Lone Wolf *The Animals MC boo...

By AngelBlueDawn

1M 42.1K 2.1K

Morgan is a single mother, trying to make ends meet and care for her daughter. Wolf is the leader of the Ani... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One.

Chapter three.

52.4K 1.9K 79
By AngelBlueDawn

Photo is of Zeke.

Morgan was cuddling on the couch with Iris, reading her favorite book for the third time that night when doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," The babysitter called from the kitchen.

Morgan dropped a kiss on top of her daughters head with a heavy sigh, it was probably Lacy coming to get her for the party.

When Lacy stepped into the room Iris climbed from the couch and rushed towards her.

"Aunt Lacy!"

"Hi munchkin," Lacy said with a smile lifting the girl.

"Are you going to the party too?" Iris asked.


"Did you bring me anything?"

"I don't know," Lacy replied setting the girl down.

Lacy dug in one of her pockets in her leather jacket and then produced a lollipop and handed it to Iris before ruffling her hair. Lacy was a few year younger than Morgan but that hadn't prevented them from becoming close friends.

"Are you ready?" Lacy asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't want to be out late, Iris has a bit of a fever."

"Okay, let's go."


Morgan turned to give Iris a hug and kiss her tiny cheeks. She was still warm but not alarmingly so. The babysitter smiled warmly at them.

"If she gets sick...call me?" Morgan asked.

"Of course I will," The babysitter said.

"I love you baby." She said to Iris.

"I love you too mommy, have fun."

She smiled at her daughter before pulling on her own coat and following Lacy out of the apartment. They walked down the stairs together and Morgan was glad to see that Lacy had brought her car, last time she'd brought her bike and Morgan was sure they would both die in a fiery crash. Lacy was a great friend but an insane driver.

"I even brought the car," Lacy said proudly.

"I see, more metal to crush us to death."

"Shut up, my driving isn't that bad."

Lacy's car was a sleep 1967 Camaro, a blue so dark it looked black in certain light and black leather interior and a six speed manual transmission. Lacy was a gear-head.

"The ceremony will be over by the time we get there, regular people aren't allowed anyway."

"You could have gone," Morgan said.

"Nah, I wasn't needed and the party is the best part."

"I don't know why I have to go, I have no interest in club stuff."

"Yeah but you and Iris, you're still family."

Morgan sighed, she wasn't looking for a family when she took that job. She just wanted a good job so she could take care of her baby. Instead she'd been sucked into a life that almost terrified her, it as violent, brutal and most times illegal what went on at Chrome. Wolf and the club did their best not to get her involved in anything club related but she wasn't stupid, she saw the things they did on the news and knew it was them.

Secretly she'd been stowing away money, saving up for a day when she had enough to break free. She would take the money, pack Iris and run as far as she could. She only needed a few more hundred dollars to have enough to make a get away.

She hadn't told anyone about her plans, not even Lacy.

They arrived at the party a few minutes later and Morgan was sure Lacy committed at least three traffic violations on the way. She shook her head as she climbed from the car, glad to be on solid ground instead of careening down a side street.

Even from the parking lot she could hear the music thumping from inside the bar, the Animals now in full on party mode. They owned the bar outright and while it was open to the public on special occasions it was family only.

Lacy opened the door and stepped inside, Morgan followed. Her eyes scanned the large room of bikers until she saw Wolf. He was sitting at a table, his chair reclined back on two legs. He had a beer in one hand and was listening closely to something that Sky was saying.

As if sensing her the minute she entered he slowly turned his head and his piercing blue eyes found her. He took a drink of his beer and she looked away, she could feel him still watching her and when she finally looked back at him he turned his head to continue speaking to Sky.

"Here, I've been waiting for you." Demon said, handing Lacy a beer.

"What'd I miss?"

"Shit load of nothing," He replied.

Lacy took a drink of her beer and headed towards the bar, Demon fell in step behind her. Morgan looked for someone to talk to and saw Ty and Zeke near the pool table, Becky was with them.

She headed in their direction and Ty waved at her before taking his shot, Zeke leaned against the wall near Becky who was talking to him and he seemed to ignore her. Becky was a younger girl, closer to Ty's age and while Morgan didn't know much about her she was a nice girl. Dark brown hair and bright blue eyes matched with porcelain skin.

"Hey, you actually came. I figured you'd chicken out." Zeke said.

"Lacy would never let me back out."

"It's not that bad," Ty said.

"I'm having fun," Becky said.

Zeke rolled his eyes and stepped up to the pool table, Ty flashed her a hundred watt smile and leaned against the wall near her.

"How's Iris?" Zeke asked.

"I think she may be catching the flu."

"Great, we'll all have it." Ty said.

"I'm going for another drink, does anyone want anything?" Becky asked.

"I think you've had enough." Zeke said.

"You don't own me," She said back.

"If I did you'd be home and not here, aint no place for a young lady."

"Zeke, lay off." Ty said.

"She shouldn't be here."

Zeke finally turned to face Ty, most people would shrink away from his size and even Ty flinched but Becky didn't seem to care.

"You don't own me," She repeated before walking away.

She purposely brushed against Zeke in an attempt to knock him off balance on her way passed and he glared at her. When she was gone Ty spoke.

"Why doesn't it always have to be this way with you two? All you do is fight."

"You insist on bringing her to these events, she don't belong here."

