Greyson Chance One Shots

By GabrielleChnc

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Collections of Greyson Chance one shot stories♡ Open for requests, just comment or pm and follow me ♡ I hope... More

Forever and Always
The Clue Hunt - Indonesian One Shot
Simple Tweet
We've Been Bestfriend

I Love You

472 8 1
By GabrielleChnc


"I love you, Greyson." I mumbled softly against his neck, nuzzling closer to him. I have been with Greyson for almost a year, today being our eleventh 'monthsary' together. I look up to his brown orbs with my sapphire blue ones, waiting for his reply.

Our relationship is almost perfect. Greyson makes me happy, and he tells me occasionally that I make him ecstatic. I am in love with him, but I'm not sure if he feels the same way. Every single time I confess my love to him, he won't say those three words which I've never ever heard escape from his mouth. I love you. Instead, all he does is blush, nod and kiss me. I appreciate his physical acts of love, but saying those three words will just make my heart flutter.

Greyson is a troubled teenager. His parents were never there for him. They treated him so badly that he ran away from his family to live independently. Even though that, when he lived with his parents, they threw words that hurt like knives. They'd tell him how worthless he is and all the negative things one can ever think of.

As a result, he used to cut himself as well as hurt himself in other ways. He isolated himself from other people, always wanted to be alone. But from what I know and what he told me, if all stopped when we dated. He told me that I cured him.

As usual, the familiar blush creep onto his now crimson red cheeks as he nod before leaning in to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. After his actions, I waited for his reply, in hopes that finally, on one eleventh 'monthsary', he'll say those three words that'll bring us to a higher level in our relationship. But no, he just stayed silent.

Letting out a sigh, I sat up from my position, crossing my arms as I faced him. "Greyson, we need to talk."

He quickly sat up from his position, looking at me intently and worriedly as he fiddled with his fingers; a gesture he always did when he was worried or nervous.

"I feel like.. When are you going to tell  me that you love me?" I finally ask after a moment of silence with a sigh.


"We need to talk." When someone says that, it always mean something is not good.

I immediately sat up, staring at her nervously as I fiddled with my fingers. I had no idea what was going on, but my heart was beating slighter faster against its cage. Aly kept silent for a moment, as though she was trying to put words together on how to explain what she had to say.

Finally, she spoke up, "I feel like.. When are you going to tell me that you love me?" Her voice was hushed and soft. But I can hear the hurt in her voice. My eyes were locked on hers which were searching my eyes.

"I.." I trailed off, thinking for an answer. All that I'm feeling now is guilt considering even on out monthsary, our eleventh one, I am yet unable to say that I love her back. The truth is, I love her. Wait, I'm deeply in love with her.

But the thing is,  I am afraid to tell her. Because I am afraid it is all just a game to her. Let's be honest. I'm Greyson Michael Chance. A high school student who fails almost all his classes, can't even find a part time job, indigent and also gets in a heck load of fights. She's Aly. She is a extremely beautiful high school student with straight A's, a volunteer at a pet shelter and is probably the most sweetest, caring and humble person you've ever met even though she's from a  affluent family. How is even possible for someone like her to love a needy person like me? Life isn't a fairytale book.

What if when I tell her that I love her, she'll just smile and leave me forever?

"You what, Greyson?" She asked again, her voice raised ever so slightly.

I opened my mouth to continue, but closed it a second after.

"I don't know." I sigh out, biting on my lower lip, disappointed with myself.

She continued to stare at me, waiting for me to say something else before running her fingers through her long brown hair in frustration.

"It's been eleven months." She said, this time rising up to her feet.

"I-I know.. I w-wanna say it, but I can't. I.." I replied. My voice was low and I didn't even dare to look at her. Because I know what I'll see. Disappointment and hurt.

"If I told you that those three words are the only thing that will stop me from leaving, would you say it, Grey?" She softly asked and I could feel her stare burning through me. I kept quiet. I didn't want to say anything. I know that I'll just break.

From the corner of my eye, I watch her pick up her stuff and grab her jacket before walking out of the door. Leaving me alone. All alone again.

The next few days..

