One Direction One Shots (Shor...

By Directioner_For-Life

66.2K 999 213

A series of one shots More

Authors note
Sick And Has Asthma-Narry
Sickness and Sadness-Louis (maybe a little bit of Larry fluff)
Sickness and Sadness Part 2
Sadness and Sickness part 3
I'm Not a Baby- Harry
I Lost My Voice- Niall
Double Sickness-Nashton
Electrocution- Niall
Tonsillitis- Niall
Faking?- Larry
Forever and always- Niall

Sick and has Asthma-Narry Part 2

4.7K 89 5
By Directioner_For-Life

I'm finally getting to this update. I am sorry for waiting so long to update, but here is the second part of Sick and has Asthma- Narry

Niall's POV

As I was throwing up everything in my stomach, I felt like I couldn't breathe. My chest started to feel tight like it was being constricted. I looked over to see Harry doubled over in a coughing fit, looking no better than I did. Suddenly he started wheezing and gasping for air. I started to worry for him as he was having an asthma attack, which only added to mine. Soon enough, my vision started blurring.

Suddenly, there was a dark-haired figure in front of me. Zayn. "Niall, you need to calm down." He tried to calm me down, by saying soothing words, but it wasn't working. Black spots started dancing in my vision and I distantly heard someone desperately shouting at me to stay awake before I blacked out.

Harry's POV

Before I knew it, Niall had passed out, with Zayn yelling at the driver to drive to the nearest hospital a.s.a.p. I was so worried. We were still a long ways away  from the nearest city, let alone the nearest hospital. Louis and Liam were by me trying to calm me down as I too, felt like I was about to pass out.

Unfortunately, the boys' attempts were futile as the darkness dragged me under.

Zayn's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Harry and Niall are both unconscious currently from an asthma attack, and we are nowhere near anything. I looked and saw their lips were turning blue. I looked out the window to see that, FINALLY, I could see skyscrapers surrounding the bus. As soon as we pulled up to a hospital, I picked up Niall, while Louis picked up Harry. When we rushed through the door we yelled for help, suddenly I felt Niall's body quickly growing cold. I looked at the boys in panic and saw Louis with a familiar expression. I put my ear to Niall's chest for a heartbeat. It was there, but it was extremely slow and fading quickly. I started shouting more urgently. Soon a nurse showed up, and when she saw the state of our friends, yelled for a doctor. Soon we got Niall and Harry wheeled off on gurneys.

All we could do now was wait...

30 minutes later...

Liam's POV

As soon as the doctor appeared, we all stood up and fired questions at him. He then proceeded to explain that Niall and Harry have a bad case of the flu and had severe asthma attacks and that they could be released later today. When we entered their room, they were awake, but very pale.

"Sorry for being a bother," Harry murmured.

"You are never gonna be a bother, Harry," Louis said.

"But we're not going to be able to perform. We've let the fans down," Niall protested.

"If the fans are truly fans then they will understand." I said. Niall nodded.

Later that day, we signed the two out of the hospital and canceled the concert. The fans did, in fact, understand. And by the end of the week, Niall and Harry were back to normal and both had inhalers for their asthma, as well as emergency inhalers.

There's the last part of this sickfic story. Hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, vote, and share.

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