Power Trippin' (Editing)

By GoalDigger

611K 18.3K 1.5K

Would you believe me if I said I’m in love? Baby, I want you to want me Would you believe me if I said I’m in... More

Starr's POV
Carrick's POV
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (continued)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

17K 577 26
By GoalDigger

Carrick's POV

We all stood around Laila's hospital bed, and watched her. No stalking shit.

When I say we all were there .. I mean WE ALL WERE THERE.

Me, Starr, Quez, Eric, Tierra, Tammy, my parents, Starr's parents, Angie, Maria, Quez's moms, Eric's pops, Starr's brother MJ, her twin sisters, my lil sisters, even my brother Mendez was here, and Kai was here, and of course, Laila.

Laila stayed in the same position: sitting upright on the bed, back against the headboard, and staring blankly at an off television. She's been like this for a week, ever since what happened at her house.

Dace told me he would be gone for a couple of weeks to clear his head, so he didn't want none of us contacting us. He ain't never contacted us either.

I stood beside Starr as she sat on Laila's bed and tried to talk to her.

"Laila, you know I love you, girl. But, you gotta say something to me. Please." Starr said, beginning to sob. She put her hand on Laila's thigh. "You gotta eat something, or go outside. You've been sitting here for God knows how long. Dace bought you, your mom, and Maria this new house and you're not even appreciating it. Wake up from whatever daydream your having, Laila! PLEASE!"

I noticed Starr getting angry, so I put my hand on her shoulder for her to calm down. I forgot to make sure she took her meds.

She smiled and got off the bed.

"Dace .." Laila said low, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Whipers were exchanged throughout the room. That was the first thing we've heard Laila say.

My mom's came up to me and whispered, "Where the hell that fat head ass nigga is?"

I slightly chuckled and shrugged, "Ma, I really don't know."

"Whenever he get here, I'ma kill him before Laila, Angie, or the rest of ya'll kill him. He got his girl over here depressed cause of him, and where this nigga at now? Don't nobody know." She said, balling up her fists.

"Man, ma, I feel ya .. that's some messed up stuff. I can't do that to Starr cause I know she'll beat my --,"

Suddenly, there was knock on the door, and the doctor walked in.

"There's another family member waiting outside the door for you all." He told us, smiling, then walked out, and the door closed.

"Who the hell else can fit in here? We packed like some Mexicans!" Starr's papi said.

Knowing me, Quez, and Eric, we burst out into laughing 'cause Starr's daddy WAS Mexican. I swear that man funny as hell.

Everyone else laughed, and I coulda SWORN I saw Laila crack a smile, or maybe I was just hallucinating.

The door slowly creeked open, and everyone went silent. Guess who walked in? Dace fucking Aaron. He was wearing a plain white tee, some jeans, and some Timbs. His hair was in a mess, and he had bags under his eyes.

Gasps went around the room as if everyone just saw a ghost.

Dace waved at everyone and made his way to Angie.

"I'm so sorry, ma." He said, giving her a hug.

"It's okay, baby. Just go make things right." She replied.

He nodded, and sat beside Laila, who looked like she didn't even notice Dace come in.

"Hey baby." He said.

She continued to look the same.

"I know you've been missing me, but I know I've been missing you alot more. I told you I would never let anyone hurt you, but I failed. I let him hurt you, but he won't hurt you anymore. Or your ma, and Maria. As long as Dace is still living, nobody's gonna hurt ya'll." Dace said.

Laila turned and looked at Dace with a confused face. "Dace?"

"Yes, baby. It's Dace."

Laila's face brightened up, and she smiled, showing all her teeth. "DACE!!" She exclaimed, and hugged him.

"Awwww!" All the females in the room purred. My moms was comforting Angie as she cried.

Dace laughed and asked, "Can we have a little privacy, ya'll?"

"Geah man, handle yours. We're gonna be in the waiting area." I said.

"Thanks, dawg."

I grabbed Starr's hand and we all walked down there.

"CJ, did you see that smile on her face, mann!" Starr asked, as she sat on my lap.

"Yeah, I did. I'm so glad that nigga back."

"I can't wait till my bestfriend's back."

