Fated? ☆

By bclulu

12.3K 379 60

Werewolf Story Ideas More

☆♡ Myia-Lynn Angel ♡☆
* ☆♡ Darla ♡☆ *
* ✮💜 Merry Jayne 💜✮ *
☆♡ Francis Sara ♡☆
Ivy Gail
* ♡ Hadley Marie ♡ *
** Rain Anne **
♡☆ Chaylene Dara ☆♡
♡☆ Lia Theadora ☆♡
** Maribel Lydia **
** 💚⌘ Caelyn Olivia 💚⌘ **

** ♡☆ Adele ☆♡ **

1.1K 30 5
By bclulu



Adele was 13 going on 30, at least that is what her older brother always told her. Being the youngest of four much older kids made Adele wiser than others her age.

She has an older brother Marcus who is 19, his twin, her older sister Janine. Marcus is Adele's favorite, he took her under his wing growing up and loves spending time with her even now. Marcus is in university at the moment, taking Engineering and has a good future ahead of him.

Janine is a she-bitch from hell, out of all the kids, she was an evil terror. She loved to pick on Adele and act like she didn't think it would hurt her sister or it would make her sister stronger. Yeah putting Adele up in a super tall tree and leaving her there for only Adele to fall out. Sure, a 4 year old can really get down from such a high place all on her own.

Anyway, next is Sammy, he is 17 and a jock. He does anything sports wise, football, soccer, hockey, basketball, you name it and he's into it all. He is going somewhere with his talents, some sports team is going to snap him up and Adele was proud of him.

Then there is Cory, he is 16. Some days Adele worries about him because he is taking after Janine and becoming someone she doesn't want to know. He picks up girls and once he gets what he wants (sex) he drops them like they were tainted.

But only humans does he do that too. Adele figured if he tried that with a she-wolf, he would get his ass handed back to him. He is not always the brightest, but like she said he takes his cues from Janine.

So then there are her parents, Max and Helena Roarke. They are the Alpha's good friends, they have chosen to do some traveling for Alpha Sylvester and feel out the enemy is what they jokingly refer it to.

They leave for months at a time, come home, pat Adele on the head, hug the others if home and go see the Alpha. Janine reports how good she has been, the brothers too, but doesn't stop short of lying when it comes to Adele.

Anyway, Janine and Marcus are in charge when her parents take off. Her older sister is what others don't see, a real slut. She goes out partying and drinking, then she drives home or brings guys back to her room.

Adele know what's happening, she is not stupid. In particular, Janine brings home males of their species, she is picky and only has sex with werewolves. No, she hasn't found her mate, not that Janine would tell the truth if asked anyhow.

But Adele sees the desperate need in Janine's eyes to find her one and only or someone that would see her as their one and only. Be it hers or someone else's mate, Janine wouldn't care. If she could trap him all the better because Janine could care less about any other female on this planet, even their mother.

Now Adele has learned since an early age, that she is special. She has never told anyone but Marcus that she has her wolf already, hasn't shifted but her wolf talks to her and has since aged 4 when Janine left her in that tree.

Her wolf helps her so much, especially dealing with life with an ugly hearted bitch of a sister. Janine takes every opportunity to make Adele look bad and most times she succeeds because Adele is so much younger than her and is still learning how to keep out of Janine's way.

The only thing Janine can't do is get into Adele's bedroom anymore. Marcus, on request from Adele, placed surdy three locks on her door and Adele wears the keys on a long necklace around her neck.

Many times before the locks were installed, Janine would go in and using a pair of scissors, ruin Adele's clothes. She would do so just before events when Adele was supposed to wear a certain type. Yes Janine would go into her room, ruin the clothes and Adele would be forced to be the only one not dressed correctly for an event.

Adele wouldn't retaliate though, she was better than her sister. Adele remembered one time, she had been deep asleep when Janine came in with her scissors and took a chunk of Adele's hair and cut it off, leaving two inches of hair left in that one spot. She did it in the back, so Adele went to the Luna and asked for her to cut the same length around the bottom and cut all the hair that length.

She went to school with her hair in a pony tail and the back left short, yeah she was ridiculed at first but soon others liked it and they did it as well. Adele just smiled and said she liked it and walked away.

At that time, Adele's hair was waist length so without it up, no one saw it. Janine thought she was queen bitch after that. Marcus come home from university, saw Janine grinning and finally noticed why. He retaliated by putting itching powder in Janine's bed and that night when Janine brought a guy home, let's say they both itched for days not realizing why.

