Fated? ☆

By bclulu

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Werewolf Story Ideas More

☆♡ Myia-Lynn Angel ♡☆
* ☆♡ Darla ♡☆ *
* ✮💜 Merry Jayne 💜✮ *
☆♡ Francis Sara ♡☆
Ivy Gail
* ♡ Hadley Marie ♡ *
** Rain Anne **
♡☆ Chaylene Dara ☆♡
** ♡☆ Adele ☆♡ **
** Maribel Lydia **
** 💚⌘ Caelyn Olivia 💚⌘ **

♡☆ Lia Theadora ☆♡

1K 28 3
By bclulu

Lia Theadora


It was time for Lia to go home. It's been four years since she left her home and pack, after the disastrous last confrontation with Curt her true mate. She'll check out what the situation is like with Curt before deciding on the job offer up in Canada.

It's a once in a life opportunity that she is seriously considering. It's a tie she figures, Curt is her true mate, but he has issues. Yeah she thought, he has issues with everything about her. Her hair not the right color, her eyes too wide or blue, then her body too slim or not enough curves, almost like he wants her to be reshaped into another version of someone he desires more than his true mate.

He was big on her seeing a plastic surgeon, he wanted her to look like Melanie and there was no way on earth she was doing that. Or maybe it was his way of getting rid of her because she absolutely hated Melanie.

Well, we'll see. Go back for a short visit to see how things are back there. She doesn't consider the place her home anymore, her parents died 4 yrs ago and all that is left family wise, is her cousin Anthony.

Anthony, well the two of them have never been close as Tony was 3 yrs older than her and not in the same league. She at that time, was plain and awkward at 16, while he was out of school and feeling his way through females at 19.

They have not really kept in touch and for all she knows he could be mated or wild and free living who knows where by now. She had been sent away, or in reality, she asked to be sent away.

Curt spoke to his dad after she refused to go through surgery to fix herself up to look like Melanie, but Lia had already spoken with his father Reno the Alpha. Her parents had just died and she was living with Anthony, boarding really because he couldn't care less she was there.

She asked to be sent to England where her species had a special all werewolf boarding school, one that her parents had met in. Since she had no one else but Anthony, the Alpha agreed even before Curt talked to him.

Yeah, his father hadn't liked Curt's reasons why he wanted her sent away. But seeing as she was finished with her schooling now, she graduated with honors then went on to take two years of university and got herself a degree, she might as well see how things are.

She wants to thank Alpha Reno for putting in a good word for her, thank him for all the packages his mate Kory sent her over the years. Then confront Curt, see what was up with him. If he speaks to her about Melanie just once, bragging she was the best or try to talk her into plastic surgery, Lia will definitely leave.

Her possible job position would be available indefinitely, she was told. Percy Jackman told her that she is the only one he wants for the job, that he will sweeten the deal even more just to get her up in Canada.

Percy, now there is something there, between the two of them. Lia was frightened of going up there before seeing Curt, see her ex-mate face to face to see if things could be fixed first before she moved on, hopefully with Percy.

You know, if they, Curt and Lia, are supposed to be fated to be together, why was he trying to make her look like someone else. It didn't make sense because mates are supposed to be their one and only as they were fated to be.

Okay, she packed her bags and was now at the airport waiting for her plane to board. Now for an extremely long flight, then she can see where things lie in the land of Curt and the pack.


After landing, Lia let the other passengers leave before she stood up, grabbed her bag and walked off the plane. She picked up all her luggage once done and rented a car then drove to the hotel she booked. Checking in and taking her bags to her room were simple as she had the staff at her fingertips.

In her room, she showered and changed before ordering room service. Once she'd eaten, she drove to see dear old cousin Anthony's place to get the latest news about the pack.

She drove to his house, the one she stayed in for a short time before leaving for England. Knocking on the door only after seeing his truck in the driveway.

The door opened and there he stood, still in work clothes and looking mighty pissed at the interruption. When he didn't recognize her, she said bloody hell cousin, stop with the checking me out.

Anthony gasped and said Lia? He opened the door wider and let her in. Once the door was closed, he sighed before hugging her and saying he was so sorry about the way he treated her.

Lia hugged him back and said apology accepted Tony, I was never mad or upset with you. They went into the kitchen where he was attempting to make himself something to eat. She shook her head and said still not able to cook for yourself?

She told him to sit while she prepared him something. She tossed out what he had made and using what she found in the fridge, she made him an omelet, loaded with the works and set it in front of him.

He lifted the plate to his nose and took a deep whiff and groaned, set it down and started eating. She set down toast to go with it, then started to clean, both their messes in the kitchen.

Once he finished he snickered and said you still have that magic touch in the kitchen Lia. She smiled back and said well I took particular attention in school in England then went and took extra classes on the side while going to university.

She poured them coffee she had made and sat down across from him. Anthony said your gorgeous Lia, you've grown so much since you've been gone.

Lia smiled and said well it has been four years now. She asked how he was, if he found his mate whom he hadn't wanted to find years ago? Anthony sighed deeply and said Victoria, yeah he found his mate back then but in his stupidity he let her go.

Lia frowned and said well Tony, I think if you haven't felt her being claimed, you still have a chance, but are you willing to go after her? He rubbed his face and said I haven't felt that particular event, thank the moon goddess but wouldn't have the faintest idea where to look for her.

Lia sighed and asked what's her full name Tony? When he said Victoria Isabel Martin, Lia contacted Percy, texted him the name and asked if he could please locate her for Anthony her cousin who stupidly let her go. Percy texted back immediately that he will search asap since she asked so nicely.

She showed Anthony the texted reply and he asked who is this Percy person Lia? She smiled and said Percy Jackman, entrepreneur, you need it and he will find it. Lia smirked and said he's a billionaire entrepreneur who has just opened new branches in Canada.

She said he'll find her Tony and when he does you'll get your second chance with your Victoria. She added but you're going to need to open your heart up and show it to her, apologize on your hands and knees. Beg her for forgiveness. It'll most likely be your last chance because hurting her again will be all she will be able to take.

