Saved by an Angel (a Castiel...

By black_smoke_angel

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When an unknown force pulls Kristena Singer and her older brother, Dean from Hell, they come face to face wit... More

Saved by an Angel (a Castiel love story)
Chapter 2: Can you hear me?
chapter 3: What I Witnessed
Chapter 4: ...Bastard...
Chapter 5: Professor Cas
Chapter 6: Sooooooo Busted (damn)
Chapter 7: Power Up
Chapter 8: Make a Wish
Chapter 9: Graceless
Chapter 10: Mind Meld
Chapter 11: Coffee!!
Chapter 12: Give Me a Break
Chapter 13: Supernatural-the Book!
Chapter 14: Broken
Chapter 15: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 17: The End?
Chapter 18: All On My Own
Chapter 19: Threats and a Pep Talk
Author Note
Chapter 20: We've had this Conversation
Chapter 21: I'll do What I Want
Chapter 22: This is Awkward...
Chapter 23: Memory
Chapter 24: I Don't Get Holidays
Chapter 25: Dying and Still Kicking Ass
Chapter 26: Death is on My Side
Chapter 27: Finale

Chapter 16: Brainwashed

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By black_smoke_angel

Kristy's POV:

I'm not sure what happened. I know I was sleeping, I know I was having this horrible nightmare, then there was blackness, and finally Dean crashing through the front door mad as hell. I'm not entirely sure what's happening. I just find myself crawling into an outfit.

I find myself padding down the stairs in a pair of Fade to Blue skinny jeans, a black spaghetti strap shirt under a thin purple tank top and a black leather jacket. Don't ask me how I pulled that ensemble together or how I got my tired, broken-hearted ass into it. But I did.

And I entered the living room just in time to hear dad call Dean a 'princess'. I don't even bother to try and catch up to the arguement. It's clear what it's about: Sam. There's no more screaming coming from the basement and I doubt it's because all the demon blood is out of his system.

I pour myself a drink and then I grab a box of stale Saltines and begin to nibble on one. Dean comes charging into the kitchen and snatches the glass of whiskey from my hands.

"Drink some water. You're dehydrated," he orders.

I can tell he's in a bad mood right now. Like, the worst mood I've ever seen him in.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" I ask softly and wince.

My throat is raw from crying.

"No," he snaps.

I nibble on my Saltine for a second.

"Sam gave us up for a demon."

My Saltine breaks in half in my mouth. Then, very carefully I chew it and wash it down with some cold water.

"I'm choosing to assume that said demon is Ruby," I tell him after a second.

No more time for moping and feeling sorry for myself. Sam is gone-probably on a demon blood high again-and even in my depressed state I can tell something big is happening today. Yup, 24 hours is the alloted time that we're given to be sad in my family-even when I'm heartbroken.

"Who else, Kristena?" he snarls.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Being a dick is not going to help us right now," I tell him sharply stepping closer and looking him in his hazel eyes, "you're not the only one with problems. So suck it up and let's figure out what we're going to do about this whole apocolypse thing."

And then black.

Dean's POV:

I'm not sure what happened for a second. All I know is that I had that feeling I get when Cas zaps me somwhere and then I was in a white, regal looking room. There was a long table in front of me, lined with chairs. On a platter was a steaming pile of my favorite burgers and in an ice filled bowl was my favorite beer.

Only one thing could pull all this off.

"Zachariah, you son of a bitch."

"The son of a bitch that's in charge of you."

"What am I doing here?" I snarl.

"Getting ready for the oncoming battle. We need our star player rested up and ready. Or well, I should say our star general. Our star player had some...complications."

"Who are you talking about?" I ask impatiently.

"Your little sister over there," he says pointing across the room.

Kristena is laying on the floor, her eyes closed. I check her pulse three times. She's still alive. Her breathing is slow and shallow, and her heartbeat seems slower to me-but it's strong and steady. I frown.

"What did you do to her?"

I can't loose her and Sammy. Not now. Not ever.

"Honestly, we're not sure. I guess she just doesn't like to have her particles spread out and then reformed."

I glare at him.

"I swear, if you did something to her..."

"What? You'll kill me?" he scoffs, "You pledged your loyalty to heaven and by proxy, to me. But anyway, we have no reason to be unpleasant to each other. After all, we have to work together now."

My glower doesn't lessen until I feel Kristena jolt awake. I immediately turn back to her. Her eyes are open and she's staring at the ceiling. But her eyes aren't as vibrant as usual. They're dark. So dark it's only when she sits up, and the light catches them, that I can see color in her irises.


She turns to me, blinks. Then one corner of her mouth turns up wickedly.

"Nope. Sorry kiddies. You're stuck with her better half. Now get off, I can barely breathe."

I fall back away from her as she climbs to her feet. What does she mean? How can that not be Kristy?

She gives Zachariah a vicious grin.

"Sorry Zachy, but your little brainwashing trick doesn't work on me. No, in fact it did the exact opposite. New programming, sweety."

Zachariah frowns, mirroring my expression.

"Brainwashing?" I ask confused.

