Arrogant Alpha, My Mate(AAMM)

By thailia1

305K 9.7K 937

A mate, Alexis had always wanted hers. She thought that he would be the kindest person she had ever met. Then... More

Arrogant alpha, my mate(AAMM)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chpater 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

13K 475 47
By thailia1

Alexis' P.O.V.

" why don't you come up here dear," the teacher smiled warmly after class had began.

I got up from my desk and strutted to the front.

" tell us something about yourself and then your name," the teacher suggested.

I shrugged and turned to the rest of the class.

" something about myself? Hurt my friend gabby over there, even a little, and I hurt you," I threatened.

" ha, I'd like to see you try and hurt me babe. Advantage of alpha blood. I can take anyone anytime," Tyler smirked and I glared at him.

" and your name sweetheart," she encouraged.

Wasn't she gonna say something to him.

It occurred to me that he was her alpha, so probably not.

" Alexis," I answered.

" and your last name?" she asked.

I let out a sigh.

I could lie and get no respect, or I could tell the truth and possibly found.

" Silaret," I responded.

A collective gasp went through the classroom.

Even the teacher seemed surprised.

I let out a chuckle at their surprise.

Tyler was the first to reign his surprise in.

" if you're Alexis, what are you doing here?" he asked smugly.

" change of scenery," I shrugged.

" that doesn't even make sense," he argued.

" it would if you had more than five iq points," I smiled sweetly.

He let out a growl from low in his throat.

A clear threat.

" careful, you are playing with fire," he warned.

" I can't get any hotter than I am now," I shrugged, giving him a wink.

He looked taken aback by my response.

Gabby giggled beside me.

He sent her a glare and she became quiet.

" dude, back off," I muttered.

He sent me a look.

" I mean, seriously, what's your problem?" I asked.

Everything in the class was dead silent as I sent him a challenging stare.

" dumb ass people, that's my problem," he sneered.

" so you have a problem with yourself?" I asked.

" no," he replied.

" Ohhhhh, denial, the first stage," I sighed, shaking my head.

I knew I was swimming in dangerous waters but I didn't care, this guy pissed me off.

" hallway, now," he commanded, already standing.

" no," I replied as though it was obvious, which it was.

" one more time before I start playing dirty," he threatened.

" oh baby, please do," I purred, giving him a wink.

I almost let out a laugh at his next expression: pure shock.

Well, I actually did.

My laughter rang throughout the classroom and his face darkened.

" fine, have it your way," he spat.

He began away from the door and towards me.

I just kept smiling until I realized that he wasn't coming towards me, but gabby.

Her eyes were fixated on me and she didn't seem to notice him.

" Gabby! Watch out!" I yelled but it was too late.

He grabbed her by the throat and she let out a strangled cry of surprise.

Beginning to drag her towards the hallway, he turned back to me.

" HALLWAY! NOW!" he commanded.

I didn't need to be told twice.

He was just into the hall when I let out a snarl and torpedoed my way into him.

He flew back, Gabby coming free from his grip.

She scrambled back, gasping for breath.

Or at least that's what I had been expecting.

Only when Tyler and I had slammed to the floor did I realize that I didn't hear her.

I spun aroun.

She lay unconscious on the floor.

I ran back to her.

" Look what you did!" I screamed at him.

He rolled over, groaning.

Standing up, he brushed himself off.

" aw, shame. She's still breathing," he frowned.

My jaw dropped.

I was seeing red at this point.

I was about ready to tear him to shreds when Gabby groaned softly.

" ow," she whispered, touching her neck.

Looking down, I grit my teeth.

Bruises were already forming in the shape of hands.

" wow, your so weak that you can't even take on a fighter. You're such a great alpha," I applauded him sarcastically.

Picking her up, I began to carry Gabby to the door.

I ended up carrying her the entire way back to the hotel.

She protested at first but about halfway through, she fell asleep.

I walked her through the doors of the hotel.

Carol looked up in surprise when she smelled me but then she saw us and her eyes widened.

" my baby," she choked out.

" don't worry, she's alive. She just fell asleep," I explained.

" then why," she began but then she noticed the marks on Gabby's neck.

" who?" she asked.

" your poor excuse of an alpha," I spat in response.

" Alpha Tyler? What did he do now?" Harry asked, basically coming out of no where.

" this," I motioned towards his daughter.

He let out a low growl.

" don't worry, I'll take care of him later," I assured them.

" oh right, I forgot, the bonfire is tonight," Carol said.

" What? Oh, well that makes my revenge a LOT easier," I muttered.

" why don't you take her up to her room? You both must be exhausted," Harry suggested.

" sounds about right," I smiled weakly.

I carried her all the way upstairs then essentially collapsed on her bed after I had put her down.

" holy crap, I'm tired," I yawned and then I was out.

I blinked my eyes open expected it to be light but I was wrong.

It was almost completely dark.

" Hey," Gabby greeted me.

I jumped.

"oh hey," I replied, rubbing my eyes.

She was getting changed.

" oh right, the bonfire," I mused.

