Mass Effect: Reaper Dreams

By JM_Prescott

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The Reapers are dead, Shepard too (so everyone believes) but where is the body? Jack and Miranda discover tha... More

After War
Kiss the Cheerleader
Dead Hot Robot
Double Deal
Mako Tale
Know and No
Alpha Four
QG3 (Chess with Petrovsky)
The Mouse and the Bear
Hedged In
Deliberations In Hope
We Are Legion
The Ins and Outs of Airlocks
Apple Tarts and Asari Sharks
Normandy Ho!
Open Relay
Dead Shepard
Party Bomb
To Have and Have Not
The Deep Dark
Bullet In The Chamber
The Wraiths
Identity Crisis
Mirror Mirror (Part 1 of 2)
Mirror Mirror (Part 2 of 2)
Double Time
Frozen Memory
Normandy's Child
Strong Reaction
Falling Short
April 11th
For Her Love
True Blue: Part I (Tattooed)
True Blue: Part II (Asari Love Slave)
Death's Sweet Embrace
One Last Chance
Chess Sans Voir
The Board Is Set
Assault on Amarantine (Part One)
Assault on Amaranthine (Part 2)
Tuchanka's Tears

The Hounds of Hell

223 8 1
By JM_Prescott

"There must have been a moment, at the beginning, when we could have said - no. But somehow we missed it."

Tom Stoppard

December 8th, 2187

Dr. Gavin Archer

Gavin Archer's life aboard the Roraima had been restrictive and tedious. The spools of data he worked on every day were nothing short of confounding. He'd never seen anything like it. The only thing he'd rightly deduced was a base of the numeric system he was working with, which was nine-hundred and six. Why that number? Gavin found it damn peculiar. It was clunky and restrictive. He'd yet to see any civilization, ancient or otherwise, that had a need for such a bulky base of numerical values.

The other thing he discovered, was that the data he was seeking was apparently encoded on a sub-atomic level. The ability to encrypt data onto atoms themselves, well, it was simply astonishing. It also caused him to reflect. What device could read or write such data? Gavin recalled one piece of the Crucible that had astounded the scientists who were constructing it. A device that seemingly had no purpose, yet was the single most difficult item to create.

From what they could gather, it was a highly advanced EPD with a quantum stabilized atomic mirror crafted of a cryzon crystal, wave polished to a half micron in thickness, and coated with a three picometer layer of element zero. It was the single most delicate instrument produced in galactic history—a scientific achievement in its own right, and the bugger of it all was that they didn't know what it was, or what it was going to do.

On the one hand, much of the Crucible was straightforward, almost too straightforward, but there was an underlying complexity that went beyond the most brilliant minds. It confounded and vexed the greatest scientists in the galaxy. Much of the time they were flying blind. There was an argument for bypassing some of the undefinable and yet complex sub-assemblies altogether, but Hackett wouldn't hear of it. He insisted that every portion of the Crucible be included, and for the whole operation to be built in record time.

The Admiral was asking scientists to make a leap of faith, to believe in miracles. They did so under protest, but they did it because it was the only option. The Asari scientists handled the awkward working conditions the best.

"It is a Prothean design," they would say.

For the Asari, that was enough, but not so for the Salarians. There were arguments aplenty, frustrations, and at times a sea of doubt, but what else could they do? They built it. They had no time to test it, in fact the final touches were put on in transit, and somehow—someway it worked. Gavin didn't believe in miracles, yet he had witnessed one firsthand.

Why had it happened for their cycle and not of the others? The Council affiliated races were nothing compared to the Prothean Empire. Their fleets were a joke compared to the armadas the Inusannon once deployed. There were ancient races that had developed weapons powerful enough to destroy Reapers with one strike, and yet all of them had fallen. Why had this cycle succeeded? Was it blind luck, fate, or was it something else?

He turned his attention back to his work. What kind of AI was he dealing with? This was far beyond quantum computing. The ability to read and store data on single atoms in such large base blocks, well it was inconceivable. A sub-quantum AI, capable of God-knows-what. The Reapers were able to indoctrinate by altering brain waves, but it was a crude level of manipulation that eventually caused irreparable cellular damage in the brain.

An AI that could do this? The implications were indescribable, and terrifying. Computer firewalls would be rendered obsolete. Stopping a sub-atomic code with their current technology would be like trying to filter bacteria out of water with a pasta colander. Any VI or AI in the galaxy would be vulnerable. This AI could control any computer in existence, and possibly even organics.

