, I want to go." I tightened my grip on my fathers hand as I took my first step out the door, he followed me to the car, not letting go of hand the entire time.

He held the car door open for me and helped me into the car, waiting for Dreamy and Ivy to follow me in before shutting the door. He made his way to the other side and climbed in next to me and my Pokémon. I lent against him as he buckled up my seat belt as well as his own. He gave the signal for the driver to take off and for only the second time in my life, I left my home but this time, it was on a much happier term.

I stared out the window, thinking back to the past month. I'd seen a few doctors to make sure that I hadn't contracted any sickness and to make sure my legs were getting better since the time I'd spent in the basement had weakened the muscles, but they had said that I was recovering well but I needed to take it easy but walk around as much as I could without hurting myself. I'd also seen a psychiatrist who'd ask me about how I felt about things and if I was recovering alright. She also asked me about dreams I had and if I think they had any reflection on what had happened after a few sessions together, she had said I was fine but if I wanted to speak to her again to give her a call but so far, I'd been fine. The police had also paid me a visit, asking me what I could remember about my kidnappers or anything else that might help them find the them and get them behind bars.

I'd managed to put some weight back on as well. My bruises had faded to nothing and the many cuts and scraps are nothing more then fading scars or small scabs that were almost healed. My father rarely left my side, which I thought was a good thing. It had been so long since we had done things together, even before the incident.

I hadn't heard another peep from Jirachi, making me wonder if the whole experience had been nothing more then a sequence of dreams I made up myself to help my deal with the depression I was still going though today, but it was getting better these days. But I wasn't so sure, last night I'd been going through only photo's with daddy and I'd found a blurry picture of my mother. After careful inspection, I'd noticed a familiar Pokémon in the background. When I showed the picture to daddy, he didn't even see the yellow and white blur. I'd looked out the window that night night and as I did so,

I saw the most beautiful and bright shooting star I'd ever seen and I could of sworn, I saw it wink at me.

It was true that these months have been anything but your average story. Though the ending was happy and in a way, I guess predictable it goes to show just how things you thought would never happen, can happen to you. Sure you could win the lottery or find lost gold but you could also find yourself in a situation you'd never believe posable with no one left to turn to. I never expected that what happened would ever happen to me, in a way, I barely passed it off as reality. But now, things have changed. I'm a new person and I see the world through new eyes. I guess, they've been opened to the world and although I can see things as being darker now, I can also see them as brighter then ever before.

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