He sighed and said old news Lia, it was bad. She shook her head and said well Tony, there is still hope since she hasn't been claimed. She may be in a relationship with a human who can't claim her.

He growled and rubbed his face then said son of a bitch Lia that hurts, just thinking about it. Lia nodded and said I had to say it Tony, you have to be prepared for anything. If you had sex with her she could have become pregnant, sex with your true mate is potentially a given the first time for it.

Lia asked, did you have unprotected sex with her Tony? He groaned and gripped the table before saying will you be mad if I said yes? Lia shook her head and said so you did? He nodded and added I was drunk, at a party.

Grabbed her like an ape and swung her over my shoulder, she was also drunk but I didn't care. Found a room and yeah we had sex, lots of it until I passed out. Woke up and she was gone, no note or nothing.

I found her friends and they said she left town as she was only here for the weekend then had to go back home but never said where. I left it alone, never tried to get a hold if her or nothing, really stupid I know.

Lia said well Tony, he should probably make the house ready for her and a possible child. That or get it ready to put on the market in case she can't leave where she's living, just be prepared.

He looked at his home and said I've got no clue Lia? She asked are you willing to let this place go? Are you willing to have it revamped so she has a nice place to move into, because it needs a little work.

He took a deep breath and said honestly Lia, this is just a place to live. She said okay, let's wait until Percy gets the information they need before they do anything. He rubbed his face and said I need a shower, will you wait?

Lia said sure Tony, I'll be in the kitchen, you go take your shower and I think I'll try my hand at fixing something else to eat, a snack maybe, that omelet didn't fill the void. He grinned and said your right.

She motioned for him to go on up. He kissed her head and said thanks Lia, for everything. She opened the freezer then all the cupboards and decided a meat lovers homemade pizza or two, leftovers were okay for him to enjoy too.

She had just put the first pizza in the oven when her phone got a text, she looked at it and called Percy. She got a phone number for Victoria and heard the background story Percy had for her. Lia thanked him so much then ended the call shortly after.

Lia wrote down all the information for Victoria, her phone number she underlined twice and set it on the table. She took the first pizza out then put in the next before slicing up the first when Tony walked back in.

He took a deep breath and said it smells delicious Lia. She nodded and grabbed another plate. He helped himself, she took a piece and then slid the paper over to him.

He just stared at it, then at her. They continued eating until he couldn't take it anymore and asked what did Percy find out Lia? Lia set down her pizza and after explaining what Percy found out, Tony was on his feet pacing the floor.

While he was stressing out, she took out the second pizza when the timer went off and set it on top of the stove then cut it up. She turned to him and said call her Tony, do it, call her and talk. Get her address and either go see her or agree to meet somewhere.

He took a few deep breaths then nodded. He called and it went straight to voice mail. He ended the call and thought about what to say before calling back and leaving his heart felt message.

They waited for an hour before he started to get antsy, she told him to go for a run, as he was irritating her, she'll stay by his phone. After Tony rushed off, Lia cleared the pizza from the table before starting to put everything in the fridge when the doorbell rang.

She opened the door to find a woman and child who was sleeping in her arms, just one look at that child made Lia pull them inside and close the door. Lia said your Victoria, true mate of my cousin Tony, welcome are you hungry? I made pizza but Tony couldn't eat much, stressing over looking for you.

Victoria's stress filled face at seeing Lia smoothed over to a smile and said yes, how did you know? Lia smiled and said Tony or Anthony has baby pictures, your daughter, she looks so much like him.

She offered to take Marnie as they walked into the kitchen and Victoria's stomach growled. She said Tony was so stressed I told him to go for a run, sitting here waiting for your call had him up pacing and sitting, he got on my nerves.

Victoria passed Marnie to Lia and grabbed a plate full of pizza took it to the table and gorged out. As she ate, Victoria explained why she was there. Lia smiled and said I already knew most of that already and so does Tony.

Victoria said are we still welcome Lia? Lia smiled and said yes, Tony is more than ever determined to sink to his knees and ask for your forgiveness. Victoria teared up as they woke up Marnie.

Lia chuckled as she looked down into the little girls smiling face. Lia said hello little darlin', I'm your aunt Lia, are you hungry, there's homemade pizza? Marnie grinned as she reached out and touched Lia's dimples.

Lia smiled and said yes, I've got dimples pumpkin and so do you I see, it runs in the family. Marnie said pizza? Lia passed Marnie to Victoria and got some more and set it down on the table, she said good thing I made two large.

She grabbed drinks for them just as Tony rushed in wearing only shorts. His mouth dropped the floor and he started to tear up seeing his mate and daughter in his own kitchen. Lia said go get dressed Tony and come back. He nodded, kissed Victoria's head before rushing to his room and changing before hurrying back down.

She put the drinks down and smiled at Victoria who looked somewhat shocked, still starring off at the doorway where Tony left the room. Lia said do you want me to leave Victoria, you saw that he will accept you, he already knows your story and never changed his mind or determination on finding you?

Victoria nodded and said if you don't mind Lia? Lia said no, I don't mind, that's why I asked. Just so you know, you can put Marnie to sleep in my old room, I'm sure it will do fine.

Lia stood and kissed Marnie's head and said enjoy the pizza pumpkin. Maybe I'll get to see you both soon, bye Victoria. She grabbed her bag and went to meet Tony who she found grinning in the hallway, still shocked but overjoyed. She said take good care of them Tony, I would remind you to grab their things from her car before Marnie falls asleep.

He sucked in his breath and said we'll do that first Lia, help me please, I'm all thumbs. Lia nodded and said I'll get her keys. Lia walked back in the kitchen and Victoria already had her keys out and ready, she passed them to Lia and said thanks.

Lia said anytime Victoria. She returned to Tony and together they went out and grabbed all their things, making two trips each. They put Marnie's things in Lia's old room and Victoria's in the room beside Tony's, unsure of where she wanted to stay.

After that Lia hugged Tony and said goodnight Tony, good luck and I'll see you soon. He waved her off, not even realizing he never asked where she might be staying.

