Surrender to Love (Sequel to...

By foreverlovingnemi

84.5K 2.9K 608

In this story Demi must pick up the pieces after, yet another fight, turned her world upside down. Her ex boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 10

3.5K 86 34
By foreverlovingnemi


Surprisingly, fighting Carter in the charity event actually gave me a new respect for the guy. As we played pool, we were actually having fun & we had this camaraderie, now, that went a little deeper than it had gone before. I could actually call him my friend, now & I was glad. He was a decent guy & now that I knew there wasn't anything going on with him & Demi or would be going on with them, I could let down my guard & be his friend.

I waited for Carter to take his shot & glanced over at Delta & Demi, who had gone up to the bar to get more drinks, I assumed. I smiled, seeing them talk, but my smile quickly faded when I saw Demi's expression turn angry, then I saw her pull her arm back & land a punch right on Delta's left eye. I sat there, stunned for a second, then Carter must have heard the commotion because he turned just in time to see Delta on the floor. He ran over & I followed him, both of us getting there at the same time so we could help her stand up.

"What the fuck happened?" I yelled out as I squatted at Delta's side. I held onto Delta as she tried to stand. I looked over at Carter as Delta seemed to be holding onto my shoulder for balance. Carter looked as confused as I was. "Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" I asked Delta, who, quickly, shook her head.

"I'm fine. I used to box in my spare time, so I'm used to it." Delta said, her voice sounding amused.

Carter was shaking his head like he still couldn't believe what had happened. "What happened? Did Demi hit you?" He asked. I guess he didn't turn around quick enough because he missed the part where Demi hit Delta. 

Delta looked at me, then at Carter & she looked down, bashfully. "Yea. I was just joking around & said I was going to get you all liquored up & have fun with you tonight." Her eyes lifted to look at Carter, whose eyebrows shot up. "I'm not sure why it upset her. If I was joking or not, she seemed so defensive over Carter."

I felt myself become jealous hearing this. I know Demi cared about Carter, but this seemed more about her being possessive over him & not wanting him to move on. Delta wrapped her arm around Carter's neck as he helped her to sit down & I turned around to say something to Demi, but didn't see her anywhere. 

I walked fast toward the door of the bar & headed outside, looking around in a panic, when I didn't see her right away. I called out her name a few times, then started walking down the sidewalk, looking all over the parking lot. As I got to the end of the sidewalk, I saw her standing against a light pole. Her head was turned away from me, so she didn't see me walk up until I cleared my throat. I saw her rubbing her knuckles & she sighed, at the same time I sighed with relief that I found her.

"Did you come out here to yell at me for hitting her?" She asked in a snarl as she rolled her eyes.

"Yell at you? Why would I yell at you? I came to see if you were okay." I said as I reached for her hand. "Your hand okay?" I asked & she nodded. "I was a little impressed by your contact. Your form, too. You used what I taught ya." I smirked up at her & she didn't look amused. "Why did you hit her?" I choked on the question since I was afraid of her answer.

Demi pulled her hand from mine & sighed, loudly. "She kept going on & on about you & how hot you are & how she loves to watch you work out because you're so mesmerizing." Demi clicked her tongue as I felt my face contort with confusion. "Then she said something that just was..." Demi was shaking her head in disbelief. "It was so inappropriate to say to someone's girlfriend. She had the nerve to say she bets you fuck hard & good." Demi's expression was that of disgust. "I mean who fucking says that about a guy to his girlfriend? I just snapped after hearing her ramble on & on about my boyfriend. I'm not even sorry, to be honest. She had no fucking right to say that to me."

Since I heard a different reason from Delta, I couldn't help but to be suspicious of the whole situation, but I wasn't going to make a big deal about it. "So you were pissed she made a comment about me?" I was leaning toward believing Demi, anyway, so it didn't matter what Delta said. It would only make Demi angrier if she knew. 

Demi pursed her lips & nodded at me. "Do you blame me? I mean what would you do if some guy started talking to you about how I looked so hot & that they bet I fucked good?"

"I'd be pissed. Probably punch their lights out." I said, my mouth twitching a little.

Demi still wasn't smiling. "She's probably gonna press charges."

"I doubt she will. Do you want to go in & apologize to her? Maybe she won't if you apologize."

"Apologize? I'm not going to apologize. She was out of line." Demi rolled her eyes again & looked away.

"Well, I think you should at least talk to her & try to smooth things over." I slid my arm around her waist & put my head close to hers. Demi glanced up at me & took in a deep breath before she let the breath out. I kissed her temple, letting my lips linger a little. "I'll go with you. Come on." I took her hand, that wasn't sore & pulled her with me as I headed back into the bar.

