So, we meet again huh?

By salamander15

202K 3.7K 373

Lilian Matthews, Jeanine Matthews daughter. She was smart, very smart but she knew Erudite wasn't for her. Sh... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Not an update

Chapter eight

8.7K 181 11
By salamander15

A few weeks had gone by and I have stayed in first with Peter on my ass in second. I've been keeping an eye on Tris, cause I don't trust her. She was terrible at the beginning and she was below the line. Then she randomly started getting good. We've gotten somewhat close, so she and I were acquaintances.

Today we were working on our knife throwing skills and I must say, I am definitely skilled at this. I was hitting the center each time.

"Damn Lily. How are you so good at all this? I mean, I'm good, but you're great." Peter said while throwing his knife and hitting one of the outer rings

"Maybe it's because I actually pay attention during the demonstration and look at their stances." I said while laughing.

I looked to my left and could see Tris hitting the target not too far off from the center. She did terrible the past two times we did this. Hell, she was terrible at this yesterday and now she's good. She was doing well until her friend Al asked her a question and got distracted throwing the knife and having it clatter to the ground. Unfortunately for, her Eric was behind her.

"Go and get it stiff." Eric said with a bored expression

"While they're throwing them?" She asked. She looked kind of afraid like everyone else when Eric talks to them

"Yes, are you afraid?"

"Of being hit by a bunch of rogue knives? No not at all." She responded with a sarcastic tone.

"Everyone stop" Eric stated "You're going to stand in front of that target while I throw these knives at you. If you flinch, you're out. Am I clear?"

She just nodded her head and started to walk forward, then I had and idea.

"Wait," I said and everyone stopped and looked at me "anyone can stand in front of target and have knives thrown at them. It doesn't prove anything"

"Then you won't have a problem taking her place then," Eric stared at me like I was stupid.

I pushed Tris out of the way and she whispered a thank you.

"Same rules apply." he stated while grabbing three knives off the table next to him

I positioned myself in front of the target with my hand behind my back. Eric stared at the knives and flipped on in the air before he threw it. I heard it the wood on my left side and I refused to look to see how close.

"Come on, you can get closer than that Eric" Four smirked

Then the next one hit the target right above my head. That one, I knew was close, but I still didn't take my eyes off of Eric's. I knew he would have to hit me. He had to prove to the others that he wasn't weak and like he said, no special treatment. He'd have to be the ruthless Dauntless leader they all knew him as. With one final deep breathe, and look at me I nodded and the last knife went flying throw the air.

The next one I didn't have to guess where it landed cause I felt it. It sliced me on my right side.

"You're all free to go" Four said so I walked away from the target and over to my stuff

"Thank you Lily, honestly Eric scares the crap out of me." Tris walked up to me and said

"Honestly, it's no problem" I gave her a small smile as she headed out with Christian and Al.

I looked down and saw blood seeping through my shirt so I pressed a hand to it to try to stop the bleeding.

When everyone was gone and the tapes had shut off, Eric, Four and Peter ran up to me.

"Are you alright?" Peter and Four asked simultaneously

I just nodded "Yeah, I'm good."

"What the hell were you thinking? Why did you stand up for that stiff anyway?"

"Because I need to keep her close. She's different, and not in a good way." I said applying more pressure to my side. They nodded their heads understanding where I was going with that

"Will you guys go get me some bandages and give us a minute?" I asked turning to Four and Peter

"Yeah of course," Peter said and squeezed my arm "meet you back in the dorms?"

I just nodded my head and watched them as they headed to the door.

Once they were gone, I looked up at Eric to see him looking down at the floor

"Hey, I'm fine. Really, you had to do it. You had to let them know that no one can defy you." giving him a sincere smile.

"Yeah but it came at the price of hurting you. That's not what I wanted." He had finally looked up and the pain was evident in his eyes.

"It had to be done, and you know it did. The others needed to know."

"I know, but still." He grabbed my hand "Lets go get you cleaned up."  and dragged me off to his apartment.

When we got there he had me go take a shower and said he'd bandage me up after I got out. Let's just say his bathroom is huge. Black tile floor and black painted walls. The shower was a rainforest shower with jets on the sides and a glass shower door.

Once I was out and dried off, I put on the pants that Eric had left for me. I kept the shirt off knowing he'd have to take it off to bandage me up anyway.

"Eric, I'm out of the shower" I called

Less than a minute later he entered with bandages, cleaning alcohol and some medical tape.

"This is gonna sting a little." He warned as he applied the alcohol to the cut

He wasn't lying. I winced a couple times as he put it on a different part.

"I really am sorry Lil," He said, calling me by my old childhood nickname "I didn't intend to do this much damage"

"Really Eric it's fine. But if you want to pay me back you could get me some food and read to me" I replied while smirking

"Deal." He said.

A little while later we were sitting in his kitchen eating some lemon and basil chicken when he had a knock on his door. He excused himself and walked over to get it.

"Yes she's here. I cleaned her cut and got her food." I heard him say

A couple seconds later I heard some low voices and then "Sure Four, come one in." in a sarcastic voice

I turned around and saw Four coming this way. "Hey Lily. How you doing?"

"I'm doing good, just got some food in my system and cleaned myself up"

"Good good."

"Is there a reason why you're here Four?" Eric asked looking slightly annoyed

"Actually, yes. Jeanine sent a message." Four stated

"Wait, my mother did? What did she say?"

"That tomorrow during visiting day, she wants to have a sit down with Eric, Peter, you and I to see if we have any suspicions. I told her we may have one but we'd find more out by the end of stage two" Four said

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