Adele chuckled because they went to dinner the next night and with Janine itching, Marcus made a comment that maybe she should be tested for std's. They were having dinner with the Alpha and Luna, their parents had come home that morning.

Her parents looked at Janine squirming on the chair and agreed very loudly, that even her smell was off. Janine rushed from the table angry as hell. Marcus gave Adele a hug and they both laughed.

But a few days later, Adele's wolf got uneasy. It happened one night just before her parents were to leave. Adele did all she could to talk her parents into staying home, she even went so far as to going to see Alpha Sylvester.

But no one listened but Marcus. He too then asked for their parents to stay home but they didn't listen to him either, they just hugged Marcus and Adele and said they loved them and had to leave.

Two days later, on the trip to wherever they were going (they never informed their kids and just said Alpha's orders), there was an accident on the highway. Dense fog on that particular mountain pass was dangerous, in the end her parents never made it off that road. A total of 50 cars, trucks and semi truck trailers were involved in the most horrendous of accidents.

Their parents were not the only ones not ever coming home, a total of 45 people died, most of them didn't die on impact but because the semi trailers were carrying an explosive combination and while stuck in their vehicles the trailers exploded.

Adele fainted at the dinner table, they were having dinner with the Alpha and Luna who had been over, probably to ease their minds since Marcus and Adele hadn't wanted their parents to go.

When Adele woke up, Alpha Sylvester and Marcus were with her. Adele already knew what they were going to say, but she let them and didn't blurt it out. Marcus took her hand while Alpha Sylvester teared up and explained what had happened.

Marcus just nodded and comforted Adele as tears fell from her eyes. Adele looked at their Alpha and got out of bed, crawled onto his lap and hugged him before saying I don't blame you for this Alpha Sylvester, you're in no way to blame.

She and her wolf eased the Alpha but they could see he took it as hard as both Marcus and Adele. The three bonded in that room that night, talked about Max and Helena until they were eased at the passing.

That same week, Janine brought home a male, extremely important man who Adele's wolf perked up at smelling. Adele blanked her face as the two flaunted their sexual relationship in front of her.

They were found by Adele walking into the living room, the family room where everybody goes into. She found them practically having sex on the couch. Adele had to close her eyes and call out for Marcus and he came immediately to her call.

He walked in and shouted at them to get a freaking room where innocent people had to see their disgusting display. Adele turned her back as they dressed, Janine was giggling and the man then introduced himself as Alpha Sylvester's eldest son Fernando, the next Alpha to be.

Marcus sighed in frustration and said right now, I could care less if you were the King, you and Janine just tainted a 13 year old with your vulgar display in a room we all used. It is rude for both of you to have done this here of all places.

He looked at Janine and said from now on, if we see one more male you've brought home to have sex with in public areas of our home, you're out of here. He pointed upstairs and said you have a bedroom but maybe it stinks too much of all the others for you to bring him to.

Janine just snorted and said it's my home too, just as much as it's yours, I can do what I want, I'm the same age as you Marcus. You must let Adele know you're not as innocent as you portray yourself to be.

Adele said at least he doesn't shove his partners in our faces Janine like you do, I know he's not a saint, but he has not had as many partners like you have. What do they call that about females, oh yeah, you give it out for free so that means you're a slut. Since you only do werewolves that makes you a pack slut seeing he's the next Alpha of the same pack we're in.

Janine screamed out in anger before she shifted into her wolf and tried to attack Adele. Adele turned, and said what do they call someone who attacks children, not only that but when their back is turned? Untrustworthy, I would say.

Good thing Marcus and Fernando were in the room, they stopped Janine from attacking or she'd be dead for sure. Alpha Sylvester rushed in, took in the scene, scented the air and growled.

Adele walked over to him and said it's my fault Alpha Sylvester. He looked down at her and asked why? She is an adult and should know better. He looked at his son and said you should know better too, this room is not one you should be using to have sex in.

Adele tugged his hand and said Alpha Sylvester? He took a deep breath and said yes Adele? She took a deep breath and said I would like to be sent to boarding school, she sighed and said I don't feel safe living here anymore.

She sniffled and said Marcus is going back to school and I don't think me staying here would be a good idea, I don't need to come home to a visual sex education class. She added Janine isn't going to listen now that she's got everyone's attention like this.

She bit her lip and said I think it would be the best for all of us. He said but Adele, you can move into the pack house, you'll be okay there. She looked back at Fernando and Janine, then Marcus then shook her head and said no sir, you have randy enough pack wolves in your pack house like we have here.

Marcus snickered and said she's right Alpha, we have walked into your house a few times and had to cover Adele's eyes there too. He added I think it's for the best too, she can board at school, it's near mine so she won't be alone.

