Lip Rings & Tattoos {punk!Lar...

By punkblondie

17.2K 321 73

In an underground punk club, Harry's drinking his life away, but unknown to Harry there are little surprises... More

Lip Rings & Tattoos {punk!Larry Stylinson One Shot}

17.2K 321 73
By punkblondie

My obsession with punk!Louis and punk!Harry (and all the other punk edits, tbh) is becoming too much for my mind (and panties) to handle, so I decided that writing this Larry will help it calm down. I hope I'm right... Probably not.

This is dedicated to KeeperOfTheKeys for writing such incredible one shots that I am so addicted to now! Hope you're as into the punk direction as I am, sweetie!

And yes, I may be a Directioner, but Sleeping With Sirens are fucking amazing and the lead singer is hot as hell! Hope it lives up to the punk story standards!

Sammie xx 


P.S. THIS STORY IS NOMINATED IN THE 1D BROMANCE AWARDS! PLEASE VOTE FOR IT (The place to vote is in the External Link! Please do vote, it would mean the world to me!)



Harry honestly couldn't remember the last time he spent somewhere this late into the night, other then his usual stool in the small punk club. It was a school night and Harry had one of his early University classes the next day, but it's nearly three in the morning in underground London and the sound of Sleeping With Sirens is making him want to slip into the crowd and become one of the them; blending in with his fellow punks.

He brings up his beer, the cold liquid running down his throat and he tries not to gag. You would think that drinking beer every night for two years would make him actually like it, or at least grow used to it, but no. He hates it as much as he's hated the drink back in secondary school.

"Ah, secondary school. Such fond memories there," he mumbled to himself. People making fun of him for having too many tattoos, too many piercings, and apparently too much dick. That was just the homophobic assholes telling him that, though. There's not a lot of different people in his old hometown where idiots swoon over boy bands and poppy singers like Taylor Swift or Hannah Montana, or some shit like that.

Harry looks back over to the dance floor, seeing everyone jump and grind together. What? Punks like grinding, too. He stands up, not even wobbling, having been used to the many beers he usually has. He's not even close to being drunk yet, sadly to Harry's disappointment.

As a New Found Glory song starts up, and he finds himself nodding to the beat from the drums and feels the heat of bodies around him, reminding himself that he's not alone. He's a part of these people, they're all one at this moment with the music playing loud enough to feel the beat in their very cores.

Dwelling more into his own teen angst and depression, he spots a man in a tank top that shows off the beautiful tattoos that covers most of his arms while leaning against the bar as he watches the dance floor. The tank top is rather loose, showing one of his nipples that Harry can see is pierced.

Harry's eyes venture up and see that the man's neck is covered in tattoos but stops when it gets to his jaw. The bloke has a fit body, Harry decides. As Harry's eyes glance at his face, he sees that his eyes have slight eye liner smudged around them and he's playing with his lip ring. Harry gets a sudden urge to tug on the stranger's lip ring, hearing how deep his moan can sound.

Glancing up to the stranger's eyes once again, this time seeing what the man's eyes are fully concentrated on: Harry.


Louis was a stalker of some kid he didn't even know the name of.

He isn't proud to admit it, but he walks straight from his shitty ass job at some second hand music store and comes to this club just to watch the mysterious punk teenager with dark curls that look slightly greasy. Louis only finds that to make the kid even sexier than he already is. I mean, this kid has an eyebrow piercing and a "don't-fuck-with-me" attitude that makes Louis tighten a bit in his jeans just by staring.

Louis's roommate, Daniel, keeps telling him to actually work up the courage to walk up to the bloke, and just work his magic on him. Apparently, Louis has this thing about him that when he talks to someone they're immediately pulled into his eyes that change from a mysterious grey to a cool blue, and his smirk where he lifts his eyebrows up in a way as if saying, "You know you can't resist me." And Louis knows this. He's used it on both guys and chicks, and it only hasn't worked once. What? It's not like he knew the chick was of the Ellen variety!

Back to the club scene, Louis is watching the kid from the very corner of his eye, where Curly is sitting down on the same stool he's always at and seems to be in deep thought. Louis bites his lip and trails his eyes down the body of what looked like a undercover sex god. He's wearing some old, faded shirt where Louis can't ever read what the writing is on it, but Louis's main focus is on the teenager's neck which is covered up in unique designs.

Lou suddenly had this strong urge to walk over and trace the beautiful stranger's inked skin, kissing softly up to his ears while leaving small nibbles on his favorite tattoos.

"Hey Lou, wan' another drink?" the bartender asks Louis, who has been a familiar for a couple of years. Louis adverts his eyes to the bulky man and nods to his question. If he really was going to do what Daniel suggested, he needs to be as drunk as possible. Drinking always made his nervousness die down a bit, and made it easier for him to open up.

The bartender hands Lou another bottle of beer, with Lou thanking him and handing him a couple quid. Looking back to the kid's usual place, he sees him missing from the seat. Turning towards the dance floor, Louis easily spots him since the lad is extremely tall and he's the only one not grinding to the music, but merely nodding along.

Taking a gulp of his beer, Louis settles it back down on the bar as he watches the kid nod along in a sea of people. As his eyes are traveling the other's body, he looks up to stare back into the eyes that he's watched from afar. Much to Louis's pleasure, the kid seems to be eyeing him up, biting at his lip ring.

With a confident smirk and one last swig of alcohol, Louis walks into the sea of people coming face to face with a punk angel.