Lia sighed as she drove back to the hotel, now that Tony had his mate he would settle down nicely, ready made family and all. She walked into her hotel and scented Curt, followed his scent to the lounge where he was sucking faces with a female.

She stopped where she was and watched until the face of the female was recognized by Lia. It was Melanie, Lia sighed before turning around and leaving, went up to her room and closed the door.

She showered before getting ready for bed, slipped under the covers and went to sleep. In the morning, she ordered room service and relaxed before it arrived. Opened her door when she heard a knock to find her food.

She was pulling the cart in when a door opened down the hallway and she saw Curt coming out of what must be Melanie's room. Melanie stood in the doorway only in her underwear, covered in fresh hickeys and them both smelling like unprotected sex. Before she could watch more, Lia pulled her food cart inside and closed the door.

She took a deep breath and called the pack house to arrange for a visit. Alpha Reno and Luna Kory were excited to see her, they made an agreement to meet at the pack house in an hour, more than enough time for Lia.

Lia ate, grabbed her clothes for the day and took her shower. Noticing the time, Lia packed her things and shoved the cart out into the hallway then grabbed her bags and checked out quickly.

She packed her bags back into her rental car and drove to the pack house. She took deep calming breathes until she calmed down then got out and knocked on the front door.

When Curt opened it, he frowned. He still stunk like his slut of a dream girl which angered her wolf until she shoved past him and went inside. She walked past him and was walking upstairs when he yelled who are you and what are you doing in my house? Get out now, he said.

She ignored him and knocked on the Alpha's door then went in, slamming the door in Curt's angry face. He banged on the door and the Alpha frowned. He got up and answered, so Curt rushed in and got in her face.

She shoved him back and said in a very different accent, you stink, don't you know how to shower off the raunchy stench of your lovers. He growled and said who the hell are you, I never invited you in here, get out. Lia smiled at Luna Kory as she walked into the room and saw her son losing it.

Lia shrugged and then Curt almost spit in her face, angry as could be. She punched him and said back off asshole, why don't you go back to Melanie in her hotel room, I'm sure she can keep you on your back and quiet.

Working girls like her know how to get men like you off in seconds, tricks of the trade I hear. Go on, get out of here. Alpha Reno sighed and said leave Curt, go play with your life size blow up doll named Melanie. I didn't even know she was back in town, you not pay her well enough?

Curt growled and said she's not a whore and I've never had to pay her off. Lia huffed and said sure, tell that to her probation officer, I'm sure he doesn't pay her cash either.

Alpha Reno gasped and said really? Lia snorted and said oh yeah, multiple arrest records, now on probation with an officer somewhat less strict and who has been witnessed getting it on with dear sweet Melanie.

Luna Kory sat down and said yeah, dear sweet Melanie is not so innocent huh? Lia said nope not for a long, long time. Now leave Curt, you're not wanted here. He glared at her and asked who are you?

She smiled sweetly and said I'll tell you later at lunch, I'm a bit busy here. He frowned then said okay I guess. He walked out and she ran to the door and locked it.

She said in her real voice, what a moron, then turned to the Alphas. She smiled and said well you two, I just come to thank you for all you've done, the packages you sent Luna Kory were much appreciated.

Alpha Reno, you're an outstanding man of his word, I've done you proud I believe as my grades have shown you I did well, in boarding school and university.

She smiled then said with that said, I came home to see how things were. But like usual, Melanie has him wrapped around her little finger and she could do no wrong in his eyes. From what I witnessed there is only one thing left for me to do.

She looked at the teary eyed Luna and said yes, I must accept his rejection. I had hoped otherwise but see where his heart lies and it's not with his true mate. Alpha Reno flared his nostrils before sighing deeply and just nodding.

The Luna wiped her eyes and said what are you going to do Lia? You smell clean and fresh just like you always have, still innocent and you look stunningly beautiful. No boyfriends?

Lia sighed shaking her head and said I've stayed true to my beliefs about mates. Still had that hope he had changed his tune but now, even after four years, he is still with her. Time for me to move on, go with the flow I guess. I'll be fine Alphas, I have prospects on the future, it's not in the states, but I'm moving on with my life.

She said you've got my cell number, don't let Curt get to it or I will just change it. She looked away from them and said Anthony had found his mate years ago. But like Curt in a way, he lost her, she disappeared but has finally shown up again with a little girl that is the spitting image, a female version, of him when he was little.

Anthony's mate's name is Victoria and daughter is Marnie, they have hopefully mended their relationship and will be just fine. Victoria's past needs to be heard, all in good time please. Her family has not mended the breach they now have with her and Marnie, so please welcome her like family.

They nodded and said will do Lia. She stood and said that all said, I think it's time. She hugged and kissed them both, thanked them again for all they've done for her and left them there in the office.

She tracked Curt down to the den, where he was groping miss innocent Melanie. It hurt, her wolf growling but Lia took a deep breath and said can you not find a room, or is there going to be a line up out the door for her next tricks?

Melanie growled and said get lost bitch, he's mine. Lia snickered and said have you told him yet? You know Melanie, it's not good for a relationship to start out with lies, you forget which you have said to certain people.

In fact, I bet Curt here doesn't know you've found your true mate and can't be with him? Hmm? I bet Curt doesn't know you've spent quality time with him and at this moment are carrying your mate's child, that is the reason you don't bathe, so no one smells your real scent.

Melanie spit out who the hell are you? Lia looked at Curt and snorted before saying good luck with this bitch, just know her true mate was arrested and is in prison, far away. When he gets out, asses are going to be kicked, be it yours or his.

He glared and said get out, it's all lies. Lia smiled as the pack were all listening and said just fair warning Curt. She said you wanted to know who I am, well, just between you and I.

I, Lia Theadora Hutchings accept the rejection of Curtis Marshall Riding as mate and renounce all ties to the position of Luna to the Red Dawn Wolf Pack. I also renounce my ties to the pack.

Curt gasped out Lia? She snorted and said have a good life with your lying bitch Melanie, good luck with the baby that's not yours as she conceived it with her true mate a month ago in Texas before he was arrested for murder.

