Back From The Dead: A Superlo...

By kevinfreakingsolo

579 17 9

The Winchesters are working a case in London when they meet the mysterious detective Sherlock Holmes and his... More

Back From The Dead: A Superlock Crossover

579 17 9
By kevinfreakingsolo

Hey guys! This is my first crossover fic. You should probably know that this is and AU where Sherlock is actually dead. It takes place during Season 6 of Supernatural (When Sam has his soul) and a few months after the Reichenbach fall. I know that the times are comepletely off, but just bare with me here. Anyways, enjoy.


John sighed as he added the last few bits of dirt, making sure to cover the box completely. He stood up, brushed the dirt off his hands, and looked at all four directions of the crossroads that he stood at the center of.  He was hoping that something or someone would show up. ‘Maybe I did it wrong?’

“Hello Watson” John turned around.

“Are you the Demon?” he asked nervously.

“I’d prefer to be called Crowley.” The demon walked closer to John. “Now, why am I here?” 

“My friend, Sherlock. Can you bring him back?”

“Of course I can. However, it is a deal and you need to put up your end of it.”

“What does that mean?” he asked, giving Crowley a puzzled look.

“You need to give me something in return." 

“Like what?” 

“We’ll cross that road when we get to it. I’ll come for my price in” he paused for a moment, carefully deciding on the best time. “five years?”

“Okay.” John reached out his hand, gesturing for him to shake it.

Crowley grinned. “Oh no. These things are sealed with a kiss.”

“But I’m not-“

“Oh yes you are. That’s the real reason why you want your friend back so badly. Isn’t it?” John looked down at his feet in embarrassment.

“Fine, but no tongue.” Crowley grabbed John by the arm and pulled him in for a kiss. John pulled away quickly. “I said no tongue!”

“You’ve got five years and Sherlock won’t remember being dead.”

He snapped his fingers and John was suddenly back in his flat. The house smelled of Sherlock’s favorite tea. 

“Such a boring day.” Said a warm familiar voice. John turned around and saw Sherlock casually sitting on the couch, wrapped in a white bed sheet.

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