The BlackWolf Effect (Book IV)

By Jacklyn_Reynolds

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Timber and Henry are enjoying their lives as a young married couple in Fort Bragg when an unexpected pregnanc... More

CHAPTER ONE - Fresh Kill
CHAPTER THREE - The City Of Heiligdom
CHAPTER FOUR - Rise Of The Wolf Lord
CHAPTER FIVE - The First Day Of School
CHAPTER SIX - Battle In Noyo Harbor
CHAPTER SEVEN - Saving Henry
CHAPTER EIGHT - San Francisco
CHAPTER NINE - Domesticated Wolf
CHAPTER TEN - Bolt From The Blue
CHAPTER ELEVEN - Reconciliation
CHAPTER TWELVE - Timber's Choice
CHAPTER FIFTEEN - A Tearful Farewell
CHAPTER SIXTEEN - The Journey To Haven's Gate
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - Christmas Eve Ball
CHAPTER TWENTY - The Merlin Emerald
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - Henry's Victoria
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE - Military And Militia
CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE - Pudding Creek Beach
CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE - Shattered Heart
CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR - She Couldn't Even Try
CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE - A Mother's Sacrifice

CHAPTER TWO - Henry's Grudge

73 5 3
By Jacklyn_Reynolds

Henry walked into Laurel Deli Café and sat down at the table he and Timber had sat at since their first trip downtown together. As was usual for him, he received questionable looks from several tourists regarding his appearance. While he no longer wore studded belts, he still wore his leather jacket and his leather wrist cuffs. His solid black attire usually gave strangers the impression that he was a rebellious spirit. He looked out of place in Fort Bragg but he paid the onlookers no mind as he took his seat.

He was debating whether or not to order something when movement beside him made him turn his head. He watched in amusement as a couple of small children, around five and seven, were running around the old steam train engine while their parents were ordering food. It took a minute for him to recognize the children. When they saw him they smiled broadly.

"Henry!" cried the older of the two.

"Hi, Liam. Hi, Lizzie," said Henry with a grin. Both of the kids ran to him.

"We're going to fly the train to the moon," said Liam, throwing his arms in the air.

"Really?" laughed Henry.

"The twain is stuck," said Lizzie, looking mildly irritated.

"Have you tried unsticking it?" asked Henry with a smile and their faces filled with new determination. Henry could see the wheels in their heads turning.

"Liam? Lizzie?" called a familiar voice.

"They're over here with me, Gina!" called Henry.

Gina looked around and smiled in relief. Gina Kish was one of Henry's and Timber's closest friends and one of the most brilliant women Henry knew. She walked over and sat down across from Henry and readjusted her headband. Her short chestnut-colored curls were pushing her headband back to the front of her head.

"My brother and his wife are celebrating their anniversary this weekend so I'm watching the kids," she said.

"Auntie Gina took us to the park, and then we went to the movies, then we had pizza, and now we're going to have hot chocolate!" cried Liam happily.

"Kyle is going to be so happy when he gets his kids back," joked Henry.

"As Auntie, it's my job to load them up on sugar before sending them home," laughed Gina. She pulled a bunch of quarters out of her purse and handed them to Liam. "See how many stuffed toys you and Lizzie can get out of the claw machine and don't forget to take turns or I'm not getting you hot chocolate."

Liam clicked his heels together dutifully and led Lizzie by the hand to the claw machine.

"So, this is weird. I'm not used to seeing you at the deli without Timber."

"Timber is with Grace at Headlands," said Henry.

"Oh that's right, Timber told me about that," said Gina. "She's meeting Sebastian Zhang."

Henry froze when he heard that name, but he regained his relaxed composure almost immediately. His mind raced. Sebastian. It couldn't be the same Sebastian though. The chances were too slim. Then again, Sebastian was not a common name and he did not know his last name.

"Henry?" asked Gina, waving her hand in front of his face. "Are you alright?"

