Runaway Love[Completed]

By HolaaHovito

188K 6.5K 2.2K

In the midst of their traumatic personal issues and life problems, Shawn Carter and Beyoncรฉ Knowles cross pat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
New Story Alert

Chapter 2

3K 111 12
By HolaaHovito

"Are we going to Kenneth's house again?" Solange asked me when we walked in the house. Whenever these two get into arguments, we spend the night at Matt's house. His mom is nice, kind of like Aunty Pat. We both aren't home on the weekends. Less time at home, the better.

"Let's wait five minutes to see if they stop, if not then we'll go." I say that because I don't feel like driving. I guess I need to get gas, I like to keep gas in my car. That's because living my life, you never know when you need to get up and leave. You know? 

"Okay." She nodded and we headed to our rooms. "Oh wait!" She stopped me. "Did I tell you about the sophomore field trip?" She goes to Crenshaw, too.

"No. What field trip?"

"My electronic's class is going to JPL."

"Jet Propulsion Laboratory?"


"When are you going?"

"Next Monday."

"How much money do you need?"

"Seventy-five dollars."

"When do you need the money?"

"This coming Wednesday."

"Okay." It's not like I need time to get the money because I have it. I just wanted to know how long she has known about the trip. "Where's the permission slip, so that I can fill it out.."

Lately I've been doing things Solange's that a parent would usually do. If she needed to go to the doctor or the dentist, I take her. If she needs money, I give it to her. Whatever the case is, I'm there. Not my mom.

"In my room." We went into Solange's room. I'm surprised that it's actually clean. Majority of the time she has her clothes and shoes scattered all over the place.

"Here." She handed me the two sheets of paper. Solange is very capable of filling this out, and I could just forge my mom's signature, like I always do. I'd rather everything be in the same handwriting. I don't want the school looking into it, and then have questions about it. That would just lead to unnecessary bullshit. Matt tells me that I'm paranoid, but I don't think so.

I filled everything out, and then looked over the JPL booklet. I went as a Junior. It was a fun event, and a learning experience. JPL is were all the rovers that goes up to the moon and other planets are built. You get to meet the scientist, and ask them a million and one questions. You also get to watch them work on the rovers. Like the movie "Apollo 13" with the astronauts, you get to sit a room just like they did in the movie. It's really cool, maybe I'm just a dork like that.

"Ooh, Bey." Solange looked at me, once I gave her the paper back.


"I also need money to eat and stuff." She spoke shyly.

"Will twenty dollars be enough?"

"That's perfect." She smiled. I like to keep my sister happy. If I can do it, I will. If that means that I have to cancel my plans, I will. You only live once, and she's only sixteen. She should enjoy it like I did. When I was sixteen, we had no worries. Our situation shouldn't prevent her fun teenage years, and it won't.

"You're gonna have a lot fun!"

"I know." She beamed. "I remember you telling me about it. Thanks." She hugged me, and I hugged her back.

"You're welcome."

"Aaaaaw." Chico said, standing in the doorway. "Such a hallmark moment."

"Don't you mean Kodak moment?" I questioned. John walked up and stoop next to Chico.

"Same difference." Chico shrugged. He's the slow one.

"No. It's not the same." John said. Never mind, they're both stupid. They're a mirror of dumb and dumber, the black version.

"Can we help you?" I asked.

"Yeah. One of you can." Chico answered looking at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Bey, that was rude." John said, making me feel some type of way. Not a good way either.

"What do you want?" I grew tired of their shenanigans.

"I have job for you."

"We're not interested." I said quickly, shutting down whatever idiotic plan they had.

"Not even for money?" Chico questioned, trying to pull us in by dangling money between Solange and I.

"That's what a job usually does...give you money."

"Hey hey hey! Smart ass." John's eyes darted at me.

"What's the job?" Solange asked.

"We'll pay you seventy-five dollars to open the door for us, late at night." Chico answered. "We know how your mom is about that curfew shit."

"So just come in the house on time." I said frowning.

