There's A Jock in My Bed! [✓]

By Poetically-Damaged

11.5M 277K 316K

#1 & 3 in the "There's A..." series. #2 is on my profile. [Editing] He's popular, I'm a nobody. He's a senio... More

1. Forgetting to Remember
2. Fresh Meat and Rotten Romance.
3. Mistakes Were Made
4. Jock Blocked
5. A New Hope
7. Into the Blue
8. I Move Like Jagger Part 1
9. I Move Like Jagger Part 2
10. The Fast and the Dubious.
11. The Empire Strikes Back.
12. Like a Virgin
13. Hell Hath No Fury.
14. Night
15. Another One Bites The Dust
16. Papa Can You Hear Me?
17. Allen Must Die
18. Shakespeare In Love
19. Sons of The Father
20. It Will Rain
21. Santa Baby! - Christmas Special
22. Reality Bites: The Finale 1/2
23. That Ol' Cliché: The Finale Part 2/2
TARIMB! The Sneak Peak & K's Story!
Seeing Red
Seeing Red: Now Available
Me Before Him: K's Story
1. Enchanted To Meet You
2. Micah Is Probably the Devil

6. See No Evil. Hear No Evil. Date No Evil.

506K 14.5K 16.9K
By Poetically-Damaged

                                                       There’s a Jock in My Bed!

                                   Chapter 6 – See No Evil. Hear No Evil. Date No Evil.

                            Song of the Chapter:  Just Like Jesse James by Cher (1990)




“This should be interesting.” I hear Evelyn mumble from behind me. I throw her a glance and she shrugs her shoulders.

We continue to walk to the car, but that’s just it. There was only one car. As in singular. “Wait, why is there only one car?” I ask, turning to Alex who just gives me a half smile.

“We think it should be better if we all go on a date together, you know—a double date.”

“What?!” I shriek. I little chuckle exits Jacob’s lips. I spin around and glare at him. “I bet I know whose idea this was…”

He throws up his hands and smirks. “Guilty as charged your honor.” He coos, tempting me to smack him.

“He said it would be a good way for all of us to get to know each other. I mean, we are best friends and you two are siblings.” Alex explains, but I know the true motive of one Jacob Patterson. He’s going to try and ruin this date for me. But the question is why? Is he that intent on keeping our one night stand all a secret that he’s prepared to ruin possible happiness for his best friend? That’s a bit malevolent and selfish if you ask me.

Alex crosses over to the driver’s seat but I and Jacob bump into one another at the passenger side. I fold my arms over my shoulder and he smirks. “Ladies first.” He gestures, opening the car’s door. My lips slightly part at the disrespect. I bring my chest to his, well almost since he’s taller. But I do look into his blue eyes and flare my lip up at him.

“You better watch it blondie, you don’t want to wage war with me.” I hiss, dangerously low in pitch towards him. Daring, almost pleading for him to say something smart. He lowers his head to my eye level and breathes in it slowly.

“Let’s make one thing clear freshman, I am the one who’s the danger here.” he spits back, venom leaking off every word. I growl at him as hate and anger start to build in the pit of my stomach. 

“War it is then, may the best gay win.” His smirk fades quickly when I utter the word.

“I’m not gay.” He hisses.

I scoff and smile in return. “Oh please, you’re so gay you make round-abouts look straight.”

The smirk lands on my face in return and I enter the front seat of the car. Alex gives me a weird and confused look.

“What was that about?” he ponders, his hand tightening on the staring wheel.

“Nothing,” I look at his hands and his eyes follow them “what’s wrong?” he clenches his jaw and huffs. The car door opens and Jacob enters, breaking the moment between me and a sad looking Alex.

“Nothing...” he whispers softly, starting the car.

The car ride is quite silent as we ride down the road into the night. I’m still worrying about Alex. His hands have yet to lighten on the poor steering wheel. I sneak a hand over to his knee and gently brush against it. I feel as his thigh tenses and he looks over at me briefly. I give him a crooked smile and his leg relaxes under my light touch. I move my hand but he quickly grabs it and places it in his.

“Isn’t it dangerous having only one hand on the wheel?” Jacob asks, from the backseat. Alex looks at him in rear view mirror with a stone like face. I wonder what’s up with the both of them?