In the bar, I saw Carter & Delta sitting at a table, talking as they stared into each other's eyes. Delta was holding something on her eye & as we got closer, I saw it was a washcloth with ice in it. Delta saw us walking toward them & looked smug for a moment, but then her expression changed as we sat down. "Delta, I hope you know I hit you because of what you were talking about. It was very inappropriate to be saying to me, but I'm not sorry I hit you. I just hope you can understand why I did it." Demi sat across from Delta & spoked the words, eloquently & with a seriousness, but I could tell she was angry.

"I guess I should be careful of what I say or who I talk about in front of you." Delta said as she watched Demi, carefully.

"Are you going to press charges?" Demi asked, her face stoic. She was not backing down from Delta & I was a little impressed.

"I probably should because you can't just go around hitting people when they offend you." Delta said with a smirk & I felt this need to protect Demi from her for some reason. "But maybe we can work something out. I think maybe you need to channel some of that energy into a positive outlet. I think you should come train at my dad's gym & maybe do some actual fighting in the ring once you're ready." Delta's eyebrow was up & I wasn't sure if she was serious or not.

I let out a slight chuckle thinking she was joking & looked over at Demi, who was looking at Delta through narrowed eyes. "That might not be a bad idea. Would I be fighting you?"

Delta laughed & shook her head. "You never know."

"You can't start fighting." I said with a slight nervous chuckle as I looked at Demi.

"Why can't I start fighting?" Demi scowled at me.

"Um.. because you are a girl & you have a career already."

Demi leaned back, her eyes wide. "I'm a girl? Uh... girls can fight. Look at Ronda Roussey. And this wouldn't be a career change, it would be a hobby. Something to do on the side. Like Carter does." Demi motioned to Carter with her head & he nodded.

"I think it could be fun for you. Besides, it is in your blood." Carter smiled at her.

Demi gave him an eye roll then looked at me. "I'm going to go to the restroom & then we can leave." She stood up & smiled down at me.

"Okay... then we can discuss you fighting in a little more detail."

Demi leaned down & kissed me, softly. "There isn't much to discuss. You're my boyfriend, not my dad."

"You were calling me daddy last night." I murmured against her mouth & she let out a giggle, then looked at Carter & Delta, who were engrossed in a conversation, so they didn't hear me. I watched Demi walk away then looked at Carter. "You really think it's a good idea if she fights for real?"

"Why not?" Carter lifted his drink to his mouth.

"Yea, why not? I think it's a good way for her to channel some of that anger." Delta offered, sipping at her drink.

"I don't know. I just feel like she shouldn't get into it." I said, with a sigh, then reached for my beer. Carter changed the subject for a moment, but then Delta brought it back.

"Are you worried Demi won't have time for you if she starts fighting? Is that why you don't want her to fight?" Delta asked & then Demi sat down at the table, so I got the impression Delta saw her coming & wanted to stir up some trouble.

"Is that why?" Demi asked me.

"No. I just think you're so dainty & I wouldn't want you to get hurt." I smiled at Demi but she looked annoyed.

"It's not like I'd be fighting anyone in the cage for a while. No one even knows who I am. Why would respected fighters want to fight a no name?" Demi chuckled.

Delta clicked her tongue & started shaking her head. "Honey... we have free advertising right here." She pointed at her eye. "When people see that I got a black eye from Patrick Lovato's daughter & that she is gonna train for fights, they will be lining up to fight you. And you're gonna get lots of male attention, too. I see how the girl fighters get ogled at by the guys & it's usually a respect, not like sexually. But for you it could be sexually since you're a fucking hottie." Delta laughed then looked at me & stopped when she saw the serious expression on my face.

"She doesn't need to be ogled at." I said.

"You both could go on a card together & it would be a money maker for sure." Delta clapped her hands & laughed with excitement. "I can't wait until my dad hears!"

"She didn't say she was going to start training." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"I didn't say it, but I am thinking about it. I think I should at least try." Demi shrugged her shoulders. "Anyway, I'll be in touch with your dad, soon." Demi said to Delta then stood up again. "You ready to go?" She asked me & I nodded, standing as well. I chugged the rest of my beer, said good bye & then took Demi's hand so we could leave the bar. I didn't speak as we walked to the car, then was pretty quiet on the ride home. Demi talked about fighting & how fun she thought it might be & how she could feel closer to her dad. I felt guilty at that point, since I really didn't want her to fight. Who was I to keep her from feeling close to her dad? I would have to keep quiet about my hesitation, for now.

We ended up going to my house after we left the bar, since it was closer. Jay was drinking with a few friends when we got there & Demi looked annoyed since there was a girl on his lap. Michelle & Jay hadn't been hanging out as much over the last month or so, but Demi was protective of her best friend. She shot me a look, then went to my bedroom & slammed the door. Jay smirked as he shoved the girl, gently, off his lap. "What's her problem?" Jay asked, chuckling as he grabbed a beer off the table.