"If it were that easy, we wouldn't have come to you. Now would we?" John asked rudely. I didn't know want to say after that, and I don't know why.

Chico sucked his teeth, while he held one hand in the other. "Youngins, man."

"I'll do it." Solange shrugged. My head snapped in her direction. Her wanting to do it is understandable because it's easy and she thinks it's free. Ain't nothing free in this society.

"That's what's up, cuh." Chico said happily. I don't know what the hell he's so gotdamn happy for.

"We're going to tap your window when we want you to open the door. You open it, and you get seventy-five dollars."

"Coooool." Solange looked at me in awe. "Easy money."

She chuckled. It's not that I don't want Solange to get that pocket change. That's better for me, because I won't have to always give her money. The money I have will stay where it is.

The problem is Chico and John getting really comfortable. I don't want these two to think, me or my sister need their punk ass chump change.

We don't. I got us.

Chico and John went about their business. When they were out of ear range, I closed and locked Solange's door. She looked me like I was tripping.

"What's wrong?" She studied me.

"Look, Solo. I'm not tryna knock your hustle or anything, but-"

"What?" She questioned anxiously, almost aggressive.

"Calm down, girl. You can do it, just make sure that I'm with you when you open the door."


"Because, Solange.. Just make sure, okay?"

"Yeah-" She was interrupted by loud thud. It was no one but Timothy. He's mostly likely throwing a tantrum, throwing things around like three year old girl. There is no doubt that he's high, or wants to get high. My mom is probably trying to calm him down after she told him that she doesn't have any money.

Since Timothy has been on drugs, he has anger problems. Anger management wouldn't help this piece of shit. He wouldn't put his hands on my mom. If he were going to hit her, he would have done it by now.

"I'll be back. Stay here." I told Solange.

"Be careful." Last time we heard loud thuds, I went to check it out, and a picture frame came flying towards my head. I opened the door and met my mom in the hallway.

"Beyoncé!" She panicked.

"Yeah?" I replied calmly, because I know what she's going to ask me.

"I need twenty dollars." She was so desperate, as if she were the person in need of a fix. I could see it her eyes and hear it her tone.

"For what, mom? I don't have any money."

"Okay. Can I have ten dollars then?"

"Didn't you just get paid?" I questioned her completely annoyed.

"Yeah." She looked around basically telling me that she was lying. "That money went to bills."

"Well I don't have any money." I said nonchalantly.

"What about the money Darian sent you?"

"He didn't send me any money."

"I do so much for you and you can't even give me twenty dollars?" She stormed off. I went to my room and plopped on my bed. The yelling and arguing continued. I sighed then got up to pack an over night bag.

"I'm ready." Solange walked in.

"Alright. Lets go." I grabbed my bags, and turned my light off. We headed out of this nut house. Whenever we leave like this, my mom doesn't care. She probably doesn't even notice, to be honest. That's because her crack head, no good, piece of shit, boyfriend has brainwashed her. Once a upon a time, we had a great, loving relationship.

Money changes people. Rich or broke. It's changes you, and the people around you. You're broke, people don't want to be around you, they treat like shit or like you owe them something.

You're rich, people want to smile in your face. They too, act like you owe them something, because they may have done something for you. No matter how big, or how small. Apparently, you owe them something.

In my case, if my mom needs money or if I give her money, she wants to hug me and kiss me. She'll tell me how much of a good daughter I am. What she needs to realize is that, if the people find out about Timothy's druggie ass being in the house, she'll lose her license. Kids will talk and may even slip up and not even know. No license, no money. No money, no place to lay my head.

"BB?" Solange called softly and sympathetically, once I pulled off.

"Yeah?" I replied dryly.

"Do you think things will get better?"

I glanced at her. "Do you want the truth, or the fairytale?"

"The truth."

"No. I don't think things will get better. Mom lost her way, and she can't think for herself." I began to get frustrated. All of this bullshit happened to us so suddenly.

"We have to do everything for ourselves. The only person I want you to count on and depend on is me. Mom isn't herself because of Timothy. I will always be in my right state of mind. Alright?"