They seem—distant from one another for some reason. I’ll ask later…

“If I die, I die happy.” Alex says proudly, taking his eyes off the crowded road once again to look at me. My face immediately goes up in flames from the compliment.

Evelyn scoffs and hits the back of my seat. “Will you two stop? You’re not even dating, so stop acting like a couple.”

Alex chuckles and I join him. I pivot my body in the seat to look at her. “We’re not a couple Ev.”

“Not yet anyways.” The driver adds on in a seductive tone, sending chills down my spine.

“Kill Me Now…” Jacob mutters, staring out the window at the city lights.

“Well someone’s green with envy.” I bark at him in a playful tone. His head snaps towards means I smirk at him. I’m going to enjoy screwing with him. He deserves it. 

“Why would I be jealous? I got the hotter twin.” He spits back as a smirk plays at his lips. I growl and he blows a kiss.

I open up my mouth to throw him another insult but the car comes to a stop. “We’re here.” Alex informs us and opens his car door. Ev and Jacob exit the car but Alex looks over at me briefly and smiles. “Don’t open the door.” I raise an eyebrow but relax him my seat and watch as he crosses over to my side of the car. He opens the door and bows in front of it like a butler.

He looks up at me with his sparkling eyes. I never noticed just how beautiful they were…the moonlight makes them look luminous. “After you.” He courteously says, showing his dazzling and charming smile.

This is definitely not that same boy that wanted to hump me a couple of days ago.  It’s almost as if he made a complete 180 in his attitude. Which is a bit  mysterious in itself. He extends his hands to me. I take and he helps me out of the car. As soon as I emerge, the smell the sea hits me in the face. I stand on my tippy toes to look over the car, seeing only the glittering, wavy ocean over it.

“Okay Alex, I’m starting to feel like a pretty princess or something.” I note. I hated being called the girl in the relationship but for some reason I always date guys that are much bigger than me or they like to date me.

“Well you are my pretty princess.” He says, resting my hand in his while using the side of his hip to close the door.

Jacob whistles at us from the other side of the car, calling for our attention. “We’re going to get us something to eat. Alex you can take your little guy over to where we’re sitting.” He nods and leads me across the paved road onto the squishy, sandy surface of the beach.

“So, if we were coming to the beach, why did we where such nice clothes?” he shrugs and continues to lead me over to the boardwalk that extended out into the sea. He lets go of my hand and jumps up on it. Once he gets up he extends his hands down to me.

I fold my hands over my chest and huff. “I can do it myself you know.” He smirks and sits down on the ledge as I try to climb.

Unfortunately, I’m not exactly the most athletic so I slip down time after time I try, and every time I fail Alex chuckles.

I fall on my ass the last time and sulk. I look up at the smiling boy. “Hello, your pretty princess needs help.” He smiles and extends his hands out to me from his sitting position. I take and he pulls me up with little effort. Not even breaking a little tiny drop of sweat…It’s kind of embarrassing if you ask me.

 “You know you two could have just taken the stairs.” Evelyn says, heading our way with Jacob by her side.

“Where’s the food Yo?” I ask. My stomach was starting to rumble. It seems mom wasn’t kidding when she said no food…

“They’re still making it, they told us to come back in fifteen minutes.” They take a seat next to us so we form a little circle. A silence takes over but the sound of the sea crashing against the shore prevents an awkward feeling.

“So, why don’t we get to know each other better by asking a few questions?” I suggest. They all nod. Jacob raises his hands, making me roll my eyes.

“I have an idea, why don’t we cross question each other’s date. Me and Evan and Evelyn and Alex.” He cheers, smiling. I clench my jaw and stare at him with cold eyes.  He winks at me and claps his hands together.

“Okay then, I’ll go first. Evan, how long have you been a short, sexless nerd?” Evelyn gasps and Alex elbows him in the ribs. I laugh, and laugh bitterly. If that’s how he wants to play it then let’s do that. He’s no match for my wittiness.

“Almost as long as you were a blonde, redundant moron.” I bite back. His smile fades and it makes its way over to Alex’s face.