Seems Melanie here was caught with her pants down, her mate caught them, he murdered her lover and was soon caught. His name is Eugene Reynolds, look it up and you'll see it all over the newspapers.

You'll even see a sweet picture of your bitch here on the front page, tears falling as they dragged her true mate to jail. I pity him because he got stuck to be her true mate, he was only a victim, caused to fight for his mate and see where it landed him.

Yeah, maybe I should go visit him, give him a few honest truths about his dear f◇cked up mate. She raised both fingers at them and said what a useless and screwed up mate you turned out to be Curt, go straight to hell both of you. Don't ever try to contact me Curt as you've made your bed and have to live with the fact you tossed away your true mate for that piece of shit.

She turned and brushed past ex-pack members, then stopped when she saw both Alphas standing there listening. She bowed before taking her leave, going out to her rental car and getting in.

She drove to Tony's but found both car and truck gone. She grabbed the note she wrote earlier and slid it under the door. Then she left, drove off the pack lands with her head held high.

She texted Percy and said she'll take the job, just needed to go visit Eugene in prison and will be done in the States. He texted back hours later to tell her he would pick her up personally.

She drove to the prison and signed in, Eugene was a perfect example of what happens when they have a cheating mate, his anger and wolf went crazy and in the frenzy a man died because Melanie couldn't be faithful to anyone.

She earlier texted the Werewolf Council in England and pleaded for them to arrange extradition for Eugene because the farther he was from Melanie the easier it would be for him.

She waited at the table as they brought him in to see her. His face showed the disappointment she wasn't Melanie. Lia waited until he took a seat then shook his hand, huffing at the guards disapproval.

She shrugged and said sorry Eugene or Gene if you'd like? He smiled and nodded, she said get control of your wolf Gene, I've got words to say you're both not going to like.

She said my name is Lia, I'm here to tell you truths you've never heard about your true mate Melanie. He took a deep breath scenting the air and said you're not like her, are you?

She said no Gene, I'm the furthest thing from her you will ever meet, you can tell by my scent that I'm innocent, fact one. I can, like you, scent when someone is lying, unlike Melanie who couldn't because everything she says are lies.

She leaned in close and said everything I tell you today is the truth and nothing but, you can tell by my scent, I'm wearing nothing to block it.

He flared his nostrils and said I believe you Lia, go on. She nodded and then started to tell him about Melanie, her past, her current situation which made him suck in his breath, she stopped as he needed a minute to calm down.

She said smell any lies? He shook his head and she said it's all true, but here is something new for you, from me to you. She said I've contacted the Werewolf Council in England to plead your case.

She nodded as he looked shocked and sniffed the air. She said I've just got a reply that they agreed. For you Gene, I've got a good boss and he used his contacts to make sure they got all the information, not just what the human police has on you.

I believe that they will arrange for an extradition over to England where you will be detained with others of our kind. You will still be locked up but in an environment that will be easier on you. Being that far from Melanie is best because I should know.

She said this is what I didn't tell you earlier, the man who she is currently with, was my true mate. I've just come from there, confronted the two of them and accepted the rejection I got four years ago. He, Curt, rather foolishly has his chosen mate who he had wanted me to change into so they could be together.

Gene asked what she meant? Lia breathed deep and said he wanted me to physically change my features, body, eye color so I would look like Melanie, when I said no, he rejected me. I'm not about to have plastic surgery to become her, I'm me and if he didn't want me as I was, then he doesn't deserve to have me at all. You understand?

Gene sighed and sniffed the air then nodded. He said your gorgeous Lia, why the hell would he want you to look like her? She shrugged and said some twisted mate I've got, but after the rejection, I asked to be sent away and the Alpha agreed.

Curt also asked his father to send me away, not knowing I'd already asked, his father was pissed at his son because his reasons were unbelievable. Anyway, the time spent so far away helped me heal the rejection and you can too Gene.

That is why I contacted them. You are a victim here just as I've been for the past four years. She added, agree to what they want Gene, go to England and serve your time. When you're out, go visit the packs there, spend time at each and maybe if you're lucky you'll find a rejected female or one that has lost her mate. Choose your own mate with your wolf Gene and be happy.

He smiled and said you're so right Lia, thank you for coming to see me. She said you're welcome Gene, I couldn't not come, you deserve to hear the truth and knowing Melanie, she won't ever tell it to you.

She took out her felt pen marker she was allowed to bring in and took his hand. She wrote down the contact's name and number and said give him a call Gene, talk to him and he will see it done, he needs your confirmation first.

Gene smiled and said next call I'm allowed to make I will definitely call. She said if Melanie shows up Gene, I recommend you either send her away, or for your wolf's sake allow her to see you and reject her as your mate. You're in here because of her unfaithfulness, she will only leave and go back to him and others because she can.

He took in her scent and said you mean that, it's no lie. She said all truths Gene, my scent is there and you can tell. They stood up as the officer said that's time. She said it was good talking to you Gene, take care and who knows, we might meet again.

He bowed his head and said what about you Lia? What are you going to do now? She smiled and said I'm moving to Canada, got me a job to go back to, bye Gene. He was escorted back to his cell while she was escorted out.

She stopped at the prison's gift shop and purchased a few things for his comfort and paid, telling the guard to please see that Gene got them. He said okay, but only because he has been a remarkable prisoner. Lia said if I may call you Adam? He smiled and nodded. She leaned in and asked are you married Adam? He said yes, going on 10 years.

She sighed and said don't take this wrong Adam, I'm just explaining Gene to you, he nodded. Lia said just imagine if you were to go home early and found your wife in bed with your best friend, how angry that would make you?

That is how angry Gene got when he caught Melanie in bed with the man he ended up killing. She said Melanie is not like your wife, Melanie's a lying deceitful bitch. You see, she has been sleeping with my fiancee and I never knew it. I was away in England going to school thinking we were okay, then Melanie wormed her way into his bed.