" yeah, I wanna look good. Another pack is going to be there tonight and it's, kinda, sorta, my 18th birthday," she mumbled the last part but I understood her.

I shot out of the bed, wide awake.

" awesome, let's go," I cheered, pulling her towards the hall.

" um, Alexis?" she smiled.

"yeah?" I replied.

" you still have to get ready," she pointed out.

" huuuuuu, fiiiiine," I whined.

Twenty minutes later and we were both ready by the door.

" good?" I asked Carol and Harry and they nodded.

" okay then, we're off," Gabby chirped and, with that, we left.

It took a good half hour to get there but we didn't really mind.

We spent most of the time just talking about random things, getting to know each other better.

" favorite color?" I asked.

" blue, you?" she replied.

"pink, or really any neon color," I smiled.

" favorite food," she asked.

" hmmm, tomatoes, you?" I replied.

" oh thats easy, cheesecake," she grinned.

" oh yummy," I sighed.

" favorite sport?" I tried.

" swimming, you?" she replied.

" soccer," I added.

"favorite musical?" she asked.

"I'm absolutely addicted to Les Miserables," I sighed.

" no way, that's my second favorite," she laughed.

" and your first?" I pressed.

" Wicked," she responded.

We continued with a bunch of other questions.

Losing track of time, I didn't notice we had arrived until Gabby said something.

" We're here," she gulped.

"hahaha, I take it you're nervous?" I laughed.

" Duh, I might meet my mate," she smiled dreamily.

" when's your exact birthday?" I asked as we made our way towards the fire.

She looked down at her watch.

" 6 minutesish," she frowned.

" too long?" I asked.

" too long, too short, heck I have no idea," she shrugged and I laughed.

" true that," I agreed.

The fire was warm and felt really good on my skin.

" let's grab some drinks then we can sit," I suggested.

"sounds good," she nodded.

We grabbed two bottle on the other side of the yard then returned, sitting on the logs.

She looked down at her watch and shivered.

" how long?" I asked.

" a few seconds according to this watch," she let out.

I watched her face.

" anything?" I asked but she just stared ahead with a blank look on her face.

I grinned.

I looked around for whoever else had the look on his face.

It took a while but then I found the only other guy there with the same blank look on his face.


It was Tyler.

" you have got to be kidding," I muttered.

I let out a shrill whistle.

They both shook their heads, dazed.

I grabbed Gabby's arm and began dragging her around the fire.

Tyler looked like he wanted to run but I knew that his wolf wouldn't let him.

" gonna be honest, this is so cliche it hurts," I complained as I gave her a slight push into him.

He reacted almost instantly, which I had expected.

" hey, now that she actually means something to you, take a look her throat," I told him.

He went to look but Gabby tried to hide it.

" no," she whispered weakly.

He said nothing as he gently pried her hands away.

He inhaled sharply.

" gabby," he breathed out, the pain clear in his voice," I'm so sorry,"

" it's okay," she responded quietly.

" no, it's not. I will make it up to you," he promised.

" oh my dear God. Kiss her already," I exclaimed.

He didn't have to be asked twice.

They made out until he pulled away gently.

Gabby made a small sound of protest and he smiled smugly.

" the other pack is here," he explained and, sure enough, many new scents filled my nose.

One in particular caught my attention.

" Nooooo," I whispered in disbelief.

I stumbled back and Tyler and Gabby steadied me.

" Alexis, what is is?" Gabby asked worriedly.

" it's him," I whispered.

" who?" Tyler asked.

" Carter," I replied.

" oh no," Gabby gasped.

" what, Carter? As in the alpha?" he asked and I nodded absently.

" her mate who she's running from," Gabby added softly.

Tyler stiffened.

A moment later, his arm wrapped around my waist as well as Gabby's.

I looked at him.

" what?" I asked him, confused.

" You're my mate's best friend, you get hurts while I'm around and I'll never feel good again," he shrugged.

I gave him a weak smile.

" thanks but if he sees your arm around me you won't live to see tomorrow," I explained, pulling away.

" then what should we do?" Gabby asked.

"I'm going to take a back way out and go back to the hotel to get my things. After that, I disappear," I shrugged.

She broke free from Tyler and threw her arms around me.

" I'm gonna miss you Alexis," she sighed.

" I'll miss you too Gabby," I replied.

I pulled away and took off running.

I slowed down about halfway through, just walking.

It took me a little longer to reach the hotel but I didn't care, Carter wasn't going to catch me.

Explaining everything to Carol and Harry, I rushed upstairs.

They let me borrow two backpacks and I shoved as much stuff in them as I could.

I got down on the floor and reached under her bed.

She had left a box there with some cash in it.

Pulling it out, I stood.

" fancy seeing you here," a voice said.

" no," I gasped as I looked up.

It was Carter.

Carter's P.O.V.

Why the hell was I here?

I should be trying to find my mate, not go to another pack's bonfire.

Riley had stayed with me 24/7 since Alexis had left.

She had convinced me to come and ask if they knew anything.

" I take it you're not happy?" riley asked.