"Wait your turn," she tells me without a sideways glance.

"New programming? We don't have time for games, Kristena. That's enough."

"Have you not been listening?" she asks sharply, "I'm not Kristena."

"Then who are you?" he sneers.

"She calls me Angelique."

He just stares at her for several moments. Then he makes what Kristy would call a 'whatever' gesture and takes a few steps forward.

"No matter. Kristena...or Angelique, you swore an oath-"

"That I did not make in good faith. In fact, when Kristy made that oath, she thought she was still in hell. She was deceived."

She gives him the scariest glare I've ever seen from her.

"In fact, you've been a very naughty angel lately."

Before she can continue you on, Castiel appears.

"Kristena, Dean."

"Half of that was correct," she tells him, then turns back to Zachariah without batting an eye.

"I will kill you," she says icily to Zachariah. Suprised, Cas stares at her.

"I will kill you," she continues, "and then I will kill the spineless coward that's standing by your side if you ever try this on Kristena again. She's not a toy and I am not here to play games with a couple celestial fools that wish to have a pissing contest with demonic beings. She is my only concern and her heartache is temporary-I'm not required for that. But what you did was unacceptable. Your deaths, will be painful and lingering and permenant if this ever happens again."

She looks between Cas and Zachariah as she says all this, her expression deathly serene. The threat is spelled out in neon letters. A while ago, Kristy explain the whole 'many Kristena's' concept to me. But I don't think she even realized the bitch that was currently telling off a couple of angels in the middle of a celestial safehouse.

"Listen to me, little girl-"

"Stop speaking, Zachariah. You and I both know that I'm an entity that you can't threaten."

She takes a seat at the table and stares at a bottle of beer for a second, clearly expecting everyone to go about as normal. But I'm still shocked by what just happened. My little sister just threatened to kill Zachariah and Castiel-the guy that broke her heart.

Angelique reaches over, pops the lid to the beer off with ease and takes a long swig before looking over at me coolly.

"By brainwashing, I meant that Zachy was trying to rewire me to do his bidding. But it didn't work and instead, he drew me to the surface."

"And what are you exactly?"

Angelique pauses, considering the two angels staring at her dumbfoundedly with wariness before answering.

"I'm like a security system. When she's super stuck, as in, zero way out, I come to the surface and kick everyone's ass. She doesn't ever remember it. She just thinks she blacked out. But I'm always there."

I frown.

"Then who were you talking about when you said 'she' calls you Angelique?"

"The other Kristy's. They call me Angelique."

I look at her dead on.

"Well you're a bitch."

She laughs and nods.

"Yeah, they call me that too. But at least I get things done.  I keep Kristy safe when you asses she calls brothers can't."

That one hurts. Across the room, I see Zachariah speaking to Castiel.

"Bring her back," is all I catch from the conversation. But it's enough.

She seems to catch it too, because she looks back at Castiel with a slightly amused look on her face. She raises an eyebrow.


"Angelique," she corrects, setting her beer on the table.

"Angelique," he ammends, "May I have a word?"

"You could have a whole lot more than a word if you weren't such a dick," she answers, standing and following him to the far side of the room.

I can't decide whether I want him to bring Kristena back or not.

Angelique/Kristy's POV:

I'm not an idiot. I know that Zachariah ordered Castiel to speak to me and try to bring Kristena back. If he only knew...

"Angelique, I ask that you let Kristena come back. Please."

I shift my weight to my right foot and place a hand on my hip.

"Aw," I say mockingly, "how sweet. You know, she was sucker for that. Whenever you said 'please' she would just melt."

No reaction. Not that I was expecting one. I expect nothing but cowardess from Castiel, angel of the lord.

"You say that you protect her. But you took over her body, pushed her into the background," he says coldly.

"Actually, I didn't shove her into the back and grab hold of the reigns. Kristena let me. I asked if she wanted me to take over, she gladly accepted. See, unlike you, she can count on me no matter what. She trusts me."

The conscious Kristena wriggles around in my mind, uncomfortably. That was harsh, she tells me. And the way he's been treating you isn't? I reply. She quiets down somewhat dejectedly.

"Very well then," Castiel says then says something that I wasn't expecting, "Kristena, I'm speaking directly to you and you only."

In our mind, she tenses up and I second the movement. Every muscle in our body coils up.

"You must know that this isn't right. It isn't like you to let someone else take control just because things are difficult."

You have no idea what it's like...she whispers in my mind. But I know she doesn't mean for me to say that. But he's talking to her, not me, so I stay silent.

"What would your father say? What would Sam say?" Cas continues.

I feel her bristle at this and I find it gratifying.

"You're not a coward, but you are certainly acting like one."

Oh no he didn't! she explodes, hold my powers, I'm goin' in! ...but stick around.

"Shut your mouth before I shove your wings in there, Feathers," I say.

And yes, I am Kristena now.

"And you're one to talk, you feathery douche bag. I know why I'm here. And you are a coward for letting this happen to all those people."

Then I turn around and go back to my brother who isn't a coward.

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