5SOS Imagines

By retromalum

242K 3.2K 466

I love to write about the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer in my free time. 5 Seconds of Summer imagines all origi... More

All - Giggly Ball of Punk
Michael - Giggly Ball of Punk Part Two
Michael - Giggly Ball of Punk Part Three
All - #Y/NDrenched5SOS
Luke - You Have a Nightmare
Luke - Brake Lights
Luke - Don't Ever Forget
Michael - Song Imagine 'Not Like The Movies' by Katy Perry
Michael - Song Imagine 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' by Aerosmith
Michael - You Have a Nightmare
Calum - Wrong Number Darlin'
4/4 Preference - He Finds out You're Ticklish
Calum - I Think We Need to Talk
Luke - Pranks
4/4 Preference - He Uses Your Boobs as a Pillow
Luke - All Yours
Michael - He's Sick
Cashton Preference - You Have a Nightmare
All - New Kids
Luke - Groupies
Calum - New Kids Part Two
Calum - Forced Marriage
4/4 Preference - You Color with Him
Calum - Sugar Daddy
4/4 Preference - Another Member Says Something Sexual About You
Luke - Mr. Rockstar
Calum - Song Imagine 'Cocoon' by Catfish And The Bottlemen
Ashton - A Part of the Family
4/4 Preference - Giving Their Kid(s) a Bath
Luke - He Has a Nightmare
Luke - Song Imagine 'Roman Holiday' by Halsey

Luke - Our Little Angel

7K 86 7
By retromalum

Summary: You and Luke have a one night stand that results in a pregnancy, but a few months later when he's home visiting you have a miscarriage.


Your hands shake as you hold the positive pregnancy test in your hands. You slowly fall to sit on the fuzzy floor mat, bringing your knees to your chest as you begin to sob. The memories of how this happened slowly begin to play in your mind.

"How I Met Your Mother marathon tonight, princess?"

"Sounds good, Luke. But I get to pick what food we order."

"Just no more Thai food, please."

You chuckle and stick your tongue out at him, grabbing your phone as you call the nearest pizza parlor.

"Alright, thanks. Bye." You answer before hanging up. You slowly walk into the living room, plopping down beside Luke. "They said it could be almost an hour, because they have so many orders. I hope it's okay I still placed an order?"

"Of course. You know how much I love Luigi's Pizza." He smiles before pulling you against his chest, cuddling you close to him.

"Please be quiet, Lu, this is my favorite episode." You tease.

He chuckles, rolling his eyes before placing his hand on your knee, rubbing random shapes over the thin material of your leggings.

You slowly watch Luke out of the side of your eyes, watching as his eyes crinkle when he laughs at a particularly funny scene, the way his teeth always seem to end up biting at the black metal through his bottom lip. You bite your lip as he continues to trace shapes onto your knee, a fire igniting with every featherlight stroke. He turns to you quickly, meeting your gaze, cocking an eyebrow.

"Something on my face?" He grins mischievously.

"N-no." You mumble, burying your face under your blanket in embarrassment.

Luke chuckles, lifting the blanket from over your face, tilting your head up to meet his gaze with the pad of his thumb.

"What's up? And don't bullshit me, Y/N."


"I swear if you say "nothing" I will bend you over my knee and spank you right now. Tell me the truth."

Your cheeks flush at his comment, you fidget in your seat as you feel the burning sensation traveling throughout your body directly to the pit of your stomach.

"Don't say things like that unless you're going to follow through." You mutter, a sliver of confidence showing.

"Wh-what?" Luke asks.

"Nothing." You mutter, standing up to go into the kitchen only to be followed by Luke. His hands grip your hips roughly, pulling you close to his body, he slowly leans forward pressing his forehead against yours.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers.

You nod in response, closing the space between the two of you as his lips move with yours, his cold lip ring sending an unfamiliar, but amazing feeling throughout your body. You pull away slightly, keeping your forehead against his.

"Upstairs, please." You whisper, lust lacing your tone.

"You sure?" His eyes boring into yours, searching for any sign of hesitance.

"Yes, please, Luke I need you." You admit bashfully.

"That's all I wanted to hear." He smirks before carrying you upstairs bridal style.

