BANG BANG | Jariana

mccannftgrande द्वारा

10.1K 655 521

aphrodite adore and jason mccann had a history a few years back. they had their own little gang named black s... अधिक

The Introduction
01| Where Have You Been
02| Lost And Found
03| Spencer
04| Not My Type
05| Closer Friends

06| Broken Promise

405 30 16
mccannftgrande द्वारा

" I promise to protect you "


I arrived back at home later that day and I quickly ran upstairs but Hailey stopped me instantly. "Someones in a rush." She raised an eyebrow at me and looked me up and down.

I shrugged "Just work." I lied and smiled at her.

She looked at me suspiciously and I slowly slipped past her into my room. I quickly shut my door and locked it before she even got the chance to ask anymore questions.

"Probably jerking off or something" I heard her say and I rolled my eyes trying not to laugh.

I rushed over to my walk-in-closet and threw on some saggy pants and an over-sized shirt. I didn't really want to spend that much time on what I was going to wear to the club but I did want to impress Aphrodite.

I finally decided on an outfit so I quickly looked at myself in the mirror before I ran out my room. I rushed downstairs, passing by Hailey who threw me my keys as I ran out the door and to my car.


I slowly pulled up to Aphrodite's house and stopped. I got out my car with the flowers I bought on the way here. Still, I was a little early.

I held the blood red roses in one hand and my other hand stuffed in my pocket. Once I got to her door I looked around for her door bell. I couldn't find it, weird. Instead, I just knocked.


Camila was ransacking through my closet helping me find something to wear. "Is it a date?" She asked as she threw a pair of heels out from my closet, clearly not caring to where it landed. I ducked my head down so it would miss hitting my face. I then sat back up straight and played with the corner of my blanket.

"No... well I don't think so.. Maybe.. I'm not sure." I blushed a little, looking at her.

Camila turned around and tapped her finger on her chin. "So casual... but sexy. Since it's a club right?" She asked, looking deep into thought. I shrugged, continuing to play with the blanket.

"Are you both fucking afterward?" She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I gasped, instantly jerking my head up from the blanket. "Of course not!" I threw a pillow at her face, causing her to laugh. "Alright fine!" She raised her hands in defense, turning back to the closet. I shook my head and threw a large pillow at her butt, making her fall into the pile of clothes.

"Heyyy!" She whined, looking at me. "What was that for?" She frowned. "I hit my head..." She rubbed her forehead. We soon bursted out laughing.

We were rolling around on the floor laughing until we heard Nicki yelling at us from downstairs. "Y'all better hurry up because Dite's date just pulled up!" She yelled from the living room.

We looked at each other wide eyed and quickly got off the floor. "Makeup! Now!" Camila yelled at me to get into the bathroom and start my makeup.

I nodded and ran to my bathroom. I quickly added a little bit of foundation and the rest of the crap.

I then started working at my eyes, doing a nice smokey look. Once I finished that I decided to make my lips a dark red.

Camila entered the room, handing me a sparkly white short dress and nude pumps.

"Alright..chow!" I slipped on my heels and grabbed my bag, kissing them both on the cheek.

I ran downstairs ( yes I ran in heels ) to the front door.

On the wall next to the door I looked in the mirror, fixing my hair slightly.

I heard another knock and I opened the door quickly.

There stood a really.. really.. really attractive Jason Mccann. "Wow. Um. Hi." I swallowed a huge lump in my throat.

"Damn you look gorgeous." He licked his lips and eyed me up and down.

I blushed a little and then looked at the flowers. They were my favorite. Red roses. The darkest.

He looked at me and then handed me the beautiful flowers. "These are for you." He smiled cheekily which made me laugh.

"Thank you. I'm going to go put these in a vase. Um. Stay here. I don't want the dog to attack you." I lied. I just didn't want the girls to think I still love Jason. Which I don't. This is all just friendly.

He nodded his head, understanding.

I rushed inside to the kitchen where I grabbed a vase and put water in it. While I was doing that I heard Nicki and Camila rush from the living room to the kitchen.

Oh god, I thought.

"You didn't tell me the date was Jason!" Camila whisper yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes and put the flowers into the vase.

Nicki slid onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Are y'all back together?" She squealed slightly.

"No!" I nearly yelled. "Now shut up! I have to go. This shall stay confidential between us. Us only. Understood?" I eyeballed both of them.

They both nodded and went back to giggling as I turned around and took a deep breath, walking back to the front door.