"I think she's upset because Michelle isn't here, but they are." I nodded my head toward Jay's friends.

"Michelle stopped calling me. Does she know that?" Jay's arm flailed out toward the hallway.

I laughed, shrugging my shoulders. "I don't know."

"Well, she should talk to her girl, because I would have kept seeing her."

"I'll be sure she knows that." I grinned, with my eyebrows up.

"Your fight for charity was pretty awesome, man. Want a beer?" Jay asked, holding his beer up for emphasis.

"No, thanks. Glad you made it to the fight, though. I better not let her be in there too long or she'll be mad at me." I fist bumped Jay, then headed to my bedroom. Demi was texting, frantically, on her phone & I tried not to laugh. I knew she was venting to Michelle, either about punching Delta or about Jay being here with other girls. "You want me to leave you alone so you can keep venting?" I asked & she looked up, appearing annoyed that I interrupted her.

"If you want to leave, leave. Or shall I leave?" Demi's bitter tone was accompanied by an eye roll & a sigh.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you mad at me? What the hell did I do?" I asked as I walked to the bed, taking off clothing items as I did.

"He's your brother & you don't even care that he's a douche bag."

I let out a short chuckle of disbelief. "Why is he a douche bag? Michelle is the one who stopped calling him. So if that's why he's a douche bag, then you better get your facts straight." I yanked my T-shirt off, over my head & tossed it. 

"Michelle stopped calling because he was always partying with other girls."

"Did they ever have a conversation about being exclusive?" I asked as I sat on my side of the bed.

Demi clicked her tongue as she looked up from her phone. "No, but sometimes it is insinuated. There doesn't always need to be a conversation."

"There does when you start off as casual." I replied, laughing, as I laid down on my side. Demi rolled her eyes & went back to texting into her phone. "Baby, I don't want to spend the evening fighting with you."

"We won't be fighting. I'm going to sleep." Demi said, not looking up from her phone.

"Sleep? You don't have to work tomorrow. I figured we could... uh...." I ran my hand up her thigh to finish my thought & she turned her head to glare at me. "What?" I asked in a high voice.

"You think I am in the mood to have sex? You basically told me at the bar that I couldn't start fighting, sounding like a neanderthal & then you're gonna defend your brother when he's a douche bag who's cheating on my best friend."

I snatched my hand from Demi's leg & sat up, abruptly. "What are you talking about? First of all, I didn't defend my brother. I was stating facts. They aren't exclusive, so I don't know how that is cheating. Second I didn't say you couldn't start fighting. I just said it might not be the best thing for you considering you have a career that you love already. You can get hurt in the cage, Demi. I'm just trying to get you to think about it & not rush into something you might regret." I got off the bed & started pacing, since I was angry now. "I don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth & I don't appreciate you picking a fight with me because of my brother or because you got into a fight with Delta & are still angry at her."

"I'm not angry at her anymore. I mean I'm still pissed at her inappropriate comment, but I'm over it & I think getting into fighting will be a great outlet. As for your brother, I am not picking a fight with you because of him. I'm just annoyed at how controlling you sounded at the bar when Delta was talking about me fighting." She tossed her phone, angrily on the nightstand so she could glare at me.

"I was expressing my concern for my girlfriend. Just like you have expressed your concern for me many many many times."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Am I not supposed to care about your well being? Am I supposed to pretend that everything will be fine?" She was raising her voice now & I really didn't want this to turn into a huge fight, so I needed to calm down before I said something stupid.

I took a deep breath, putting my hands on my hips. I made sure to keep my voice low as to not upset her further. "I was just making a point that you have expressed concern for me & that is merely what I was doing tonight. I love you & I don't want to see you hurt or rejected. If you want to fight & you start really getting into it, then I will be your biggest fan." I gave her a smile & she seemed to soften a bit as she bit her lip, gently. I crawled on the bed toward her, keeping my gaze fixated on her. "If you start fighting, it might actually turn me on. I love seeing that side of you. It's sexy. When you're mad at me & I see that anger flash in your eyes, I can't help but to imagine fucking you until you're no longer mad at me." I smirked as I hovered over her, pressing my crotch into hers.

"I'd never let you fuck me if I was mad at you." Demi's eyebrow went up in a cocky way, making me laugh.

"Oh really? Well, you're mad at me now." I rotated my hard bulge on her mound & she let out a soft sigh.

"Who says I'm mad at you now?" Demi asked, her voice shaking a little.

"You're so mad at me. I told you not to fight. I think my brother is totally justified in hanging with other girls when Michelle doesn't call him for weeks."