I smiled as the revolving doors to the hospital twirled open, and in walked Kimberly and another nigga. He looked so familiar. But, how the fuck she keep finding me?

"CJ, ain't that Kim?" My ma asked me.

"Yes ma'am, it is." I said. I looked over to my father, who had his jaw and fist clenched.

"Hey Carrick, wassap HOE." Kimberly said walking towards me and Starr with her nigga.

My eyes were so focused on the nigga, I didn't see Starr jump at Kimberly and my ma had to sit her down.

This nigga was Carlos. The son of the biggest Kingpin on the Northside. Kimberly knew my family and his family were beefing, and she pulled this shit out on us. At the fucking hospital.

Carlos smiled at me and said, "Wassap pussy? Long time, no see. And, by the looks of that bitch you got on your arm, you ain't shit. Just like your ole' man, and that redheaded hoe." Him and Kimberly laughed.

My father stepped up, and his eyes were bloodshot red. He lifted his fist, but quickly stopped when Carlos pulled out his pistol.

"Man down, big boy. I'll shoot your fucking brains out. But, I'ma let my father handle you and ya family. Just know something coming towards ya'll. REAL SOON." He said, laughing.

"Laugh now, cry later." My daddy, replied.

With that, Carlos and Kimberly left the hospital.

I texted Dace and told him not to leave Laila here alone. Either he spend the night with her, or they leave together. I told him to watch his surroundings, and I told him we were leaving for the night.

My daddy told my mother to make sure everyone get to their car safely, and chill with Starr til I get there.

Starr through a fucking tantrum, and had to be restrained by her parents and my ma. She was talking bout how she ain't wanna leave without Laila. She look so good when she mad, but damn this was the wrong fucking time. She finally went along with them.

My father called me, Quez, Eric, and Kai over to him near the back of the hospital.

"Iight, so ya'll heard what that bitch made nigga said, right?" We nodded. "Well, I want ya'll to stay strapped at all times, and I want ya'll females by your side at all times. Kai, I know you got your own business to be running, but I want you to work with me for a while, son. I want all 150 of your goons to keep on the look out for that pussy Julio and his son, Carlos and their goons. Ya'll know how they been tryna take the East down, but we ain't going down without a fight. I want ya'll phones ON at all times, so I can reach you when I need you, or any of the other niggas. CJ, Eric, and Quez, I want ya'll to keep Starr, Tierra, and Tammy ya'll at all times. Make sure Dace do the same. I want ya'll to move in with them. Take them to school, and be ON TIME to pick them up. Quez, ya moms gone be living with Eric's dad, and my wife and Starr's parents are gonna be kept in good care. And, Kai, make sure one of your goons stay with Lalia's ma and her sister in the new house. Make sure only us, and everybody else that was here are the only ones who can come over. Ya'll understand?" We nodded.

"I love ya'll boys, and make a nigga proud." He hugged all of us and we went outside.

My ma was outside talking to Starr, but stopped when she saw us.

"Everybody else left, so I guess it's time for us to go." She said.

I hugged and kissed my ma, as well as my father. My boys did the same, and they all left. I looked to see Starr, but she was gone.

I quickly panicked, but it subsided when I saw her sitting in my car.

I got in next to her, and turned to face her. She turned her head and looked out the window.

"What's wrong now, Dreaa?" I asked, sighing.

"I said I wasn't gone leave without La, and now here I am, sitting in this car, about to leave." Starr said, tearing up.

"She's gonna be fine, ma. She's with Dace." I explained.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO SHE WITH! THAT'S MY FUCKING BESTFRIEND AND I'M 'POSE TO BE BY HER SIDE!" She yelled, looking at me, and fully crying.

She doing to much to a nigga. She don't even know what's going on right now.

I gripped her chin, so she wouldn't turn her face from mines. She budged, but I gripped tighter.

"Dreaa, just chill for a second!" I snapped. She stopped tryna move her head.

"Laila's coming out of the hospital tomarrow, and I promise you, you gone see her. She's still recovering, just give her some time to be with Dace." I said.

"Okay, whatever." She replied.

"Gimme a kiss." I said, puckering up to make her laugh.

She kissed me, and I drove to her house, telling her everything that was about to go down.

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