Dance For Me ~Larry Stylinson~

By LoveUTee

18K 587 37

Louis is a dancer a very good dancer, but he's a perfectionist, insecure, and lonely. He's striving to get th... More

Dance For Me?
Dance 1
Dance 2
Dance 3
Dance 5
Dance 6
Dance 7
Dance 8
Dance 9
Dance 10
Dance 11
Dance 12
Dance 13
Dance 14
Dance 15
Dance 16
Dance 17
Dance 18
Dance 19
Dance 21
Dance 22

Dance 4

964 40 4
By LoveUTee

Chapter 4: The Next Day

Louis P.o.v

I don't know why I agreed for Harry to take me home, because well...I honestly didn't know him like that. But I didn't want Zayn to cancel his plans with Perrie, he's been talking about her for the past week and he really missed her. So who was I to fuck up his plans, so I just let Harry take me. The bloke even held the door out for me to get in. I could tell that he was a bit embarrassed because his face was really red. I squeaked out a thank you before climbing inside his sleek mustang. Now I'm in his car, sitting quietly as he drove me to me and Zayn's flat. I was just carelessly looking out the window, my thoughts scattered. When Harry said something...asked me if I was alright. I looked over to him to see him watching me from the corner of his eyes.

"F...Fine just...some stuff going on." I answered quietly. He nodded his head at me before looking back at the road. After a while he started tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, his red lips caught between his teeth.

" if you talk or whatever I'm here...even though we just met but I mean you never know wh—I cut him off with a small giggle, because the way he was so flustered was probably the cutest thing I'd ever seen. It was nice that Harry was concerned, but it confused me as to why? I mean I've known him for what two hours now.

My face started to turn red, "Thank you I'll keep that in mind." I replied as I looked down at my lap. I heard him laugh a bit nervously before giving me a smile, and I returned it because I noticed he had dimples.

So cute!

After a good five minutes Harry pulled up into one of the space in front of my flat. I grabbed my bag from the back and I made my way to open the door before a hand was on my shoulder. Turning back I saw Harry holding out a slip of paper, cocking my head to the side I stared at him.

"My number...just whenever...yah." he ended lamely. I stared at him for a good minute before taking the paper from his hands.

"Thanks I'll...text you later I guess." I said before getting out the car. I waved at him before opening the door and going inside. As soon as I did I went straight to the studio room. Now see before you start asking how in the hell you have a mini-studio in your flat when your only a college student...with no job no less.

Let's just say that Zayn's is really well off, like he get's anything he wants pretty much. So to make sure his life was as comfortable his parents bought him a three-bedroom flat, with two bathrooms, a nice kitchen, living and a sick ass balcony. Zayn and I have been friends since forever and when he asked me to room with him, I couldn't say no. However my favorite place was the studio, although it might've been small, it had mirrors, wooden floor and everything. It even had a small window in the far back, with a window seat. I usually sit there and stare out to the back where a lake is, and just think.

Zayn tells me that I need to stop thinking and 'brooding' and have some fun. But the thing is I used to be fun, all I ever did was party and drink, get fucked up like college kids do. But after the fall out with my dad, and the recent things going on with my mom, I'm just not up to it anymore. Running a hand through my hair I walked into the studio and turned the lights on. I smiled when I saw the mirrors lining on the wall, the bar in the far this...this is where I belong. Dancing is the one thing that keeps me going, I love hearing people say that I'm good dancer but it's not because I'm conceited or anything. It's just that I feel like I'm not as worthless as I thought I am, that I was put here for the sole reason to dance.

Changing my clothes quickly and rifling through my bag to get my shoes, I walked over and hooked my I-Pod up to the speakers. Pressing play I put it on shuffle, liking the way I can switch my moves by the different songs that play. The first song that came on was Lego House, and I personally love this one, such a perfect song to what I'm feeling right now.

I positioned myself and then let the music take me away, my steps on point, perfection...passion.

Zayn's P.o.v

After taking Perrie out and having dinner with her, I made my way back to the flat. Walking inside I could hear the music coming from the studio and sighed because I knew for a fact that Louis was in there. Even though it was two in the morning, Louis would stay in there for hours just dancing. Then he would pass out on that damn window seat. I dropped my bag by the couch then I made my way to the studio.

Pushing the door open, I was met with some classical playing from Louis' I-Pod and said boy bundled up on the window seat. Shaking my head I walked over and picked him. It always amazes me at how light Louis was to pick up. I made my way to his room and set him down on the bed, making sure to take his shoes off and placing them on the floor. Making sure that he looked comfortable I went back to the studio to get his clothes, because knowing him he probably just through his clothes in the corner somewhere.

