Traveling Souls

By Laprias

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Everyone over the age of fifteen has an identical scar running down the center of their chest. This is the ag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 19

6 1 0
By Laprias

I stared outside the window, shocked at the normal scene outside. Granted, since Rose Central was 'Party City', I expected it to be full of raving, drunk, loud people, but I guess it wouldn't happen mid-day though, would it?

People hurried on the sideways, clothed in suits and school wear, politely apologizing to those who they bumped into and carried on to their destinations. Buildings rose high into the sky, and many plazas, malls, and clubs resided in the city.

"So..are we taking a break here? It's gonna get wild at night. You sure you guys up for it?" Killian asked us mockingly. "You're gonna have to dress like them, you know,"

I waved her off, trying to take in the large city. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just stay nearby me, alright?"

"So, doll, are we gonna go explore the city before it becomes mad with drunks and neon lights?"

I turned around to see Julian standing there, obviously bored with the scenery already.

"Possibly, I don't know. We'd have to break off into groups, but it'd be an odd number.."

"Nah, don't worry, I'll go with you, and Killi can have both the boys." Julian said coolly, giving me a smile.

Killian, who seemed to forget yesterday's incident between them and nodded, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, Lu, I'll get Tal and Dusty all to myself," she teased, winking at Dustin.

"Haha, very funny." I looked up at Talon and Dustin who were standing there, sending them a pleading look, but they avoided my eyes. I crossed my arms, looking to Julian, obviously disinterested but he didn't seem to catch it.

"Alright I'll lead the way," he said proudly, grabbing my hand and tugging me out of the RV, leaving my friends behind.

Stumbling, I tried to remove my hand from his grip. "Julian, do you think we can slow down? We have all day.."

"It's midday, doll. Time flies when you're having fun," he teased, sending a wink my way.

I glanced down at our intertwined hands, wanting nothing more to get my hand out of his grip.

My eyes wandered the tall, skyscraper builds, malls, and food stands, pushing our way past people. I sighed, and muttered sorry each time someone sent a glare our way. I squinted as we entered a building, a sigh of relief left my mouth when I felt a brush of cool air instead of the hot air outside. "Where are we?"

Children ran around screaming, the dull monotone drone of adults talking, laughing, gasps of wonder and other sounds all assaulted my ears once I realized that we were in a building that, obviously, wasn't meant for this many people.

Multiple enclosures and displays littered the area with plaques telling what each was about. I raised an eyebrow at Julian. "We're in a museum?"

"Yeah. I've been hearing about this place for months since my uncle goes here often."

I just shrugged and wandered around the areas, glancing at the historic objects with little interest. I suppose I could try to look interested, if Julian is so keen on the history. My eyes landed on a document with familiarity airing from it. I bent down to look at the plaque near it, reading.

"This document is one many people know by their schools teachings. The 'Soulmate Theory', explains how soulmates are possible with altering the heart slightly with science, also declaring that every human at the age of 15 will receive a heart. It states as well how anyone over the age of 18 will be defined to have no soulmate if not found, and will be left outside the country."

My eyes widened at the last sentence, a huge cloud of fear suffocating me.I stepped back, shaking my head. They've always told us 19, it has to be wrong, someone wrote it wrong.


Jumping, I whirled around to stare at him accusingly. "Did you know about the age limit of the hearts working?"

He raised an eyebrow at my question. "It's always been 19, why?"

I pointed to the plaque, my hand shaking. "Not what the plaque says,"

He bent over the plague, squinting as if he read it wrong. "That's gotta be wrong, my uncle didn't find his till 18 almost 19.." trailing off, he read it again worriedly.

I step back from the display, looking around for a museum director. "Let's go find someone who knows about this plaque then."

My eyes landed on a older gentleman with a white shirt and a green vest, the colors of the museum, I figured. "Hello, uh, excuse me," I started, tapping on his shoulder.

He turned to me in surprise, eyeing me. "Hello, young lady. What do you need?" he said after a few moments.

"It's about that plague." I pointed over the masses of people to the display of the Soulmate Theory paper. "It says the limit of age is 18 for the soulmates. Is that true?" I asked worriedly.