Demi looked down, briefly, at my body & was trying not to smile. "You're telling me not to fight?"

I nodded, licking my lips. "I don't want you fighting. I don't want other guys watching you train. You're mine. I'm the only one allowed to admire your form." I flashed her a sexy smile before I put my lips on hers to kiss her, passionately. As I kissed her, I moved my bulge up & down her slit & I smiled when I felt a wetness. "You won't be able to stay mad at me for long. I'm gonna make you feel really good." I murmured against her mouth. "I'm going to make you scream, but it will be out of sheer ecstasy." I said in a hoarse whisper as I moved my lips down her chin to her neck, then back up to her ear. A tiny moan came from deep within her as her breathing quickened. I slipped my hand beneath the waistband of her boy shorts, then slid my fingers into her crease, feeling the wetness of her p.ussy. Her moans came more frequently & got a little louder as I pumped my three fingers in & out of her. My mouth moved down to her breasts, that were still covered by the thin tank top she had on, but that didn't stop me from having fun with her nipples. I could feel her getting worked up beneath me as she squirmed, clawing at my arms.

"If you don't fuck me right now, I'm gonna be really pissed." Demi breathed out in a groan.

I lifted my head to stare down at her face, pulling my fingers from her, then moving my hand to the waistband of her shorts to tug them down as much as I could. I was so close to her, I could feel her heart racing against my skin. "How pissed will you be?" I asked, gruffly.

Demi sighed, letting a moan come out with it. "Really pissed." She said in a shallow breath.

I got up on my knees & pulled her pants down with both hands, keeping my focus on her face as she seemed to be growing impatient. "So you'll be really pissed if I tease you instead of fucking you?" I asked, looking down at her beautifully manicured p.ussy.

"Yessssss." She hissed & I smiled at her, glancing at her face, briefly.

"You are really hot when you're pissed." I said as I moved so my head was above her crotch. She seemed to be glaring at me as she got up on her arms. I breathed hard, aiming the warmth at her hot box & her head fell back as she dug her heels into the bed. I ran my tongue over her lips, letting it slip inside of her for a few quick movements. I heard her grunt, impatiently & I tried not to laugh. When I looked up at her I saw her head had fallen back, so I started flicking my tongue across her c.lit. Her body started trembling & as I dove mouth first into her pu.ssy, her hands came to grab my head while her body collapsed on the bed. Moaning could be heard from her as I sucked & nibbled on her sweet spot. I stopped, every few minutes to drive her crazy & she tried, desperately to push my head into her wet pu.ssy, but I resisted. I knew she was getting frustrated as she bucked under my head & applied pressure with her hands. I went back to e.ating her out & brought her just to the brink of an orgasm before I stopped to remove my boxers.

Demi looked like a rabid animal as she waited for me to fuck her & I almost laughed again, because she did look really pissed. I laid on top of her, putting my mouth on hers & kissed her as we stared into each other's eyes. She was panting, moans & groans escaping every few breaths, so I slipped my hard c.ock into her. Once I was deep inside of her, she moaned, loudly, sounding extremely relieved that I was in her, finally. I moved against her, my erection sliding in & out, in perfect rhythm, to make her moan, erotically, into my ear. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders & I thrust into her, deeply & with each hard drive into her, her moans got louder. After a few minutes in this position, I felt her getting close to a climax, so I lifted up on my hands & plunged into her, repeatedly. I watched her breasts bounce & her face contort with pleasure which pushed me close to my own or.gasm. I felt the buildup overwhelm me so I jack hammered into her until we were both screaming out, in unison, from our erotic peak. To finish emptying my juices, I pushed up into her, slowly, grunting as I did & forcing soft moans to come out of her mouth, before I tried to stifle them with a kiss.

Once I stopped moving, I trembled above Demi as we both caught our breath. Her eyes were shut & her mouth was open just a little so she could breathe, hotly. "Still mad at me?" I asked, breathlessly, with a smirk on my face.

Slowly, Demi opened her eyes & a soft smile crept onto her lips as she shook her head. "I'm not mad at anyone right now. You fucked the anger right out of me." She let out a giggle as I leaned to kiss her neck.

"Good." I mumbled as my lips pressed against hers. I kissed her, softly, as we kept breathing hard, then I lifted my head a little, but kept our mouths close together. "I love you."

Demi pulled me close to her, so my arms gave out & most of my body weight was on top of her, but she didn't mind. "I love you, too." She said into my ear, with a tone that sent goosebumps all over my body.