I smiled at Jason and walked out, closing the door behind me. "Ready?" I asked and he nodded while putting his hand on the small of my back.


We were halfway to the club and it was silent in the car. I knew we both wanted to talk but we didn't know what to say exactly.

The music was very low but I still heard the song. I quietly hummed the words and Jason turned it up louder. "What is this?" He asked as he looked at me.

Needed Me by Rihanna came on.

"I was good on my own that's the way it was." I sang to him, clearly not caring about anything else in the world. Shit this was my song.

He rolled his eyes and laughed a little.

"Had some fun on the run, boy I'll give it to you. But baby, don't get it twisted." I pointed my finger at him.

"You was just another beeeeep on the hit list." I paused a little. "Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?" I shook my head.

"You neeeeeeded me." I sang out loud, dramatically as always.


Soon the song was over and Jason lowered the volume. "That was sure.. something." He laughed slightly and looked at me.

I covered my face and laughed. "That was embarrassing sorry." I shook my head with my face still covered by my hands.

"I told you before, you should be a singer." He said, causing me to remove my hands from my face.

I laughed out loud.

"Are you insane? I'm a wanted criminal.. around the whole world Jason. If I ever got caught and people found out my identity.. I think I'd have around three thousand years in prison." I fixed my hair, smiling widely at his funny remark.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked on the road. "I still think you could be a singer." He stated again.

There was a small pause and he looked at me.

"How about. We go get Ice Cream. In Vegas." He blurted out.

I looked at him weirdly. "Ice Cream. In Vegas... Why?" I made a weird face and soon enough I was laughing.

"What's so funny? I'm serious!" He laughed also as he pulled off to the side of the road in the grass.

"Alright.. but Vegas is far from us. We'd have to turn around and change." I looked at him, smiling like a goof.

"No, we'll just go now. In whatever. For.. two days. Just us, as friends of course." He shook his head, looking at me directly in the eyes.

"For two days? I don't have my phone to text my gang. I don't have extra clothes Jason." I kept laughing at his silliness. He was truly insane.

He groaned and threw his head back. "Come on A, you're such a party pooper!" He yelled out loud.

I clamped my hand over his mouth to silence him, trying my best to stop laughing. "Okay, okay. We'll go to Vegas. For two days only." I looked into his eyes.

He slipped his hand under me and unbuckled my seat belt, pulling me onto his lap. I removed my hand from his mouth because he licked it.

"Ew, Jason!" I rubbed my hand on his shirt in disgust.

"Promise me." He placed his hands on my thighs and looked at me.

"I promiseee. Now let me go." I whined, hitting his chest slightly.

"Okay good." He let me go and I crawled back into the passenger seat.

This should be interesting.


We finally arrived at Vegas. It took us a while and Aphrodite was sleeping in the passenger seat. I parked the car in the valet parking and paid the man. I walked over to the passenger side and opened the door.

Slowly and carefully I unbuckled Aphrodite and scooped her up in my arms. I carried her inside and walked to the front desk in the lobby.

I cleared my throat and the man looked up at me, smiling. "Room for two?" He asked politely, typing something in his computer. "No. Room for one actually. The nicest one you have." I shook my head, looking down at Aphrodite's beautiful face.

"I need some ID." The man asked, continuing to keep his creepily happy smile on his face.

I nodded and held Dité with one arm, reaching in my back pocket to take my wallet out.

I had three forms of ID. My gang one, real one and fake one that I used for regular civilian places. I slid that one to the man. He took a look and it and then looked at me. He passed it back to me and rolled back in his chair. He grabbed a set of card keys and rolled his way back.

"Seventh floor, Second room. Have a nice stay, Mr. Bieber." He handed me the card keys and gave another smile.

I nodded and walked towards the elevator still carrying a small Aphrodite in my arms. I clicked the seventh floor and waited.

I looked down at her and I felt myself smile. She was so small, petite and fragile. This all fooled people because damn she was tough. Her personality, wow. Wow how it changed. She was such a strong woman, really. The way her hair fell perfectly around her and how her lips parted when she slept.
She was perfect.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. I found my way to room two and I opened the door with my automatic key card.

I walked inside, the room was truly exquisite. We had a perfect view. She'd definitely love this.

I set Aphrodite on the bed and I carefully removed her shoes from her perfect feet. Gosh, how do women wear these? They're like bricks.

