•Survival Of The Fittest• |Ow...

By DarellyLucero

65.1K 2.1K 243

•You better run in this wild jungle• Aella Grant will be tested on her knowledge of survival. Running from Ve... More



2.1K 72 2
By DarellyLucero

Disclaimer: All movies of Jurassic Park are not mine. In some parts if the dialogue looks the same with the movies, well it is. I only own the character of Aella. And some parts of her life. Try to enjoy this. With Love Darelly.

 ⇛ 14.0

Morning on Isla Sorna, Aella and Eric started to walk around the forest. Eric pulled something out of his pocket and showed it off to Aella.

"Know what this is?" he asked her.

She took it in her hand "A raptor claw" she answered "I found one once and gave it to my dad" she scoffed "A fossil."

"Mine's new" he said grinning. Aella handed it back.

"How much of this island have you explored?" the younger Grant asked him curious.

"I stayed pretty close to the compound" he answered "Figured if anyone came to look for me, that's where they'd start."

"We need to head for the coast" she told him. Eric looked at her confused.

"Are you sure?" he asked now worried. Aella stopped walking and turned at him.

"Why?" she asked back.

Eric shrugged "Closer you get to the water, the bigger things get."

Suddenly a faint ringing started to sound; Aella and Eric turned to find a sail moving through the low trees. Aella's eyes widened when she recognized it was the back of a Spinosaurus.

Eric and Aella pressed back against a tree, keeping perfectly still as they heard the creature's footsteps reverberating. It was moving behind them, and it was close. They heard the ringing moving from left to right as it passed.

Looking across the clearing, Eric was startled when he saw Paul and Amanda no more than 20 yards away, also hiding. An involuntary reflex, Eric called out "Mom, Dad" he shouted.

Aella immediately covered the boy's mouth. But it was too late. The dinosaur had stop. Paul and Amanda spotted Eric with Aella. They felt a thousand emotions at once: relieved, disbelieving, terrified, overjoyed. They wanted to run to him, to yell out to him, but the monster was close.

Aella took her hand off Eric's mouth. They both stayed completely silent. All this time, the sat-phone was ringing then it stopped. And after an agonizing beat, the beast moved. At first they weren't sure which direction it was headed, but finally they could tell it was moving away.

Once the sail was finally out of sight, Eric broke from Aella's hold and dashed to his parents' arms. They cooped him up. Hugged him, kissed him, their affection unquenchable. He was crying.

"Sweetheart, you're okay" Amanda said more reassuring herself "You're okay" she said in disbelief.

"Never had a doubt" Paul said smiling "Never did. Us Kirby men, we stick around, huh?"

Eric grinned "We do."

Looking at her grubby son, Amanda licked her shirttail, trying to rub his face clean "Honey, there's not enough spit in the world for that" Paul said making her laugh.

On the other side Aella was hugging her father just as strongly as Alan was doing "We need to keep moving" she mumbled against his chest.

"In a minute" he said kissing her head and still hugging his daughter.

When Aella broke the hug her eyes fell on Billy who looked at her with guilt, instantly her eyes went cold "I want to tell you that I'm so sorry about the..." she cut him off by slapping him in the face.

"Billy, shut the hell up" she said at him coldly and walked off.

Alan confused immediately talked "What happened?" he asked confused "Why did you just do that?" he asked looking at his daughter.

She stopped walking and throw the bag at him "That's why" she said pointing at it. Alan opened the bag, his eyes widened when he saw the eggs.

"Please, okay? Just yell at me. Call me an idiot" Billy pleaded at Aella ignoring Alan completely "An asshole. Stupid. Tell me I screwed up because I know I did" he moved his hands trying to catch her attention but she didn't respond so he continued "I thought if we could get a raptor back to the mainland, we could get serious money for it. Enough to fund the digging for 10 years. More" he said guiltily "Whatever it took."

Alan shook his head, disgusted and grabbed him by the shoulders "Just shut up" he said gritting his teeth "Just shut the hell up" he told him recalling his daughter words.

"You have to believe me" Billy said pleading at both "I did it with the best intentions."

Aella finally turned at him furious "Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions. You rushed in with no thought to the consequences, to yourself or anyone else" she pointed at him "You're no better than the people who built this place."

