Gentleman⚣Lilo BDSM✔️

By CockyLilo

697K 24.2K 6.4K

"Just because I'm a Gentleman doesn't mean that I won't spank you." ; Okay so maybe Louis is a loudmouth, att... More



17.1K 628 159
By CockyLilo

This chapter is basically just Zouis and ranging and outrageous mood swings and lectures so like I'm sorry aha

"I'm fine,"Is all Louis replies with, his arm linked with Zayns as they walk down the hallway of college. He rests his head on Zayns shoulder as they walk, shoes slapping against the ground as they both walk and backpacks on their backs. They had just finished their last class of the day after being off for nearly 3 weeks. Louis was doing a lot better, and really he should be kind of thankful to His attack as since it has happened he and Liam have grown a lot closer.

"You're not fine, you're shaking right now."Zayn stresses, feeling his bestfriends arm shake and seeing his figure shake as well. Louis decided against telling Zayn about his attack, thinking that it'll be better if he didn't know so that maybe Liam could deal with the aftershock of the attack.

It worked, kind of.

Liam was just as freaked out and frightened as Louis was, having to stop all play and then try and calm Louis down as well.

He had managed that, wiped the whole building clear of people before he carried Louis to the car with Luke and Robin in front of them on the look out and to open doors. Robin apologised to  Louis for not spotting the signs earlier and Louis just smiled and tells him he's fine and its normal. Once home, Liam had ran the sub a nice bath to calm down and happily took a bath with him to calm down both of their nerves.

"Maybe because it's January and we live in the UK and it's fucking freezing?" Louis makes that 'brrr' sound with his lips and chatters his teeth to prove his point, one of the doors of the classrooms opening up which makes his hair blow out of style.

"Stop making up accuses, come to mine for a day or two-"

"Take a chill pill Malik, it was 3 days ago, I am fine, we are fine, the world is not ending, I am not dying."Louis repeats the same words that he uses whenever he is having or after an attack. Louis hates the sympathy looks that Zayn gives him, or how he acts or speaks to him when he's maybe upset, it was annoying and he didn't need it. He was a grown 19 year old that knew how to take care of himself (not really but he liked to tell people that he was able to).

"Oh please, you're my bestfriend and I know when something is not right with yo-"

"I swear to god! You're not my mother so sod off." The Twink snaps, ripping his arm away from Zayns as if he had just touched lava. Louis speed walks away from Zayn who huffs at how over dramatic Louis was being. Louis' purple and white backpack hands low, hitting off the top of his bum with every sharp step he takes away from Zayn, skipping down the stairs at a quick space with Zayn following.

"Not that your mother would care,"Zayn calls, Louis almost stopping to defend his mum, but it was true, she wouldn't care if Louis got hit by a truck and died, she didn't care that her Eldest child graduated High school at 15 and left home the same year. She didn't care her son was a genius that was capable of curing cancer or being the next Albert Einstein. Louis was a disappointment of a son, he wasn't a Dom like his mother wanted and so Jay didn't care for him.

"I can't argue with that, whatever."Louis rolls his blue eyes in defeat, sighing loudly and stopping so that Zayn can catch up with him."I'm sorry, 'Kay?"The 19 year old sighs and Zayn just chuckles fondly, kissing his temple in the loving bestfriend way that could be mistaken as a relationship but they are 100% not dating okay, never have and can never will because they are subs and Louis is with Liam but whatever.

The smaller nods his head, sighing deeply and resting his forehead on Zayns shoulder as the Raven haired man embraced him into a tight hug."I think I really scared him Zee, I don't even care for myself, I just care that I scared Liam with that attack. Why can't I control them?"He whimpers, voice muffled by the fact he has his lips pressed to Zayns jacket, arms wrapping around his neck to keep the hug intact. Louis really didn't care if others were looking and whispering, he needed the comfort of his bestfriend.

"Lou, "Zayn sighs and glares at a group of girls,"This isn't your fault, okay? Most likely even if you took your mediation that morning, being in the unfamiliar location with the meds would've still triggered the attack."Zayn has known Louis since they were tots, he has been dealing with Louis' attacks since the start and knew what triggered them and how to deal with them. It was the reason why Zayn was so keen on learning about mental illnesses and hoe to help those with them.

"Hey, why don't you and I go get some coffee, yeah? It's only 1pm and you said that Liam wasn't finishing till 4 so we have some hours to kill."Zayn suggests, pulling away from the hug that seemed to be lasting for a lot more than 5 Mississippis. "Be like the old days,"

"You're acting as though we've been separated for years, it's been like a week and a day."Louis can't help but laugh."But yeah, a coffee would be nice."He adds with a rather loud and stretched out yawn.

They walk to the coffee shop, the cold January breeze blowing through their soft hair, and tinting Louis' nose and cheeks a rosy pink colour. Zayn smokes on the way their, cigarette delicately between two nimble fingers, often blowing the smoke into the air, making Louis laugh at the different ways in which he blows the smoke out. It was something that Louis loved, the simple things in life, the simple smell of freshly ground coffee beans and pastry goods, or just the little walks in the cold.

"I'm so tired,"Louis yawns for what has to be the twentieth time, his steaming cup of coffee held up to his mouth, pink lips pressed to the China mug but not moving to sip at the hot coffee that was in it. He let the steam steam up his glasses, making them foggy and hard for Louis to see. The ends of Louis' light pink sweater creates sweater paws as he holds his mug, a tired but happy look upon his face.

