its a wonderful life [camren]

By kcxbello

409K 11.5K 5.6K

One winter morning, Lauren Jauregui wakes up to a very unfamilar life. She finds herself married to Camila Ca... More

epilogue one
epilogue two
epilogue three
epilogue four
epilogue five
epilogue six


46.2K 1K 642
By kcxbello

Lauren's eyes fluttered open as the morning sun entered the room. Ouch, Lauren thought as she rubbed her head, that must have been some fall. Once her eyes were fully opened, Lauren began to take in her surroundings; she was no longer at the studio. In fact she was in a bedroom that she had never seen before. And she most certainly was not alone, there was definitely a female body inching its way towards her.

Uh oh, she thought, could I have done something, more like someone, really stupid last night? No it couldn't be, the last thing she remembered was being at the rehearsal studio.

"You awake baby?" Lauren gasped, she would know that voice anywhere.

"Camila?" Lauren questioned, the confusion evident in her voice.

"Lauren," Camila laughed, mocking her, as she leaned over her.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Lauren stuttered as she stared at her friend, pulling the covers up over her body. She suddenly felt very insecure against the woman whom she had crushed on for half her life.

"What do you mean what am I doing?" Camila arched her eyebrow in confusion. "Are you feeling ok? It's not the baby is it?" the worry was ever present in her voice, as her hand quickly moved to Lauren's stomach.

Lauren's eyes doubled in size as she saw her very pregnant body, since when in the hell was she pregnant? "The baby," she squealed, still shocked at herself.

"You're in labor!" Camila exclaimed as she quickly threw off the covers, ready for action.

"No, no, I'm not in labor," Lauren sat up and placed her hand on Camila's shoulder, hopefully reassuring her that everything was fine.

Camila breathed a sigh of relief. "Good," she lay back down in bed. "I just thought we'd have a little more time and there's still a lot to do before the baby comes."

"Umm right," Lauren replied as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"If you're fine, I guess we should continue where we left off then," Camila grinned as she leaned closer again, only this time Lauren knew exactly what she was about to do. Camila's lips were practically grazing hers when...

"Mommy!" a little voice called out.

Camila closed her eyes in frustration. "Of course," she sighed but then giggled as she pulled away.

"Of course," Lauren repeated, she wasn't sure if the little interruption was a good or a bad thing. She longed for Camila's kisses, but normally she knew where she was and she wasn't pregnant. Wait, rewind, did someone just call one of them Mommy?

"I think that's your cue," Camila stated as she got out of bed, stretching as her feet hit the floor.

"My cue?" she questioned, boy could she get more confused.

"Don't play dumb with me, Lo," Camila turned to face her, her arms folded across her chest, a playful grin on her face. "It's your turn and you know it."

"My turn?" Lauren asked, she hoped she didn't look as dumb as she sounded.

"Breakfast, you promised the nuggets Christmas tree pancakes," Camila replied as she looked at Lauren's semi-confused face.

"I did?" Lauren scrunched her nose.

"Are you trying to get out of it?" Camila grinned as she put her hands on her hips and Lauren's heart almost skipped a beat, how cute could one person be?

"No," Lauren replied slowly. "But..."

"Hey, don't complain, you promised them, besides it's a tradition," Camila stated simply.

"Right, it's a tradition," Lauren replied, hopefully sounding sincere as she removed the warm comforter from her body. She quickly stood up, whoa, way too fast for a pregnant lady. Where are my feet? she thought, as she looked down. "Christmas tree pancakes for the...the nuggets coming right up," she forced a smile as Camila walked in front of her.

"Do you mind if I take a quick shower?" She asked as she pulled Lauren towards her, as close as they could get with her bump being in the way.

"No, go ahead," Lauren lied, quickly putting a smile on her face. Of course it wasn't ok if she took a shower, then she would be on her own, in a a life that she had never been in before.

"Thanks baby, I'll be quick I promise," and with that Camila leaned up for her morning kiss and Lauren could barely wait. A minute later their lips parted, both with satisfied grins on their faces. Lauren could really get used to that. "Love you."

"Love you too," Lauren smiled as Camila retreated into their bathroom. That kiss was amazing, who cared if they both had a little bit of morning breath - STOP! You did not just tell her that you loved her, that's a major lie, ok not really but...

"Mommy!" another little voice called out, or at least Lauren thought it had to be a different voice, it sounded younger. Kids pretty much all sounded the same to her.

"Coming," Lauren sighed and began to head out of the bedroom. She stopped when she heard the water turn on in the bathroom, what she would give to be in there. Naked...wet...Camila...yum, screw Christmas tree pancakes.

