Lost Love

By phoebegardens

678K 15.8K 3.7K

They thought their love was infinite, but what if only one of them can remember their past? Imogen Howard has... More

Prologue: Where It All Began
1. Where It All Went Wrong
2. Unfamiliar Faces
3. You and Me
4. Old Messages
5. Back to Uni
6. Putty in My Hands
7. Boy Talk
8. Wild Goose Chase
9. Guilty Feelings
10. Get Lucky
12. Friendzone
13. Get a Room
14. Flirtations
15. Out with The Boys
16. Trust Issues
17. Crumbling
18. The Blame Game
19. Walking Away
20. Cutting Ties
21. My Sweetheart
22. Crossing Fingers
23. Hit the Brakes
24. Becoming Official
25. Breaking the Heart
26. Space and Time
27. R&R
28. Conflict Resolution
29. Graduation - The Epilogue

11. Boyfriend and Girlfriend Night

16.6K 438 69
By phoebegardens

Emma just asked if you are still on for going out tonight? Xx (Sent 12.44pm)

I look down at my phone, reading the message from Ozzy, which had been sitting beside my pad of paper whilst the lecturer spoke about a few internships which people could apply for during the summer; seeing university will be ending in less than two months for our course. My memory (for once) jogs back to remember that a couple of days ago, Emma did indeed ask me about joining her flat for a night out seeing as I had apparently taken Ozzy away from their night out. Secretly, I was hoping she had forgotten about that, but I guess not.

I guess so. What time? Xx (12.48pm)

Dunno. Maybe make it to mine for 8pm? Xx (Sent 12.50pm)

Sounds good. Xx (Sent 12.51pm)

To me, 9pm sounds too late to start going out, but I guess the life of the student does not start until after dark. I look across the lecture hall to see Emma is texting on her phone instead of listening and it clicks that she must be texting Ozzy now.

‘Immy,’ Beth says from beside me. I look over and see she’s packing her stuff away already.

‘Huh?’ I question, obviously paying more attention to Emma than what has just been said.

‘We’ve got tutorials now. The lecture is over. Come on,’ she laughs lightly, waiting for me to pack up. Blake has already gone off to her separate tutorial, so I walk along with Beth to our one. Beth spend yesterday afternoon with me teaching me how to set up a sewing machine and the basic types of stitch I should practice. She assured me that my drawing and sketches needed no work, but that I should probably try and get back into creating some pieces.

‘What are you doing tonight?’ I ask her as we approach the room.

‘Working tonight. I have a shift at the 24 hour Tesco’s.’

‘Wow, that’s harsh,’ I comment.

She grins at me. ‘It’s pretty harsh, but I’ve got off the night shifts before and the pay is better so I took it. What about you?’

‘I’m going out with Ozzy and his flat.’

‘Oohh have fun,’ she tells me excitedly, before she opens the door to see our tutor Bill to discuss how we’re doing.


As I stare aimlessly into my wardrobe, Blake wanders in and wraps her arms around my body and stares into the wardrobe with me. I’m gradually getting used to not only Ozzy holding me hand and waist, but Blake practically smothering me with her hugs and kisses.  

‘Looking for Narnia?’ She queries with a small laugh.

Narnia? ‘Huh? What do you mean Narnia?’

Her eyes dawn with worry, as she answers, ‘Sorry, Immy, it’s a film. I’ll show it to you.’

Pursing my lips, I go back to looking for something to wear rather than remembering that I can’t remember anything. ‘Ozzy’s flat is going out tonight and he’s invited me along,’ I explain. As I pull a mint green dress out, I suggest, ‘You should come along too. Sam will be there.’

She widens her eyes at me saying that and says pointedly, ‘How do you know about Sam?’

‘I met him and Ozzy told me about you both,’ I tell her with a smile.

She rolls her eyes, ‘Don’t go matchmaking where it’s not wanted, Immy. We’re good friends.’

‘Who have been having adult sleepovers.’

Blake laughs out loud as I say that and asks, ‘Where the hell did you get that phrase from?’

Grinning, I explain, ‘It was in a film Daisy and I were watching. I had to ask what it meant, but it’s pretty funny, isn’t it?’

‘Very,’ she concurs. ‘But yeah, why not, I’ll tag along. Might cockblock Sam though.’

‘Doubt he’ll mind.’

‘I think that black dress would look really nice on you,’ she says instead and pulls out a rather short dress which appears to be fitted. Holding it against my body, I agree and choose a pair of nude-pink heels with studs accentuated on the heel.

‘You’re gonna look so hot,’ she tells me with a wink, before leaving me to change in peace.