Janine will look after Sammy and Cory, they get along with her because they are older and not as innocent like Adele. If Adele were to stay, I'm sure Janine would put her through hell when no one is around or looking.

The Alpha thought about it, looking at Janine who was almost ready to shift back. He ordered his son to take Janine out for a run and get her out of his sight. Fernando looked at Adele first before his dad and said alright.

Once Janine was dragged out, Alpha Sylvester asked are you sure Adele? She nodded and said yes, Janine knew I was coming down those stairs, your son even knew, I was loud enough but that didn't stop them from carrying on.

She added it's time Alpha, I can't stay here with her anymore, she's liable to try and kill me again and maybe even succeed. Marcus sighed and said yeah, that tree episode was over the top, even for her.

Alpha Sylvester said alright, when Marcus goes back to uni, you can go with him Adele. I'll have everything sorted by then for you to go to boarding school. But you have to promise to come back on breaks with Marcus, okay?

Adele nodded and said but only if Marcus comes, it will take time for me to even feel safe being in the same house as Janine. They both nodded in agreement. Alpha Sylvester said lock your door at night Adele. Marcus snorted and said she already does Alpha, Janine is not getting in there again. Adele has three locks on her door, has had for a few years now.

Adele pulled up her long necklace and said I keep the keys with me always, just so she can't enter when I'm not here, the doors lock automatically so when I close my door, it's locked up tight.

Alpha Sylvester frowned and asked why? Marcus sighed and said Janine doesn't like Adele, and has ruined many of Adele's clothing as well as taken a pair of scissors to Adele's hair in the middle of the night.

Adele lifted her hair and turned around before saying it was all the same length but Janine took a huge chunk out, I had the Luna cut it all the same length, it will grow out or I'll cut it all off.

He huffed and said I thought that was a fashion trend, not a personal attack on you Adele. He added I've seen lots of pack members get that same cut. Adele turned and said yeah, they ridiculed her and she ignored them, then they all copied it as it grew on them.

He shook his head and said well then I'll head home and start making calls, keep safe you two. They both nodded as Marcus pulled Adele into a hug as they watched the Alpha leave. Adele yelled out thank you Alpha. He waved back and closed the door after him.

Marcus sighed and said well sis, she smiled and said well bro? He said let's go out and eat, I'm starved. She grinned and said what do you know, me too. They walked out of the living room and saw both Sammy and Cory sitting on the stairs so Adele said come on guys, let's get something to eat, Marcus is buying.

They both grinned and jumped to their feet then said all right! Now you're talking! They all got into Marcus's car and were driving when Cory said so you're really going to boarding school Adele?

She sighed and said yes, if you didn't hear it all, Janine shifted and tried to attack me when my back was turned. She snorted and said my back was turned you guys, I couldn't shift to defend myself. I can't trust her, so I requested to be sent to boarding school.

You two keep yourself out of the house, I'm not safe here alone with Janine. They sighed and said your right Adele. Sammy said I'm sorry Adele, I have all these games I'm scheduled for and can't be there to protect you.

Adele nodded and said that's fine Sammy, I know, don't worry about it, I understand. Cory never said anything, he would probably side with Janine anyway. So they left it at that, no pointing fingers, just letting it soak in that she was going.

They went to dinner and Marcus paid, they went home and went their separate ways. In the morning, Adele was walking down the stairs silently as she heard Cory snicker with Janine about Adele leaving.

She looked back and saw both Sammy and Marcus's noses flare at hearing the two plan how they can make Adele's last few days hell. Janine's idea but Cory agreed and went along with her.

Marcus and Sammy looked at each other and Adele knew they were mind linking and making plans, they walked down ahead of Adele and made sure they were heard. Both Janine and Cory went silent as they came into view.

Sammy went to the fridge and started taking out things he made his famous smoothie with, both Janine and Cory snickered and said make me some too please. Sammy said ok, you asked for it. Marcus sighed and said none for me, I've got to take Adele to see the Alpha, he linked for me to do so a few minutes ago.

Cory and Janine snorted and said probably wants you out of here sooner, and suck up. Marcus took Adele's hand and dragged her out to his car. They got in and waited for who knows what, Adele thought.

A few minutes later Sammy got in snickering, saying go. He said those two are going to be sicker than dogs with diarrhea. He said I put a little something extra in today's smoothie, then dropped my glass in the sink while pouring the rest. Said I had to leave and didn't have time to make another batch.

Now let's go to breakfast you can drop me off at school cause I've got practice. They did just that, had a good breakfast, dropped Sammy off at the school's field and then Marcus and her went to the pack house.