Ever since I've dated Aly, I've been getting even more popular in school. People started to pity me even though I don't really enjoy being sympathised. They act like I'm a piece of glass. Those girls who'd never look at me for more than a second even flirt with me- that includes the school's queen bee, Lauren. Strutting her way up to me leaning against my locker, she smiled at me. I groaned before forcing myself to smile at her, just to be polite.

"Grey, why are you so sad today?" She asked in her high pitched voice. Sigh. I never liked this girl.

From what I know, she loathed Aly. Why? Besides the fact that Aly is beautiful, nice and caring, I don't see why she hates Aly so damn much.

"Nothing.. I'm just tired." I softly replied, my eyes fixed on my torn and tattered shoes. It wasn't a total lie, I am tired. I've not been getting enough sleep, staying awake all night thinking about how stupid I was that night. The night when I lost the good, strong woman out of my life. Please don't push it. Please don't push it, I secretly prayed. I knew I would just break and shout if she keeps on persistently asked for an answer.

"Oh come on, what happened?" Lauren asked, poking my side.

I was getting even more annoyed by each passing second.

"You know you can tell me anything, Grey. What happened?" She asked. 

Grey. That's what Aly always used to call me. Grey. 

"Tell m--"

"She left me! Aly left me!" I shouted, making her flinch and immediately taking a step back.

"What is going on here?" Our bald headed principal headed towards us, making heads turn to face me.

"Nothing." I mumbled, but loud enough to be heard. Turning away, I headed to the janitors office where it was usually empty in the morning.


Aly had left Greyson. Spectacular. I never liked that ugly brown-haired freak. Ever since she moved from wherever she came from, she stole all the attention. Though I had to give her credit for making the entire school find out about this extremely hot teenage boy who had been schooling in the very same high school as all of us for the past 2 years. A broken one, if I had to be more exact. Of course, when they dated, Aly was known as the perfect nice girl who fixed a broken guy.

Now that Aly had left Greyson, for whatever reason, I knew exactly what to do. This will be the absolute perfect opportunity for revenge. I mean, what's better than sweet, sweet, sweet revenge?

After our principal had left the hallways, I smirked to myself before repainting it with a sympathetically-looking fake smile. Clapping, I drew attention to myself. With all the students' attention on me,

I started, "As what you've just heard, Aly had left Greyson Michael Chance. I believe Greyson doesn't deserve such a thing to happen to him. I mean, you've all seen guys flirting their asses off the so-called perfect brunette- including our very own soccer team captain, Cody Simpson. I'm sure Aly left him for those better guys in our school. I love Aly, but I pity Greyson. Don't tell anyone else, but.." I paused briefly, biting on my lower lip to stop myself from smirking.

"I've seen her cheating on Greyson Chance. I even have photos to prove so." I spoke with a shrug.

Fishing out my phone, I clicked on a photo of Aly kissing another male which was so no Greyson. Yes, it wasn't Greyson. No, Aly did not cheat on Greyson. It was a photo of her and her ex-boyfriend from her old facebook profile. Whatever, you may call me a freak for saving such a picture, but I know it'll come in handy one day.

"There, our very own 'Little Miss Perfect' cheating on her own broken boyfriend that she fixed."

I spoke with a sigh, shaking my head as I placed a hand over my chest. The sounds of murmurs and muttering such as, "What a fucking sl*t!" ,  "Btch!" and "Btch needs to be taught a lesson." made my heart burst out of pride. This school is full of idiots, but their stupidity sure as hell helps.

"So, I have a plan. We're gonna teach this btch a lesson for hurting an innocent boy who did nothing to deserve her bullshit." I spoke, crossing my arms. Nodding to my close friends who were now smirking, they walked to the office to their magic- distracting the staff.

"Aly's gonna come any minute, so I need some of you to ask your teachers questions, anything to stop them from coming out of the hallway." Nodding in agreement, they all did what I told them to do. Leaning against Aly's locker, I waited for her arrival.

"Can you please move?" The oh-so-familiar voice rung in my ears.

There she was, the girl whom I despised.

"Oh right, sure." I fakely spoke, composing my structure as if to move aside before kneeing her in the stomach, making her yelp in pain. Smirking when she fell to the floor, clutching her stomach in pain, I yanked her hair to pull her back up.