"Sorry, Gina," said Henry as he refocused his mind. "I haven't been feeling well recently. I've been a little tired and sore."

"Too much sex maybe?" giggled Gina quietly. Henry chuckled.

"There's no such thing."

"Well if you're sore, apparently there is." Henry and Gina laughed. "Oh, before I forget to ask you," she added, "one of the groomsmen for Ashley's wedding stepped out. He and Justin disagreed about Ashley's choice in wedding colors. He didn't think the groomsmen should wear pink flowers."

Henry rolled his eyes.

"That's the stupidest reason to step down from a wedding party I ever heard of," he said.

"I agree," said Gina. "Ashley was telling me about it before Timber got there this afternoon. He's the guy Timber was supposed to walk down with. Poor Ashley was having a meltdown so I suggested asking you."

"But I'm not that close to Justin," said Henry.

"But you are to Ashley," said Gina. "Ashley and Justin are both very happy about the idea. So are Timber and Grace, though Timber was concerned because Justin wants to go on a hunting trip for his bachelor party."

"I guess I will stand in," said Henry. "I still fit into the tux I bought for my wedding. As far as hunting, I'm not familiar with guns but I do have a crossbow I can use. I use it for the Brogan turkey hunt when we go for Christmas."

"How do you get a crossbow through airport security?"

"Magical concealment, courtesy of Lord Avanti. I have a hidden compartment in my luggage I put it in and it will only open for me. Modern technology can't pick it up because of the magic. My cane sword has a concealment on it too. I can bring it through metal detectors without a problem."

"What about Bellator?"

"That won't fit in any sort of luggage," grinned Henry. "It's too big. So, Grace is helping with the wedding, too?"

"Well, Ashley lost her mom when she was little. When Timber came into the picture, Grace sort of became a second mother to all of us. Ashley was the one who needed her most so it was only natural that when Ashley got engaged, Grace filled in the role that the mother would have. Actually, the only reason Ashley turned out to be the way she is is because of Grace. You've met her father. He's rough and a bit crude but overall he's a good guy."

"Grace has been a savior for many of us it seems," said Henry fondly. "She adopted Timber, created my medication so I could leave Haven, took in Xianna, and Ashley... That woman is a miracle worker." Henry and Gina smiled. "So let Ashley know that I accept the position."

"That's great. I'll let her know tonight when Liam and Lizzie fall asleep. Which reminds me..." She looked past Henry and grinned. "Looks like they spent the whole bag of quarters and have nothing to show for it. Poor kids."

Henry's phone went off and he pulled it out of his pocket. He panicked a little when he saw Timber's message.

Could you come to Headlands?


Potassium to you too, Buddy. Can you hurry, please?

He calmly returned the phone to his pocket and got to his feet.

"I hope you'll excuse me," said Henry to Gina. "Timber needs me. Tell the kids I said goodbye."

"See you later, Henry," said Gina, waving goodbye.

Henry walked calmly out of the deli into the August air. As soon as he was outside, he took off running down the street to get to Timber. She wouldn't ask for him unless she felt the need to Turn. He slowed down when he got within view of the coffee shop. He could see Timber looking stiff and uncomfortable with her nose crinkled as though the odor around her was bothering her sensitive nose. Her hands were gripping her long floral yellow dress skirt tightly. Beside her was Grace, talking to a man with sleek, jet black hair that fell to his shoulders. Timber saw Henry come through the door and stood up. The man she was looking at turned around and Henry froze. The feeling of intense and violent anger rushed through him. High adrenaline filled every vein in his body as he locked eyes with the man in front of Timber.

"Timber, take Grace home. Now," growled Henry.

"Henry, what's wrong?" asked Grace.

"Ferdinand," said the man timidly.

"I have nothing to say to you, Sebastian," said Henry angrily.