They walked in the front door, then went up to the office. The door opened and Fernando walked out, rudely shoved between Marcus and Adele, she who quickly moved out of his way before he could touch her.

Marcus stumbled but righted himself and said rude man, Fernando just snorted and walked away. Adele said don't bother Marcus, I'm sure Janine filled his empty void between his ears with lies.

They walked into the office and Adele closed the door in Fernando's face, he not liking her comment. She said no, you're not welcome, you stink like Janine. Why don't you shower off her stench like a good boy. He growled but she closed and locked the door, smirking until she turned around.

Marcus was grinning but Alpha Sylvester was frowning. She wiped her smirk off and took a deep breath before taking a seat and pretending her innocent comment meant nothing.

Alpha Sylvester sighed then let his breath out and said you're good to go Adele, with your good grades they were happy to include you in the current semester. Adele sighed with relief, as she smiled and said thank you again Alpha.

Marcus nodded and then said good thing too, seems that Cory and Janine were planning against Adele. The Alpha frowned and asked what they were planning to do and why?

Marcus then explained what they heard going downstairs for breakfast, then said probably because they're jealous. They think Adele is spoiled or Cory is jealous he's not the baby of the family. Janine is jealous because I'm not tied to her like other twins are and I choose to hang with Adele instead.

Adele shrugged as Alpha Sylvester frowned and looked at her. He shook his head and said Adele's not spoiled, he hasn't seen her get special treatment like Janine or Cory. Marcus said no, they crave the attention, Adele doesn't seek it out, but you see her get bad attention because of Cory and Janine.

Adele asked when they could leave? Alpha Sylvester sighed and said not until tomorrow, the Luna wants dinner with the families tonight. Marcus grinned before saying okay, but Cory and Janine won't be attending, seems they drank something that didn't agree with them today.

Alpha Sylvester frowned and said is that so. Marcus snickered and said it's in no way Adele's fault, she had nothing to do with it Alpha. Sammy and I both planned it without Adele knowing. Because of what we all three heard, we couldn't let those two cause Adele anymore suffering before we left.

Alpha Sylvester asked is that the reason the pack doctor has been sent to your place? Marcus sighed and said yes sir it is, they were given wolfsbane, it will make them sick to their stomachs and will be gone in a few days letting Adele off the hook with their sick plans.

Adele shook her head when her phone went off. She looked at the alarm and said someone is in my room, Marcus? The three left, rushed to their home and found Fernando and Janine inside her room.

Before Janine could lie, Marcus looked at the door and yelled what the hell, why did you break down her bedroom door Fernando. Alpha Sylvester looked at the three broken locks and spun around to look at his son and say why son?, this is not your room and your trespassing.

Fernando narrowed his eyes on Adele and said she poisoned Janine and Cory, I was trying to find out what it was she used. Janine said we had to break the door down so I did.

Adele wouldn't look at him, she had her eyes on Janine, who was grinning. Janine started to lie her ass off saying she saw Adele slip something in her and Cory's smoothie this morning.

Marcus stepped in front of Adele as she was shaking. He said you stupid bitch Janine, you really think you and Cory could plan how you both were going to hurt Adele and get away with it. He pointed his finger and said you were both heard bitch.

Sammy and I planned this against you both, Adele had nothing to do with what happened. He said those three locks were installed by me to keep you out. You're not allowed in her room because you're a dangerous bitch to her own sister.

You slept with this guy and filled his head with lies, you're a deceitful bitch Janine and he's disgusted she's his twin. Fernando growled and said bullshit, she showed me proof what a little bitch Adele is turning out to be.

Fernsndo added it's a good thing she's leaving and when he takes over she will no longer be welcomed here. Janine grinned and then hugged her toy.

Alpha Sylvester sighed before saying get out, now, the two of you make me sick. Marcus already confessed to me, he told me everything Janine and Cory planned to do to Adele. As far as you taking over Fernando be advised I can take the title back from you.

Adele rushed to Alpha Sylvester's side and grabbed his hand and said stop Alpha Sylvester, you don't want to say anymore, he's your son. Stop now and take the time to think. She added I'm okay, I'll be fine Alpha Sylvester, you'll see.

He sighed before saying your right Adele, I was about to do something but she's right. Adele nodded and said I think Marcus and I should head out today, it would be better this way for everyone's sake.

Adele was still holding his hand and said Alpha Sylvester, I think it would also be best if or when I come to visit, those two not be here. She said you can send them on a freaking vacation for all she cares, she just wants them not here.

