Prisoners Of War


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It is 12th September 1954. It is a story from a dude called John's point of view. Him and his chool have been... More

Prisoners Of War

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It was cold that day. I was on my way to school. I had just caught the school bus. It was raining so I took my umbrella. It takes three hours to get to my school, so I had to get up extra early. It was Tuesday and another ordinary day at school. The moment I got there, I felt cold. Something wasn't right! I walked into the playground with my best friend Liam. He was worried too. We travelled into the gym. As soon as I looked round the corner, I was petrifyed. I screamed. The soldiers heard me and the locked me in a cell along with all of my other friends. But not with Liam, he was took to the gas chambers. They said he was going for a shower. Within a minute I heard screaming coming from the 'Showers'. I knew it was Liam. He was dead. I started to cry. My life was at an end and I was only ten years of age. They threw me out of my cell, and they made me their slave. We started doing extra hard work. They had caught the teachers aswell. These were German soldiers. "Mrs. Evans, what happened"? I asked her. "The German soldiers have captured everyone in our school, and Adolf Hitler is sitting in the headteachers office right now, trying to make a plan. Nobody is allowed in or out of the school. They have turned it into a death or consentration camp". "Oh My God"! I was shivering. They dragged me to my feet and they ripped my school uniform and replaced them with smelly old slave clothes. All communication was cut off. Nobody knew of this. We were there for a week before I was taken to a field in the middle of nowhere with  Janie, Bob, Owen and a few others. We were tied to a fence. The soldiers aimed there guns at us. "This is the end" I shouted. BOOM!

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