“Jacob, when was your last relationship with a girl and how much did she cost?” I jeer towards him. I watch as Alex swallows slowly and the sound of an awkward cough from Evelyn fills the tense air around us.

“3.99, a whole .99 cents more than you on sale.”

“Woah guys calm down.” I put a hand in the air, stopping Alex.

“No-no it’s alright we’re just having a little conversation.” My eyes never leave the smirking jock sitting across from me.

He nods his head in agreement and asks, “Is that your face is did your neck throw up?” I laugh. If that’s the best he can do, he’ll be done in a matter of minutes.

“You know, I dated someone like you with the same IQ once—then I graduated from pre-school.”

“You calling me an idiot?”he hisses, squinting his eyes at me.

“Oh Gosh no— wouldn’t want to insult the idiots of the world.”

He clenches his jaw and balls his fist. “That’s cute, too bad you’re not.”

I laugh gingerly. “You’re as sharp as a marble aren’t you?” I tease.

He growls and Alex puts a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry man, he has you beat.” I pump my fist in the air and blow him a kiss.

“Whatever. Is the food ready yet?”

Evelyn looks down at her watch and nods. “I’ll go check on it.”

Alex follows suit, brushing himself off of any sand on him. “I’ll come with you.” He looks down, his eyes darting between me and Jacob “You two please try not to kill each other.”

“I’ll try. No promises though.” I mumble as they both walk away. I wait for them to disappear then look over at Jacob who is picking his nose…gross.

“Okay, now that they are gone let’s get to the serious questions. Why are you on this date with me and Alex?”

He leans back on his elbows and looks up into the starry night sky. “I told you, I’m here to make sure you and him don’t do anything.”

“I appreciate the nice gesture but that cannot be the only reason.” I say coldly. He’s obviously hiding something and he better start talking. He’s messing with my sister’s head here.

“It’s not just between us anymore. We have innocent people’s feelings to think about. Alex and Evelyn could get hurt.” His head snaps to me. Anger is written all face. I can almost feel it radiating off of him.

“You don’t think I know that.” He growls at me, dangerously low in pitch. “How do you think Alex is going to react when he finds out that I had sex with someone he likes? He’s going to feel betrayed.”

“That happened before we came here. Why should it matter?”

He sighs loudly, obviously annoyed by me barraging him with questions.

“I just can’t let it happen Evan. I can’t.” his voice makes a 180 in tone. Now it’s meek and soft, almost sad. My stomach tightens when he looks me in the eyes. He looks so sad.

“Why not? It’s going to make him happy. He hasn’t made a comment about my ass in hours, maybe he actually wants me.”

“Hypothetically speaking, What if I wanted you…who would you pick?” he whispers, but makes it audible enough for me to hear. My heart picks up in speed and thumps so loudly I wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear it. But I know the truth; he’s just a typical straight boy. Wanting what they can’t have. Whether it be male or female.

“Well if we’re speaking in theory, I’d pick him.”

His face hardens a bit. “Why?”

“He seems nicer than you to be honest.”

He scoffs and rolls his eyes.“He tried to have sex with you.” He notes.

“Yes, but you did have sex with me.” I say, causing him to run his hands through his silky blonde hair.

“I would be a better boyfriend.” He whispers again, this time he hangs his head down.

“Well, we’ll never find out. I want to see where a relationship with him will lead. I can feel a spark between us, one that I don’t get when you’re around..”

I looks back up instantly and grabs me. “What are you—” he crashes his lips against mines.

A bolt of electricity surges through my spine, touching every organ in my body. I hardly have time to respond before he pulls away.

He opens his eyes slowly and looks at me deeply in the eyes. Seemingly looking into my soul. I’m too shocked to respond so I just sit there staring at him.

“Feel that spark yet?”

Oh Snap! Tehe. Two uploads in one week yay for me.

SO I wanna know…Who do you think is better for Evan? Alex or Jacob. Tell me below.

I didn’t know who to dedicate this to so I’ll just go by who ever comments first. And it has to be meaningful. No “Upload Soon!”’s apply lol. I still appreciate it though. 

PS: Pics on the side of Bobby, KImmy, Chris and AnaBelle (Evan's mom) 

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