"You're not her boss."

"Neither are you," Zeke threw back.

"I'm in love with her." Ty said.

"You're an idiot, you don't have a shot in hell with her."

"Not with you constantly pissing her off."

"Hey, guys....take a minute." Morgan said, finally stopping the bickering brothers.

"He knows I love her, I've always loved her. Ten years I've been in love with her," Ty said.

"Ty, everyone knows. Okay? Just take a deep breath." Morgan said.

Ty was a gentle enough person but on edge he was just as dangerous as the rest, so when he took her advice and calmed down she was surprised. He glanced at where Becky was talking to a random biker and then headed in that direction.

Zeke watched his little brother head towards her then shook his head and turned back to the pool table.

"Well done," A voice said from behind her.

She jumped and spun to see Wolf a few feet behind her, leaning against a wall in a darkened corner. He stepped further into the light, a beer bottle hanging loosely from his fingers.

"Well, I didn't want them beating each other up."

"Wouldn't have been much of a fight, Zeke's killed men with his bare hands."

"Yes, I know." She said with a wince.

"If I frighten you, I can leave."

"You don't frighten me."

"Well then, dance with me?" He set his beer on a nearby table.

She glanced to the middle of the room where several intoxicated bikers were grinding suggestively against women, some two women at once.

"I....don't think so."

"Not your style?"


"Then we'll dance whatever is your style."

He took her hand and before she could protest dragged her to the floor among the bodies. A few people bumped into her but he didn't seem to care or notice. She saw Lacy and Demon a few feet away, Lacy was sitting on the bar with a drink in hand and Demon was leaning against it next to her. When Lacy saw them she raised an eyebrow and Morgan shrugged helplessly.

"I don't bite," He said but his voice was rough.

"You don't even like me," She said.

He didn't comment as he placed a hand on her waist and began leading her in a mock waltz around the room. The other bikers had to see how stupid the pair looked but were all wise enough not to comment.

"Where did you learn to dance like this?"

"A whore house in Texas."

"Must you be so crude?"


She was about to comment when a loud shrill ring interrupted it took a minute for her to realize it was her cell phone. She pulled away from him and answered.

"Iris is throwing up." The babysitter said.

"Oh, I'm on my way."

She hung up and found him still waiting for her.

"I have to go, Iris is sick."

"I'll take you."

"No, don't be crazy Lacy can drive me."

"Lacy is completely tanked, I'll take you."

She wanted to argue but one glance at Lacy proved he was right, she was laughing at whatever Demon had said and obviously more than a little tipsy, she was already an atrocious driver.

"Fine." She agreed.

He gave a nod and turned walking quickly across the bar and the men moved aside to let him pass. He stepped into the parking lot and she followed him, he reached his black Harley first.

"Don't you have a car?" She asked.

"Not here."

"Maybe I could call a cab...."She said.

"Stop being so stubborn, I'll get you there ten times faster."

"I'm worried about making it in one piece."

"Hey, I would never let anything happen to you. You won't be any safer."

He handed her a helmet and she reluctantly took it as he climbed onto his bike and started it. She shivered against the cool night air and shifter from foot to foot. She rode on a bike with Lacy a few times but never anyone else. She stared up at the moon, taking a deep breath to steel her nerves.


When she glanced back at him he'd shrugged off his leather jacket and was holding it out to her.

"Oh, no....thanks."

"Look, it's just a coat. Doesn't mean I want to make you an old lady. Take the damn thing so you don't freeze."

She took the jacket and pulled it on the slowly climbed on the back of his bike. She had every intention of keeping some personal space between them but as soon as they hit the highway had no choice but to hang on.

She was forced to wrap her arms around his muscular chest and press herself tightly against his back, her own legs gripping at his hips. She had to admit it, he was one hell of a rider. He zipped in and out between cars and down alleys with all the smoothness and sleekness of a cat. Despite the unsafe speed she never once felt out of control.

He parked in front of her building and she stumbled off the bike, her legs slightly numb from the vibration. She turned on the grass and calling back a quick thank you bolted for the building. She unlocked the door and rushed inside.


"Mommy!" Iris came rushing to her.

"Oh, sweetie are you alright?" She embraced Iris tightly.

"I'm sick mommy."

She felt her child's head and felt a fever, the baby sitter moved into the kitchen just as Morgan straightened from hugging Iris. When Morgan looked at her she tapped her head and it was then she realized she still had Wolf's coat and helmet on. Tossing the coat down onto the table she set the helmet on top.

As she dug money from her purse and tried to balance Iris on one hip she heard his bike start and roar down the street. Apparently he wasn't concerned about his jacket and she made a mental note to get it back to him as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry I ruined your party," Iris said.

"Oh, sweetie. It's okay."

Morgan kissed the top of her head, the babysitter had left and the house was dark now and quiet. Iris was snuggled down in Morgans bed next to her the television softly playing a cartoon. She sighed, and rubbed Iris' back gently hoping the small girl would soon drift off to sleep. She hoped someone would give Lacy a ride home and then realized there would be no shortage of men willing to do so, she'd call her best friend in the morning to make sure she got home alright but what thing Wolf was known for was always making sure his men got home safely.

By the time Iris fell into a deep sleep the sun was creeping out of the clouds and Morgan was exhausted. She lay her head down, she could get a full two hours of sleep before it'd be time for work.

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