" gee what gave that away?" I replied sarcastically.

" come on, at least put on a fake smile. They are leading us to the alpha," Riley begged.

" no," I snapped.

She sighed.

" look, if we are going to find Alexis, we have to work together. Can you handle that?" she asked.

" fine," I growled.

Then it hit me.


I was off running.

" Carter, where are?" Riley began but then she smelled it too.

" Alexis," she gasped and then she was right behind me.

I let out a low growl when I saw that Tyler was with some girl, directly in the path of Alexis' scent.

He looked up at me and wrapped his arm around the girl.

" Where is she?" I growled.

" who?" he asked.

" don't play stupid, I know she was here," I snapped.

" and again I ask, who?" he repeated.

" Alexis, my mate," I snapped.

" nope, haven't seen her," he shrugged.

" well maybe this will jog your memory," I spat.

" what?" he asked.

Before he could react, my arm snapped out and grabbed his mate by her neck.

She helped in pain.

He snarled.

" Where. Is. She?" I grit out through my teeth

" no, tyler," the girl gasped and he looked torn.

" CARTER STOP!" Riley shrieked.

" no," spat.

" what is wrong with you dumb ass? She smells really strongly of Alexis which means Alexis gave her a hug recently. You wanna kill this girl and you'll never see Alexis again," she threatened.

I instantly let the girl go.

Stumbling over to Tyler, she gasped for breath.

" what is with you alphas, would it kill you to grab my arms?" she whined.

" um, hi, I'm Riley," Riley introduced.

" Gabby," the girl said.

" screw names, where is my mate?" I roared and Gabby jumped.

Gabby whispered something that, even with wolf hearing, I couldn't see.

" she doesn't want to see you," Gabby repeated a little louder.

" your just saying that," I growled.

" no she's not Carter, God, how can you be so blind?" Riley cried.

I turned to her.

She had tears in her eyes.

" she wants to get away from you, you lost the small chance you had with her," she muttered.

" no, I refuse to accept that," I rushed, turning to Gabby and Tyler.

" Please, where is she?" I asked.

" but she," Gabby began.

" please," I begged.

"the hotel," Tyler muttered.

" TYLER!" Gabby protested.

He turned to her.

" I'm sorry gabby but I've only known you as my mate for a few minutes and I can't even stand the thought of being without you," he explained.

He turned back to me.

" she's at the hotel it's about a 30 minute walk from here. You'll have to hurry though, she has about a 15 minute head start on you," he rushed.

I rushed a quick thanks before I was off.

" Riley, stay here!" I called back.

She protested a little but ultimately listened.

I ran full speed the entire way.

I was sure I was at the right hotel because I could smell that she had walked it in here recently.

About to follow her scent upstairs, I was stopped by someone clearing their throat.

I turned to see an old man.

" can I help you with something son?" he asked me.

" no sir, my mate is upstairs and I'm going to get her," I answered politely.

His eyes narrowed.

" your name Carter?" he asked.

I nodded.

" well then you aren't welcome here," he stated.

I looked at him in disbelief.

" my mate, is upstairs, I want to get her," I stated the facts.

" I don't care, you broke that girls heart," he replied.

" please sir," I begged," what would you do if you were me and that was you mate?"

He looked at me for a moment.

" fine, go up there but I never saw you," he reasoned.

" I don't even know you," I agreed.

With that, I turned and ran quietly up the stairs.

Stopping outside the room that smelled strongest of her, I silently opened the door.

I couldn't see her.

A moment later, she popped up but her back was turned to me.

" fancy seeing you here," I said.

" no," she gasped as she looked up.

Her eyes widened when she saw me.

Not even seconds later, she became emotionless.

" Carter," she greeted.

I smirked.

I walked around to her dresser.

" You know after you ran, it occurred to me that I should try to follow you with the gps on your phone. Well that didn't work. We found it in a tree branch. Sure enough, when I looked on your notes, I saw what you had left me," I began and I noticed her inching to the window," don't even think about going out that window,"

She sneered.

" I did it before and it worked quite well," she pointed out.

" yes but now I'm sitting here watching you. You leave, I follow and that's a promise," I replied.

" whatever," she muttered.

" anyway then after that Riley and I went back to search for you at you dad's. Obviously, you weren't there. Do you know how much trouble you've caused babe?" I asked her.

" apparently not enough," she scoffed.

I was about to continue when she bolted.

It had been pure luck that I had guessed she was going to do that.

I took one leap then reached out.

She hit my arm before she could stop and I pulled her to me.

" what are you doing here?" she growled when she realized that she couldn't escape.

" I'm here to get back my favorite girl in the world," I stated.

" oh I'm sorry, I don't think Allie is here," she apologized.

I bit my tongue to keep from snarling.

" Just forget about that," I commanded.

" forget about what? The fact that you cheated on me when I was one room away?" she asked.

" ugh, stop," I groaned.

" I'm just stating the truth," she shrugged.

" now do to want me to state the truth?" I asked.

" oh please do," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

" I love you," I said.


yaaaaaaay! I got it done, hope you liked it

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