"Aella, please-" but again the girl cut him off.

"You just don't understand, Billy" she shouted "The raptors chased me, they wanted the bag and I gave them the bag but it wasn't enough, the raptors want me dead" she was glaring at him "They don't care, they want me, ME, dead" she sighed "They have my scent and they will not stop until they get their revenge" smiling cynically she shrugged "I'm already dead, Billy" she laughed "As long as I'm in this island. I. AM. DEAD" she said pushing him away and walked off leaving Billy with his guilt.

The group entered a structure with giant windows designed to look into the canyon beyond -- only there was nothing to see but a thick fog. Toward the center of the room, a spiral staircase was there that leaded to a lower level.

With Billy lagging, Alan approached the stairs and peered down the circular opening in the floor. There was not much to see, just fog, a glint of sunlight.

Step by step, Alan by the hand of his daughter leaded the group down a rusty spiral staircase below the observation room. The stairs ended in a lower level. Although they were technically outside, the whole place felt strangely enclosed.

There was a thick fog at this level -- clouds, really -- but far below they could see the river and at its banks, a barge.

"We climb down to the barge and follow the river out to the ocean" Alan said looking at everyone "With any luck, the Costa Rican coast guard will pick us up."

"Then we go home?" Eric asked hopeful.

"Then we go home" his mother answered.

Alan leaded everyone down a ramp to a catwalk branches off, a set of stairs continuing down the along the canyon wall. Alan started down the stairs. He was only taken a few steps down the rusty staircase suddenly it broke beneath his feet. Paul and Aella grabbed him in the nick of time. The staircase vanished into the fog. After a few more seconds of silence, they head the crass far below.

"You okay?" Amanda asked him worried. Alan nodded and looked in the other direction.

"How about if we try this way?" he asked without humor. Their only other option was a precarious catwalk that disappeared into the mist.

"Do you think it goes all the way across?" Amanda asked him.

"One way to find out" he muttered. Aella followed but the catwalk crooked and groaned, listing slightly. She froze mid-stride. Alan turned at his daughter.

"We'd better do this one at a time" he told her. Aella stopped and Alan carefully pushed forward, disappearing into the thick fog. The others listened to the creaking of the catwalk until it stopped abruptly in silence.

"Dr. Grant?" Paul said breaking the silence but it was the silence his only response.

"Dad?" Aella called out nervous.

"Come on over" Alan's voice sounded making his daughter sigh in relieve "One at a time."

Aella stepped tentatively forwards, Eric was behind her, his mother talked "Eric, it's okay. You'll be right behind Aella."

"We're not going anywhere, I promise" Paul said to him.

"We're all together now, Eric" Amanda said holding his son.

Alan had stopped at a lateral support across the catwalk, trying to get the sense of where they are and what purpose this place may have served. Seeing that the support beams were brace high arched walls of steel mesh, it became obvious that they were inside of a vast construction.

Aella emerged from the mist and turned back to the catwalk "Okay" she said at the others "Come on, Eric" she said at the boy.

Eric was next to go across. He was still tentative "How 'bout if I..." Paul started to suggest but his son cut him off.

"No, I can do it" he said. Billy and Paul looked on as Eric disappeared into the vapor.

"That's it Eric" Paul muttered "Nice and easy..."

Eric slowly groped his way forward. He felt a gust of wind and a heavy thud ahead on the catwalk which swayed beneath him. Regaining his balance, Eric peered forward, but the fog prevented him from seeing more than fifteen feet ahead. There was an eerie silence.

Eric called out timidly "Mom?"

Across the canyon, Alan moved across the later support. With his hand on the railing, he sent a white, hardened substance dropping into the mist. Looking up, Grant noticed a large strut, covered with the same substance. Realizing what it could be.

"Oh, my God" Alan muttered.

"What is it?" his daughter asked worried. He showed at her the white substance "Bird cage" she said wide eyed now, she started to look around "We are in the Pterodactylus cage" she whispered in horror.

Then, the sound of Eric screaming was heard.


Chapter number fourteen everyone:3

Like always I want to know your thoughts about the chapter.

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Love you all xxx. 

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