Dreams of a Teenage Girl

By JasminEala

517 18 16


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Teaffy? Part 1
Chapter 5 Teaffy? Part 3
Chapter 6 Best of Friends
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4 Teaffy? Part 2

24 2 2
By JasminEala

Hey!,sorry for the cliffhanger in the Part 1 of Teaffy. By the way, I'm making a oneshot but it's in Filipino/Tagalog. That's all. I hope you'll enjoy this one!

Feel free to drop your comments below and VOTE/FOLLOW !

~ Jasmin xx


Teagan's P.O.V.

 " So, how's school today? " Raffy asked looking at me with concern in his eyes. Maybe he already knew that I did something.

" Uhm, it's okay. Still the same. " I told him not interested talking about school today. " And same fucking, five, faggot boys. " I murmured. I hope he didn't heard that. He hates me talking some words like that.

" Teagan! You're talking like that again! " Yeah, he heard it already.

" That five annoyed you again, huh? And you didn't let them pass? " Hell yeah, Raf! I won't, I really won't let them pass like that. I don't like people doing that to others. Being a jerk and bitch? I'll make them sorry for doing that.

" Sorry. I just don't like people doing that to me or with my friends. I'm not that kind of girl, Raffy, that would let it pass away. You know it! " I told him really annoyed what happened this morning. But they really worth it. Being hit in the balls. I smirked mentally.

" Okay, but next time, don't do it. " Raffy said like my mum who always reminding me what to do. I'm not an innocent five year old girl! I'm fifteen now! Infact, turning 16.

" Tsk, if they wouldn't do it again, i'll stop. Okay, let's change the topic. " I looked at him smiling forgetting about we're just talking a few seconds ago. Hmmm, what topic would be nice to talk about?

" Hey, have you found it? " I asked him

" What? What it ?" " Hey, hey, hey! wait a minute, I think Tea's gonna poop. " We stopped for a minute because Tea is finding some spot to poop. C'mon Tea! tsk, you're ruining the moment!........

After almost 15 or 20 minutes, she's done.

Good! at last you're done!

" So, what are you saying again? What it? " I don't know if I really wanna ask this to him, but I can't help it. Mmmmm. Damn this stupid feelings.

" Teagan! Hello? Still in there? " I didn't noticed Raffy waving his hand in front of my face.

God, we're inches apart. Oh no! no way. Butterflies inside my stomach are flying around like crazy!

" Oh, I'm sorry about that. I think I zoned out again. "Um, about my question earlier, have you found a girl already? " Okay! I've said it already! Haayy. But, something is still bugging me. Why, in the name of Thor, am I feeling this way? I thought I already forgot about this!

I admit, I admit that I had feelings for Raffy, before. When I was about eleven or twelve, but it's a long time ago and I'm a bit idiot that time.

" Teagan, why are you asking questions like this? " We resumed walking after I zoned-out. God, Raffy!, why won't you get it? I thought you know me too well?

" Nevermind " I told him pissed off. Maybe next time.

" Okay. You're really moody today, huh? " He said with a smile, obviously, lightening the mood of our conversation.

" It's because of you. " I mumbled slapping him playfully. Still pissed at him.

" What did I do now? " Raffy pouted to me. He, once again, heard what I just have said. Why won't you stop pouting like that!? It's so cute when you do it!

" TEAGAN JAY C. TAYNE! Would you stop thinking like that! You're like a crazy woman! " Someone in my mind spoke up.

" Oh, shut up, bitch. It's true that Raffy is a cutie. Don't tell Teagan to stop her feelings. It's just natural for her to like him " The other one said.

" Hey, Teagan!, What are you saying? You're mumbling again " Raffy said and that brought me to the real world again.

" Uhm, n-n-nothing impor- aaahhh! " I stuttered and I didn't noticed there's a bump infront of me because I was talking to myself a while ago then Raffy just spoke up asking me what am I saying then, boom! Luckily, Raffy got me.

Here we go again! I just noticed that his eyes are so, so, beautiful

It's the first time I looked in his eyes so carefully. I lost my mind. He looked at me like he can see my soul. It gave me tingles in my spine.

" You're so......so beautiful Tea " I heard him whisper. We're still in the same position. Raffy, still holding me. His right arm at my back while the other is at the back of my head. And his face, just about 3 inches apart from mine. Wait a minute,Huh!? what did he just said? Beautiful? Me?

" What? " I asked him innocently still looking at his addictive, chocolate eyes. Oblivious about the world around us. 

" Uhm, nothing. Nothing " Then, we broke our eye contact and he let me stood up again. I can see his cheeks redding up a bit.Man, I'm really comfortable with our position. I wish I froze that moment when Raffy's still holding me, preventing me to fall to the ground.

" Oh, okay. I thought you said something " I wish he couldn't see my cheeks. It's burning up a bit.I think, at this time, it's really red...


Hehehe :) so, I did have fun writing this. How about you?, did you enjoy this Part? :)Stay in tune!

Feel free to drop your comments below =)) FAN/VOTE/COMMENT!

Follow me on twitter @Jasmin_Eala ! ;)

~ Jasmin xx

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