Pain coursed through his body but it was dull, not sharp as it had been that morning. Not wanting to cause a public scene, Henry left the coffee shop, hid beside the building away from the light and waited for Timber and Grace to follow him. Timber came around the corner first and seemed to sense his pain because she reached out and touched him lightly. Henry calmed slightly at his wife's gentle touch. Grace came around the corner next but she wasn't alone. Sebastian was with her. Henry's body wanted to explode, so great was the pain of his anger.

"Ferdinand, what happened that day was not my fault," said Sebastian defensively.

Henry snapped. He roared and moved so quickly that he surprised himself. The next second, Sebastian was off of his feet. Henry grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the side of the building, deeply cracking several rows of century-old brick. He saw his fingernails curve into claws and dig into Sebastian's skin but Henry found he didn't care.

"You killed her!" Henry growled furiously.

"Méiyǒu! It wasn't me!" pleaded Sebastian as he struggled and gasped for breath.

"Henry, let him go!" yelled Timber.

"No," said Henry.

"Ferdinand, please! I didn't do it!"

"Don't you dare lie to me! I saw what you did to her! I saw the bruises!"

"I loved her."

"You killed her! You killed my Victoria!"


"Henry! Let him go!" shouted Timber.

Sebastian was turning blue. Suddenly, Henry felt something heavy ram into his side and knock him off of his feet. He landed sideways on the concrete, breaking his fall with his open hands. He blinked. Sebastian was on his hands and knees coughing and gasping for air, holding his throat. Grace was staring at Henry with terrified wide eyes and Timber was in her wolf form about a foot away from him. She was laying on the ground with her legs straight out in front of her and she wasn't moving. Henry filled with panic. He crawled over to her.

"Timber?" Timber didn't move.

She had hit her head on the concrete and been rendered unconscious. Henry got to his feet and lifted Timber into his arms.

"Timber? Oh no. What did I do?"

"I'll take her home," said Grace, ushering him toward the street. "Put her in my car."

Henry carried Timber's limp body to Grace's car which was parked a couple of spaces over from the door to the coffee shop. He was so worried about his wife he didn't even notice that Grace was avoiding being close to him. He placed Timber carefully in the back seat and watched as Grace got in the car and drove away to her house.

He stood there frozen in absolute shame for several minutes. He had completely forgotten about Sebastian until he heard him cough. Before Henry could even blink, an unexpected figure came walking towards them from out of the shadows of the ally.

"Lord Frost!" cried Henry in surprise. He bowed low. Lord Frost came into the light wearing beautiful silk robes of sunshine yellow.

"I am now very glad Timber contacted me," said Lord Frost. "Henry, I need you to come with me back to Haven."

Henry was petrified. His lungs momentarily forgot how to function and his heart skipped a beat before it plunged into his stomach. The air around him seemed dry and suffocating. He stepped back a step, ready to turn around and try to run away. What about Timber? Was his stay permanent? What did Lord Frost know?

"What?" said Henry. "Timber..."

"Of course," said Lord Frost mildly. "We can go back to where she is until she wakes up. Aiyanna, would you care to join us?"

Queen Aiyanna Ryan stepped out of hiding but remained in the shadows. Her white wings were still very visible even in darkness. She looked over at Henry and smiled. Henry didn't know or care why she was smiling. He only wanted to get to Timber. Aiyanna took him around the waist and took off. Henry had never flown with Aiyanna before. She was going so fast he couldn't see anything but a blur of black. In three seconds, they had reached Grace's house and landed.

Henry collapsed when his feet touched the ground. He never wanted to do that again. As soon as he got his bearing, he got to his feet and went into the house. Timber was in the front room on the floor with a blanket over her. Henry dropped to her side as Grace came in.

"Henry, what happened to you?" asked Grace.

"I don't know," said Henry.

"That is why I am here," said Lord Frost, coming into the house with Sebastian behind him. "I am here to take Henry back to Haven. It will only be a temporary stay. I will not be separating him from Timber. However, I do need to get to the bottom of whatever has taken hold of him."