Yeah, she is disgusting. But I found out and broke it off because when I tried to mend our relationship, he wanted me only if I agreed to plastic surgery to look more like her. I refused. Anyway, Gene is locked up in here and she's not crying on her pillow, no she is pregnant with Gene's baby and is still sleeping with my ex.

So don't think so bad about Gene, he now sees Melanie as she really is and that's why he's such a good inmate. But in truth, if we could only see the truth before such things happen, you just never know what life throws in your face.

He sighed and said you know, he has that look sometimes, the defeated look like he lost something that meant the world to him. Lia said yeah, me too but I have to move on just like Gene will.

Thanks for the talk Adam, give your wife a hug when you get home, in fact bring her a gift, not flowers or jewelry or anything like that. Bring her a small chocolate bar, or a Danish, a treat you know she loves, stop and pick her up a specialty coffee or mocha from time to time and show her that you think of her, tell her you love her every day. You'll see that she will never stray and always stay true.

He smiled and said it's the little things that you're talking about. She said yes, they may not cost much but they mean more if they are thought of and given often. It won't break the bank and they'll keep your love alive, you may even get lucky more often, just tell her you both need to work off the extra doughnut you both just ate.

She waved bye and went to her car and found Percy leaning against it. She laughed and said I thought you were going to pick me up but at the airport in Canada?

He sighed and said he did, but the more he thought about it, he couldn't wait to see me again. She said okay Percy, did you take a cab here? When he nodded, she tossed him her keys then said you drive, remember we're in the States and you need to drive on the right hand side of the road.

He snatched the keys and said brat! You drive the same way in Canada you know! She smirked and said I know, just wanted to see you smile. He smiled and said you always do that to me Lia.

She grinned and said yeah, she likes his smiles. He hugged her to him and said well, I like your smiles too. He let her go and walked her around the car and held her door open so she could get in. Once she was safely in, he got in the driver's side and turned the car on.

Then he asked how things went in the prison, was he angry? She sighed and said he was disappointed I wasn't Melanie but listened well and in the end he agreed to go to England. Percy nodded and said good, it's all arranged.

She smiled and said he's good to go any time, I'll text Gordon now and let him know. Percy said okay, he's waiting for your call Lia. She nodded then pulled out her phone.

Once she hung up, Lia sighed and said was it my imagination or was he acting strange? Percy had tensed up during that call, so she placed her hand on his knee. He growled and said yeah, I think you better leave those calls to me in the future, sounds like he's getting too familiar with you.

Lia said are you sure because she has never stepped over the line? Percy said if we were in the same room with him, the pheromone level would be over the roof. Lia sighed and said okay, knew I should have just texted. He chuckled and said bloody hell your right about that, Lia.

She said well, now we know, we can work to eliminate that in the butt. No more calls from Gordon, maybe get a new phone? Percy chuckled, he snatched her phone up and opened his window and tossed it out in the bay, saying oops. Lia chuckled and said you're buying me a new phone mister, oops my ass.

Percy pulled over at the first mall they could find and they went inside. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close as soon as they entered and said keep close, there are unfamiliar wolves nearby.

She wrapped her arm around his waist and they strolled until they came to a computer store. Percy grinned as they window shopped then pulled her along as he went in. He ended up buying a few things, Lia pointed out newer models to what they had so he checked them over and added to the buggy. They got to the phones and he called over a salesman to show them the ones they had, Lia smiled at him and said these are newer than yours too, Percy my man.

Percy grinned and said what color do you want Lia? She licked her lips before biting her lip and said the red, what about you? He said I'll take the silver, so we'll take both the red and silver please, he said to the salesman.

She stuck her hand in his back pocket as she felt his anger rise. She didn't look to see why, just eased him with her touch. She was handed the red phone and made sure the salesman stayed far away and didn't touch her at all.

She moved into Percy and he wrapped his arm around her waist and said well? She grinned up at him and said yes, this will do, thanks. He smiled and kissed her lips gently before looking at the salesman and saying that's all.

The salesman locked up the cabinet and they proceeded to the checkout. His bill was a whopper but he could write it off. They then proceeded to head to the phone mart and set up her new cell phone account to be added to his.

That way Gordon couldn't track it as it was hidden under Percy's name and not under hers. She canceled her other account at the same time explaining her phone was oops, lost. Percy chuckled over that comment.

Once that was done, they walked arm in arm around but stopped at the doors leading out and starred back at the group of shifters approaching.

Percy shifted her to in front of him and at the doors then turned around and crossed his arms. They posed a threat until the groups phones started ringing and they stopped and moved aside to answer.

Lia whispered in his ear, come on Percy lets go we have to take the rental back to the airport and get out of the States. He sighed and turned, kissed her lips and said yes, let's go, the jet should be ready for us by now.

They pushed on the door and left, walked to the rental car, shoved in their packages and drove off. The group of teens stood outside and smoldered as they got away.

Lia chuckled at the teens as they looked frustrated, she put her hand on Percy's knee and turned back to see him smiling. She put her head on his shoulder and said Anthony's mate showed up at the house.

He chuckled and said really, when? She said about two hours after you gave me her number, Tony took a few minutes before he actually called her, then we waited as it went to voice mail.

He got on my nerves, pacing the floor and tapping the table. I sent him out to take a run and then she knocked on the door. Seems you missed she had a child, Tony's daughter named Marnie, spitting image but female like when he was younger.

She sighed and said Tony came back from his run, entered and was shocked to see not only his mate but daughter. I told him to put on clothes cause he came in just wearing shorts.

I left soon after so they could talk, went back after seeing the Alpha and Luna to find them gone so I just left a note under the door. Percy then asked if she wanted to go back and see them, they can?

Lia shook her head and said no, that's fine, they have my note and they need time to get settled in, get to know one another better before family is shoved down their throat.

She said I'll call them in a few months after the dust settles. We have to get settle in Canada, from the office that will need fine tuning and then at home.

He stiffened and said your still moving in with me, right? She smiled and said yes, I'm still moving in. He sighed in relief and said good that's what I wanted to hear.

He said it's sad in a way, I mean your true mate rejecting you and you having moved away and all and then going back to assess the situation and having to accept his rejection because of that same she-bitch.