I then removed her necklace from her neck and set it on the dresser. I lifted her up slightly and unzipped the back of her dress. I slid it off of her soft body and set it on the chair. I then looked at her and smiled to myself.

She was perfect in every single way. She soon shivered and I frowned. I took my shirt off and put it on her. I ran my hands under my shirt and to her back, unclasping her bra. She never slept with one. I put it on the chair along with her dress.

I then picked her limp body up into my arms and I lifted the blanket up. I set her down and took my jeans off, leaving my boxers on so I didn't make her feel too uncomfortable.

I got inside, covering us up with the blanket. She shifted a bit and I soon wrapped my arms around her small and delicate body. "Goodnight baby." I whispered into her ear.

It felt amazing having her in my arms. Even if it would be for one night. I don't want her body, I want her. I wanted this feeling for so long. Just to feel her small limp body in my arms again where she lent me her trust, to protect her. Protect her I will.


We were out in Hawaii for a vacation we took. We had just finished one of the biggest missions we had.

"Jason! Hurry up!" Aphrodite squealed, running into the light blue ocean. She was wearing the cute two piece red polka dotted bikini that I got for her on her 19th birthday.

I smiled at the view, her, as I put on my swim shorts. I grabbed the small box and put it into my shorts, walking over to her.

"Baby, come here." I called for her, sitting down on one of the picnic tables. She furrowed her eyebrows at me and then got out of the water, fixing her hair.

She was gorgeous. The way her long brown hair trailed behind her as she walked was mesmerizing. I knew I picked the right bikini too. Her figure looked absolutely stunning in it.

She walked over to me and dried herself off, throwing on a light sweater. "What's wrong angel?" She asked, her eyebrows pinching together in worry.

She sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek. I looked at her and smiled. "Give me a kiss." I told her, brushing my thumb on the side of her cheek.

She smiled, her dimple popped out from hiding in her cheek. She leaned in and brushed her lips against mine, butterfly kissing my bottom lip. She bit it softly and pulled on it before releasing and connecting her soft plump pink lips against mine. She gave me a long passionate kiss that tasted like her strawberry chapstick that she only just recently applied. She pulled away, the feel of her lips against mine still lingered there.

"Now is everything okay, baby? She asked, tilting her head slightly. I nodded and pecked her lips again. "Don't speak." I told her, taking out the small ring box from my back pocket.

"Aphrodite Arabella Adore." I said softly.

The way her name rolled off my tongue felt so nice.

Her plump lips parted as her eyes trailed from mine to the box in my hand. She gasped and looked back up at me.

"For 21 years I haven't felt a single drop of love from a woman like you. You've opened up a whole new side of me that only you have gotten to see. You accepted my past and live with me in the present. You haven't judged me and you've helped me grow into a better man. We're a lot like Bonnie and Clyde but who can blame us? We're too young to get married but oh how I want to. I want you to be my wife one day." I placed a hand on her stomach and looked at it, smiling. "I want to be the father to your children as well." I looked up at her. "I want to give you the world and as I conquer it, I want you to be by my side. As we do, I want to make you a promise. I promise to love you, hold you, carry you, care for you, and protect you. I promise to be the man you love. I promise one day to marry you. Will you take this promise?" I asked her, looking deeply into her eyes.

I opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring that I knew she would just love. She was a very precise person but she appreciated even the small things. I just wanted it to be perfect for her.

Her eyes were glossy and her lips remained parted. "Jason.." She whispered looking at me, to the ring, then back at me once again. A tear slid down her cheek and I wiped it away. She nodded and pierced her lips together. She sniffled and I wiped away her tear. "Don't cry princess, don't cry." I cooed.

"Yes. Of course." She giggled through her soft cries. I beamed with joy, taking the ring out of the box. I slid it onto her little finger. "My future." I whispered into her ear. She wrapped her arms around me, kissing my lips softly.

"I love you." She mumbled against them.

"I love you more."

-end of flashback-

I shifted in our bed, looking at her. I broke my promise to her. I didn't protect her heart, instead I was the one who broke it.

I sighed and brushed my thumb against her cheek, removing some hair that was in her face. I can't break another promise to her. I won't.

It's true what they say, you don't know what you got until it's gone. I'm not losing her again and I'll wait forever to have her become mine again. This time, I won't mess up.


I hope you guys liked this chapter because you can see how much Jason loved Aphrodite in our lil flashback.


Do y'all want a character question page?

Love y'all!


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