He stared at me for a few seconds before sauntering over to the plaque, squinting as he read it. The gray haired man straightened up, looking at me curiously. "...That's a good question. I don't remember them changing the law again. I'll have it checked out" he said kindly, giving me a sorrowful look once he noticed that I didn't have a glowing heart. "Don't you worry about it. I'm sure you'll find someone soon." 

I shook my head, the sounds dying down as I stared at my hands, clasping them together to stop them from shaking. "Right, right I'm sorry for bothering you, sir--" I cupped a hand to my mouth, feeling sick.

"Miss, are you okay?" he asked, stepping towards me to place a hand on my shoulder gently.

I nodded, swallowing the bile that was creeping up my throat. Not here. Not now. I was doing so good. Don't break down.

He pointed a shaky finger towards Julian, almost accusingly. "You, young man, take care of her." he grunted. He removed his hand off my shoulder, sending one more concerned look towards me before sauntering off to his station.

"Doll, we can go, if you want to." Julian said quietly, reaching forwards to place a hand on my arm.

I jerked away, shaking my head. "N-nah. I just need some fresh air. I'll wait for you outside here, enjoy it in here." I sent him a weak smile and walked away before he could argue.

I stepped outside, the hot, muggy air a huge relief from the suffocating cold air inside. Sitting on the bench, I placed my head into my hands and stared at the sidewalk. Listening to the bustle of people walking past me, I shot up and looked behind me, making a decision.

Instead of waiting for Julian, like I said I would, I left the bench looking for somewhere I could go on my own. Maybe there is an astronomy building, or something to do with space. That would calm me down.

Just think of Killian, Dustin, and Talon. Think of your friends.

I tapped on the shoulder of a long brown-haired girl, sending them an embarrassed smile. "Excuse me, is there an astronomy building or something of the sorts around here?" I asked the girl nicely.

She looked at me before smiling. "You're in luck, random girl! I'm headed on my way there for work!" she said cheerfully, grabbing my name. "My name's Quinn." she explained, weaving through the people.

I nodded, looking back every few seconds, encase Julian had found out I left him there. 

"Hey, earth to girl?"

I jumped, my eyes finding Quinns' blue ones. I gave her a weary smile.

"Hey, whoever you are, I saw you looking back often. Is someone bothering you? I know karate, I can kick their butt if you wanted." she offered me, but I shook my head.

"My name's Lucy. Nice to meet you Quinn. I just got distracted, sorry, a bit paranoid in large cities." I apologize, lying.

The brown haired girl stared at me for a few moments, squinting.

Did she somehow know I was lying? I squirmed, looking over her shoulder at the large building in front of me.

She gave me a cheerful smile, my suspicions leaving. "Okie dokie, Lucy. Nice to meet you too! If you wanna go anywhere that's not authorized, just say you know Quinn Eneni!" she said, sticking out her hand for a high-five.

I high-fived her, halfheartedly, and she turned around to leave me standing at the entrance of the building. I stepped inside, my eyes widening at the ceiling.

The ceiling was painted a deep, night-sky blue, dotted with yellow-white dots, and lines marking their connections. Each constellation was the summer constellations, showing them by remarkable accuracy.

"By the way," a voice said behind me, "They change each season! It takes about a week for it to be done!"

I whirled around, seeing Quinn standing behind me, waving before taking off in the midst of the people.

I let out a quiet laugh, wishing that she and I could be friends. I wandered around the exhibits, though more or less, I stared at the ceiling. Stopping, my eyes turned towards the entrance and I held my breath, heart stopping. Julian entered the museum, looking extremely angry.

I backed up, bumping into someone. "O-oh I'm so sorry--I just--"

"Luce?" A familiar voice said my nickname, and I whirled around, staring at the chin of Talon.

"Tal, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Killi and Dusty--oh, there's no time!" I cried out, looking over my shoulder. "Come on." I said rapidly, staring at an entrance with guards. I'll tell them I know Quinn, there's no way Julian will find me then, if he can't get back there.

