
By peter_the_panopticon

44 3 1

Xia is silent. She has never spoken a word in her life. She sits alone, no one ever notices she is there. She... More

Quick Description
Chapter 1


17 2 1
By peter_the_panopticon

Marks are left in ink on the page, forming letters, then words, the words then form sentences. It's funny how the marks placed in the way they are, can have the power to make emotions come out.

In other words, I'm crying over a book at the moment.

My back leans against the tree, my bag lays off to the side somewhere, my book remains in my hand, I'm using all my self control trying not to throw it...

Why did my favorite character have to die?! Authors, why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you? People like me, we are the reason you make money! Without the book nerds how do you expect a paycheck? You should be writhing good books, not poorly written ones that end in the main and/or best character dying!

I shove the book in my bag, being careful not to ruin it, as much as I hated it, I could never harm a book. I glance around, the football players and the walking Barbies sit together, pretending that they are so much better then the rest of us. The nerds sit together, studying for who knows what. You've got to love stereotypes. Then there sits the group of weird kids. The group of kids that fit into numerous categories. A kid from that group just exploded a milk.

I'm know as the loner of the school, I don't talk to anyone, they all talk about me. I don't care about rumors, they don't faze me one bit. Why should they? I'm in high school, I'm going to have to deal with a lot of drama.

My phone vibrates, I look at who the text message is from, I look at the message before replying.

'Hello,' I type before hitting send.

'Well hello there Xia, how are you doing?' My best friend Christopher asks me. Don't question my name, my parents wanted it to be unique, it certainly is. It is also hard to pronounce, everyone always gives up and says 'ex-eah' when it's pronounced 'ze- ah'

'I'm doing lovely,' I type being sarcastic. 'How about you?'

'I'm fine, but you aren't. What's up?' He knows that sarcasm isn't my thing, he can tell that I'm not being myself.

'The author of this book, she killed my favorite character!' I tell him.

I soon realize that it is time to go in, I get my stuff together.

'I see' he replies, thinking that I'm sad for nothing, this is why I prefer fictional characters over people.

'I need to get to to class, I'll talk to you after school.'

'Okay, I hope the rest of your day in prison is lovely!' He says before we exchange goodbyes.

I pick my bag up off of the partially dead grass, luckily after today I will be homeschooled.

Christopher, my best friend, is very popular, unlike me. He is also very rich. Him, along with three of his friends from school are going on a giant vacation this summer. A few months at the beach staying in an ocean front house.

And because I'm Christopher's best friend, I was invited to come.

I walk through the crowded hallways, people point and whisper about me as I walk by. I look to the right and I spot my locker, hurtful messages are written on it in permanent marker.

They think it bothers me, it doesn't.

Slowly, I make my way through the trash covered hallways, I then enter my class, it's science. I don't hate science, but I don't love it either.

I walk to the back of the room to my seat, getting hit with paper crumbled up into a ball along the way.

They act like the bullying bothers me, I couldn't care less.

The class is just a lecture, nothing that really matters.

Soon the bell rings, I gather my stuff and exit the classroom.

Walking down the halls I hear the clicking of heels.

Next thing I know a walking Barbie pushes me, for a Barbie she is surprisingly strong. I trip over the foot of one of her minions. They have this all planned, they're smart, I'll give them that.

My head hits the locker behind me, I then fall to the floor, hitting my head again.

Black starts to take over my vision.

Next thing I know I'm unconscious.


When I wake up I immediately recognize my surroundings, I'm in the nurse's office.

"Your mother will be here soon, get your stuff and get out of here." The nurse says, I don't respond, I just leave.

I walk to my locker, luckily everyone is in class.

The marker still remains on my locker, I begin to read what is written.

These people really need better insults, and my grammar.

I don't keep anything in my locker, I don't know why I'm here.

Taking out a sticky note and a pen I write a note to them. 'Please work on your insults, and grammar. –Xia'. I stick the note on my locker and walk to the front door, where my mom is picking me up.

"Honey, are you okay?" My mom asks me as we walk to the car.

I nod, telling her I am fine, I really am, I just hit my head, it's fine now.

She gets into the drivers seat, I get into the passengers seat. She starts the car and begins to dive home. I hook my phone up to the car, playing my music. I put on Thnks Fr Th Mmrs as we continue to drive home.

"Xia, are you sure your okay? Are you sure you want to go tomorrow?" She asks, it took me almost two months to convince my parents to let me go on the trip.

I nod again, she doesn't seem to understand that I really am fine.

"Okay," she says as we pull into our driveway. "Just go get some rest."

I nod as we walk into our small house.

I'm an only child, we don't need a very big house.

I look around at my yellow room, it's a really light yellow, I hate it, the color just isn't for me, it doesn't fit my personality.

I kick off my shoes, they hit a wall, but I don't care.

My room is really small, about the size of the bathroom in my house.

I finished packing about 2 days ago, so I don't need to worry about that, I leave tomorrow, at 11:00 to be exact.

My bed sinks in a bit as I lay down onto it, I'm asleep the second I close my eyes.


When I wake up I'm not tired at all, I am able to immediately get up. It may seem unrealistic, but I rarely have trouble getting up, I guess it's because I always get enough sleep, well during the school year. In the summer I'm rarely asleep by 3:00AM.

I grab clothes and head to the bathroom, I quickly shower before I get dressed.

After getting dressed I look at myself in the mirror.

My features are very boring, my eyes are gray and my blonde hair has been dyes so it is darker, it also has colors going through it, by colors I mean blue, purple, and a bit of green.

I look at my body, I'm dressed in all black, black jeans, a black tank top, a thin black sweatshirt, and black combat boots. Im 4'10" and unhealthily skinny.