"Alright." She looked of the window sadly.

"Text Matt for me. Let him know that we're on our way." She did what I asked her to do. When we pulled up to Matt's house, helped us with our bags.

"Same ole same?" He asked as we walked his room.

"Yup." I yawned. Matt has one full sized bed. Whenever Solange and I have to crash over here, he lets us have the bed, while he sleeps on the floor. All three of us are able to sleep in the bed together, but that's the gentlemen in him. That's what I love about him, and why he's my best friend.

"Good night." Matt said.

"Night." Solange and I said in unison.

I slept so peacefully, even with Solange's big head on my back. This girl sleeps like a wild animal. When my alarm went off, I got a wonderful whiff of bacon, eggs, and biscuits. Ms. G made breakfast. Praise The Lord! I haven't had this ages, as sad as that may be. Usually, we pop tarts or cereal for breakfast.

The alarm was loud enough to wake us all up. None of us are morning people, so we didn't share any words. We simply headed to the bathrooms to do our morning rituals.

"Good morning, Ms. G." I said with a smile. The G stands for Gibson. That's Matt's last name, too.

"Good morning, sweetie." She is a morning person, and I will never understand why.

"Morning, mom." Matt said dryly.

"Morning, son." She mocked with a little giggle to follow.

"Morning Mrs. G." Solange said then walked in the kitchen.

"Morning hungry teenager."

Solange laughed. "You just don't know long I've been without my first love, bacon." Solange has a sick obsession with bacon.

"Girl, you and bacon." Ms. G just shook her head.

"Thanks, Ms. G." I said sitting down with my plate. I have two pieces of bacon, and two biscuits.

I'm hungry as I don't know what. Crazy, huh? The money I have, and I'm scarfing this food down. I chose not to buy food because its not like me and Solange will be able to eat it anyway. Matt has been telling me to get a mini fridge, but that would only cause drama. Like I don't already have enough of that.

"You know you're more than welcome, baby." She replied.

"Yeah. Thanks, Ms. G." Solange said the dug into her plate.

We ate breakfast, while making small conversation. It was small, because we were all focused on eating. School starts at seven forty five, too got damn early if you ask me. We took turns showering. I was last, because I wanted to lay down. My phone vibrated, it was a text message.

Received from Big L: $1500.

Sent To Big L: Right now?

Received from Big L: Yea.

Sent to Big L: Can it wait? I have school.

Received from Big L: Nvr mind. I'll get someone else.

Shit. This is a lot of money. School or money? Fuck. I need the money, but school is important. Who would pass this up? A damn fool, that's who. I'll just have to make a phony note saying that I had a dentist appointment.

Sent to Big L: Where?

Received from Big L: Watts.

Aaah shit. That's blood territory. Not that it matters, I'm just saying.

Sent to Big L: Okay. Let me take my sister to school though.

Received from Big L: Aight. Hurry up. Time is money.

Sent to Big L: Okay.

I took a shower and got ready. We said our goodbyes to Ms. G. Matt hopped in the front, and Solange got in the back. I handed Matt my phone, the text thread with Big L open. He read it and shook his head. I finally pulled up to Crenshaw.

"Why aren't you parking?" Solange asked confusedly.

"I forgot my homework at home."

"..Oh." She replied before getting out of the car.

"You sure about this, Gis?"

"Nope." I answered honestly then drove off.

"This money gotchu missing school." He shook his head.

"I know but I can make it up." Since I'm on the basketball team, teachers let me make up the work, if I missed it. I guess you could say that I'm a star player. Teachers want the school to win. Without me, they lose. I can't play with bad grades, so there's that.

"That's not the point." I sensed him getting angry.

"This is the first and last time I'll miss school. I promise."

"For real." He looked at me.

"You have my word."

"Alright. Lets make this quick."

"....Thank you." I thanked him for riding with me. I meaning riding in both ways, coming with me, and always being the for me.

"We ride together, we get locked up together...Best friends fa life." He turned up the radio, and J. Cole's Dolla And A Dream II blasted through my speakers. I love this song, because the background voice. It's so hilarious! 

