A Sense of Hope

By MidnightOwlGirl

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Evangeline Heart is a twenty year old homeless girl who was been forced out of her orphanage at the age of si... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: Living With Him?
Chapter Three: Homemade Soup from the Handsome Man
Chapter Four: David's POV Part 1
Chapter Five: David's POV Part 2
Chapter Six: Naked as a Newborn Baby
Chapter Seven: Lesson Learned
Author's Note
Chapter Eight: Doing What's Best
Chapter Nine: Finding Her
Chapter Ten: Confessions and a First Kiss
Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Guest
Chapter Twelve: Building a Snowman
Chapter Thirteen: The Moment of Truth
Chapter Fourteen: Final Result
Chapter Sixteen: Dinner With the Family
Chapter Seventeen: Making Love
Chapter Eighteen: Surprise
Chapter Nineteen: Could it Be?
Chapter Twenty: A Little Addition to the Famliy
Chapter Twenty-One: Doctor's Appointment
Chapter Twenty-Two: More than One Surprise
Chapter Twenty-Three: David's Surprise
Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Bundles of Joy
Chapter Twenty-Five: Grandparents and Aunties
Author's Note
Chapter 26: Final Chapter

Chapter Fifteen: Meeting His Mom

36.9K 1.2K 23
By MidnightOwlGirl

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having an amazing day! I just wanted to share something funny that happened to me today. So this morning I had my Human Physiology Lab at 8:00 AM and in our lab we did a taste test where we had to dab a long q-tip in a solution and put it on our tongue to guess what we're tasting while plugging and unplugging our nose. So I volunteered to to be the tester. After four q-tips I noticed that the jar of q-tips that my lab partner was grabbing from seemed contaminated with previous used q-tips. Turns out the jar was only to "dispose" used q-tips. I was horrified to realize that I was using used q-tips. Thank god I wasn't the only one! It was so embarrassing and disgusting to know that I swapped spit with at least four other people. Anyways let's just move on to the story. Enjoy! :)

Evangeline's POV

Today I woke up to an empty bed with a letter on David's pillow and a red rose. I picked up the rose and smelled it. It smelt wonderful and refreshing. I set the flower back down and picked up the letter and opened it.

Good Morning Angel,

I wanted to stay with you until you woke up but the office needed me. I will miss you terribly since I can't bare to be without you for a second. I made some breakfast and placed it on the island. I will be back by 3 o'clock so don't miss me too much.

Love David.

I closed the letter and smiled. He was so sweet to leave a letter. This man is making me fall for him more each day.

I got out of bed and saw that is was 10 o'clock in the morning. I did my morning routine and picked out my outfit for the day. Since it was still cold outside, I picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a cream sweater. After putting those on I grabbed a pair of cream fuzzy socks to keep my feet warm.

I head downstairs and went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. On the island I saw a wrapped plate with a another rose on top. I gently removed the flower and placed it next to the plate and opened the wrapping. The plate had pancakes, eggs, and bacon on it.

Just as I was finishing and cleaning up, I heard a door open and close. Maybe David got off early since it was only 12. I was so excited since I had missed him a lot this morning. I went to the door to see him but I bumped into someone instead. I got back on my feet and when I looked up it was a woman.

She looked like she was in her mid forties. She had dark shoulder length hair and blue eyes. Her eyes held warmth and kindness and you could tell that she was a very wise woman. She was also petite and her features were similar to David's. She must be his mother.

"Hello Dear is David home? Are you one of his shanks?" She asked calmly in a clipped tone.

"Uh-Um...He isn't home r-right now and no I am not one of his shanks. I-I'm his girlfriend. My name is Evangeline Heart"

I tried to smile at her without cowering in fear. I hated when someone talks to me in a mean tone. It reminds how I did disobeyed Mrs. Rancid and received a beating.

"Girlfriend? Since when does he have a girlfriend. He never has had a serious relationship nor date anyone. Why didn't he tell me? I'm his mother I should know these kind of things." She said talking and thinking to her self.

Then she looked back at me and smiled at me happily with her eyes gleaming.

"Oh Dear I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I'm David's mother. You can call me Anne"

"I-its nice to meet you Mrs. De L...I mean Anne. I hope you're not mad at David or at me. I can leave if y-..."

"Nonsense child. You will stay. It was my fault for barging in. I would love your company until my son had come back"


"I am so happy that David has found someone! I'm going to be a grandmother! I'm so excited, well not yet but hopefully soon! I can tell your perfect for my son! I am already in love with you. You seem like the person I always imagined for David"

"Thank you. It that means a lot" I smiled at her.

She moved towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I stood shocked for a few seconds but I retuned the hug. My eyes began to tear up because this was the first motherly hug that I had ever received in my entire life. I clutched her tighter and released our hug.

The first thing I saw on her face was a look of worry.

"Are you alright honey. Did I do something to make you sad?"

"No you didn't. I'm sorry. It-its just that I've never been hugged like that"

"And why is that, if you don't mind me asking"

She dragged me to the living room and sat me down on the couch while she sat next to me.

"I grew up in an orphanage and it wasn't the best place to grow up since I was treated badly. I had nobody to trust except the young children that were there"

"Oh honey. I'm so sorry. No matter what happens between you and David I will always be here. And I hope that in the future you will trust me enough to tell me about your past when you're comfortable. But just keep in mind that I will be here for you when you need me okay."

I nodded and wiped the fallen tears from my face. I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you Anne"

I surprised her by hugging her. Seconds later I felt her arms stroking my back in a motherly way. At that point I realized that I craved for some motherly contact. I was glad that David's mom liked me and accepted me. We pulled back from our hug.

"Well Evangeline, what should we do now until David gets back. Maybe we should bake and surprise him"

"Yes I would love to"

We got up and advanced towards the kitchen and started gathering ingredients and supplies. After three hours of baking we finally made a chocolate cake and a cheese cake. The kitchen was filled with a sweet mouth watering aroma. I just couldn't wait to eat these yummy desserts.

"I'm so glad that you enjoy baking with me. The girls never like to bake with me. I'm so happy that I could finally have a baking buddy!"

"I'm glad t-..."

Suddenly I was cut off by a door slamming and a voice that I missed so much in the past few hours..

"Angel I'm home!" 

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