Girls of faith: Judge me not

By Noelailenid

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Book one of the girls of Faith series. Aubri is a teen girl living in the "ghetto" part of an Arizona city. L... More

Girls of faith: Judge me not
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part seven
Part eight

Part six

839 81 13
By Noelailenid

I arrive at the dance with Trina, but find myself yanked to the side before I step inside.

"What the-"

"Its okay." Colt looks at me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I shrug nonchalantly.

"I'm sorry for earlier."

"Colt... You made things so much more worse."

"I don't care."

"You should." I scoff at him.

"I'm more concerned that he was hurting you. Thats all I care about."

"Colt. Don't get attached to me."

"To late." He whispers so softly I almost don't hear him. "Lets go inside."

"Are you sure Colt? Once we step into this dance together its over for you."

"Reputation means nothing."

"Well good. Cause its your reputation not mine." I giggle looking at him straight forward. "Ready?" I ask, butterflies entering my stomach. Not making the experience better.

"Always." He smoothly leads the way, I hurry to keep in his line of step. I'm sure I'm exaggerating this, or at least I hope so, but when We walked in the building its like time trickle effect. One person stops and whispers and slowly everyones looking at us. But what happens next shocks me most. Colt takes hold of my hand and leads me to the dance floor. Then dances in a respectful way with me. Talk about swooned.

I spot Trina across the room with the girls and she winks at me. Gah.

After everyone settles down he pulls me aside.

"Whats up?" I ask

"Nothing. I'm having fun. Are you?"

"I think I am." I nod slowly.

"Good. Then I'm having a great time. I'm glad your having fun."

"Thanks for convincing me to go. Sorry I was a little stubborn. But can you blame me?"

"No. I mean I seen your brother. And Ricardos not any better. But Again, I don't care."

"Ricardos not here. But he will be monday. So we will need have space between each other."

"What do you mean."

"Like I'm still dedicated to Ricardo."

"Why would you do that? Ricardo doesn't care about you." Colts voice turns cold, but still compassionate.

"You don't understand. Me and Ricardo aren't together, but you can't just say leave me alone. Its kinda like were together by default. Thats how it is in our neighborhood. You don't change it. I'm not trying to change the rules either."

"What if the prize was worth your wild."

"It'd have to be pretty great then." I tease, even though I know the underlining meaning in his statement.

"Do you have feelings for Ricardo?" He asks boldly.

"Well... Ricardos alright, but I don't see myself with him in the future" I admit slowly, to myself more so then him.

"Then don't waste your time with him."

"If only life were that easy." I sigh.

"It is that easy if you let it be."

"Colt can we just drop this conversation and enjoy the rest of the night?"

"Fine whatever.'"

"Thanks." I say letting him lead me to the dance floor.

The next morning I wake up next to Trina at my house since she spent the night.

"Have a good night?" Trina asks me groggily. We have that habit of waking up at the same time.

"No." I lie.

"You did!" She argues, sitting up and leaning against the wall.

"Maybe I did. But think about it. This can't go any farther Ricardo would kill him."

"So leave the gang." She says dully. Psh. She of all people should know thats impossible.

"If only it was that easy. You should know."

"Well I'm leaving it." She exclaims suddenly after a few beats of silence.

"What?" I screech. She just stares at me.

"Why are you two so loud?" Marco bangs on my door but entering with out my consent.

"Go away!" I say immediately. Turning away from Trina to look at him.

"I will when you to lower your voices."

"Okay. Voices lower. Go." I Make a point to whisper dramatically. He closes my door after rolling his eyes. I turn back to Trina and glare. "What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving it. Its nothing but bad. Besides. I think the christian thing to do would stay way from it. Don't you agree?"

"I never thought of it from a christian stand point. But from a member stand point... Thats scary don't you think."

"Yes. Thats why as my best friend, you should do it with me. Follow me. Or better yet. Lead me."

"Lead me. With strong hands. Stand up. When I can't. Don't leave me. Hungry for love." I sing to distractedly.

"Exactly. Your stronger then me. You can lead me, and I'm sure the the girls."

"You want me to start a war."

"I want you to follow christ. Christ didn't belong to a gang."

"You know what. Fine. We'll leave. I'll start something. But that doesn't mean I'll get together with colt! Okay?"

"Sure... Whatever you say."

"Okay trina. Lets do this." I sigh, "after I take a nap though." I pull myself back under the covers and snuggle into the bed.


Its short! But I like it!

I graduate today guys!!

So heres to summer!





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