J. Cole is probably my favorite rapper of all time. I like him, because his lyrics make you rewind it and listen to it once more. His music is like an actual short story. Some of his music I can personally relate to. I love the fact that he doesn't base his music on sex, drugs, and crime.

"Yooooo!" Matt shouted with his overly excited behind. "You remember when we got chased by the pigs?"

I laughed. We weren't suppose to be on basketball court. It was closed, but we didn't give two shits. We hopped the fence, played for only ten minutes. We were in an all white neighborhood. Someone just had to call the cops. Bitches.

"I will never forget that. That was the BEST summer EVER."

"Wasn't it that summer you almost lost your virginity?"

"Pssssssst! See.." I laughed. "Why are you bringing up old shit!?" I joked, and we shared a laugh.

"I still don't see how you're a virgin."

"I plan to keep it that way."


I laughed."Why are you so anxious for me to have sex, boy?"

"I want you to feel what I be feeling. Shit is...indescribable."

"I'll wait. I'm not even dating, so."

"You have never had a boyfriend." He realized. "Why not?"

I shrugged. "I'm not wanted, I guess."

"You lying ass nigga!" He chuckled.

"Okay." I admitted. "I'm wanted by a few guys, but I'm just not interested in them. A boyfriend isn't something I need right now."

"What you need is a little bit of happiness."

"I get that from you."

"Never mind." He shook his head chuckling.

"Changing the subject. What college are we going to?"

"USC or UCLA. We gotta get scholarships."

"We will. If USC or UCLA play us, we need back up plans."

"Cal LA, or Cal Poly. We can't be too far from Solange."

"Yeah...What are your grades looking like?"

"Four A's, three B's." He spoke proudly, with a smile plastered on his face. Matt is very smart. He isn't that male student athlete, that gets girls to do his work. The girls get mad when he doesn't let them do his work.

"I got five A's and two B's."

"I didn't ask you!" He joked pretending to be bitter.

I laughed. "What are you going to major in?"

"Engineering. You?"

"Criminal Justice." I laughed.

"What type of contradiction?" He laughed with me.

"Don't judge me. Don't judge me."

"So please don't judge me, and I won't judge you."

"Let it be beautiful. Let it be beautiful."

For rest of the ride, we sang Chris Brown at obnoxious levels. I'd sing one lyric, and he'd sing the next. It was funny because we were singing to each "lovey dovey" style.

Destination one neared, the trap house. Yeah. I'm sort of a drug dealer. What I do is pick up and drop off. Pick up from Big L, and take it to wherever it needs to go. Safer than posting on a street corner, waiting to getting arrested. I get paid more by making the drops.

Matt lost his mind when he found out. He gave me an earful, and preached to me. I think he was more upset that I went by myself. Ever since then, he's been coming with me, but hasn't asked for a dime.

"You wanna be a delivery boy, too?" Big L asked Matt. "You always wit Nicole." I'm Nicole. I'm not telling these fools my real name. Hell, Big L's name doesn't even start with a L, I'm assuming.

"Nah. Just making sure-" Matt stared.

"Here." Big L cut him tossed me a Nike duffel bag, than tossed one to Matt. "That's a lot of merchandise."

"I can handle it." I replied.

"You don't have a choice." Big L winked at me. "Here." He gave a piece of paper with the address on it. I know exactly how to get where I need to go.

"When are you going to stop?" Matt asked me when I pulled off.

"When we graduate." He sighed and then turned the music up.

"Is that cop following us?" Matt asked five minutes into the drive, he looked in the rear view. I looked and sure enough the police car sirens went off. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"Gis, shit. We're about to go to jail!"

"Calm down. You have to relax, Matt. They'll sense your fear and cause them to dig for questions."

"This is where the white friends come in handy, man." I pulled over to the side of the rode.

"Chill out, Matt."

"Okay. Okay." He tried to calm himself down. I looked in the side view mirror and saw the police man walking towards me.

"Hi, officer. May I ask why you pulled me over?"

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