Because I Love You (BTS Jimin...

By MinYoongi93_

745K 19.4K 8.4K

This is a story about a cold girl who was moved from Canada to Korea. The girl, Son Lenny, is her school's bi... More

Characters and Story Details
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 [END]
Author's Note!
New Book!
HAPPY 400K!!
Short Announcement!
Attention Pls!
Happy News!

Chapter 1

58.1K 1.1K 937
By MinYoongi93_

" Lenny are you ready? " Eomma shouted from downstairs.

" Almost mom! " I shouted back.

So today is the day. The day I will be going back to my hometown Seoul, Korea. Yeah, I'm Korean but I lived in Toronto, Canada.

My name is Son Seung Han. But since I'm staying here for about 5 years already, people used to call my English name that is Son Lenny. I am 17 years old and I have a sister. My sister is Son Seung Wan, but people called her Wendy, Son Wendy. She's 18 years old and a really good sister to me.

" Dongsaeng-ah, hurry up! " Eonni said.

" Okay, I'm done! " I said and grabbed my luggage and handbag before going downstairs.

" I can't wait to go back to my hometown! " She shouted excitedly.

" Yeah me too " I said blankly.

To be honest, I am not like my sister. She is a girl with a bright personality. I mean, she's a cheerful person, always smile and sometimes can be so hard to handle because she also have that childish attitude.

Not like me, I am a quiet person. I'm cold toward strangers, but mostly towards boys. I hate boys because of my past. I rarely smile and laugh and I can be out of control when I'm mad.

We are totally different. People may sometimes not believe that we're siblings.

" Hey Lenny! Quit with that cold images. Past is past. Let's enjoy girl! " She cheered me up but I just ignored it.

" Okay girls, we will be going to the airport right now. So get your butt in the car now " Eomma said while pushing us toward the car.

" Eonni, do you think Jenny will still remember me? " I asked her, remembering my old best friend.

" Jenny? Who? Kim Jae Ni? " She asked.

" Who else? " I rolled my eyes annoyed.

" Sorry! Anyways, of course she will still remember you! You guys are best friend since you both 5. Why would she don't remember you? " She chuckled.

" Hope so " I said quietly.

" Hey dongsaeng-ah, I know you are still effected by your broke up last year but can you please stop being cold toward people? " She pleaded but I quickly looked away, avoiding the question.

" I want the old you, the one who was called a happy-go-lucky girl and the cheerful one. Like me! Please Lenny, forget the past or you'll missed you bright future " She encouraging me making me a bit sad.

" I want but I can't. It's effected me a lot and I still can't get over the pain I've got " I said with tears slowly falling down from my eyes.

" He's a dumbass guy. You hate him, so am I. I hate him too for changing you into this kind of girl " She said sadly. I wiped my tears and quickly plugged in my earphone.

She sighed and looked back to her phone.


" Finally! I missed you South Korea! " Eonni shouted happily while inhaling the fresh air.

' I missed Korea, I missed Jenny, I missed everything here. I have decided to open a new book here. I will be more careful and not to trust boys. I will try to not make a fight in new school ' My heart said.

" Girls, this way! Our drivers are here. Both of you go with the second car. We will be heading to our new house " Appa informed us.

We quickly walked towards our driver and entered the car.

While on the road, I looked out the window and saw a beautiful scenery of Seoul. It's almost 7, so I can see the sky painted in pink and orange colour as the sun set.

While admiring the view, I don't realise that we're arrived already. I headed out of the car and looked at our new house in a bit amazement. It was a triple-storey house.

We entered the house and looked around. The house was really big and the garden was also large. It has a fish pond and a bridge over it.

The garden are full of various kind of flower with different colours. And there's a bench in front of the pond.

The scenery makes me quietly smile as the air was so calming. This was great!

" Wendy, Lenny, come here! " Appa called us.

We headed to them and sit at the sofa. Yes, the house was already set up with everything. Air-conditioner, bed, tv and all!

" So as you can see, there are 3 floors in this house. So we will be giving a floor each. Wendy, you can have the second floor all to yourself. Tv, relaxing area, fridge are all occupied. Meanwhile Lenny can have the third floor all to yourself same like Wendy " Appa said.

" Eomma and Appa's bedroom was downstairs. But breakfast, lunch and dinner with us, okay? And here's a spare house key and unlimited credit card for each of you " Appa informed and gives us the key and credit card.

" This was awesome! Thank you appa, eomma " Eonni said and hugged them happily.

" Thank you eomma, appa " I smile and hugged them.

" Go have some rest! Tomorrow you can walk around Seoul " Eomma said.

" Okay! " We agreed and headed to our bedroom.

" Lenny, tomorrow we walk around Seoul together, okay? " She said.

" Sure! " I said while nodding my head.

" Good night dongsaeng! " She waved at me.

" Good night eonni " I waved back and headed to my floor.

As I reached the third floor, I looked around happily. All I need was this, being alone for myself. This is so great! I walked around the relaxing area and sit on the sofa. It was just like the living room.

I stood up and walked toward a room in front of my bedroom. I opened the door and gasped in amazement. It was a dance room. There are big mirrors covering the left and right walls and a sofa just like what I want. I closed the door and entered my bedroom.

I changed into pyjamas, brush my teeth and wash my face. I covered myself with my blankets and drove off to sleep.


Hey guys! I'm back! So this is the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it! It may be boring and I'm sorry. I know you must think this chapter are funny but let's just think that they are rich okay? Read and vote! Enjoy!

P/S : Today is my birthday guys! Happy 15th birthday to me! :))

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