A pounding at your front door jolts you from your thoughts, a wave of anxiety coursing through your body once you realize it's Luke at the door.

"C-coming!" You shout, wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks as you begin to open the door.

"Hey Y/N! I just wanted to hang out since I leave for tour tomorrow. Want to wat-"

A sob escapes your lips interrupting him.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asks, quickly shutting the door behind himself and guiding you to the couch.

You open your mouth to speak only to be cut off by another sob, burying your face in Luke's shirt. His hand rubs soothing circles on your back, pressing gentle kisses to the top of your head.

"You know you can tell me anything, Y/N. We're bes-"

"I'm pregnant, Luke." You mumble into his shirt.

Luke pauses, you lift your head to meet his gaze, his eyes wide with fear.

"Y-you're what?"

"I'm pregnant. I took five tests this morning, and I called my doctor earlier to schedule an appointment just to be sure, but it looks like I'm going to be having a baby. You don't have to worry about it, okay? I'm not going to ask you to give up the band for the baby. I don't expect any money or anything from you, but I had to tel-"

"Y/N" He interrupts, entwining your hand in his as he rubs over your knuckles soothingly. "I'm going to be here for you and the baby. Don't ever doubt that, okay? We're in this together. I know this is weird, because we're just friends, but I'm going to be there for the both of you. I love you so much, and I'm going to love our baby so much. I wish the timing were different, but I can definitely try and get off this to-"

"No, Luke. This is your dream. I'm not even that far along, so there's no reason for you to stay behind. I love you too though, and I'm going to miss you on tour."

"You can always call my mum up if you need anything, you know that right? I'll tell her about this, and if you want you can even come live at the-"

"Luke, calm down." You rub his bicep, trying to calm his nerves. "I don't need to move in with your mom, not yet at least, okay? By the time you come back from tour will probably be when I'll begin needing someone around more, so how about you just move in with me when you come back?"

Luke smiles, pulling you into a tight hug.

"Sounds like a plan. I can't believe we're having a baby." He chuckles in disbelief.

"I know. I never thought I'd have a baby with the paste eating kid." You tease.

"That was one time, Y/N!" He defends, crossing his arms.

You cock an eyebrow, giggling slightly at his defensive behavior. "Luke, why do you think the teachers always made me do the glue work for your projects?"

"Oh be quiet!" He pouts.

"So, when do you have to leave for the airport?" You ask timidly.

Luke's shoulders slump. "2 in the morning. I haven't even packed yet actually."


"I'll be fine!" He argues.

"Go home and pack! I'm sure your mom wants to spend the day with you too." You smile softly.

"Are you sure? I can stay if you're still freaking out?"

"No, you calmed me down, Lu. Thanks. I'm going to miss you. Kick some rockstar ass out there, and bring me back a lot of souvenirs!" You tease.

Luke rolls his eyes before enveloping you in a hug. "Alright Miss Bossy. We'll FaceTime every day like we always do, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah Luke. We've done this before. I know the drill."

He gives you a quick hug before opening the door.

"Y/N? I love you. Take care of our little one, please."

"Don't worry about us, Luke. Worry about Michael. He's the child you need to be concerned about." You tease.

You stand by the open door, leaning against it as you watch Luke walk to his car.

"Hey Hemmings! I love you too. Have fun, but not too much." You smirk before closing the door.

You smile to yourself as you place your hands on your stomach. You knew Luke meant his "I love you" in a friendly way, but you can't help but hope one day he'll say it with so much more meaning behind it. A light chuckle leaves your lips at the whole situation. You're having a baby with your best friend who you're madly in love with. Can you become any more of a cliché?


You roll over on your side, a huff leaving your lips as you feel another sharp pain in your stomach.

"Y/N? Can you please stop tossing and turning so much?" Luke asks.

"Sorry." You mumble.

"Are you okay?" He turns on his side facing you, his head propped up by his hand.

"I've been having really bad stomach pains all night." You pout.

"Does this normally happen? Is it my fault? I shouldn't have come home for the week. Maybe the baby doesn't like me being her-"

"Luke" You cut him off, a small laugh leaving your lips. "It's not you. Maybe the baby is just uncomfortable tonight. I'm going to go get the heating pad for my back though."

