Where's Edward

By lolnotkool

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Its been 50 years since breaking dawn but what happens when they take Edward has been captured by a vampire n... More

The Other Edward (Where's Edward)
where am i
Taken Where
The other Edward
Plan will it work
Which Bella? Jasper Knows
Where's Edward

Figued Out

456 7 3
By lolnotkool

ok so i decided to write, I wote last week i think it was, and i was about to publish it but my computer turned off so i dongt remember what i wrote.

thanks to these ppl raffie123, cdilove5,and paigedyess for commeting.

Check out this story its really good its called, he Black Swan, by SorryEyesCanSee.

so here it is----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Renemse" POV

"Ness RUN!!"My mom yelled out at me, and I saw my dad throw my mom to the wall.I was shuddenly on my feet and running as fast as I can but my dad was faster than me and caught up to me, and threw me to the wall.He went up to my mom and was about to grab her,I got a pole that was on the ground, i walked up to my dad and hit him with the pole, he got mad and turned around.I shuddenly felt a very powerful force on my face, and I blacked out.

I barley woke up from a very uncomftable place. I got up to see I was still in the cell, I turned around to look at my mom, but she wasnt there.

"Mom"I said looking everywhere scared.

I started to cry and crul up into a ball in the corner, from where I was laying.I was shaking and I couldnt stop, I was scared out of my mind. What do I do, I want my mommy and my daddy and more inportantly I want Jake. How come Jake havent notice was gone, was he even worried about me.I started to cry more, I miss my family.

I put my hands on my face and it shuddenly the side of my head hurt, I remembered what happen, but I knew it wasnt my dad it was someone else.

But why us, why did they want us?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edwards POV

I was holding a very scared and shaky bella.

I was so angry that The clone slapped my daughter once we get out of here i swear I am going to rip Celeste and him apart, the thing is how come Alice havent seen this?


OK I wnat yall to tell me any ideas yall have, do u want alice to find out about the other edward or not i have  good idea for ness already

for my other book Cullen wife swap i am writein sill so the chapter could be long










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