After some more kissing & touching, I eventually laid beside her & we had some pillow talk before we fell asleep. The next day, Demi & I got up, made love, had breakfast, then headed to the gym. Chuck was thrilled when he saw us, having already talked to Delta. He was so excited that Demi might be getting into the cage soon. He didn't pressure her, but instead encouraged her to start slow with working out, then he'd set her up with a trainer. I felt myself get a little jealous when Chuck started mentioning trainers he could pair her with, since they were all guys. Most of them, I knew by name, but thinking of any guy working with her so closely kind of made me nuts. I think Chuck sensed my hesitation & trepidation, because he mentioned a female trainer.

Demi shrugged hearing the female fighter's name & said, "I've seen Joe fight before, so maybe I can work with him."

I felt a little better about her working with Joe, because he was an older guy who was married with a family. That helped me be a little less jealous. I also had worked with him a few times here at the gym & he was an amazing trainer. Chuck said he would set it up with Joe to come to the gym one night that week & he also would contact a few female trainers. Demi seemed enthusiastic about it when Chuck walked away & she turned toward me, a huge smile on her face. "Want to work out with me?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll go change & meet ya out here." She gave me a quick kiss, bent to pick up her bag then headed toward the locker room. After we were both in our work out attire, I took Demi around the gym, showing her the equipment, making sure she knew how to work all of it, plus I introduced her to some of the people I had come to know at this gym over the last several weeks.

Watching Demi work out with some of the weights impressed me. She was lifting almost as much as I lifted. I would have to keep this in mind, for the future, if she ever got pissed at me & wanted to hit me. She was one strong woman. 

It was actually kind of fun working out with Demi & knowing we had this thing in common made me feel even better about the longevity of our relationship. We worked out for several hours, then went back to our places to get ready for a date night. It was my suggestion since I had this new car I wanted to show off & I had just picked up my paycheck from Navy Street. I didn't know what I was going to do about money since my dad probably wouldn't let me keep working for him, but I was going to enjoy the night with my girl & not think about it. We went to a nice restaurant for dinner, then I took her to a movie she had wanted to see. We went back to her place afterwards & ended our night cuddling on the couch, watching another movie, before we started making out. That led to us being naked, which led to us making love before heading to bed.

Over the next week, Demi worked, then came to the gym in the evening to work out. I was thrilled to get a job at the Knock Out as a bartender who also could be a bouncer when needed, plus Chuck had me doing some photo shoots & promo events for his gym, that paid pretty well. During the week, I only really got to see Demi while she was at the gym, which put a little strain on our relationship. We would work out together, then she headed home to go to bed, while I headed to the bar. A few nights, I would go to her house after I left the bar, but I tried not to wake her since she had to work early in the morning.

During the second week of training at Chuck's gym, I was surprised when Ryan & Jay showed up. I was at the weight bench, when they came over to me. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, sitting up.

They exchanged a look then both shrugged their beefy arms. "We're gonna start working out here." Jay said with a smirk as he looked around.

"You are? Both of you?" I asked, laughing as I stood up & they nodded. "That's awesome. What made you decide to do that?"

"Well, Dad & Wilmer are getting obnoxious at Navy Street, so we packed up our lockers & here we are." Jay crossed his arms.

"Dad is okay with this?"

"He doesn't care. I mean we don't have any fights lined up, so right now, we're just looking to train to get ready for one if it comes up. We're ready." Jay nodded his head as he looked at Ryan, then he grabbed Ryan by the head & put their foreheads together.

Ryan shoved Jay away, laughing. "Besides, it's not the same without you, Nick." Ryan smiled as he playfully punched my stomach.

"Well, what can I say? I'm the fucking best." I chuckled & the both gave me a slight shove to put me back in my place.

I worked out with Ryan & Jay & was so into it, I didn't see Demi come in until she was a few feet from me, a huge smile on her face. "Hey, babe." I sauntered over to her & planted a kiss on her mouth.

"I'm getting in the ring today. Joe said I'm ready to spar with someone & he's bringing in a girl he used to train. She doesn't fight anymore, but she still works out & spars. I'm so excited." Demi was bouncing on her feet. "Joe also said you could be in my corner if you want. Give me pointers & of course support." She grinned up at me as her hands pulled on my shirt, gently. "Does Chuck mind you wearing Navy Street shirts in here?" She asked, chuckling.

I laughed as Ryan & Jay both seemed intrigued with my answer as well. "Actually, he loves it because it shows that I chose his gym over Navy Street." I took a deep breath then let it out. "I'd love to be in your corner by the way. You ready?"

Demi nodded, excitedly. "Yea. I have an hour before she gets here. I'm going to go change." I watched her walk to the locker room, then turned to my brother.

"You guys sticking around?"

"Yea. I want to see her spar." Jay said, Ryan nodding in agreement.