He said but in another way I'm extremely happy because his loss is my gain. I won't let you go now Lia, I hope you realize that. She replied and said Percy, I have no wish to leave, you're stuck with me now.

I gave my true mate the last four years to make up his mind, to grow up really. I gave him those years and felt lost and depressed to begin with. Then more determined that should he not accept what we are, then I would have a life too. Then I found you and was frightened, I cared for you but still had my wolf to console and I told her that we would go back and see if he would accept us now.

I gave him the chance but all I got shoved in my face was Melanie again. She was all over him many times and I was forced to see, watch. I had to tell my wolf that see, he doesn't want us and we will move on, hoping that you were still interested.

Percy kissed her head and said there is no doubt in my mind, I'm interested alright Lia, your amazing. I hope that in the next little while we can forge that same bond mates have.

They pulled up to the rental agency at the airport and got out. Lia pulled her bags out while Percy paid for the rental charges and when he finished, then they carrying her bags to a trolley before heading to the jet.

They both fell asleep as soon as the flight left and were awakened by the pilot announcing their arrival in Vancouver BC. They both yawned and stretched. Lia kissed him before he realized it, grabbed and kissed her back for all it was worth.

She moaned softly as he pulled her into his arms, then again when he sucked on her neck unexpectedly. He jerked suddenly when he heard the pilot chuckle and say you were supposed to that in the air, not when we land.

Lia hid her face against Percy's neck and when Percy told Yuri to stuff it. She blew against his ear and chuckled when he stiffened and swallowed hard. Yuri just said too bad we landed or I would have made another spin around the airport for y'all.

Percy groaned and said but we landed you ass and so you can't, I just want to take Lia home now. Lia kissed his neck then moved out of his arms. She glared at Yuri then took Percy's hands after he stood and reached out for it.

Yuri sighed and finally said I'm sorry Lia, I forget your so innocent and fresh. She sighed too then said Yuri, you're a real pest sometimes, your timing couldn't have sucked worse. Go back there and close the curtains.

Yuri chuckled and did what she requested still chuckling. She turned to Percy and grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him once more like she wanted to and then said now, I'm ready to go.

Percy closed his eyes feeling her lips on his again and god he and his wolf wanted to mate her so badly. When he kissed her back he never thought this was coming and he wanted it never to stop.

When she said she was ready to go, he wanted to pick her up and toss her over his shoulder and take her to bed, any bed. Instead he pulled her closer and let her feel what kissing her did to him.

He pressed his forehead against hers and whispered more later? She chuckled and said you can bet on it Percy. He kissed her forehead and took a deep breath then let her go and said get out here Yuri, we want to get out of here.

By the time they got off the plane, their bags where already being loaded in the SUV's. Lia waved bye to Yuri who was taking off into town, going to his the gym and pound a few bags he said.

They were in each others arms as they walked to the car and got into the back, Ronnie was driving as he knew the area as he had lived here many years ago.

They drove to a warehouse that they were renovating to become their main office, it was huge as it took up nearly a whole city block. One section had already been converted into their weekday residence while they would have a house in the mountains for the weekend.

The house wasn't ready yet, Lia would have to get on that as soon as she could, meanwhile they were staying in town. Their rooms were on the top floor, while they had three other floors with rooms for employees, like Ronnie and the others who worked in the office.

Ronnie drove into the warehouse parking garage and parked while the other SUV drove in as well then they closed the large door.

They all got out as Lia looked around in amazement, and this was only the garage. They had a fleet of cars that filled out the building nicely. They had a mechanic that worked on the cars, he had a bay next door which she was told many of the men spent time watching and learning every trick of the trade they could.

The men all grabbed bags, leaving Percy and her with the shopping bags and her purse, which was fine by her. They waited for the elevator in the hallway between garage and the office they were still working on and went up to the top floor.

She stood in front of the large floor to ceiling tinted glass wall of the living room and looked down onto the water of English Bay, just thinking it was beautiful.

Her bags were set down and she said thank you guys. Percy waved them off saying they had the next few days off as he was going to be showing Lia around himself, and get her used to the area.

Lia said goodnight to them and heard as they planned hitting the bars tonight for sure then. Percy walked up behind her and said beautiful isn't it Lia? She grinned and said pictures don't do it justice Percy, this is amazing.

He took her hand and said you haven't seen nothing yet. She went with him as they used a set of stairs that went up, but up would be the roof?

He pulled her close as they reached the top and then pulled her out onto a deck. He pulled her into his arms and said there is a view of 180 degrees, the west only because the east has high rises taller than the warehouse, we do need some privacy.

He pointed north and said the deck takes up the whole length of the warehouse so each section has privacy shields in place. He walked along part way and showed her, she was so stunned.

She said but honey, no one will want to work with a view like this. Percy chuckled and said you would say that, but it gets lonely by yourself Lia. This view only fills you up so much when you're by yourself.

She said I hope you put a hidden bar up here, wow the sunsets must be gorgeous, can you see us sitting out here with a drink and watching the sunsets.

He smiled and kissed her lips and said yes, but only with you. She kissed him back and said I don't want to see a sunset up here with anyone else but you Percy.

He lifted her up into his arms and carried her back to their balcony and set her down on her feet to go down the stairs. He kissed her hand and guided her to their jumbo apartment.

Then lifted her up again, her carried her into their bedroom and she moaned as he kissed her thoroughly until he felt her unbuttoning his shirt. He unbuttoned his cuffs while she roamed her hands all over his chest and abs making him so aroused.

She smiled as she watch him shiver when she touched his nipple, making her do it again to the other. She looked up into his face and just said please.

Her face was filled with longing, for him. He smiled and said oh, yes. Then stripped her clothes off, one by one until she was only wearing her underwear.

She stepped out of her clothes and gave him such an innocent smile then said I've never done this Percy, I hope that is okay?

He stepped up to her until her breasts touched his chest and he whispered quite alright Lia, there is nothing to be afraid of. He reached around and undid her bra and she let it slid down her arms and then to the ground as she leaned back.