"Henry, who is Victoria?" asked Grace.

"Victoria was my little sister," said Henry. "This filth beat her to death."

"I told you it wasn't me!" said Sebastian desperately.

"I told you not to lie to me!" yelled Henry.

He made a move towards Sebastian but Lord Frost pulled out his sword and held it level with Henry's chest. He stopped immediately.

"I know why you are angry, Henry," said Lord Frost. "However, that does not give you reason to attack him."

Henry backed away and Lord Frost sheathed the Ch'yempion.

"Henry?" said a small voice from the couch. Henry turned and saw Timber in her human form sitting up. Henry rushed to her and wrapped her in his arms.

"Henry, are you okay? I didn't mean to run into you so hard. I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Henry is not well, Timber," said Lord Frost.

"I have to go back to Haven," said Henry. Timber promptly burst into tears.

"It is only temporary until we find out what is happening to Henry and why he is becoming more wolfish," said Lord Frost in a comforting tone.

"You're not keeping him?" asked Timber.

"No," said Lord Frost. "Henry is not dangerous. What happened tonight was a result of Henry's anger, werewolf instinct and whatever transformation he seems to be going through."

"Henry's werewolf instinct only happens near the full moon," said Timber. "That's two weeks away."

"Werewolves don't like vampires," said Sebastian as though this was something he said every day.

"You're a vampire?" cried Grace, covering her neck with her hands.

"I'm a quarter vampire," corrected Sebastian. "I'm also a vegetarian. I have a vampire form and vampire abilities but I'm not as strong as a full vampire and I can hide my second form which is something full vampires can't do."

"Sebastian poses absolutely no threat to anyone, which is why he never lived in Haven," said Lord Frost.

"Yet he killed Victoria," said Henry.

"No, he did not," said Aiyanna. She was gazing at Sebastian with determination. "Sebastian's body did, yes, but he did not. Sebastian was possessed by his great great great grandfather."

"Who is that?" asked Timber.

"Count Dracula." The room fell eerily silent as everyone looked at Sebastian.

"You can't be serious!" cried Timber. "He's a myth."

"Unfortunately, he is not," said Lord Frost. "He was kept bound in the German sector of Haven but he escaped. I assume that you have heard of the rivalry between vampires and werewolves. It is a natural occurrence, however, most can look past it. Henry has had friends in Haven who were vampires."

"Most of the mythical beings you grew up learning about were, at one time, very real," said Aiyanna. "Zeus, Thor, and Mars were real, though they were not gods. They were either elementals, like myself, or strong, like Henry but without a wolf. Earlier humans did not know any better and believed that these individuals were gods."

"But there is only one God," said Timber, matter-of-factly.

"Yes. The God of the Bible is the only God," said Aiyanna with a smile.

"What happened to Dracula?" asked Henry.

"We were able to capture him. It took myself, Lord Avanti, Lord Kyne, and Lord Castillo to confine him again, but this time, we placed him in a stronger prison. It is my theory that he possessed Sebastian with the intention of killing Victoria," said Lord Frost. "I believe that it was his plan to enrage you to the point of murder. If you had killed Sebastian, you would have spent the rest of your life in Haven. Instead, you stopped and came to me for help."

"Why Henry?" asked Timber.

"I do not know yet," said Lord Frost. "I have several theories but each one seems more unlikely than the last. All I know is that Henry is becoming more wolf again and I will not be able to suppress it this time."

"This has never happened before," said Henry.

"Yes, it has," said Aiyanna. "When you came back to Haven after the death of your sister, you were having many of the same symptoms. Increased strength, violent anger, and you told me that you felt like you were transforming even though it was not a full moon. Lord Frost removed the memory. He did not want you to live your life in fear that it would happen again. We were convinced that it was a one-time occurrence."

"I believed that it was triggered by the stress due to your loss," said Lord Frost. "It appears that I was mistaken."