I have to admit, I was a little nervous watching Demi step into the cage, wearing her gear. I didn't want to see her get hurt & I had to keep telling myself that this was for sport, for fun or else I'd beat this bitch's ass as soon as she hit Demi hard enough to knock her down. There was quite a crowd around the cage, once Demi & her opponent were in there. I sat on the side, watching the girls prepare themselves. The other girl's name was Lita & I wasn't sure if that was her real name or not, but she looked like a badass. I didn't know much about her, but I was determined to help Demi as much as I could. I kept my eyes on her form & her techniques when she'd throw a punch & I'd throw out my instructions or encouragement, while Joe did the same from outside the cage.

Demi got quite a few good throws in as did Lita, but Demi seemed to be such a natural at this, I think everyone who had watched her was in awe. I kept hearing people around me praising her & talking about how amazingly natural she was in the cage. It was definitely in her blood, that was for sure. I had to ignore a few of the knuckleheads that wanted to comment about how hot she was & how they wouldn't mind getting into a cage with her. I shut my eyes, took a deep breath & counted to ten, until the moment passed where I wanted to punch them in their perverted mouths. Demi was out of breath when she exited the cage. I held her hand as she came down the steps & she smiled at me. "That was so fucking exhilarating, I can't wait to do that again. How did I look, babe?"

I smiled as I pulled her away from the crowd, then slipped my arm behind her lower back. I looked down into her eyes & licked my lips before I spoke to her. "You looked awesome & I could not be more proud of you. You killed it, baby. You are so born to do this." I leaned to kiss her lips & she smiled as I did.

"I heard everything you said & I tried to take your suggestions."

"I know. I saw. You were so amazing & I got really turned on, to be honest." I looked down at her mouth, then bit my lip.

"Did you, now?" She asked in a sexy voice.

"I did. You ready to get out of here?"

Demi nodded her head, now biting her lip, knowing it turned me on. She took my hand & pulled me with her as she walked. I tried not to notice all the guys eyeballing her as we passed them. A few of them I made eye contact with & they seemed to get the hint that she was very much spoken for & that her MMA boyfriend was not going to tolerate such disrespect. I felt vindicated watching them avert their eyes to something other than my girlfriend or her ass. I was the only one allowed to enjoy looking at her ass, perfectly poured into a pair of tight workout pants. 

Once Demi was showered & changed, she met me by my car, since I didn't take nearly as long to get cleaned up as she did. "I'm still pumped after being in the cage. My excitement level is like up here." She stood on her tiptoes & reached up with her hand over her head to emphasize her statement. "I want to do something to keep this high going."

I wrapped my arms around her middle as she leaned on me, while I leaned on my car. "I could fuck you. That might keep the high going." I smirked, feeling myself get excited.

Demi bit her bottom lip again & looked around the parking lot, which was dark in some areas where the lights had burnt out. "Fuck me right here."

I laughed, quietly. "In my car? Okay."

"No. Not in your car. Right here." She pointed down with her finger & my eyebrows came together in confusion.

"It's not that secluded." I replied, looking around. We were in the last row of the parking lot, with the closest light being many yards away. Behind us, was a huge fence separating the neighborhood, on the other side, from the large lot. I had backed into the spot so my trunk was in almost complete darkness. "Okay, come on." I took her hand & pulled her to the back of my car, then grabbed her around the waist & sat her on my trunk. I hurriedly undid my pants, sliding them down to free my erection & she slid her yoga pants down, as a huge grin took over her face. 

I pulled her pants down all the way to her ankles then started kissing her, while getting extremely turned on to be doing this where anyone could see. I don't know what it was about fucking her in public places, but it was the biggest turn on for me. Quickly, I slid myself into her hole, gripping her ass so I could push us as close to each other as we could be. I was listening to her soft moans & quick gasps in my ear, but also hearing voices of people coming out of the gym. Her wet hair was creating a curtain around our heads, so I wasn't even sure if anyone was around to witness our rendezvous.

I moved against her, rotating my hips & keeping my manhood buried deep inside of her. It was either the excitement of being out here in the open parking lot, albeit dark, or the idea of fucking the bad ass I just watched in the cage, but something was making us both tremble from our simultaneous climax within minutes. It was an intense orgasm even if it came quickly & it was probably one of the best sexual encounters I'd ever experienced.  

While we came down from this immense pleasure, she gripped my shoulder with one arm, while her other arm held her up. I had one arm around her waist, while my other arm secured us on the opposite side of her arm resting on the car. Our foreheads were touching as our breath hit each other in the face. "Jesus Christ." She gasped. "If sex is like that every time I get in the cage, I am making that a daily thing." She let out a breathy chuckle & I laughed, then cringed before I pulled my c.ock out of her. I gave her a quick kiss before I helped her off the car, before I fastened my pants. I pulled her pants up to help her out & she smiled at me, gratefully. "I really like this car a lot more now."

