Sweet Ol' Angel

By bkb_iluv1d

434 23 4

Skylar a regular girl who doesn't know what's truly inside of her.But after she saves Harry from a car accide... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

17 1 0
By bkb_iluv1d

Chapter 9

Skylar's POV

As I stood in the bathroom with Louis and harry,I was pretty bord.But when Louis asked those questions if he could see me and also if he had one it perked my interest.I didnt see any danger in Harrys life so I decided to do a little investigation on Louis' questions because I was also curious.I left the room but I accidentally knocked something down ,my bad.I was back in the white room.I yelled out Jewels name.She appeared right in front of me before I could finish the last letter.

"What cha need,Skylar."

Well I was wondering 2 things could someone see me besides harry and also do the other members have guardian angels and if they do can I meet them.

"Well you sure are curious aren't you darling ?Well to answer the first one you can't just show yourself like you do to harry.But you can possess harry get inside of him and tell Louis and you can go to Louis and show him yourself then.He may see you in different ways so you gotta see which one works.The other question is yes the other boys have guardians also you wanna meet them."

Yea of course.

"So you need say these words to go to the lounge,YEA IM 1D AF.Ready at the count of 3 say them."

I looked at her questionably.

"Go ahead go on."

Yea im 1d AF I said and all of a sudden I was surrounded by these jumbles of voices.


"Can you shut the fook up already."

"Hey don't yell at her cause she's per-fect."

Where's Zayn's

"Oh she's in a different section but she stops by every now and then."


"She's Harry's ."

"Yass oh she's definitely harry's."

"Its quite obvs."

"When did you start using abbreviations ?"

"The modern world forced me."

I was grabbed by a bright blonde.

."Hey sit down,chill."

As I sat I asked there names.


Britney was Nialls,Diana was liams,and Rose was louis.They seemed exactly like the boys.We got along perfectly and shared jokes and stories about the dumb stuff the boys did.Britney's eyes were wide open.

"Oh I gotta go you guys wanna come with me."

Why not? We got up and appeared on stage.

"The pull up elevators, Nialls one is gonna snap.Diana go to Liam and distract Niall so I can go fix it."

Diana nodded and put her hand and slowly her whole body into Liam.Liams eyes brightened for a tiny second and then they were normal.Then Liam quickly walked over to Niall and redirected him away from the elevator.Good thing this isn't the real show just a practice.I went to Britney with rose leading close behind and I asked Britney if I could help with anything .

"Yea can you hold this rope right here."

I grabbed the rope and Britney ran her hand down the rope and she told me to let go.The rope fixed,she yelled for Diana to come out cost is clear.Diana left Liam and came over to the girls.

"Niall is so funny."

We watched as they went up in the elevators.I was watching Harry.I was watching how his hair flowed off his shoulders and how his wonderful smile was just amazing.I went towards him, a force that was coming from some where unknown.I just wanted to touch him,just a stroke of the cheek would be just enough.

"Skylar stop."


I tried to stop but I couldn't ,I wasn't strong enough.I reached out my hand just about to touch such softness that is Harry.When I was only swept away.They grabbed me from all sides.They said something and we were back in the white room.

"Sky you cant do that well not now you aren't strong enough."

"Yea you need your powers first."

"Hey shut up ,Jewel was suppose to tell her that."

Confusion was written all over my face.What powers?

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