Fighting For The Hero

By hunter1237

3K 62 9

What would you do if The two most important people In your life were gone in an instant? Well that's what hap... More

Fighting For The Hero (A Zayn Malik Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

158 5 2
By hunter1237

Haley's P.O.V.

About an hour later it was time to go to bed. Tomorrow was my first day as a senior in high school. I was super excited. Aunt K has a friend that has a daughter that will be in my grade so she invited them over.

"Alice!" Aunt K yelled.

"Karla!" The woman yelled back.

The kissed each others cheeks and the woman a girl came in.

"Oooooo Haley come meet Alice and her daughter!" Aunt K called me from the top of the stairs."

I walked down and Aunt k introduced me.

"This is Alice." She said pointing to the older woman.

"And this is Kendra." She said pointing to the short petite girl with short brown hair.

"Nice to meet you." She said with her hand out.

"You too." I said returning the gesture.

"Alice, Kendra, this is my niece Haley." Aunt k said.

"Nice too meet you." Alice said.

"Well how about you and Kendra go up to your room and hang out a bit while me and Alice catch up." Aunt k asked me.

I nodded my head and then me and Kendra walked up to my room.

When we got up to my room we both sat on my bed.

"So how do you like London?" Kendra asked me.

"Okay. It's a lot bigger than where I used to live." I said.


"So where did you grow up? I mean I noticed you didn't have a British accent." I said.

"Well it's kinda like your aunt. My mom does make up on movies and shows and stuff and travels every year. But my mom is on the same movie as your aunt, so I get to stay here, in London, for a my last school year." She said.

"Oh so how long have you lived here?" I asked.

"About 1 year and a 1/2." She said.

"Where do you live." I asked.

She then went up to my window that had a cushion thing on it and pointed out.

"The one right there." She said pointing across the street.

"Awesome, you live really close." I said.

"Yeh my mom and your aunt kinda planned it, that's why I was excited when my mom said your coming to love with your aunt." She said.

"Yeh, and thank goodness I won't be alone tomorrow." I said.

"So why did you come live with your aunt?" Kendra said.

"Well...... My family, well, died." I said.

"Oh I'm so sorry." She said.

"It's okay." I said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kendra said.

I then spent the next hour telling her about my family. I cried a little then quickly wiped it away.

"I'm so sorry, Haley." Kendra said.

"No it's okay." I said wiping the last tear away."

"I have known you for 2 hours and I feel like I have known you for forever." She smiled.

I laughed.

Then I looked right at the house that I saw the 5 boys walk right into. I turned to Kendra.

"Hey do you know the person who lives there?" I said pointing at the boys house.

"I wish I didn't." Kendra said.

I gave her a questioning look.

"A guy named Zayn Malik lives there. He's super annoying and try's to act like a bad boy. Everyone's afraid of him. I mean I am too, but it's his presence that makes me scared. It's all dark and gloomy.

"Oh." I said.

"Yeh he has 4 friends, and I only like one of them. The blond one, Niall, I thin is really cute, but I

don't like the crowd he hangs out with, like Zayn." Kendra spoke.

"Yeh." I said.

"Why do you ask?" She said.

"Oh nothing." I said.

"Tell me!" She said like a kid in a candy store.

"Well the boy you said name was Zayn, I saw him the other day through my window and he kinda winked at me and well..."

"YOU LIKE ZAYN!" Kendra yelled.

"Shhhhhhh!" I yelled back.

Then the door opened and Aunt K walked in.

"Haley come on down my friends from the movie are here." Aunt k said.

Me and Kendra got up and started to walk down stairs.

"Oh crap." Kendra whispered.

"What?" I said.

"Remember when I yelled loudly that you like Zayn?" She said.

"Yeh why?" I said.

We then walked into the dining room and then sitting there with 4 boys behind him was Zayn.

My cheeks immediately flushed red and I peered back at Kendra.

I then mouthed to her OMG.

We then both looked up. Everyone was staring at us.

"Well then, Haley this is Anne, and her son Harry." She said pointing to the curly brown haired


"This is Karen, and her son, Liam." She said pointing to the brown head boy with a buzz cut hair do type a thing with a brown quiff.

"This is Maura, and her son Niall." She said pointing to the blonde boy I recalled that Kendra liked.

"This is Johanna, and her son Louis." She said pointing to the boy with a brown Justin bieber cut.

"And finally, this is Trisha, and her son Zayn." She said pointing to Zayn with brown hair with a blonde quiff.

"We'll how about the kids go hang in the living room while stay in the dining room and chat a bit."

Me and Kendra then started walking to the living room. To end up being followed by all of the boys. Me and Kendra sat on the love seat while the boys took the couch.

Me and Kendra just looked at each other.

"Sooooo." One of them said... I think his name was Louis.

Then the boys went off into there own little conversation and me and Kendra in ours.

About Ten minutes had passed and then Harry spoke up.

"How about we play a game?" He said.

"What kind of game?" Kendra sad annoyed.

"A fun game." He said smirking evilly.

"How about truth or dare? Zayn said.

We all agreed. About 15 minutes had gone by of Harry drinking a bad mixture of food, and Louis jumping off the stair case, and Niall about getting killed by chasing the rot wiler down the street. Then it was my turn.

"Haley, truth or dare." Liam asked.

"Dare." I said confidently.

"I dare you to kiss Zayn. He said.

"I barley know you guys!" I said.

"Yeh but it's a dare you gotta do it." Harry said.

I then looked at Zayn.

Just as I was going to lean in to kiss him, Aunt k walked in and said that everyone was leaving.

"Bye Haley see you tomorrow. I will walk you to school!" She said excited.

"Yeh so will I." Harry said.

"Shut up Harry." Kendra said.

"Bye." I waved from out side.

Then someone pulled me back, it was Zayn.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

He then whispered in my ear.

"I heard you like me, yeah?"

I blushed and then he smirked.

"Yeh I guess I like you to." He said smiling.

Then he took off to his house and I sat there in my own thoughts just blushing, and loving his presence.


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