The music was hyping up into yet another song, the sharp sound of the electric guitar quickening Harry's heart rate up an extra notch and this sexy man in front of him isn't necessarily helping.

Instead of saying something, not even a hello, the shorter bloke looks Harry up and down while licking his bottom lip that turns upwards in the corners of his mouth. Harry looks away, blushing from how obvious the guy is with checking him out. Yeah, he's used to the attention from people, but he's never been checked out from someone standing only a few feet away, who not only knows Harry is looking, but appears to want Harry to know he's looking.

The stranger winks at Harry, before turning around and backing up until his back is touching Harry's chest. Grinding against Harry, the stranger brings up one of his hands to Harry's face and pulls it down so his ear is to the stranger's mouth. "Name's Lou," the stranger says, pushing his bum back onto Harry's pelvis.

Those two little words followed by that one action seemed to bring Harry out of his slight trance Lou has put on him. Bringing both of his hands to Lou's waist, Harry digs his long, slender fingers, and bring Lou's nice, firm ass even closer to Harry's body. Leaning down to Lou's ear, he lightly licks Lou's earlobe that he now knows has a small gage within it. " 'M Harry, cutie," he hoarsely voiced out.

Louis body rolls once, making his ass rub against Harry's now hardening manhood. Harry suppresses a moan, body rolling along with Louis now and both growing a slow rhythm. Louis pulls on Harry's curls, accelerating his body movements as the song playing through the club's speakers comes up to it's climax.

Harry lulls his head back in pure bliss, loving how a complete stranger he's just met is making him feels all these things, these emotions that nobody has made him feel in what might possibly be his entire life. He can recount all the things that's happened majorly in his life.

Primary school; his mom getting remarried and forgetting Harry, only focusing on her new husband. Secondary school; finally finding himself, and getting shit for it. His first tattoo; his first hook-up; first boyfriend; first piercing. He's never really thought much of his life or himself, but this guy, this beautifully strange man has made him feel all these wonderful things within one day.


Has it only been a day? How long have they been dancing? A minute, a hour? Louis doesn't know, but he's content with grinding up on Harry for the rest of his life. Why didn't he actually listen to Daniel and just do this before? Could he have been this close, if not even closer to Harry by now all those months ago when he first saw the sex god sitting alone, never uttering a word?

The song changes to a slow punk song, but as Louis tries to move away from Harry's body, the younger pulls him into a tight grip and slows down the fast rhythm they were just dancing to a much slower, but more powerful grind.

"Oh, fuck," Louis moans, feeling Harry's hands travel from his hips lower, lower, lower to his thighs, rubbing softly on the black denim. He feels Harry smirk into his neck, before softly kissing Lou's neck. The small sparks of pure heat from Harry's lips send Louis' mind reeling, his head laying back against Harry's shoulder as he moans in silent sighs.

Harry travels one of his hands to the land where once you start, you can't stop. But Harry wasn't going to stop anytime soon, especially with this angel moaning quietly, his eyes shut with his head laying against Harry's shoulder.

Harry travels from the base of Louis' neck, landing butterfly kisses all over, to the elder's lips, keeping his eyes open to see Louis' reaction to the new feeling. He brushes softly against Louis' lips, making his eyes pop open with the grey now a light blue, full of surprise and uncontrollable lust. Without a second thought, Harry leans back down, his lips fully landing on Louis'. He's never felt anything close to feeling this amazing.

Sure, he's kissed before, but never with this much passion. Louis turns in Harry's arms that hold him, making sure not to break from the kiss where Harry is nibbling at his bottom lip. Not caring who hears it, Louis moans into Harry's mouth, sending vibrations throughout their connected lips. Smirking slightly, Harry brings Louis back into his body, their erections brushing against each other. 

A low growl erupts from Harry's mouth, making Louis lean back from the kiss and stare at Harry, trying to comprehend with how Harry made that noise and wondering what he has to do to make Harry do it again.

Brushing his lips against Harry's, Louis softly says, "I think we should head somewhere where you can be more vocal for us... I really don't like sharing my things with others." Something Harry would never admit to is that he loves to feel vulnerable, so when Louis said that and it made him seem more dominant, his length twitched with excitement. Harry nods, making Louis grin with his lips still against Harry's. He kisses him sweetly, letting Harry's sweet taste of mint and a bitter taste of beer linger longer on his lips before he dispatches his self from Harry.

Lou grabs Harry's hand, pulling him through the crowd of fellow punks, still grinding and jumping to their music. Harry lets a smile go on his face when his fingers intertwined with Lou's, not just feeling lust, excitement, or giddy for being alone with possibly the sexiest man he's laid eyes on, the most powerful feeling he's having right now is happiness.

Harry felt happy as Lou and him tried to keep their hands off of each other in their cab, failing horribly.

He felt happy as they kissed while walking up to Louis' apartment complex, both laughing as Lou failed to twist in his key while snogging Harry.

And, he felt happy the entire night long where he pleased Louis, and Louis pleased him over, and over, and over again. 

Yet the best part, and certainly the happiest to Harry, was when after they were fully done, Louis closed his eyes and cuddled into Harry's side, smiling as Harry put his arm around him. Hearing how Lou whispered good night, before snuggling his face into Harry's neck, the man's warm breath and stubbly beard pricking him, just made Harry smile to himself in the dark of the night, before closing his eyes, fully content on being even happier in the morning to see his lover's eyes looking up at him with a wide grin spread on his face, knowing that this is only the beginning.

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