This Is OUR LIFE: A Thug Story

By sugarplum89

273K 5.8K 368

Jamie Deja John, a shy 17 year old. Jamie is your typical 17 year old. Likes shopping and technology. Jamie h... More

Don't do something you'll regret
Don't do something you'll regret Pt. 2
Back to School
Icecream Parlor
Court Date
Only the Future Can Tell
Legal Mother?
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Pt.2
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Pt. 2
Car Crash
At the Hospital
At the Hospital Pt. 2
Baby Fever
Happy Birthday pt. 2
Shooting Range
Jayla's Birthday
Jayla's Birthday Pt. 2
Am I Ready?
I'm Positive
I'm having what!
You Like Him?
In the Hospital Again
Babies Kicking It
Pose For The Camera
Joe's Crab Shack
Next Level
I want the baby.....
Two Months What?
Bye Baby
Bella's birthday
Bellas Birthday pt. 2
She's Your What?
She's Your What Pt. 2
Emotional Breakdown
They Shot Him
Our Lives
The Truth is Revealed

Happy Birthday

4.4K 104 0
By sugarplum89

Next day
Jamie's P.O.V.
"Jayla stop"I mumble. All day Jayla has been bugging me. She sees that I have Aaron in my hand but she still continues to tap me. I look down at Aaron and he's sleeping finally. He's been awake from since 5 this morning and it's 4 in the afternoon now. I put him in Jayla's old crib. "Ok Lala you have all my attention" I say while sitting on the couch. She puts her hands up. I pick her up. She cuddled up with me on the couch. "You just want my attention" I laugh. She lays her head on my chest. I rub her back. My phone starts ringing. "We'll be by you in 30 seconds" Asia says then hangs up. Rude much. I didn't even bother to get up cause she has a key. The door opens and in walks Asia and Kayla. "Happy Birthday!" Asia shouts. "Asia shutup I just put Aaron down for a nap"I mumble while playing with Jayla's curls. "Aaron is here!" She whisper yells. "Yes but don't go wake him up" I mumble as she walks upstairs. "Wassup Kay" I ask her as she sits on the couch next to me. "Happy Birthday Bestie. And I think Asia is preggers"she whispers while looking up at the steps. "Thankyou and that came out of nowhere!why?" I whisper yell. "Well for Christmas remember when Asia and I went outside before you got your house" she says. I blankly stare at her, waiting for her to realize what she just said. "Oh right the amnesia" she mumbles. I laugh. "Okay anyways we went outside Christmas night and she asked me what would I think if her and Simba had a baby, I told her it was a horrible idea and then she mumbled something" Kayla says. "But Christmas was like 5 months ago shouldn't she look like a whale by now?"I ask her. "That's the thing I don't think she was pregnant on Christmas, she probably got pregnant like last month" she mumbles. "So why do you think she's pregnant" I mumble. "Cause all week she's been vomiting like crazy and she's very emotional" Kayla says. "Well you know Asia is allergic to alot of things but I don't know, it could be that, or she has the flu" I mumble trying to deny it. "Okay then that's explains the vomiting, what about her shouting and crying all of a sudden"she says. "Okay now thats just Asia, she's always been like that" I mumble. "Jamie stop trying to deny it, you know all of this is adding up, she's pregnant" Kayla says. "Okay maybe you're right but wouldn't she have already told us" I mumble. "I don't kno-" Kayla stops cause Asia starts walking down the stairs. "What are you guys talking about" she ask us. I freeze up. I was never good at coming up with excuses from the top of my head. "The party tonight" Kayla quickly says. "Oh yeah speaking of I have to go pick up you and Gabi's presents" she says. I smile and nod my head. The door opens and in walks my dad and mom with a small bag container something. "Hey mom, hey dad" I say while getting up to hug them. "HI honey, happy birthday""hey babygirl, happy birthday " they say. "Thankyou, What's that?" I ask them pointing to the bag. "Oh yeah, you don't remember this but Jaden got you a teacup yorkie terrier puppy for Christmas,her name is Riley" my mom says while taking the dog our of her carrier. "Aww she's adorable" I say while picking her up. "Well we have to go, we have to finish decorating the party" my mom says. "Can I help?" I ask them." "No" both of them say at the same time. I laugh. "Okay, just so you know Aaron is upstairs, hes sleeping though" I say. "How's Jayla dealing with having another baby around the house" my mom ask. "Not so good but we'll work on it" I mumble then look down at Jayla who's laying her head on my shoulder with her thumb in her mouth. I put Riley on the floor and she starts running around the house. I laugh. My parents start to leave. "Love you guys see you later" I say. "Love you too"they both say. I close and lock the door. I put Jayla on the floor and she started chasing Riley. I laugh and walk back into the living room.

"When is Jaden coming back" Asia asks me while we get ready for the party. I smile at the thought of him. "She's inlove" Asia says. "Cute" Kayla says while putting on her shoes. " I think tonight, well I hope tonight" I mumble while putting on my dress. "You look cute" Asia says while curling my hair. "Where's Gabi?" Kay ask. "She should be here any second now" I mumble. Asia fluffs my hair. "All done" she mumbles. I smile. I see Gabi standing by the door. I smile at her and she smiles at me. "You look beautiful" she says. "So do you" I say. I hug her. "I'm so glad we get to spend our 18th birthday together" I say. We pull away and she laughs. "Yeah especially since we missed the last 7 birthdays" she says. "Okay no need to get emotional, I don't want you guys to mess up your makeup" Asia says. "I don't have on makeup" Gabi says. "No wonder you look so.." Aisa mumbles. "Look so what?" Gabi says with a little attitude. "Not now Gabi, you look great" I say calming her down. She sighs. "Just come" Asia mumbles while pulling Gabi to my vanity. Asia and Gabi have a......complex relationship. After Asia finished Gabi's makeup we walked downstairs. "oh my gosh" I mumble as I'm blinded with flashes. "Mom, Dad, are you guys serious" Gabi says while covering her eyes. I laugh. I look at one of the camera men. I smile and run to him. " You know I couldn't miss your birthday" Jaden mumbles on my lips. I giggle and kiss him. "You had better not" I mumble with my arms around his neck. " Alright let's get into the cars" I hear my dad say. I laugh. I grab Jadens hand and run outside. I freeze in my tracks. I stare at the extremely long limousine. I look at my dad. He shakes his head no. I look at my mom she shakes her head no. I look at Jaden and he smiles at me. "You didn't have to do that" I mumble with my hand on his chest. " Babygirl, this is just the beginning" he says. I peck his lips and we all pile up into the limo. I can't wait to see this party.

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