On the Trunk of the Oak Tree

By xxxShadowxxx

106 0 0


On the Trunk of the Oak Tree

106 0 0
By xxxShadowxxx

 It was dusk

 The moonlight hid it’s flustered face

 Mist rose up

From the earth

And met the fog that came raining downward

 My shelter was the

Fullest clusters

 Of leaves

On the branches

 Of an oak tree

 On the trunk of the of the oak tree

 Was a scattering of gnarled faces

 Caterpillars had not yet woken

And still were curled into fragile

 Breathing Spirals

 With legs that are too many tucked into the

 Soft body of the infant worm

 Velvet hairs are her sensors

 Like the glassy

 Orblike eyes that do not close

 They slept in

 The eye sockets

Of the faces

 On the trunk of the oak tree

That withstood the

 Storms of fog and mist

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