"Let me, Y/N!" Luke jumps out of bed, running into the bathroom to grab the light blue heating pad for your lower back. "Alright, sit up." He commands as he pulls the blankets off of you for a moment, his movements stopping once he looks down. "Y-Y/N. Y-you're bleeding." He trembles.

"What?" You ask, not understanding what he's talking about. "Just grab a band aid. They're in the medicine cabinet."

"No! You're bleeding down there!" He exclaims.

You quickly sit up, seeing a large pool of blood surrounding your lower half.

"L-Luke! We need to get to the hospital!" You scream, another sharp pain stabbing your side.

Luke wraps your arm around his shoulder, walking you to the car. He grips the steering wheel tightly as he races through traffic, his knuckles turning white from his grip. He barely has the car parked and off before he's unbuckling his seat belt, lifting you from the car and running inside the ER doors with you in his arms.

"I NEED HELP! OUR BABY! SHE'S BLEEDING! PLEASE HELP!" He screams, looking around frantically for a nurse.

"How far along is she?" A nurse asks as she runs over to the two of you with a wheelchair, helping you sit down before wheeling you down a long hallway.

"Four months." Luke answers.

"Are you in any pain, love?" She asks.

"Yes, I've had severe stomach pains all night." You grimace as another sharp pain hits you, Luke holding your hand tightly as you breathe through the pain.

"How much blood have you lost?" She asks, as she wheels you into a room with a single bed with a white curtain enclosing the small bed.

You frown. "I'm not sure. There was a lot of blood on our bed."

She nods in understanding as she scribbles some information down on your chart.

"We need to do some tests quickly to ensure the baby is still alive and okay. Sir, we're going to need you to wait in the waiting room. The doctor or myself will be out as soon as we have some information for you." She explains, shooing Luke out of the room.

"But, I want to stay with her!" He exclaims, tears beginning to stream down his face.

"Luke, we'll be okay. Just wait for us, yeah?" You encourage, digging your nails into your skin as another sharp pain hits you, but you want to stay strong for Luke.

"I love you!" He shouts before the door is being shut in his face.

"I love you too, Lu!" You shout back, unsure if he even heard you as the doctor and nurse lift you onto the bed to begin the tests.


The nurse comes out a few hours later finding Luke in the corner, shifting in the uncomfortable plastic chair, his hair a mess from running his hands through it constantly, his bottom lip has a small dried blood speckle from being bitten so hard. Once he sees her step out he immediately rushes to her.

"Are they okay? Can I go see her? Please?" His eyes frantically searching hers for answers.

"Luke" She begins, a solemn tone to her voice causing a lump to form in his throat. "Y/N is okay, but we couldn't save the baby. I'm so sorry." She smiles sadly. "I can take you back to her now. She needs you." She turns around, holding the large door open for him as he follows her to your room. "I'll leave the two of you alone. I'll be back later to check on her."

Luke looks through the small window in the door, his heart breaking as he watches you sobbing quietly as you cradle a small blanket in your arms. He feels the lump in his throat grow tens time larger when he realizes you're holding your baby, his baby. He slowly opens the door, a sad smile on your lips as you wave him over.

"Do you want to hold her?" You ask quietly.

"Her?" His voice croaks, tears slowly streaming down his face.

"Yeah, we were going to have a little girl, Lukey." You smile sadly as you pass the small baby girl into his arms.

"She's so small." He whispers. "You look like your mommy, princess. So beautiful." He presses a soft kiss to her forehead before looking up at you.

"How are you doing?" He asks, holding the baby tighter against his chest.

"I'm to be as expected. They have me on some serious pain killers, but it really hurts. I don't know what I did wrong. I was doing everything they told me to! Why did this have to happen, Luke?" You tremble, a steady stream of tears flowing freely down your flushed cheeks.

Luke pushes stray hairs out of your face, cupping your face with his free hand, his thumb rubbing your cheek gently.