Organic matter could be manipulated and fused so delicately that there would be no perceptible damage. Medical advances beyond imagination lay ahead. Immortality was now within their grasp. Worse, there were military considerations. The ability of a biotic to manipulate molecules and atoms gave them unprecedented superiority in the battlefield, but this... Gavin Archer tried to imagine a single mind capable of striking down gunships, fighters, perhaps even a small starship.

He shook his head. "This isn't an AI, this creature... is a god," he said aloud.

The door to his lab opened. Petrovsky walked through.

"You are correct, Dr. Archer. I am pleased with your progress," said the General. "And now you understand the importance of our task ahead. You are witnessing the next step in evolution, or rather, the next leap. A being that transcends all that we know. It is a synthesis of artificial and organic life. We cannot allow it to roam free, and we cannot allow it to fall into the hands of aliens."

"But it is perfectly fine in the hands of humans?" asked Gavin.

"Not even our own," said Petrovsky. "From the moment this creature came into existence, you and I, and every organic and synthetic being in the galaxy became as irrelevant as a lab rat. It must be studied, but above all it must be contained."

Gavin sighed. "It seems you do have it contained then. Why did you need me?"

Petrovsky looked Gavin in the eye, and made a persuasive argument. "Because we must understand it, Dr. Archer. We must know its secrets, therefore we must learn to communicate with it. It must be bridled and used for the betterment of humanity. We cannot make the same mistakes the Illusive Man made, we dare not become its slaves. Better it be destroyed, than we suffer that fate."

Gavin was skeptical. "You seem supremely confident. How long do you think we can keep this a secret? You escaped from the Alliance and kidnapped me. You have to know that they'll eventually come looking."

Petrovsky puffed out his chest, seemingly enthused by Gavin's response. It seemed as if he had a speech prepared for every argument Gavin could come up with.

He began to articulate. "Excellent points you make Dr. Archer, which is precisely why I have taken precautions. Did you believe that I would just slink away and hide? No, I am on the attack! The board is in play, and the pieces are moving. Even as we speak the Alliance is left in a daze as a result of my most recent gambit.

I assure you, they'll have little thought for me while they're looking for alien provocateurs and investigating their own politicians. I will reveal myself to them in due time, but by then they will have no choice but accept my leadership and the gifts I will offer to the whole of humanity. I will put it in such a way that the people themselves will demand it. Now, follow me. You have earned the right to see the project."

Gavin Archer was led from his lab and out into a corridor. His security detail had been especially tight in recent weeks and today was no exception. Lt. Commander Nicholas made a rare appearance. Every time he set eyes on the woman, he felt strange. She had a near aphrodisiac effect on his libido, yet at the same time his blood ran cold. He had never been so terrified of such an attractive specimen. She was the equivalent to honey laced with cyanide.

She crossed the distance and slipped in next to Petrovsky, adjusting her stride to match his without a hitch. Nicholas played the dutiful servant quite well. Gavin wondered just how submissive she was. Did the General take her to his bed? There was not a doubt in Gavin's mind as to her willingness. There was only the question of Petrovsky's mastery over his second in command.

Petrovsky, Gavin could deal with, at least for now. There was a sense of honor and duty to the man in spite of his nefarious schemes and grand delusions. Nicholas, on the other hand, had no such scruples. She was malignant inside. She regarded Gavin like a mouse that she couldn't wait to get her sharp teeth around. She'd paw him, claw him, leave him bleeding and wounded, and then lick at his wounds for the joy of it before she snapped in him half with her powerful jaws.

His intuition regarding Michelle Nicholas had become a near premonition. Gavin already half-believed the woman was going to be the instrument of his death. The death he imagined wasn't a particularly pleasant one either. He eyed her warily as he listened in on her conversation with Petrovsky.

"We cannot keep the subject on ice forever," she said. "We've slowed its body functions as far as we can, but the real danger is when we try to awaken it. When it feels pain, how will it react? I am not so certain it will even survive the shock."

"Are you saying that you don't have the situation under control, Michelle?" asked Petrovsky.

"I understand what to do," replied Nicholas. "But I don't have the experience. If I could acquire the asset you talked about..."

Petrovsky nodded. "Ah, you mean, Operative Lawson?"

"Yes," said Nicholas. "She has extensive experience with the subject under similar conditions. She would be invaluable to its survival."

Petrovsky sighed. "Is that true, or do you just want her under your heel? This is really no time to indulge in revenge fantasies, Michelle. I have no particular plan in place to extract her, so there would be a risk. She might be missed."