And lo and behold there his clothes was, stuffed in the corner. Rolling my eyes I picked them up, but stopped when I saw a piece of paper fall to the ground. Picking it up I looked at it, and smiled. It had Harry's named scrawled on it and his number under it.

I was definitely going to have fun with this in the morning.

Louis P.o.v

In the morning I found myself in my room and I smiled a bit. Bless Zayn he was such a sweetheart sometimes, I can't count the many times he's carried me to my room. Stretching a bit I yawned before sitting up, wiping sleepily at my eyes. I got out bed and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After I was done I put a simple blue tee shirt and some skinny's on; walked into my closet to grab my gray lazy to fix my hair. I walked back to my room and picked my shoes up and made my way out the room and to the studio. I grabbed my bag and put my shoes in there, and everything else I need ed for today. Sigh, I really wasn't up to this little 'session' today, I mean I know I haven't met the guy yet but I'm still not keen on someone telling me what to do. I looked around to make sure I wasn't missing anything, spotting my phone I grabbed it before making my way out. I walked into the kitchen to see Zayn eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning Z." I said as I made myself a bowl. He looked up with a smirk on his face, "Hey Lou." he answered.

I looked at him curiously, "What's with the look?" I questioned. He didn't say anything but that smirk stayed on his face, and it was really annoying me.

"Whaaattt?" I whined crossing my arms over my chest. Zayn swiveled around in his chair, before stopping to face me.

"Harry...huh?" he asked. I gave him a confused look, "What are you talking about?" I asked.

Zayn just laughed before digging in his pocket and slapped the little slip of paper on the table, his smirk never falling from his lips.

My mouth the hell did he find that? "What—how...huh?" I asked stupidly. Zayn rolled his eyes.

"You should really stop leaving your dirty clothes in the studio." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"I fell asleep..." I said, "I totally forgot about putting Harry's number in my phone. Pulling it out I quickly typed in his number.

"So asking for numbers on the first date hmmm, did he kiss you when he drop ya off last night?" Zayn asked. My face turned red at the comment, Zayn can be a sweetheart sometimes, but he's also an asshole when he wants to be.

"First of I'm not gay." I stated and Zayn started to laugh, "Pfff Okay." he said. Glaring at him I continued, "And second I've only know the guy for a couple of hours." I said, "And lastly someone as hot as him wouldn't be gay." My eyes widened at what I just said, Zayn gave me a knowing look.

"Hot?" he questioned. I glared even though my cheeks were on fire, "Such a ass...I swear." I grumbled under my breath.

"Now come on Lou, it's okay if you like him, he's seems like a good bloke." Zayn said. I rolled my eyes, "Plus he was kind of worried about you when you left the booth for a while yesterday." he added. I turned back, so Harry knew something was up with me before he even drove me home. I let this sink in my head, I honestly didn't know Harry like that...but he did seem like a nice guy and his ass—

Stop...I really shouldn't be thinking about this.

"Oh yah is everything okay with your mom, I know I asked yesterday bu—I cut him off, "She said she's going into surgery...uh I wanted to go but she wanted me to stay here..focus ya know?" I said quietly, remembering the conversation my mum and I had last night. I know she tells me not to worry but I just can't help it, she's my mum.

"Everything will be alright Lou, you'll see, your mums tough she'll pull through." Zayn said as he got up to give me a hug, "Now come on so you can go see your boyfriend." he said poking me on the nose.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled, trying to hit but he ran out the way just in time.

I ended up driving to campus today because something was going on with Zayn's car, which meant that he had to tag with me. Usually we drive separately because I have dance and Zayn has football practice, but I was sure that someone will give him a ride later. Parking I grabbed my bag from the back before getting out.

"Louis!" I turned to see Harry's bright smiling face running up to catch up with me. Zayn nudged me in my ribs before a smirk appeared on his face. I mentally flicked him off before I looked back over to Harry.

"Um..hey Harry." I said cautiously as he came up to us. His smile never left his face and I couldn't help but feel the little flutter of my heart. Jesus Christ...this boy is going to be the death of me I thought. I watched as his gaze traveled to Zayn, "Hey Zayn, nice to see you again." Harry said cheerfully.

"Not as happy as Louis..."Zayn muttered under his breath. Harry gave him a weird look, "Anyway...Zayn don't you have a meeting or something this morning." I interrupted him giving him a pointed look.

"Shit your right, I'll catch you later Lou and see ya around Harry." Zayn called as he hurried off to the gym.

Well now I'm alone with Harry and I could feel him staring at me so I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. Oh God he was staring right at me, I hope there's nothing on my face. "Um are you okay?" I asked quietly.