I grinned & kissed her again. "Me, too. We officially christened it."

"The trunk, anyway. We still have to christen the back seat & front seat & the hood."

"If it wasn't a convertible, we could christen the roof."

"We'll just have to christen the trunk twice, then." Demi winked at me, then started walking away. "I'm parked over there. I'll meet you at my place?"

I looked to where she was pointing & saw her car parked near the entrance to the gym. I also noticed a group of several big guys hanging out nearby & I sighed. "Get in the car, baby. I'll drive you over there."

Demi turned around & gave me a smirk as she tilted her head. "You're so cute. You don't want those guys talkin to me, do you?"

I opened the passenger door & smiled, shrugging my shoulders. "I don't want to have this buzz killed by some loud mouth douche bags."

Demi rolled her eyes but she got in the car & let me drive her a few rows over to her car. I got out of my car & opened her door for her, then kissed her before I closed her door. I looked over at the group of guys who had stopped talking to watch us & gave them a nod. I may have also flexed my muscles as I cracked my knuckles. It was my way of letting every dude in this place know she was off limits & if any of them tried talking to her, they would end up on the wrong end of my fist with my legs gripped around their neck, choking the life out of them.

When I got to Demi's house, I got out of the car & waited for her to get out of her car & when she did I saw she was on the phone. "Okay, we'll see you on Sunday." She said then gripped her phone as she walked toward her front door. "We're going to dinner at my mom's Sunday." She said over her shoulder.

"We are? I'm going to meet your mom? And Wilmer's dad?" I asked, coming up behind her as she unlocked her door.

Demi stepped inside her house. "I want you to be there when I tell my mom that I'm fighting." Demi tossed her keys on her table & walked into her kitchen. "I'm starving. Want some frozen pizza?"

"Sure. But don't you think your mom has heard from Wilmer? He's had to have heard through the rumor mill that you're fighting."

"She hasn't called me, freaking out or asking me, so I'm going to assume she doesn't know anything. And don't worry about meeting Eddie. He's a great guy & not at all like Wilmer." Demi chuckled as she pulled a pizza from her freezer.

I sighed as I turned the oven on. I listened to Demi go on & on about how excited she was that I was going to finally meet her parents & I tried not to freak out. I had never met a girl's parents before. Not one I was dating, anyway. I didn't count my high school girlfriend's parents, because they had known me since I was in grade school. I also never hung out with them, during a dinner or something. This was nerve wracking to me. I wanted her parents to like me, but I was worried they wouldn't like the fact that I was from a poor area & was on a career path to be a professional MMA fighter. 

The rest of the week, I couldn't stop thinking about meeting Demi's parents, but Jay assured me they would like me. "Everyone likes you." Is what he said before he suggested taking them a plant, some flowers or a bottle of wine or something. I decided to take over a bottle of wine I got at a local liquor store. When Demi saw it as we were leaving, she smiled.

"My mom loves wine. She'll love this." Demi said as I started the car. We drove to Demi's parents' house & on the way I asked if Wilmer would be there & she said that he shouldn't be.

I felt my heart racing in my chest as Demi held my hand while we walked toward the house. She opened the door & stepped in. "It smells good in here." I commented as Demi closed the door.

"My mom is an amazing cook." She hung up her purse on a hook near the front door, then took my jacket & hung it up, too. "Mom! We're here."

"In the kitchen, sweetie." I heard a voice call out, sounding a little like Demi's.

Demi took my hand & pulled me into the kitchen with her. I saw her mom at the sink & she turned her head to smile at us when she heard our footsteps. She was an attractive woman & I saw where Demi got her looks. Her smile was just like Demi's & her eyes lit up the same way. "It's so good to see you, sweetheart." Demi's mom dried her hands & walked toward us, pulling Demi into a hug. "And Nick. So nice to finally meet you." I held my hand out to shake hers, but she laughed, rolling her eyes in Demi's direction. "Oh we are huggers in this family." She put her arms around me & I hugged her back. "Wow. You give amazing hugs." She laughed as she let go of me.

I blushed, smiled & looked at the floor. "Thanks." I said, then held out the bottle of wine. "This is for you as a thank you for having me for dinner tonight. It smells amazing by the way."

"Thank you so much. This is very thoughtful. I'm Dianna since Demi is slacking on this intro." Dianna smiled at me & Demi laughed.

"I'm sorry. Crap. Nick this is my mom, Dianna & mom, this is Nick."

"Your boyfriend." Dianna smirked with her eyebrows up. "He is very handsome." Dianna said out of the side of her mouth.

"Oh I know." Demi grinned, her eyebrows shooting up.

"You didn't tell me he was so handsome." Dianna said, smiling at me.