My phone buzzes on my desk as I change bras so I have a black bra on instead and flattering underwear so no knicker lines are on show. It’s just Ozzy however double checking that I’m still on for tonight. Rather than respond, I set about painting my nails a nude pink, before attempting my makeup, trying to use a little more black eyeliner and lipstick than usual. With my hair messy and tousled, I slip a thin headband on my head, with tiny little leaves on the braid.

An hour later and Blake and I are finally walking towards Ozzy’s flat. Apart from a few wolf whistles, we make it there safely. The look on Ozzy’s face when he sees me makes my heart beat a little faster. It’s pure unadulterated lust for me.

‘Blake, go and occupy yourself with Sam. I want some time with my girlfriend,’ Ozzy says to Blake with a grin on his face.

I smirk at him and watch as Blake leaves us alone to go into Ozzy’s room. As soon as he shuts the door, I feel his arms wrap around my waist and rest on my abdomen, I feel his head rest against my own and feel his breath and lips so close to my skin that goosebumps must be appearing.

‘You look beautiful tonight, Immy,’ he tells me.

He wraps his hand around mine, before locking his door and leading us to the kitchen where the rest of his flat has congregated. Bottles of alcohol are sitting proudly on the table, with half empty glasses and huge jugs teetering on the edge.

‘Drink, Immy?’ Sam asks, after plying Blake with a glass of what seems like something mixed with coke.

‘I’ll pass,’ I say kindly. Thankfully, itt’s not long before we’re all walking in a huddle to a place, which apparently Emma has decided we’re all going to tonight.

Ozzy places his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close to his body as we walk along the busy street, purposefully making us hang at the back of the group so we can talk. I’ve not let on to Ozzy yet, but the thought of going to a bar and club is petrifying me. I have no idea what to expect, having only seen one bar scene in that rom-com and it looked pretty rowdy.

‘You okay?’ He checks as we line up outside of the bar called Room One.

I nod unsurely, as Ozzy says close to my ear, ‘You really like this place.’

Liked, I want to tell him, but instead follow him in. I’m pleasantly surprised as I look around the bar. It’s not how I anticipated it being. It’s a lot bigger and more casual than a nightclub, a bar and club is probably a more accurate description. The bar is placed at the side of the large room, with music, which is not too loud, is played out around the room. There’s different areas it seems, with lounge couches and stools, to tables and booths. There’s a large expanse of space for people to dance, but not many people have taken to the dance floor yet.

Blake and Sam go off to buy the first round of drinks, with clear instructions not to get me anything too strong. I need to slowly adjust to drinking, regardless of how I used to be. I’m sat between Lucia and Ozzy on a huge round table and that thankfully makes me feel a little better about going out knowing they are besides me.

Whilst Ozzy talks to Ford, his hand wanders to my bare thigh and he gently rests it there, which reassures me I have him to look out for me. Gently, I place my hand on top and give it a squeeze and resume talking to Lucia. It feels rather intimate having his hand gently caressing my thigh beneath the table. It’s definitely goose bump inducing.

After one round of drinks, I head up to help Lucia, mainly so I can get a soft drink to top my vodka lemonade up with. To my surprise, I see Leon behind the bar; passing orders to a group of four girls dressed in tiny dresses with mile long legs. He catches my eye and smiles, heading over to me.

‘Hey, Imogen. How are you?’ He asks, smiling widely. ‘What can I get you?’

It’s only then I notice that he’s dressed rather smartly in a black t-shirt and chinos and his hair is gently fingered through with some wax.

‘I’d like lemonade please, but the same order for everyone else on table ten.’

He looks down at the bar and nods. ‘Right, gotcha.’

He goes about making the drinks up, asking me how my counselling session went the other day, which is really sweet of him to remember. It’s also pretty mesmerising watching Leon command the bar as he does, swapping between bottles and pumps and adding little extras like tiny umbrellas which are the cutest things ever. He places them all on a tray, but comes around the bar and says he’ll take it to the table for me.

‘Thanks, Leon. I probably would have spilt them all.’

He flashes me a grin, before waving his hand dismissively and going back to his job. I sit back down next to Ozzy, whose eyes are watching Leon walk back to the bar, before placing his hand back on my thigh. Then, the lights flash to the stage and the bar floor is silenced by someone standing on a small stage at the front of the bar.

‘Evening, students. How are you all?’ The MC asks through the microphone, which is met by loud cheers from everybody. The noise level is pretty high, but it dies down when the man continues on. ‘You know what night it is; BF and GF night, our own take on Mr. and Mrs.’ He scans the crowd to cheers before stopping to look at Ozzy. I turn my head to look at him, when the colour drains from his face.