"We can help you, Henry," said Aiyanna. "You have to be willing to come back to Haven with us."

Before Henry could answer yes or no, there was a knock on the door. Grace got up to answer and a large group of people came filing into the living room. Xianna and Dresden, Kendra, Ashley, and Gina had come looking for Timber.

"What happened?" asked Xianna when she saw Lord Frost and Aiyanna standing in Grace's living room. "Gina said she saw Henry carrying Timber in her wolf form and Timber looked unconscious."

"I lost my temper and Timber had to intervene," said Henry. "She hit her head on the ground." Xianna looked at Timber with concern. She had seen Henry lose his temper before. He had thrown her father into his car, completely folding the door in half.

"We need to take Henry back to Haven for a short time," said Lord Frost. "In his absence, I will be sending Jaci Halen to stay with you, Timber. Dresden do not leave your lady's side. The rest of you need to stay in pairs. Sebastian, stay with Grace."

"I'm going with you to Haven," insisted Timber, almost launching herself off of the couch.

"Very well," said Lord Frost. "We could use the extra help."

"What is happening?" asked Gina.

"With Henry out of town, it is my belief that you could all be in a great deal of danger," said Lord Frost. "I do not know anything for sure at this time but I am quite sure that you will all be perfectly safe. I am merely being cautious. However, it is best for none of you to be alone until I know for certain what is happening with Henry. Your connection with him puts you at risk from those who seek to destroy him."

"What about Emily?" asked Grace. "She's alone out of town. She's living in San Francisco now."

"I will send Esriel to her," said Lord Frost. "She is the soldier who stood beside Henry during the Haven War. She is both loyal and powerful like Henry. Do not worry, Grace. She will guard Emily with her life. I think they will get along fine. They are much alike in temperament."

"I don't like Sebastian with Grace," said Henry.

"What happened before will not happen again," said Aiyanna. "Sebastian had to grant me permission to read his mind. I can read anyone's mind including Lord Frost's. His ability to block entrance has greatly improved."

"Fine," said Henry in an unconvincing tone. "I would feel better if Jaci stayed here with them."

"I don't mind," said Grace. "In fact, everyone can stay here."

"That would be ideal," said Lord Frost. "There is safety in numbers."

"But Liam and Lizzie," said Gina. "They're with my parents because I said I had an emergency but my parents can't watch them overnight."

"Bring them here," said Grace. "I have more than enough food for all y'all and there are emergency blankets out in the garage. I know there's enough. I add two every time someone joins our family. By my count, I should have four extras."

"Are you sure it's alright?" asked Gina.


"I'll be right back then," said Gina.

"Kendra, go with Gina," said Timber. Kendra nodded and left with Gina.

"Henry, Timber, it is time to leave," said Lord Frost.

Henry took one last look at Timber, who was traveling with Lord Frost before Aiyanna took him outside and grabbed him. She took off as slow as she could while still fighting gravity so Henry's blood didn't suddenly rush to his feet. Aiyanna leveled off and Henry closed his eyes to prevent the sting of the air as they traveled at high speed. From Fort Bragg, California to the gates of Haven in Payette National Forest in Idaho, it took Aiyanna only thirty minutes at her highest speed.

They landed on the cliffs that Henry thought he would never see again. They were standing in front of beautifully crafted gates with stone pillars standing firmly between two magnificent evergreens overlooking the docking port and two huge sailing ships with their sails neatly tied. The gates were intricately carved out of solid oak with the symbol of the Highers engraved in gold at the very center. Henry looked on in fascination as Aiyanna placed her hand on the door. A wave of what looked like gold air rippled down the gate and the giant sun in the middle began to slowly turn. It spun a full turn before it opened and Henry followed Aiyanna inside. It looked exactly as Henry remembered it. This time however, there was a feeling of peace instead of tension.