"Maybe you'd like to think again before hurting Greyson!" I yelled in her ear, loud enough for students along the hallway to hear, but not loud enough for staffs and teachers in their respective rooms to be aware of what was happening.

"You're such a btch! Cheating on your own boyfriend?" I kicked her stomach once more, making her fall to the floor.

"Anyone needs a punching bag?" I yelled out. And all the students came rushing to give a taste of what I've been going through.

After almost fifteen minutes, I whistled to disperse the students crowding around Aly who was now covered in bruises and blood. Smiling in satisfaction, I pulled her hair to make her look at me.

"Try telling anyone, I swear to God something worse than this will happen. I've got the entire school on my side now, I'm  back in the game, wh*re." I whispered in her ear before laughing slightly and locking her into the girls' bathroom.


The tired brunette was tired. There she was leaning against the cold and dirty wall as the others went for class. Aly was covered in bruises, her stomach was hurting from all the kicking and punches. She was sobbing violently out of fear. Afraid that anyone would come into the bathroom and hurt her anymore, she dragged herself to the door, knocking on it with all the strength she had. She knew that no one from class would help her but maybe the janitors and staffs considering was still ongoing. "Help.. Help.." She whimpered, her voice hoarse from all the crying.

Greyson had spent almost an hour in the janitors office where he locked himself in, ears plugged and looking depressed. Thinking it was enough, he hesitantly walked out of the janitors office where he found the angry janitor glaring at him. Muttering a quick apology, he walked off, ready to head to class when he heard a familiar voice pleading for help. Knowing well enough, it was Aly, he bust the door open before running to the brunette. He wrapped his arms around her, his fingers tangled in her messy hair.

"Baby.. W-What happened?" He asked, tears brimming over his eyes. The love of his life was hurting physically and it hurts him emotionally and mentally, knowing he wasn't there to protect her. She sobbed into his chest, hands clutching onto his shirt in absolute fear.

"I-I didn't cheat on you, I swear!" Aly sobbed, her body shaking ever so slightly.

"I know you didn't?" Greyson asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"They.. They found out that.. We had a fight and assumed that I left you. Lauren told the entire school I cheated on you and they beat me up and locked me up in here." She whimpered, her tears making Greyson's shirt damp.


"They.. They found out that.. We had a fight and assumed that I left you. Lauren told the entire school I cheated on you and they beat me up and locked me up in here."

This is my fault. All my fault. Firstly, if I hadn't shouted that Aly had left me, this wouldn't have happened. Secondly, if I hadn't been such an insecure little boy and told her I loved her, this wouldn't have happened. Entirely, completely, hopelessly all my fault.

"I'm sorry." I whisper in her ear, pulling her onto my lap.

"I am so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I apologised again and again.

I hurt my babygirl. The strong and always happy woman that I knew was know shaking in fear and bruised. Inside and outside.

"I love you, please. I'm sorry." I whispered, getting chocked in my own tears.

This made Aly let out a small sharp gasp and look up at me.

"You.. You what?" She asked, looking up at me with tired eyes.

I told her I loved her. Finally. And I don't regret a single thing. Because I get hurt everytime she gets hurt. Her happiness and safety meant the entire universe to me. Seeing her walk out of the door made my heart break into tiny little pieces. I'm sure I'm in love with this beautiful girl in my arms and I knew she loved me too. I can see it.

"I love you. I'm in love with you." I repeated, confidently, wiping my tear that had fallen on her bruised cheek away.

"I was too much of an insecure little boy to think that you never really loved me. That it was just a game to you. That when I told you I loved you, you'd leave me. But you walked out when I didn't tell you I loved you. But now, I know that you love me. And I love you too. I really love you, Aly." I continue, the tears just never stop flowing out.

"Do you.. Do you still lov--" I started only to be cut off by her sweet soft lips moving against mine.

"I do, I do still love you. And now I know you still love me too."



Happy One Shots Sunday guys! :) Here's another story dedicated to Aly (alystrawberry) Anyway I'm sorry for the language use in this story, and about Greyson's character here. I want to make it all different, not only popular Greyson who has it all, perfect life, etc. 

Anyway I hope you guys like this story! Please give vote, comment and be a fan :)

Comment your full name to request a story =] PM or comment below! I'll make one next Sunday xo

Love love love,


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