Dance Central University

By xNekorux

2.2K 66 20

Summary: After defeating Dr. Tan and the spread of the news about what happened to the famous... More

Chapter 1 - Jaryn & Kerith's Reaction
Chapter 2 - Scholarship
Chapter 3 - Airport
Chapter 4 - Arrival at DCU
Chapter 5 - Who's Brody?
Chapter 6 - A Little Research
Chapter 7 - Friendship in the Making
Chapter 9 - I'm Here For You

Chapter 8 - In Da Club

210 9 1
By xNekorux

Chapter VIII

               "Dudeeee!" Emilia slurred, practically walking in circles due to her intoxicated state.

Brody laughed before catching Emilia from behind, holding her by the waist in a firm grip.

"You okay there, Emi?" Brody cooed in her ear and through the blasting music from the nightclub's speakers.

For Emilia, Brody's velvety voice stood out. It rang out in her ears like it was the only sound that can be heard within her surroundings.

"Man!" Emilia spun herself around and landed back into Brody's arms, but this time, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You know somethin', Bodie?"

The blond smirked in the shadows casted in the dim nightspot after hearing the male Riptide dancer's name. "What is it, Emi?"

The she-surfer laughed in a slurred manner in reply before putting her answer in drunken words.

"I really really extremely super-duper love you!" Emilia declared drunkly, banging a fist weakly on the green-eyed blond's muscular chest.


"Oh, yeah! And I really mean, toatally yeah!"

Brody's smirk widened while the glint in his green eyes became more visible.

"That's good, Emilia."

A few dancers crowded the pair and in a round of rainbow-colored flashes from the spotlights.....

They disappeared from the crowd.

"Sergio!" Aubrey cried out while she sat in the bar. Adam sat on the stool beside the drunk redhead, casually sipping on a bottle of whiskey.

"Hey, Adam!" Aubrey called, weakly tugging on Adam's right sleeve.

The said male rolled his eyes before turning to Aubrey and changing his expression into a sweet and concerned one.

"You okay, princess?"

Aubrey faced Adam and squealed. "Oh, hi, Angel!"

"Princess, you want to dance?" Adam whispered after leaning into Aubrey's ear. Just like what he expected, the Lu$h dancer nodded eagerly.

"You don't have to ask twice!"

Before Aubrey could stand and enter the dancefloor, Adam clutched her elbow and pulled her back to him, his lips inches away from one of her ears.

"How about you go dance on stage?"

Aubrey drunkly grinned and nodded, once again, eagerly.

"Let's go then,"

Oxford smirked deviantly before he let an intoxicated Dare push him to a wall. The pink-haired dancer giggled before she started planting kisses on Oxford's neck.

Oxford whispered in Dare's ear while the british dancer continued her intimate moves.

"Next dare is... I dare you to make out with me." The poet transformed his smirk into an evil grin.

"Whatever you dare me, Oblio..." Dare slurred out. "I am going to win."


"Every dare games we've played, I win them all."

"Whatever you say, Dare."

"Where are we going, Mo?" Taye asked through her hiccups.

Marcos flashed a grin. "Trust me, Taye. You won't regret this."

Marco dragged the drunken Forward dancer through the partying and dancing crowd before they reached the main doors. Marco pushed a door open and he immediately tugged Taye out of the club.

"Mo... Slow down." Taye murmured. "I'm getting dizzy."

"Taye?" A voice called out.

"What the?" Marco looked up and found four men standing in front of him.

"Man, get your hands off my girl!" Mo pulled his right arm back before he punched Marco square on the jaw. Marco was instantly sent down to the concrete floor.

"Mo...?" Taye managed to slur out before losing consciousness.

Mo, of course, quickly reacted to his reflexes and caught Taye before she could fall down.

"I'll take care of Taye and this guy." Mo said before nodding his head to the nightclub's entrance. "You guys look for the others."

Not being needed to be asked twice, Bodie, Angel and Oblio nodded before rushing inside the loud club.


               The three boys ran in and their attention was instantly focused to the circular stage located in the very front of the dancefloor.

They saw a pole attached to the floor of the stage and to the roof of the club, but that isn't the piece that got their attention.

It's the dancing little Lu$h princess.

Aubrey waved at the crowd and winked before she took off her black headband and tossed it to the crowd.

The act she did made the crowd crazier than before, especially the rowdy men surrounding the stage.

"Ready for more?" Aubrey asked through the small microphone attached to her right ear.

"Yeah!!!" The men cheered.

Aubrey smirked at the crowd before she unbuckled her belt and tugged it off of her waist, throwing it to the crowd as well.

"Time for the best part."

The rich princess turned away from the crowd and removed the hook of her dress from behind before looking over her shoulder.

"Who wants to help me remove my dress?"

The men surrounding the stage went wild.