I stood up to the guards, Talon behind me. "Excuse me, may we go into there?" I say, watching Julian go up the steps.

"Miss, this is for hired workers only. You cannot." said the one guard. He eyed us wearily, shaking his head.

"Lucy? Is that you?"

My heart sped up, clutching Talons' hand. "I know Quinn Eneni, sir. Please, its-- its an emergency!" I bark out, my eyes watching the black-haired male push through the crowd towards me.

They looked at me, one of the guards staring at the boy shoving people before they nodded, stepping out of the way. "Here you go miss, he won't get in." They tell us as we hurry past, ignoring Julians cries for me.

"Doll--hey! Let me in! I saw my friend going in there!" Julian protested as the guards were restraining him from entering the dim hallway.

"Luce--Luce where are you going!" Talon asks me, but he doesn't remove his hand from my grip. "I thought you were supposed to be with Julian--unless he did something--" he froze, stopping in his tracks.

I turn around, staring at him in the dim light, heart racing. It's from Julian. I tell myself, avoiding his gaze.

"Did he do anything to you?" he growled, grabbing my shoulders.

I yanked back, shaking my head. "I can't see anything in here, let's keep moving." I suggest, and I turn around, making my way down the hall silently, Talon following me.

We exited the hallway, entering a large, pitch black room. I could barely see my own hand. "Talon?" I call out, grasping at the darkness behind me.

My heart rate increased, and I grabbed at my shirt, panicking. It's only the dark, Lucy, don't be a baby. I hear a noise behind me, and something grabbed at my shoulders.

My breath caught in my throat, listening to someone's breathing. "T-tal?"

"Hm?" he asked, removing his hands off my shoulders. "What's up?"

 "Come on, let's get out of here."

"Luce? What's wrong?" he teased, grabbing my arm. 

My face burning, I tug him along. Thankfully he couldn't see how much I almost panicked in the dark. 

"Nothing." I snap, pulling forwards, feeling the walls before I found the exit. We walk quickly, the silence of what happened in the dark room taken over me. "Almost there, I think." I speak finally, squinting at the light ahead of the hallway.

We reached out into the open, covering our eyes with our hands. The two guards nodded at us, shooing us away before we drew attention to them.

I turn towards him, ready to give him a piece of my mind, but my words left my mouth as my eyes focused on his face. "..."

He stared at me, giving me a boyish grin. "What?"

I pointed to his ears and his head. "Why--why are you--your ears--"

He let out a laugh, tugging at his pierced ears. "These? I got them today--I've always wanted pierced ears really, so," he admitted, scratching his arm nervously.

All I could manage to say was, "You're wearing a beanie.."

"Yeah. Killian bought me it. She practically screamed that I'll look hotter if I wore them. She got, I think five or six? Counting this one, for me." he shot me a smile. "Practically drew everyone's attention to me, too."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I miss out on everything, really. I dropped my eyes. I guess Killi was right, I suppose, he did look a lot more..attractive. Not that I'd ever tell him.

"Luce? You okay?" he asked softly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Removing his hand from my shoulder, I spat, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why don't you head back with Killi, or something,"

"I'm good here, really," he thought for a moment, shaking his head. "Besides, I think they like being alone. I have a pretty good sense that they're soulmates." he remarked wistfully.

A spark of jealousy shot through me as his said that. "If you want to be Killi's soulmate so bad, why don't you go to her and tell her that." I snapped, whirling away from the boy to storm off.

"Luce? Wait up!" he yelled, racing after me.

I took off, jumping down the stairs, stumbling down the steps. Pushing and shoving people out of the way, I looked behind me, see he followed me. I ran down the street frantically, pushing past people. I bumped into someone, falling, as did he. "S-sorry--"

I froze, staring at the familiar boy in front of me. "Shit." I whispered, scrambling to standing up and running back the way I came, looking behind me.

Of all the people to run into, what are the chances that Julian was still around this area? High. 

"Doll? Stop!" Julian shouted after me.

I kept looking back every few seconds, and not far along I tripped, hitting right into someone else.

"Luce! What--" his voice stopped as he pulled me up, holding me protectively from Julian. "Julian."