As I walk into my room I notice a picture on my desk, it's from my 16th birthday, my birthday is in June, I turn 17 next week actually. It's the 26th, meaning my birthday is always while we are on summer break.

For everyone else school ends tomorrow, but I left a few days early, finals are done anyway.

I go to the kitchen to see to my parents, I skip breakfast, like I always do. My parents took today off so they could say bye to me.

"Xia, we are going to miss you so much." My mother tells me.

'I'll miss you too mom.' I say to her, using sign language. I've never said a word in my life, I've never made a sound. I don't know if I can, but I don't care. Being mute is part of who I am.

"What about me?" My dad says, I know he's joking.

I send him a look, showing him that I'm amused, that's another thing about me, I've never smiled.

'I'll miss you too.' I tell him before I give him a hug.

Right now it's 8:00, I have three hours before I leave.

"You should go finish packing." My mom tells me, I nod and go up to my room.

Almost everything is packed, only a few things aren't.

I grab an empty bag, I begin to out in everything I haven't packed. I place my phone and phone charger I the bag, followed by my iPod and headphones.

I'm done within 10 minutes.

Grabbing the bag I just packed I go back downstairs, I place it with my other luggage and such.

"Xia," my mom says before continuing. "Do you want to go get ice cream before you leave.

I nod and we get into the car.

Ice cream is one of my many weaknesses.

My dad sits in the front seat, so I get the back.

We drive to the local ice cream parlor.

"Do you want what you normally get?" My mom asks me and I nod.

The three of us make our way inside, there is no line, so we don't have to wait.

My mom orders what I want first and she hands it to me, it is vanilla, but there is flavoring all around it, it is cotton candy flavored. Childish, I know, but I mean I'm still Disney obsessed, so cotton candy ice cream is nothing. I also love Pokémon, Pokémon is the best.

My parents order for themselves, then pay.

The drive home is silent, well I can't talk, so car rides are always silent.

We get to the house, when we get inside we all go to the living room.

"Xia, we will miss you so much, we love you more than anything." My mom says.

"Remember, if you want to come back home at anytime, just let us know, we'll make sure you are on the first flight here." My dad says.

I nod. I'm sure I'll be fine, but my parents are over protective.

I hug both of my parents.

Before I know it it is time to leave.


I hug both of my parents before I enter Christopher's house.

When I enter his house I'm greeted by his mom.

"Hello Xia, it's nice to see you." She says to me.

I reply by simply waving, she doesn't know sign language, communicating with her has never been easy.

"Are you ready to leave, Xia?" Chris asks me, I nod.

After saying goodbye to his mom, Chris and I leave.

Chris, his friends, and I, are all meeting at his friend's house before we leave.

We are taking two vehicles, but it's not like it matters much, everyone going is rich, they can pay for the gas.

We pull into his friend's driveway. I haven't met anyone else going, I'm very antisocial. I choose to stay away from people as much as I possibly can.

Everyone is loading up the vehicles. I open the trunk to the van Chris and I are taking and begin to put everything into it. I don't want any of them to see me, I know they will eventually, but I want to avoid them for as long as possible. I can just sit in a room and up ignore everyone, right?

I am done within a few hours, Chris didn't help, he just talked to his friends, I know that's a long time, but I away stalling and in weak.

By this point, I'm tired, I even put my hair up, this is rare for me, I never do anything with my hair. I've also ditched my sweatshirt, also rare for me. It's a very hot day here in upstate New York.

I pull the hair-tie out of my boring, flat hair. I run a brush through it, it looks as boring as dyed hair can.

I hear the door open as Chris enters his house.

"Come on, you are going to meet my friends." He tells me as he grabs my wrist and starts to drag me.

I try to grab my sweatshirt, but he doesn't let me, I hate showing any of my extremely pale skin.

"Xia, it's really hot, you don't need a sweatshirt." Chris informs me as he just picks me up and starts to carry me.

He puts me down in front of the group of boys.

I the attempt to hide behind him.

"Xi," he says pushing me in front of him. "Xi, this is Adam, Max, and Ezra." He says pointing to a boy with dark hair and brown eyes, then a blonde boy who also has brown eyes, the last has dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

"This is her? I thought she was Asian?" The one with dark hair says.

"Adam, why would you think she was Asian?" Chris asks him.

"I don't know, The name Xia sounds Asian to me." He replies. "I mean I was expecting the dark hair, but not the pale skin and blue eyes." He says.

"Well," Chis starts. "Xia is not Asian, and her his is not naturally that color, it is actually blonde, a very light blonde, and her eyes are not blue, they are gray, which is much more boring than blue."

"Does she talk?" The blonde one with brown eyes asks.

"Well, I'll put it this way, she talks less than Ezra." Chris says, I'm guessing Ezra is the one with dark blonde hair, he is the only one who hasn't said anything.

"So not at all?" He asks.

"She's never said a word in her life, she is very boring, she has never even smiled."

I roll my eyes and leave the scene.

We are leaving soon anyway.

Chris follows me to the other side of his driveway, he seems a bit irritated, but I don't really care, I didn't want to be there, so I left.

I was expecting him to be irritated.

But I wasn't expecting his to raise his hand and use it to hit me.

This is the prologue of my newest story, Silent.

This book is a work in progress, so I will be updating as I write.

Meaning, I will never have set dates for updates, it may be a month(I highly doubt it will take more than two weeks), it may be a day.

Thank you for reading.

Please comment if you are reading this(anything, I enjoy reading all comments, song references are my favorite, you will almost always catch myself making a few in each chapter, or purpose or not), I would really like to know who is reading.

So thank you all!

I have much more to say, but that can wait until Chapter 1!

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