"Am I as red as I think I am right now?" I asked, laughing under my breath.

"Aww... baby." Demi linked her arm through mine. "Are we embarrassing you?"

"A little." I replied.

"Well, I'm sure you've been told you were handsome before." Dianna said as she placed the wine on the counter.

"Not really. Just by my mom." I let out a soft chuckle.

"Girls probably say you're hot." Dianna said, cackling as she got some wine glasses from a cupboard.

Eddie came in a moment later & I was introduced to him, then I listened while Demi & her parents talked. Just before we were about to sit down at the table to eat, a door opened & Wilmer came walking in. "Something smells amazing." He said before he actually came into the room.

I could feel my blood boiling & Demi stood in front of me to face Wilmer. "What are you doing here?"

"I stopped by to see my dad. Is that okay?" Wilmer responded in a bitter tone & I wanted to punch him for taking that tone with Demi.

"You know I come over for dinner on Sundays." Demi spewed out.

Wilmer looked over at his dad. "I'm sorry. I'll come over tomorrow evening. I know when I'm not wanted."

"We can all have dinner." Eddie spoke up & Demi turned to glare at him.

"No. That's okay. I don't want to upset Demi." Wilmer snarled as he glared at her, then he turned & left the room. A moment later we heard a door slam, & Dianna sighed.

"I wish you two would make up." Dianna looked at me like it was my fault Demi & Wilmer weren't talking & I suddenly felt uncomfortable. "Let's eat." Dianna said as she sat down.

After a few minutes of eating in silence, Demi broke the tension by adding more tension. "I have a new hobby." She said, smiling at her mom.

"Oh yea? What's that?"

"I'm training to fight. Like for real. In a cage under Chuck Swain." Demi replied before taking a drink of her water.

"Fighting? Are you serious?" Dianna asked in a louder tone than she had been using. Demi nodded, proudly & Dianna rolled her eyes. "Was this your idea?" She asked me & I almost choked on my food.

"No, not really. I told her she shouldn't do it." I answered her & she looked like she didn't believe me.

"Well, you probably influenced the decision." Dianna said, leaning back in her chair.

"Mom. Nick didn't influence me. I want to do this because fighting is in my blood & it's a great outlet." Demi said with a click of her tongue. "I also feel closer to Dad." Demi added in a quiet voice.

Dianna sighed, rolling her eyes yet again. "Well, I won't support this hobby. I lost your dad to this fucking sport & I won't lose YOU, too." Dianna yelled then stood up & stormed out of the room.

Demi looked at Eddie with her mouth hanging open, then shook her head. She looked annoyed as she got up & went in the same direction her mother had gone. Eddie was eating his food as if this sort of thing happened all the time, so I followed his lead & continued to eat. He asked me some questions in between chewing & I answered them, liking the fact that he was at least talking to me. I hate awkward silences & he seemed like a cool guy. I actually enjoyed our conversation. "I think Dianna made a dessert & I bet it's in the kitchen." Eddie said as he leaned in his chair & sighed.

"I can go get it Eddie." I said as I stood up. He nodded, gratefully & I walked out of the dining room. I stopped when I heard Demi & Dianna's voices in the kitchen, then sucked in my breath when I heard Dianna say my name.

"Demi, how serious can you be about Nick? He's just a fighter. I was in love with a fighter & married one & it isn't easy. We were poor & I was constantly worried & then.... he just didn't come home to me. My worst fear came true. I don't want to see that happen to you." I heard Dianna say.

"Mom, the odds of that happening are so small. And I am pretty serious about Nick." Demi's tone sounded shaky, which didn't sit right with me. It was the reason I didn't move & stayed there eavesdropping.

"What about Carter?" Dianna asked & I felt my heart sink. Demi sighed, sounding frustrated, then Dianna spoke up again. "You were so in love with Carter & you told me so many times that he was the one. I remember how devastated you were when you two broke up. I mean Carter still seems to care about you & from what I've seen he wants you back. Isn't there anything left between you? Don't you have any feelings for Carter? Can you even honestly say Nick is the one?"

Her statements felt like they stopped my heart, but waiting for Demi to answer her questions stopped my breathing. I heard Demi sigh again. "Mom, I will always love him & I have no idea if we're really over for good. I mean you never know what can happen in life. But right now, I am with Nick & I am happy with him." Her words made me feel uneasy, but what Dianna said next was what made me want to throw up.

"You never said Nick could be the one." Dianna said in a quiet voice, but I heard her loud & clear. I wanted to run away, afraid of what Demi's response would be, but I couldn't make my feet move. I had to stay there & hear what Demi had to say. Was I the one? What if she said I wasn't the one? What would I do? Would I be bothered if she didn't think I was the one? Did I even think she could be the one for me?

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