‘Look who it is! Our reigning champions, Ozzy and Immy! Been a while since you’ve been here, guys! Come up, come up! Everybody give a cheer for Ozzy and Immy!’

Puzzled, I look at Ozzy and he’s shaking his head, but he is being encouraged to go up by surrounding tables.

‘Ozzy, what’s going on?’ I ask him worriedly, clinging to his hand as we make our way to the stage. ‘Ozzy I don’t like this,’ I whisper.

He shoots me a sorry as we stand on stage. He goes over to speak to the MC, but to no avail. He’s already asking for other couples to participate.

‘Ozzy, what’s going on?’ I ask him, desperately, watching as several pairs of eyes are focusing on me.

He looks apologetically at me, before leaning in and explaining, ‘We used to come here and do a sort of quiz. You won’t know it but it’s a play on Mr. and Mrs. So couples are asked questions about one another in the hope of getting the most right. There’s prize money to win each time. We were champions. We were always winning.’

My lips part as he tells me this. Fear races through my veins as I say, ‘But I don’t know anything about you.’

I can feel my eyes begin to well up and he looks desperately at the MC and calls him over to talk to him, but the MC is either drunk or arrogant and isn’t having any attention, which causes Ozzy to get angrier. Grumbling, he sits back down beside me and says, ‘Baby, just say anything, yeah? It doesn’t matter if we lose.’

‘I don’t want to do this,’ I tell him, panic setting in.

He looks around groans, ‘Ugh, I’m trying to tell him.’

Just as he goes to speak in the man, he is already asking the first question as whiteboards are being thrust into our hands. Everyone in the bar is now paying attention, with just a gentle hum of chatter occurring.

‘QUESTION number one, you are answering for what your boyfriend would write’ he says, his voice booming around the club. ‘What is your boyfriend’s favourite song?’

I stare at Ozzy hopelessly. This is humiliation, this is complete and utter humiliation to the point of insanity and there’s no way I can leave without making a scene. Sadly, I begin to write the only song I’ve heard Ozzy singing since I’ve woken up. The only song I know the name of.

GET LUCKY, I write in large bold font.  

‘Show your answers!’ He exclaims.

Cautiously, I turn my board around and in shock, I see that Ozzy has written the same song. Overwhelming relief takes over me and I jump up and throw my arms around him excitedly. The delight in Ozzy’s fame is priceless.

‘Well done!’ He cheers for me.

Beaming, I grab his hand and listen for the next one. Maybe I can get this one too?

‘QUESTION number two. One for the girlfriends this time, what does he think your bra size is?’

My cheeks flame. Would he know that? Unfortunately, probably so. I look at Ozzy and already see him writing it down. Looking down at my cleavage, I worriedly try and remember the numbers I recognised from looking at my washing. Opting for 32C, I turn my board around and see Ozzy has got that one right. Ozzy winks at me, reassuring me I’m doing well as we wait for the next question.  

‘Point for everyone there. QUESTION number three, what’s your boyfriend’s favourite sex position? Let’s hope it’s not just missionary, hey? HEY?!’

Everyone laughs at the obvious joke, but I don’t get it.

This is just going to go downhill from here.

Cackles continue to fill the room and I feel like my cheeks are about to burn up in embarrassment. Of course the majority of university students are sex obsessed. I don’t even understand the question, let alone know there is more than one way to have sex. I daren’t even want to look at Ozzy to see what his answer is. I look around the room and see Emma is laughing along with Annie and frown at her.

‘Turn your boards around!’ The MC instructs.

Reluctantly, I do.

‘Immy, you’ve written nothing,’ the MC chides, before commenting, ‘Your boyf says his favourite position is you on top? Lucky fella!’

All the boys cheer at the comment, but I immediately feel overwhelmed and place the board down before walking off of the stage. Ozzy goes to grab my wrist, but I shake him off and head to the toilets, walking past Emma who comments, ‘Oh come on, it’s just a bit of fun, Immy.’

Pushing open the toilet door, I rush through and lock myself in a cubicle, tears falling down my face and undoubtedly ruining my make-up.

‘Immy,’ Ozzy calls out. Within a few seconds, he’s looking underneath the toilet cubicle at me, shocking me at his audacity. ‘Immy, I’m sorry. I never should have let them ask us questions. I explained everything when you walked off stage. They understand.’

Rather than tears, anger fuels my blood. ‘Why did you do that, Oscar?! Why the hell would you do that in front of everyone? I don’t want everyone knowing about my memory loss!’ I exclaim angrily, cuddling my legs towards my chest.