"After the Great Haven War, Lord Frost rebuilt Haven and it became what it was intended for," said Aiyanna. "It is once again a sanctuary. He expanded much of the castle and the surrounding buildings that he could not before."

Henry said nothing but walked beside his friend in silence. He was looking around with interest. Plants had become more numerous now that the ground was not so drenched in blood. They walked on for just less than an hour through evergreens and mature oaks and ash trees whose leaves were just starting to change from green to orange and brown, before Henry caught a glimpse of the great Watchtower of Armazi. It was once a safe refuge for Lord Frost, who had modeled the city of Heiligdom after cities in Europe during every time period from medieval to Renaissance and Gothic. When Henry was young, the mighty tower was crumbling, and overgrown with vines. The vines were gone and it had been rebuilt to its original splendor. Aiyanna rounded the corner of a low cliff and Henry's jaw dropped.

The crumbling ruins of Heiligdom had been restored. There was no more evidence of battles and attempts to take the city. The city walls were sturdy and strong and the fortress inside was absolutely magnificent. Aiyanna pushed open the giant oak doors and Henry was suddenly struck with the desire to go exploring. He had lived within the walls of Heiligdom most of his life while he was still young and in need of protection but the city and the castle looked almost nothing like it did when Henry lived here. He could still see remnants of his childhood, but most of it, it seemed, had been repaired or rebuilt.

They walked across the lowered drawbridge over water so crystal clear that Henry could see the rocks at the bottom in the dark. They passed through the bailey, which was still protected by a ditch and a palisade. Inside the bailey, there were wooden stables with several dozen horses, multiple workshops and stores, and Henry's old school where he learned English, science, math, the arts, and history until he was eighteen years old. There were beautiful houses for the families of small children who had been bitten and would not be separated from their children. Henry noticed too that the stone Keep had been rebuilt. Instead of a strong central tower that normally forms the heart of a castle, the Keep had been placed beside the school so, in case of an emergency, children would not have to go out into the open. Henry had only been evacuated into the Keep twice during his time in Heiligdom. There were tunnels that went underground for a mile with several barricades to keep the children and human residents safe. In front of them, partially shielding cascading mountain slopes that bordered a small valley, was the enormous Gothic Renaissance-style castle resting on a series of cliffs from which came thunderous waterfalls and a wide lake that not only added beauty but prevented climbers from getting into the castle.

It was a beautiful sight. From the detailed rounded arches over the intricately carved doors and the pointed roof, the ribbed vault, the beautifully crafted large windows, and the gorgeous flying buttresses, Henry was in awe. Rising high above all of the trees, it was a sight that would take anyone's breath away. The stone walkway that led to the front gates opened wide at the town square and Henry could not help but smile as he put his foot down on the first step. It carried him up to the castle much like an escalator. He had almost forgotten the care Lord Frost had put into the details when he built Haven.

The interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. Aiyanna and Henry entered the castle through an enormous and grand marble entry hall. It was three hundred feet tall with large marble pillars and detailed paintings from floor to ceiling illustrating Haven's history. Henry didn't stop to admire the artwork. He and Aiyanna walked immediately to the left and into the Great Hall.

It was a massive room and built to withstand the capacity of the entire population. Memories that flooded into Henry's mind. He had spent many holidays in this hall. It had always been full of laughter and warmth during celebrations. The roof was the first thing Henry saw and it made him smile. It was timber-framed, using short beams projecting from the wall on which the rafters land, with the middle cut out. They spanned the entire width of the roof, supported by curved braces from the wall. Then his eyes moved to the massive fireplace that was built with large river rock on the side of the hall. It was wide with the hearth high enough to be used as a seat. It was curved at the top of the opening with a simple wooden mantle made out of half of a pine trunk. It was often full of small treasures that the small children could find. Henry could still see the perfectly round pinecone he had found many years ago. He could remember roasting hot dogs and marshmallows with a stick with Dresden and several other boys when he was small.

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