"Hey, hey now. This is not your fault, Y/N. This happens, okay? You didn't cause this. Our little angel was just too perfect for this world, okay? She's up there looking out for us though, and we're going to be okay. I promise. I love you." He kisses your forehead, he pulls back, kissing your baby girl's forehead gently once more before laying her in the crib beside your bed. He carefully crawls onto the bed with you, pulling you tightly against his chest as you begin to sob. "I need to hear you tell me that you know this isn't your fault, Y/N." He begs.

"I know it's not my fault, Luke, but-"

"No buts about it, Y/N. I'm just so thankful that you're okay. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." He whispers against your hair.

"Knock knock" The nurse smiles shyly as she slowly opens the door. "Y/N, your tests came back okay, and you're perfectly fine to leave tonight if you want. You can stay here overnight though if you'd prefer. If you do leave the doctor would like you to visit sometime tomorrow just to do some follow up tests."

You look at Luke nervously before looking at the nurse. "If it's okay, I'd like to go home today."

"That's perfectly fine. A lot of women prefer that, because it's more comforting to be at home. Your paperwork is all taken care of, so whenever the two of you are ready feel free to leave. We'll see you again soon, Y/N. I'm so sorry once again for both of you. You're a strong couple though. I can tell by the way you look at each other."

"Oh, we're not a cou-"

"Thanks, I really love her." Luke interrupts, kissing your head.

"Can we go back to your mom's house tonight? I want to sleep in your old bed. I can't be in that apartment." You explain.

"Of course." Luke hums before helping you from the bed.

The two of you say your goodbyes to your baby girl, before Luke helps walk you to the car. The drive to his childhood house is silent, except for the quiet hum of the radio as it tries to find a station. You keep your gaze focused outside the passenger window as Luke drives down the all too familiar road.

Liz is standing on the front porch waiting for the two of you, she rushes to your side as you slowly exist the vehicle.

"Honey, I'm so sorry." She whispers as she pulls you into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry too." You mumble.

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. This is just an unfortunate thing to happen to our family, but the two of you will be okay. I promise." She places her hand on your cheek comfortingly, kissing your cheek before pulling her son into a hug. He grabs your hand gently once she pulls away, gesturing for the two of you to follow. "I know I always have the rule of no sharing a bed, but tonight it's okay." She teases.

"Thanks, mum." Luke mutters.

Luke quietly shuts the door behind the two of you as he throws you a pair of spare sweatpants with a cut up t-shirt. "I hope these are okay." He slips some sweatpants on as you do the same. He grabs your waist, pulling you onto the bed gently, pulling your body flush against his bare chest, kissing your nose.

"I love you." He mutters.

You look up, the moon shining in through his curtains illuminating his beautiful features.

"Are we going to be okay?" You whisper.

"Look at me, beautiful. As long as I have you in my life we'll always be okay. I know we've done things the unconventional way, but I'm in love with you, and this is probably the wrong time to be telling you, but I am, and I want us to be more than friends, and I want to help you through this difficult time. I want to be with the love of my life, and get through this together. I promise I'll always be there for you."

He watches you carefully, his heart beating erratically, increasing in speed every second that passes without a response from you. You stare at him in disbelief, opening and closing your mouth, struggling to find the words you've waited so many years to tell him.

"I understand if you don't want that. I'm here as your friend sti-"

"I love you too, Lu." You smile, gently entwining your fingers with his. "I always have, but I've never had the nerve to tell you. I never thought you'd feel the same way."

Luke presses a quick kiss to your lips, wiping the tear stains from your cheeks.

"I bet you our little angel is up there smiling down at us. This is all thanks to her." He whispers.

"I miss her so much, Lu, and I barely knew her." You look up at him with tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

"You carried her for four months. You knew her more than I did. She loved us both, and she knew how much she was loved." He reassures.

"Can you just hold me until I fall asleep?" You ask quietly.

"Of course, princess." He wraps his arms around you tighter, kissing your head, his lips lingering as he murmurs "I love you's" against your hair.

You bury your head into his chest, inhaling his comforting scent.

"Will you come with me to the hospital tomorrow?"

"I was already planning on it." He smiles. "Now get some sleep."

"Thank you, Luke." You mumble against his chest.

"We'll be okay, I promise. I'm always going to be here for you."

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