Behind The Scenes

By AdoringTini

688 51 53


My boyfriend [1]
What Have You Done?! [3]
Enough of it

Cheating [2]

151 15 7
By AdoringTini

Clari's P.O.V

After the concert the guys decided to go to a bar. The girls, Diego (Yes, Ramos came with us ;) ) and me decided to have a girly night with a boy. This sounds so weird...

Anyway, we all headed over to Mechi's room she had with her boyfriend, and decided to play Truth or Dare.

And of course I had to be the first one chosen.

"Clari!" Tini shouted, already drunk since we had already 3 bottles of wine "Truth or dare?" She asked excited

"Erm... Truth," I said and after saying that I knew it was a bad idea... You'll see why

"Do you once ever wanted to cheat on Dominguez?" She asked while everyone was looking at me

"Yes," I simply nodded

They all looked at me with wide eyes but I just continued with playing

"Cande! Truth or dare?" I asked her

"Hmm... Dare!" She screamed

"Okay," I smiled cheekily to her "Eat an egg!" I shouted

"No, Clara! That's gross!" She also shouts "I'm not gonna do that!"

"Or you'll have to go in your underwear to the restaurant!" I laughed

"Then I'll eat an egg..."


"Diego!" Tini screams "Truth or dare?" She asks curiously

"Dare," He smirks.

"Okay!" She began with thinking "Ah, I know something!" She says excited "Kiss Clara!"

Diego smirked at me, slowly coming closer. Gosh, why is he so slow?

Finally his lips touched mine. You guys don't know how long I've waited for this moment! I mean... Nah, never mind, I'm just drunk!

Once we broke apart I told him to come with me and I also told the girls that we'll see each other tomorrow

When we arrived to my room I took him by his collar and began to kiss him passionately

"You don't know how long I'm already waiting to do this..." He whispers sensually in my ear "I want you, right now...."

"I'm all yours..." I moaned when he began to kiss my neck, while we were heading to the bed

Once we reached the bed I decided to not to hold myself back anymore

This will be probably the best night of my life....


Diego D's P.O.V

I was in this stripper bar where the boys took me to. A few girls came up to me, touching me everywhere

"Hello sexy," one of the girls whispered into my ear which made me shiver "Ready for the best night in your life?"

I laid my hands on her hips while she began to kiss me. She's good...

"Come with me," She said while taking me to a room nearby

"Dear god..." I moaned when she began to do what she has to do


Jorge's P.O.V

"Where did Diego go?" Facu asked when we were searching Dominguez for 5 minutes now already

"I dunno," I said, looking around me "But I hope that he didn't followed that girl who was with him..."

The boys looked worried to me since they knew what I was about to say

"If he ever tries to hurt her, then he'll be dead... You know that Clari is like a sister to me and..." I paused when I saw Diego coming out of a room with a girl following him

"Don't say that he..." I felt he anger coming up in me and luckily my friends were there to hold me back before I'd punch

He walked over to us, smirking at us while running his hand though his hair which you can see on that he had sex

"They're pretty good here," He smirked "I've never had such a good-,"

"Sex" he moaned after I punched him right into the face

"Wake up boy! You have a fucking boyfriend!" I shouted at him, really angry

"I'm not interested in her anymore." He said in a drunk tone

"Get me away before he's dead..." I hissed to the boys and they toke me outside, Diego following

"Titties calm Bro!" Dominguez shouted

"You fucking asshole!" I hissed "How can you do that?!"

"Like I'm said: I'm not interested in her anymore!" he said drunk

"You have 2 opinions!" I shouted at him really angry "Or you going to tell her at yourself and make sure that you can get her back, or I'm gonna tell her and I'll make sure she'll hate you more than you can think!"

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