He groaned and closed his eyes as she rubbed her peaked breasts again his chest, he could feel her hardened nipples rubbing his bare skin and it was hell of a turn on.

He leaned her back over his arm and took one of her nipples into his mouth and suckled like a baby and she groaned softly but long and hard. He switched to the other and she wrapped her hands around his head and said my god that feels so good.

He took a deep breath and blew on it and she nearly fell to the floor, she was that sensitive. But he kept his grip on her and walked her back to the bed and laid her down, my god he wanted to feast.

He moved to her knees and started to kiss upwards until he got to her panties and they were gone seconds later, he whipped them down her legs and tossed them aside as he took the sight of her in.

He spread her legs out and whispered it was okay when she squirmed. He blew on her mound and he could see goosebumps down her legs. He inhaled her scent and almost blew his top, she was oh so luscious, and smelled like lust he had for her but in reverse.

Percy watched her face as he used one hand to run up and down her thigh then to the inside of her legs, she parted and he could see her need for him.

He quickly got up and stripped off his pants then shorts before he climbed over top of her and she looked down and gulped before saying are you sure it will fit?

He chuckled and said most definitely Lia, move on up to the pillows. She did as he was raised up enough for her to do so. He started at the feet and worked his way up, kissing and licking, nibbling and rubbing with his fingers and hands and soon he moved to her pelvic bone and upwards to her breasts again.

He lavished them, adored them, nibbled and even bit her nipple and watched as she jerked. He made his way up to her throat and sucked areas that made her squirm, making notes in his head for later.

He kissed her neck and shoulders until he found her sweet spot and his wolf was going wild, telling him to mark her now. But he ignored his wolf and sucked on the spot until he gave her a hickey. Lia was moaning now, pressing and rubbing her naked body against his.

He flipped her over on her front and laid his body on top of her for only a few second, placing his member between her legs and feeling her dampness nearly send him over the edge.

He chuckled when she clamped her legs closed around his cock and almost blew it again when she started to move her hips up and down. He moaned and leaned down to her shoulder and started to suck on her sweet spot, allowing her to do what she needed.

He even moved his body against hers until he heard her panting and said please, please, please Percy, I need you. He pulled away and rolled her back over and kissed her, moved her legs wider apart and placed his member against her opening.

The next thing he knew, she had turned them over and she sat down, all the way, breaking through her hymen on her own and gritting her teeth in pain. He groaned loud and strong and then wrapped his arms around her when she finally calmed and said sorry Percy, I had to do that on my own.

He flipped them over again and kissed her thoroughly and mumbled it's okay Lia, I was unsure and hesitant, are you okay now, pain all gone? She lifted her head up and kissed him and said yes, but I'm waiting for more.

He smiled and then ravished her, he simply ravished her and when he felt her release and come, he found her sweet spot and bit her, claiming her as his for all times.

The pain was brief but soon she moaned as she came again on just the feeling of pleasure and only then did he start to move against her body again.

That time when they neared their climaxes, she turned her face into his shoulder and neck, kissed until she found his sweet spot and when they climaxed, she bit him in return, claiming him as her mate, making them both climaxing again.

Once Percy could feel his bones again, he sat up and moved to the side of the bed. Lia's head was on his shoulder and he looked down to find her smiling up at him. He kissed her lips and she returned it fully and heatedly.

He could feel the connection between them and felt her joy through their joining even felt her stirring for more against him.

He picked her up by the butt and stood up then walked to the bathroom, she moaned and started to breath harder making him stop as he was fully erect again, still inside her and ready to go.

He put her back against the wall and by then, she had grabbed his nipple and twisted it getting his attention. Her little smirk was seen and he lost it, he took her against the wall as she egged him on.

She moaned out his name as she came and when they were done, she gave him such a grin. He chuckled and said I was taking you to shower, but we had a little pit stop, hope you liked it.

She grinned and said most definitely, you just hit a spot that drove me wild, does that usually happen. He shrugged his shoulders and said I wouldn't know, but now that I do, it will happen more often that is for sure.

He lifted her by her butt again and walked to the lavishly beautiful bathroom and set her on the cold counter, she squealed and jumped back in his arms and said that was cold on my tush.

He set her feet down on the ground and saw the blood on her thighs before he turned on the shower. He grabbed a washcloth and once the shower was warm enough picked her up again and set her on the bench inside.

He turned to grab the soap felt her hands on his butt cheeks and then down his legs and up again, he stayed still as he felt her rub her face against his butt them nip it making him jerk.

She chuckled and he turned to face her and she saw what her touching his body did to him, he was fully erect again. Thinking it would scare her, he was turning away, when he felt her hand on him, which she gripped him tightly in her small hand.

He groaned and let her touch what was now hers as her body was his. He grabbed the liquid soap and said here as he squirted some on her hands.

He showed her how to grip and let her at it until he was breathing hard and knew he had to stop or he would come in her hands. When he looked down, just the sight of her smile drove him to completion, he came in her hands and groaned her name out loud, grabbed the wall to steady himself and looked at her face, grinning so big, so proud should could do that.

He leaned down and kissed her pretty lips and said thank you love. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back saying thank you for allowing me to do that Percy, I know it was hard.

He chuckled and said it was until you got your way with me. She smirked and said you got me there. He said not at the moment, but keep smiled and I will.

She grabbed the soap from him and said in that case, we better wash up don't you think. He grabbed the washcloth as she was soaping his back. He used the liquid soap and lathered up the washcloth and he then turned and got down on his knees.

He washed her, feet then legs, then between the legs gently as she opened her legs for him to do so. He moved on to her tummy then arms and she chuckled and said you missed a spot.

He grinned and said I was leaving those for last, mine. He turned her around and she placed both hands on the wall and he groaned as she stuck out her ass and wiggled it. He smiled as he started up the from the bottom of each foot she lifted to the back of her legs, then took his time with her luscious ass.

He did her back, then arms and returned to her ass with both hands filling his hands with her butt and squeezing until she moaned. He quickly did his front and then had her hands on the wall, they were all soapy when he slid into her hot body, she was squirming against him and he took his time, hard and made sure he was hitting those spots inside her that made her go wild.