"Still can't sleep?"Zayn raises an eyebrow, looking up at Louis for a split second in time to see him nod his head in fatigue."Maybe you should try sleeping pills? They help for the most part. Maybe just use them until you're use to your new surroundings."The Bradford lad suggests, looking down at the pages he has pulled our from his backpack.

"Don't you think I pop enough pills as it is?"Louis laughs.

"When you put it like that you make it sound like a bad thing."Zayn scowls the lad who just sips at his coffee, pulling a face at the bitter taste since he wasn't all that keen on the taste and only drank the warm beverage to give him that energy boost that he desperately needed. Coffee and Energy drinks were his boosters, what he loved on whenever he had to complete an assignment for class the exact same day, or studying for an exam for a class in which he didn't pay a lot of attention in.

"Because it is a bad thing,"The lad sitting on the otherside of the booth is quick to snapping."I am a bad thing. I shouldn't have to deal with the burden in which I've been fucking cursed with. My fear is suffocating me, my ADHD makes me do stuff even beyond the line of it could cause me danger or harm."

"Lou, calm down."Zayn gives his surroundings a once over."Put down the mug."He orders watching how angry Louis is over himself, over nothing. Louis looks down at the mug in his hand, tipping it from side to side in mischief as to the damage that he could maybe do with the hot liquid inside the mug."I swear the fuck put down the mug or I'll call Liam."Zayn growls and Louis has no choice but to put the steaming hot mug back onto the table.

"Wow, can't even hold a mug of coffee while mad without being accused of injuring myself."Louis rolls his eyes, crossing slim arms over a puffed out in anger chest.

"Last time-"

"One time! I poured boiling hot water on my hand one time while in anger and yo have to keep lecturing me about it like I'm some child."Despite the look of disapproval, Louis is already picking up his mug of coffee to take another gulp."I am far from a child, I am a genius young sub, that has an amazingly high IQ."

"Yes, as you've said hundreds of times Louis. I know your intelligence, and I know you're hatred for being treated or scowled like a child."Zayn was just as ready to jump out a window if it meant he was able to stop this conversation with an outrageously moody Louis who seems to be on some type of male equivalent of a period. God, Louis could be so hot and cold one day and then fine and dandy the next, and despite Zayn being use to it, he still wanted to punch Louis in the face whenever he got like this.

Louis was just a unique, stupidly adorable young lad

"You give me headaches,"Zayn starts to complain, scribbling down the first 4 lines of the start of his essay about Depression, and the signs of the first stage of depression and what can trigger or start it. It was an interesting piece of work, the wonders of the brain, how Depression can take over your life, Zayn found it easy and strangely comfortable to write."I need a cigarette."

"You've already had 7 today..."Louis bites his bottom lip in worry, eyes scanning over Zayn who doesn't look up. Louis might be all head in the clouds Louis today but that doesn't mean he isn't able to spot whenever his best friend his anxious or worried about something. Something was bothering him, it was the reason behind the amount of cigarettes and the anxious nail biting during class that Zayn thinks Louis hasn't noticed but has.

"So? What are you now, the cigarette police?"Zayn quirks an eyebrow, meeting Louis' worried gaze that seems to be guilt tripping him and making him feel like a complete and utter waste of space."Stop looking at me like that, I'm fine Louis."He's a another puppy dog glare away from cracking, Louis' wide blue eyes looking at him so innocently and needy.

"Zaynie, you'd tell me if something was wrong...right?"Louis asks hopefully, head to the side and bottom lip poked out. Zayn is on the verge of screaming, maybe if he screamed but y'know.

"I-it's my letter."Zayn gulps, not meeting Louis' eye.

"What letter? A hogwarts letter?"

"My Dom letter you dimwit,"Zayn snaps, rolling his golden brown eyes at the supposed to be smart sub in front of him."It has arrived, but I'm scared to open it, I'm scared that my Dom is going to somehow that loves way off from here, anyway from you, and God forbid me saying this Liam and Harry an'all."Zayns voice trails off, reaching into his backpack and digging around until he pulls out a letter.

"Why didn't you tell me you got it?"

"Preferred to tell you in person,"Zayn shrugs, sliding the letting across the table towards Louis."Open it, tell me who it is, I told you."

"Your Dom has to let me see you, I'll get Liam to shoot his kneecaps if he doesn't let me see my best mate."Louis sniffles, nose twitching and shifting his glasses. Zayn just chuckles, shaking his head in fondness before urging Louis to open the letter."It's literally half 3 in the afternoon and this day has already been a fûcking rollercoaster of moodswings."

"Hurry up, I'm about to die from a heart attack of anxiety over here."

Louis feels like the whole friendship that Louis and Zayn have is dependent on his letter, it probably isn't but Both of the subs over think stuff like this so who can honestly blame them? With shaky hands, Louis is ripping the top of the envelope open and taking the piece of paper out. It was the first out of three.

Louis looks up Zayn before in folding the paper and scanning it for the name. Louis can't exactly help but break out into a grin, tears kind of brimming his blue eyes as he turns the sheet over.

"Your Dom is Harry styles, Zee!"

Okay hiya and I know this chapter took forever and is fûcking terrible but here you go and I'm sorry aha

I've been really preoccupied but I have the next week off so maybe I can update during that time? Hopefully anyway...

I have a new LILO fanfic called 'Phoney' if you want to check it out?

Please tell me your opinions, I promise I'll add Lilo fluff in the next chapter



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