I looked up at him, seeing how chilly his voice had become once he saw the male pursuing me.

"Doll! What are you doing with Talon?" he asked, his voice showing he was hurt. Far from what he looked like, however.

I silently cursed my stupidity. I was caught between Talon and Julian.

"Lucy? Is that you? Who are these two guys you got chasing you?"

I ripped myself out of Talon's arms, turning to face Quinn who was coming from the astronomy building. I silently wished she hadn't found me, but I pushed that thought away. "Quinn!" I exclaimed, grabbing her hand.

"How's it going? Who are these two?" she asked, eyeing the two as she held my hand tightly.

"More like who are you." Julian growled, reaching for me, but Talon swiped at his hand swiftly.

"Me? I'm Quinn Eneni." she spoke cheerfully, but watched Julian warily, giving Talon a nod I couldn't quite tell what it meant.

He returned it, and she let me go, giving me a serene smile. 

"I met Lucy earlier, when she was going to the astronomy building." she told him, as if the strange occurrence never took place just a few seconds ago.

"Quinn, this is Talon." I say, patting his shoulder. I point over to Julian. "That's Julian."

"Well, nice to meet you, Talon, Julian!" she said, nodding once more before leaning over to me. "If I was you, I'd stay with Talon." She sent Talon a knowing smile, winking before striding away from us. She turned back, hesitated for a second, before flicking her eyes to Talon and grinned. "Oh, Lucy, I heard you're going to a party. I'll hope to see you there!" she joyfully said, skipping off.

I nodded, staying close to Talon as they stared each other down. "Let's go back to the RV. Dusty and Killi are probably ripping each other's clothes off." I said dully, watching the dusk sky warily. My mind roamed back to the strange connection Quinn and Talon had.

Talon nodded, watching Julian closely as we passed him. Eventually, Talon relaxed and I could walk ahead.

"Hey, Tal, who was that girl? You seemed to know her." I softly said, staring at the pavement.

He looked down at me, smiling wistfully. "Nothing, nothing. I'll tell you later, I promise."

I stared at him before huffing, walking ahead of both of them to be alone with my thoughts. Why did his voice sound so dreamy? More or less, why did I care? Maybe Quinn's his soulmate. My gut tossed at this, but I ignored it, walking hastily back to the RV.

I opened the door, breathing a sigh of relief, stepping into the living room before falling flat onto my behind. I sputtered, throwing clothes off of me, all over the room. I looked up at Killian, after removing a pair of shorts, that shouldn't be considered shorts, off my head.

"Hey, Lu! I got you clothes as well. I hope I got your size correct. I got Dusty and Tal clothes as well!" she spoke cheerfully.

He nodded to Killi, smiling. "How's Dusty look?"

Killian shrugged, a sly smile across her face, though I could see she was blushing slightly. She rushed to the hallway, knocking on his door. "Dusty!" she cooed, ripping open the door. "Time to let Tal change!" she screamed, though on her face was a sweet smile, that of an innocent child.

Dustin grumbled, dressed in black pants and a neon tank, flopping onto the couch sourly. "I don't like how I look."

Killian laughed shaking her head. "Lu, this'll never do." she frowned, taking my hair into her hands. "How do you feel braiding your hair after you're all dressed?"

I stared at her, ignoring her extremely short shorts and low top. Is this how people here really dressed? I frowned, feeling uncomfortable with this. "What's all in here?" I asked, flinching at the RV's door slam of Julian entering the vehicle.

She paused, looking up at the ceiling, counting on her fingers. "Shorts, obviously underwear, shirt, and just a few hairbands to make you look like you actually care." she cheered.

I complied, casting a glance at Talon before grabbing Killian into the room. "You're helping me put this shit on." I grumble, slamming the door to my room shut.

"Alright! Let's get this started!" she howled, locking the door and grinned.

I had a really bad feeling about this.

A/N: Wowowo I kinda updated whoops. Though, party time! C'mon we all know this had to happen eventually. Do you guys think something is going to happen? What about Talon's new look? Or what about Quinn's appearances?  

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