"No one will miss her," said Nicholas. "She's socially isolated, outside of that lunatic she's been seeing. Now is the time to bring her in, before she starts digging and discovers our involvement in the assassination of the President."

"And when we bring her in, you'll want the personal pleasure of breaking her, no doubt," said Petrovsky.

Nicholas scarcely tried to contain her enthusiasm. "Yes, but it fits with our objective, do you not agree?"

"Yes; how serendipitous for you," said Petrovsky. "Report to my quarters by nineteen hundred. Show me your plan. If I believe the risk is minimal, I will allow you to proceed."

"Thank you, Sir," said Nicholas.

Gavin Archer suddenly felt a surge of sympathy for one Miranda Lawson.

Once they reached the quarantine section of the ship, they were required to pass through several bacteria and particle scrubbers. They changed into clean environment suits that also had several layers of shielding. Once security cleared them through the outer chamber, the entered the clean room. To Gavin's horror, it was quite reminiscent of Project Overlord, only worse, much worse.

The subject was suspended in the middle of the room. It took some time for Gavin to discern the species, for it was hairless, pink, and fleshy. Conduit plugs had replaced its eyes, and whatever it once had for ears, had been cut away from the head. Two holes remained, sealed by silicone. Its head was bolted to a harness. Various probes, fluid exchangers, and intravenous feeds were attached. Gavin also realized that the species was unfamiliar only because it had no arms or legs.

Once Gavin took it all in and recognized breasts and genitalia, it became apparent that the subject was, or had once been, a human female. Still he couldn't quite grasp what he was seeing. Was this some mockery of humanity, some satire of form created by an AI? Surely the subject he was studying could not have been human, could it? The room was quite cold, barely above freezing. No bare human body could survive in this environment for more than a few minutes, especially in this depleted condition.

"The subject is quite resilient, and yet fragile at the same time," said Petrovsky. "We have introduced chemicals to keep it in a comatose state, and to slow its metabolism. It was in transition when we recovered it. We had to move quickly. There are also several other mysteries we hope you can solve for us. This was originally a Cerberus research subject, so its body contains cybernetics. These cybernetics were controlled by simplistic, yet efficient VI's. However, that is no longer the case. I'd like to find out exactly what has changed."

Gavin Archer was aghast. "Cerberus research subject? Do you mean to tell me that we created this abomination ourselves? Was this one of the Illusive Man's projects?"

"One person's abomination is another's savior, or in this case, the savior of our entire galaxy. The original subject was created under Project Lazarus. It was a revival project, and it was the greatest success story in the history of Cerberus," said Petrovsky.

Gavin shook his head. "What are you saying? Lazarus was the name of the project that restored..."

Gavin Archer stared at the subject suspended before him. He mentally removed all the instruments, the wires, the feeding tube, and focused on what was left of its features—the jawline, the lips, the cheekbones, the shoulders, and the neck.

"My God, My God," said Gavin. "Commander Shepard? Petrovsky, what have you done?"

"Not me," said Petrovsky. "This is the handiwork of the Reapers, or perhaps the Crucible in conjunction with the Reapers. The body was badly damaged by the time we reached it. It resisted our attempts to render normal medical treatment, thus we had to amputate the appendages to save its life. This is no longer Commander Shepard, it has become something else. What you are looking at is the equivalent of a fetus, Archer, or perhaps even an egg. From this, a new species will be born, but if we cannot communicate with it, bend it to our will, then we must abort it. Do you understand?"

"NO!" screamed Gavin. "You go too far. I will not be a part of this. Goddamn you, Petrovsky. I won't."

Petrovsky sighed. "Ah, it is unfortunate, Dr. Archer, that it has come to this. Remember what I warned you?"

Archer cast his eyes down definitively. "David will understand, and he will forgive me, God help me. He would never want me to do this on his behalf."

"Michelle, unfortunately I require your assistance in this matter. I need to you help Dr. Archer come to a better decision," said Petrovsky.

"With pleasure," said Nicholas. "I was going to require some practice for Lawson in any case."

Gavin felt a wash of terror as Lt. Commander Nicholas leered at him. What had he done? He had put himself exactly where she wanted him, and yet he had no choice in the matter, none at all. His best hope was to find some way to end his own life.

"Watch yourself. I need him alive and useful, Michelle," said Petrovsky.

Nicholas stared at what was left of Commander Shepard. "Don't worry, Sir, I know exactly what is required to keep him intact."

Upon reflection, Gavin was overwhelmed.

He fainted.

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