When she climaxed, it set him off and he pumped three more times before he groaned out her name as he came. He put his head to the mark he placed and sucked and felt her squirm again, he was still erect and lifted her up and turned them around so he was sitting and she was on his lap.

He was firmly in and could feel her inner muscles clench him tight. He sat up straight and pulled her back against him and moved both hands down to play with her clit. He hadn't moved yet and it only took two or three rubs on her clip to set her off again.

He pumped up and she moved with him until he groaned and he latched on to her mark and bit down and heard her scream his name as she came hard as ever.

She slammed down hard and that set him off as he groaned out her name while he came. She leaned back against him and said hot damn, drowsily. Percy chuckled in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her holding her in her place and she snorted and said what.

He said if I hadn't known you were a virgin I wouldn't believe it, that's all. She yawned and said I'm just making up for lost time. He grabbed the washcloth and slipped out of her before using it and washing up their come from her body before she stood up and under the shower to rinse off, she grabbed the shampoo and lathered her hair quickly then turned to him.

She gave him that precious little smile and he got on his knees and wet his hair before she lathered it then tapped his shoulder when she was done.

Moving around her, he pressed for the second shower head and they both got to rinse off the suds before grabbing the shower nozzle and going to her to rinse off all the suds. He did himself quickly as she was yawning again then turned off the water and grabbed a towel.

He dried her off first then himself before stepping out and reaching for her. He carried her to the bed and sat her down and grabbed another towel and dried her hair before his own.

He pulled back the covers and let her crawl in then moved in behind her and turned the lights out. She was almost asleep when she said love you Percy, night. He smiled and said love you too sweetheart, night.

God she was something else, sweet, honest to the bone, smart as a whip and tough as could be too. But what he thought about mostly was he loved her to the core, his wolf said we finally have our mates and we will love them to the end of the earth and back.

Percy smiled and said yes they will. He closed his eyes and fell straight to sleep as he nuzzled her hair taking in her scent until he was done for the day.

Lia woke up feeling Percy's fully erect member against her and moaned as it felt so good. She turned her head and then moved and shoved him over on his back then grinned so evilly. She moved over top of him and nuzzled his chest then licked his nipples and then nibbled her way up to the mark she placed on his should and licked it.

She smiled as she felt him shift then she opened her mouth and bit down gently until he gasped and held her head against his mark with one hand and then the other moved until he nudged his member and slid up inside to the brim.

She bit down harder and he groaned as she squirmed wanting him to move. She mind linked him and said please Percy, I need more. She removed her teeth, and looked at the mark before placing her open mouth against it and sucking hard.

It spurred him on as he bucked against her then rolled them over and let go of his mark and gave him her evil smile and said morning.

He chuckled and said my little minx, need more? She nodded and said please you got me all hot and bothered and now you have to fix it. He kissed her mouth as she grinned and then moved against him as he started to pump slow, then faster, then hard as she moaned it so.

He licked his lips before latching on to her breast and she gasped and curved her spine, seating him even deeper as he pumped. He nipped her breasts then turned to his mark and grabbed hold fast as she groaned once he started to suck on it.

He hit the spot inside her that made her go wild and once she climaxed, so did he as she sent him over. They groaned out each other's names and he smiled down at her seeing her give him that special smile. He kissed her face all over and said that was for my wolf as he licked one swipe.

He saw the gleam in her eye and then watched as she spied his nipple and leaned up and nipped him good. She said my wolf loves your nipples, do you know why? He shook his head and said no, tell my why?

She gave him that smile he loved and said because it gets a rise out of you, your breath quickens and you love it, and she loves it too. He said then let her have what she wants love, it's okay with me, I'm all yours and your all mine.

She leaned up and latched onto a nipple before he sucked in his breath, she suckled him and god that felt so good. She let go and latched onto the other and he jerked as it heated him up again knowing that she and her wolf loved to get this reaction from him.

She pulled up her leg and pulled it over his shoulder when he moved his hand, then she did the other after letting go of his nipples so he pressed up and they both groaned as he was deep inside her and she went wild as he started to pump and grind.

When she felt him close to his climax, so was she, she let go of the bed frame with one hand and pinched his nipples until he groaned out loud and pumped harder, hitting that one spot until she almost screamed his name. It sent him over as she panted out saying oh my god, yes Percy yes. But it wasn't heard out loud, it was said straight to his mind.

He kissed her and tried to mind link her and said Lia love? She smiled and linked back and said yes Percy my love? He grinned and said we have a mind link my love. She gave him that smile he loved and said I know, I used it earlier.

He chuckled and said is that what woke me? She nodded and said that and my biting my mark on your shoulder Percy my love.

He looked at her shoulder and said seems were even, you bit me twice and I bit you twice. She grinned and said I'll bite you again if you wish. She licked her lips and said you were might tasty.

He chuckled and said how about we have breakfast first, I can hear your tummy growling for food. She bit her lip and sighed before saying okay, as long as you promise we can come back here later tonight and do it all over again.

He grinned and said you're on Lia my love, you're on. He pulled out and grabbed the towel off the floor to wipe them both and took her hand as she stood up and they went to shower off before eating.

Once out of the shower, he went and got clothes for both of them as he had some things he bought for her here, she didn't know it yet. She looked at the underwear and checked the sizes before saying you bought me some clothes?

He grinned and said yes I did Lia, just a few that are your style, like those I picked out because I liked the color, how about you? She grinned and said they're pretty, I do like them.

She slipped on her bra then panties, which made him groan, which made her chuckled, she said you're supposed to groan when I take them off not put them on.

He smiled and said can't help it, they look so good, I want to take them off with my teeth. She winked and said then you'll have to do that later, I'm starved, aren't you?

He swallowed hard as she reached down and pulled on her new yoga pants and watched her shimmy into them almost had him groaning out loud again.

Instead of putting on her top, she grabbed his dress shirt and smiled as she buttoned it up and smelled it. She said it smells like you, I can't help myself.


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