Harry blushed before looking away, "Uh..nothing...your just really pre-"Harry mate what's up?" I heard someone yell from across the parking lot. Turning I saw Liam and Niall walking towards us, I noticed the blondes face was really red.

"Hey Niall, Liam I see your doing better." Harry said as he gave the boy a hug.

"Yah just a little cold nothing serious." Liam replied.

"Is there a reason why your face is so red?" Harry asked. I watched Niall and Liam go red, and I think Harry noticed it. "Nevermind." he said shaking his head and I laughed a bit. Liam noticed me, "Louis? Mate I haven't seen you in a while, what happened we used to have class together?" Liam said. I scratched the back of my head embarrassed a bit.

"Oh um I'm been taking some private lesson with Simon...actually I have to go in early today, Simon recommended some idiot to 'teach' me how to dance." I said a bit angry. Liam's thick eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"But your really good." he said. I gave him a well-duh look, because I was a good dancer...Simon is just being a prick.

We all started walking to the entrance, "So do you know who your mentor is?" Liam asked as he held the door for us.

"Not really all I know is that he used to dance there, but something happened I guess and he left." I said, "Simon said he was really good, but I don't understand if he was that good...why did he leave ya know?" I said.

I noticed that everyone got quiet, and I saw Liam open his mouth to say something but Niall beat him to it.

"Well...everyone has there reasons right?" the blonde said. I just shrugged, I really could care less about this guy...honestly...but from the way they were looking at me it felt like they weren't telling me something.

I was going to say something but the bell rang and we all had to go to class. "I'll catch you guys later." Niall said as he took Liam's hand and led him down the hallway. I watched them leave, still curious as to why they were acting like that. I heard someone clear there throat and I turned back to see Harry looking at me.

"We should get to class." he said, and I noticed he seemed a bit put off. "We have class together?" I questioned.

He nodded his had stiffly, "Harry are you okay?" I asked reaching out to touch his shoulder, but he flinched away from me.

"Fine...let's just go yeah?" he said before starting to walk away. I stood there for a minute trying to figure out why he was acting like this. I shook my head, I don't need to worry about him, I barely know the guy. If he had a problem with me then that's him.

Harry's P.o.v

Last night was pretty amazing and I couldn't for the life of me get that Louis boy out of my head. He was just so damn pretty, I just wanted to kiss his face, shower him in love, take his breath away...just everything. I couldn't believe I gave him my number, I really hope he doesn't think I'm being to straightforward. I didn't even know if he was gay or not, I sighed as I drove to school. I really hoped that I see him again, I hope that I can just talk with him, get to know him better ya know? Pulling into the campus I parked my car and got out. Soon as I did I noticed Louis and Zayn walking towards the entrance. I ran up to them I noticed that Louis was staring at me with this look, but I wasn't sure if was good look or a bad one. Anyway I greeted them and Zayn said something under his breath which I definitely caught, making Louis blush. I smirked, he was so fucking cute. He asked Zayn about some meeting and the tan boy took off, saying that he'd see us later. Minutes later Niall and Liam came up, the blonde all red-face and I was pretty sure what they were doing before they got out the car.

After talking for a minute we all made our way to the entrance. Liam asked Louis about his dancing lessons and why he wasn't in his class anymore. I wasn't really listening to what they were talking about, to focused on Louis pretty lips. I caught Niall's eyes and he smirked at me before raising a blonde brow. However I was brought back to the conversation when Liam mentioned Louis' mentor and the other boys face formed into annoyance.

Louis started to talking about how Simon didn't really tell who his mentor, but Louis did start talking about how the guy (me) pretty much stopped. He was curious as to why someone so good (me) at dancing that they would just quit. And don't hate me, but I was started to get a bit offended. I saw Liam open his mouth to say something as he looked at me with a worried look, but Niall beat him to it.

"Well...everyone has there reasons right?" the blonde said. I started to chew on my lip, stopping myself from saying something that I would regret later. No one said anything, but the bell gave a shrill and Niall Liam took off down the hallway leaving me with Louis. I watched him turn to me, he asked me if I was alright. He tried touching my shoulder but I shrugged him off, telling him that we should get to class.

I started to walk, knowing that he would follow. Now I feel like a dick, because the look in Louis eyes when I completely ignored him killed me. It reminded me of when he was talking on the phone. Sighing I rubbed at my face, this afternoon is going to be a bitch. When Louis finds out...I thought.

Zayn's words circled my head..."Just give a heads up, he's going to be begging for your forgiveness tomorrow when he finds out."

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