"Mi princesa!" Angel dove in the crowd and shoved through, hoping to get to his princess in time before god knows what happens to her.

"You go look for Emilia, I'll look for Dare." Oblio said to Bodie before he ran off to a random direction in the nightclub.

Angel pulled one of the men surrounding the stage and used the vacant space to climb the said platform. The Latino took off his white jacket and instantly wrapped it around an intoxicated Aubrey.

"Whoa there, chica." Angel said, securing his white blazer around his dance partner's form.

After securing the jacket, Angel hopped off the stage with the female Lu$h dancer in his arms.


"Yeah," Angel answered, slightly happy. "It's me, mi princes...-!"

Angel was cut off when Aubrey suddenly leaned her head to the side and vomited, making the Latino automatically clutch the dancer by her waist.

"Dare!" Oblio called out, lightly shoving drunk dancers aside while he searched for his eccentric girlfriend. "Dare!"

Pushing one of the ajar doors leading to the backstage, Oblio barged in like he owned the joint.

Only to find Dare being quite intimate with a person he has never encountered before.

"What the hell's going on in here!?" Oblio practically roared at the pair in front of him. Dare jumped away due to the surprise and tripped on her own foot.

The pinkette ended up roughly landing her behind on a metal box, her head hitting the wall in a slightly hard manner.

The unknown stranger to Oblio merely winked at him before running out and through one of the doors, blending into the dancing crowd immediately.

Oblio didn't bother chasing the said stranger. Instead, he ran to his girlfriend and instantly checked if she's currently fine.

Especially after that not so good landing.

"Have you seen this girl?" Bodie asked one of the waiters as he presented an image of Emilia to the employee.

"Yeah," The waiter replied. "A lookalike of yours with green eyes and took her to the VIP Suites up at the third floor."

Bodie's expression changed into panic, cuasing him to merely give the waiter a quick thanks before rushing up the stairs.

Only to be stopped by a bouncer.

"Oh, come on, man!" Bodie almost whined, slightly annoyed at the bouncer

"VIP Pass?" The large muscular bouncer inquired with a blank face.

"I need to up to the Suites! My friend might be in danger!"

"VIP Pass?" The bouncer repeated, his right hand now outstretched and waiting to accept the asked item.

"Just let me through, man!"

The bouncer seemed to have been unfazed. He grabbed Bodie by the shirt collar and pulled him close, looking into his blue eyes menacingly.

"If you want entry, give me a VIP Pass."

"Come on, man! Let me through!"

The bouncer merely stared.

Bodie was about to complain when the bouncer held a hand up, shutting him up instantly before focusing his attention on the white earpiece.

After a few murmurs and nods from the bouncer, he straightened up and faced the blond Riptide dancer.

"You may pass." The bouncer stated, stepping aside.

"Finally!" Bodie ran past the burly man and headed straight down the hall with a sign "VIP Suites".

"Emilia!" He shouted, looking around frantically while running.

A door opened from the end of the hallway and a man that looks almost exactly like Bodie emerged, just finishing on buttoning his red button up shirt.

Bodie grabbed the man by the collar as soon as he was in reach.

"Where's Emilia!?" He growled, his blue eyes locked with green ones.

The lookalike of his merely laughed before nodding to the door of the room he recently came out from.

"She's in there," He laughed again. "You can have your turn with her, I already had mine."

All Bodie could see was red, he pulled his fist away and drove it down towards his lookalike, hitting him directly on the cheek.

The Bodie lookalike fell down the floor, clutching his aching cheek.

"Damn you!" He grunted at Bodie, who in turn, gave him a kick on the stomach before rushing into the VIP room.


Bodie ran in and found a messy bed with Emilia's familiar clothes scattered around the floor.

The Riptide surfer's head whipped to the large bed and found Emilia all unconscious under the covers, only her head and shoulders can be seen.

He dashed towards the bed and yanked the covers off of Emilia, seeing that his friend slash long-time crush was only in her underwear.

"Emilia!" Bodie snatched the pants on the floor and quickly slipped Emilia's legs through. After that, he grabbed Emilia's shirt and slid it over her torso, trying his best effort on not looking at Emilia's form.

After dressing Emilia up, including her boots, Bodie hoisted her up in his arms bridal style and exited the room, noting that his green-eyed lookalike was gone.

When he was halfway down the hall, Emilia spoke in her unconscious state.


Bodie stopped and looked down at the beautiful girl in his arms, feelinn guilty for not being fast enough to save her from whatever vile things that man did to her. He lifted Emilia closer to him and whispered in her hair.

"Don't worry, Emilia. I'm here, and I won't let anyone hurt you."

The she-surfer snuggled closer into Bodie's chest as an unconscious reply.

"I love you."


Author's Note: Here's a long chapter since I was too busy from the past few weeks. ^_^v

I apologize if there's any misspelled words. :P

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