‘What? Why not? I thought I better explain why you were so upset.’

‘I don’t want everyone to know, Ozzy. Now everyone is gonna talk about me!’ I cry, the tears resuming.

Sighing, he stands up so I can’t see him, though he rests against the door as the flimsy door moves a little. ‘I’m sorry. I thought tonight would be a fun night out and I had no idea BF and GF was on tonight, or else I would have told Emma no.’

I brush my wet cheeks and exhale deeply. ‘That was mortifying out there.’

‘I know, but we used to win every single time, I’m not surprised they were excited to see us back. We were pros at it. We knew everything. They couldn’t find a question we didn’t know the answer to.’

‘And now I don’t know any of it,’ I add on, knowing it’s what we’re both thinking. ‘What is the point in talking about the past and commenting how good we used to be when I can’t remember a damn thing?’ I say angrily, clenching my fists.

He sighs, obviously unsure of what to say, so settles for, ‘Look, come out, baby. We can sneak out of here if you out.’

It takes a few more minutes for me to finally move, before I reluctantly open the cubicle door and look at Ozzy standing there, tall, broad and gorgeous, with a look of relief on his face that I’ve finally come out. He pulls me to his waist and gives me a kiss on my forehead, before taking my hand and leading me out. While I wanted a quite getaway, that’s not what I’m given when lots of people turn and watch us come out of the toilets together.

We go to sit back down when the MC comes over and looks mortified at me. ‘Immy, I’m so sorry. Oz said what had happened to you.’

I shrug at his comment, still wishing Ozzy had kept his mouth shut. ‘Don’t worry about it.’

‘I feel awful though,’ he tells me, truly looking appalled with himself.

‘It’s okay. We’re just having to start learning things again.’

He nods attentively, before someone brings over three bottle of champagne and he says, ‘Here, this is on us. We really didn’t mean to upset my fav BF and GF, Immy.’

The rest of my table perks up seeing the freebie placed on our table with glasses, before the MC goes off, when Blake says, ‘Oh my God, trust you to get free champers.’

Smiling a little, everyone grabs a glass apart from me. I’m not looking to drink anymore alcohol tonight. Ozzy holds my hand as the rest of the table gets merry, when I whisper, ‘I think I’m going to head back.’

‘I’ll come too,’ he tells me without a thought, and grabs my bag and jacket for me from the cloakroom where he dropped them off at the beginning of the night. ‘We’re off, guys. See you tomorrow, yeah?’

Blake looks up from being perched on Sam’s lap, but stands to give me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. ‘Are you going to be okay?’

I nod, turning to say goodbye to Lucia, but am met with Emma and Annie instead.

‘Leaving already?’ Emma moans, placing her glass down a little forcefully and frowning at us both. ‘Come on, stay out a little longer. This is free champagne because you can’t remember anything, Immy.’

The table quietens as she says this and I narrow my eyes at her. Exhaling deeply, I say, ‘Well enjoy it at my expense, Emma.’

Slipping my jacket on, we head for the exit of the club. On the way, we pass Leon at the bar, who sends me a half smile and a brief wave before returning his attention back to the customers. The cool air hits my bare legs the moment we step out of the bar. Shivering a little, Ozzy places his arm around my waist as we walk back to my room. We barely say a word as we walk back. There’s nothing really to say.

Once back in my room, I get changed out of my clothes and into my nightwear and Ozzy does the same, taking out his clothes from his cubby hole in my wardrobe. We go about our night time routine, brushing our teeth, going to the toilet and me brushing through my hair, before we get into my bed. Shuffling in bed, I feel Ozzy’s hand gently find my own underneath the cover and he gives my hand a squeeze before saying, ‘I’m proud of you, Immy.’

Turning on my side, I ask him why. I doubt I did anything pride worthy this evening.

‘You’re doing so well with everything, even if things are getting hard. You did so well tonight despite everything. I hope you know how proud I am of you. ‘

I notice the bedside lamp is still on, so I can still see Ozzy and smile at him. Why did our lives have to become so hard? I ponder this, looking into his eyes; those blue yet green orbs, trying to reassure me that we’re going to be okay. I lean over and give him a kiss on his cheek, then brush my thumb gently against the spot I just kissed, before turning on my side and switching the light off, begging that I can fall asleep quickly to stop my overactive mind processing what happened this evening.  

‘Love you, Immy,’ he tells me, giving my hand a squeeze.

‘I know, Ozzy,’ I respond softly, before closing my eyes, hoping sleep isn’t that far away. 

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