"Mommy!" Lauren almost collided with a little girl.

"Um hi," Lauren looked down at the little girl. She was practically Lauren's splitting image, the emerald eyes, the long straight brown hair.

"Morning Mommy," the little girl said, Lauren guessed that she must have been around five or six.

"Hi," Lauren repeated again, staring at the beautiful little girl in front of her, apparently her little girl. "Soooo... are you hungry?"

The little girl nodded her head, "I am starved!" she exclaimed dramatically.

"Starved?" Lauren giggled. "You must be channeling Ally." Lauren thought about her best friend and bandmate, well at least she hoped they were still best friends.

"You always say that," the little girl said as she laced her fingers with Lauren's as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"I do?" Lauren asked, she smiled down at her daughter, she could not believe that she had a daughter and a baby on the way as she rubbed her stomach. And let's not forget...

"Mommy!" there was that other voice again, echoing through the hallway, even louder than before.

"Emmi's up!" the older girl exclaimed as she let go of Lauren's hand and ran down the hallway. Lauren quickly followed, or rather quickly waddled.

"Mommy!" Emelina, or Emmi as she was so affectionately called, clapped her chubby little hands at the sight of her mother.

"Hi Emmi!" Lauren happily exclaimed, at least she knew one of her children's names. She looked at the little angel in the little white crib; she had to have been about two. She was a perfect match of her and Camila; Camila's brown eyes and bright smile and Lauren's nose and adorably curly chocolate colored hair.

"No potty in the morning Mommy!" Emmi shouted as she stood up in her crib.

"Yay!" the oldest little girl shouted as well. "Emmi didn't peeeee in her pull up!" she walked over and reached a hand inside of the bars, wildly shaking her sister's hands, both girls laughing hysterically.

Lauren couldn't help but smile, they were absolutely adorable and they were all hers and besides this was supposed to be a happy occasion. "Good job baby!" Lauren bent over as best she could and placed a kiss on Emmi's head. "Mommy is so happy and Mama is going to be so proud."

"Emmi a big girl Mommy?" Emmi looked up to Lauren.

"Oh Emmi is a very big girl," Lauren couldn't help but laugh at the fact that little girl was talking in third person. "How about some pancakes for a very big girl?"

"Yay!" both girls exclaimed.

"Come on," Lauren reached her hands down to pick her daughter up, but she hadn't realized how difficult this was going to be, her stomach was definitely in the way and the bars of the crib were too tall for her to get a good grip on the small toddler.

"I got her," Camila was quickly at her side and in an instant she grabbed Emelina.

"Well that was by far the world's quickest shower," Lauren grinned as she placed her hands on her belly.

"Funny," Camila replied before giving Emelina a kiss on the cheek. "Morning my little ladybug," she looked back at her wife. "I just got in the shower when I realized that you were going to have to get Emmi out and I knew that was becoming difficult so..."

"My hero," Lauren swooned as she placed her hands over her heart.

"I do what I can," Camila laughed as she puffed out her chest.

"Cute," Lauren smiled and couldn't resist kissing Camila on the cheek; it just felt right and she didn't seem to mind.

"I try," she bent over and placed Emelina down next to her sister. "And how's my butterfly this morning?"

"Good Mama," the older girl smiled wide as she wrapped her arms around Camila's neck.

"Good," Camila smiled as she placed a kiss on her cheek as well. "Are you girls excited about today?"

Both girls screamed, Lauren was definitely going to have to get used to that, and Lauren laughed. "Mommy's going to make her famous Christmas tree pancakes and then we'll go out and look for a real Christmas tree."

"Yay!" Emmi squealed as she latched onto Lauren's leg.

"Bigger than last year's tree, right Mama?" the oldest girl asked, excitement in her voice.

"Whatever you want, Anahí," Camila smiled.

Anahí, finally a name to put with that cute little face, Lauren thought. "Camz," she began, she had no idea why she had said it, but for some reason it sounded right.

"What?" Camila asked innocently, already knowing what was coming.

"Whatever she wants?" Lauren asked, the words flying out of her mouth as her hands went to rest on her lower back. "You're spoiling them too much," she whispered.

"That's funny coming our of your mouth baby, Miami's only princess," Camila giggled.

"Ha ha," Lauren pouted, knowing that Camila was right.

"We'll get a tree that's bigger than last year's butterfly," Camila gave all three of her girls one more kiss. "Let me finish my shower than I'll be down to help you."

"Ok," Lauren smiled as Camila exited Emelina's bedroom and she looked down to her two girls, who were smiling bright at her. Suddenly Lauren wasn't so nervous, maybe she could really get used to this life.

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