He looked at her pale face and agreed, he can send them out of town. She sighed with relief, not listening to the two retards argue they have a right to be here and not her. Janine snorted and said we'll just turn the pack against you Adele.

Adele teared up after letting the Alpha's hand go and walked into Marcus's arms. He hugged her and growled at Janine then Fernando. Adele sniffled and dragged Marcus out of her room silently.

She stood outside her room with Marcus while Alpha Sylvester ordered his son and Janine out of Adele's room, right now, or he would get the Warriors to drag them out forcibly.

After they left, dragged off by Alpha Sylvester, Marcus left her to pack. Adele rushed to the attic and grabbed more bags as she was taking everything she could.

She stuffed everything she owned and stripped the bed, cleaned the bathroom, the poured bleach in containers and left them in the corners to rid the room of her scent of her ever being there.

She walked down the hall and took down every picture that she was in. She left the pictures in Sammy's room with a note telling him to hide them from both Cory and Janine.

When they finished loading up Marcus's car, they drove to the school to say goodbye to Sammy before heading to the pack house. As soon as they walked in, the pack members started pointing and whispering lies.

Marcus growled but Adele just said don't bother Marcus, she's got her wish. They walked to the Alpha's office and walked right in. They took seats and were given the paperwork for Adele's school and then shook hands and hugged as the Luna came in.

Once back in Marcus's car, he turned to her and said I feel like you're not going back there Adele, am I right? She took a deep breath and said I don't think so Marcus, why would I go back where I'm not wanted.

That's no longer my pack, Janine will see to that like she said. She added but you can go back, go visit Sammy and the pack, she'll just stay at boarding school.

And that is exactly what she did. The next three years Adele stayed at the school while Marcus gave her apologies to everyone that cared. Sammy found his mate and took her off to college with him. Cory became like Janine was.

Fernando and Janine claimed each other since he got her pregnant or so he was told. Fernando took over as Alpha and with Janine as Luna, they banned Adele from coming back. Marcus retaliated and put the house on the market seeing he wouldn't be back either.

Marcus then found his mate nearby and joined her pack. So Adele took the offer she received to go to an all new boarding school in England free as they have been watching her progression in school. After boarding school, she entered university in England free since the pack she would be staying with offered.

She was 21 and finishing up with University when the pack had to attend the opening ceremony of the all Alpha conference their pack were putting on.

Adele dressed with style and flare, her long hair straightened and half put up. She was nervous as could be because it would be her first meeting the ex-true mate of hers that he never knew. But she had known, her wolf had told her back when she first saw him when she was only 13.

She slipped on her 4 inch heels and made sure she was ready before grabbing her clutch and walking out her bedroom door. Alastair Rochester stood up straight and grinned, he took her hands and kissed both palms before saying simply marvelous Adele, you're so beautiful.

She pulled him close and kissed his lips gently and said thank you before he did. He took her arm and wrapped it over his and said shall we my dear? She grinned and said yes we shall.

They walked downstairs to see Alpha Reese and Luna Elizabeth waiting. They smiled before going out to the limo and getting in. They made small talk until arriving at the hotel and getting out.

Alpha Reese and Luna Elizabeth got out first, followed by Alastair and Adele, who moved aside and out of the way. Alastair wrapped his arm around Adele as they walked inside as his parents were the sponsors and needed the focus of others to be on them.

He found a quiet corner and had her up against the wall, nose to her neck before she knew it. She grinned as he nuzzled her neck and kissed where he wanted to leave his mark.

Alastair was mateless as well, his mate had died and no longer with them. Alastair was the only person she had told about her true mate, ex-true mate really, as he had fully claimed her slut of an older sister and now have three kids to add to the betrayal.

This weekend she plans to officially accept Fernando's rejection as per their laws before moving on. Thereby, everyone will know that Janine and Fernando unlawfully claimed each other by England's standards.

When they were both mind linked to stop what they were doing and get their asses in there, Alastair shivered and kissed her once more before taking her arm. Adele smiled and I'm actually nervous Alastair, in a way, I've waited 8 years to be able to do this.

He stopped at the doors and kissed her again and said the floor will be yours soon love. The doors were opened as he pulled back from her and everyone saw, who looked that is.

He said oops loudly as he took her arm again and escorted her past the tables. He must have smirked as he led her by Janine and Fernando's table because she heard him chuckled as they heard a growl.

He walked her straight up on stage and stopped behind his father and mother. His father raised his brows and said son, is there something you need to tell me?

Adele took a deep breath before mind linking the Alpha and Luna and saying yes, I'm afraid my ex-true mate will be raising a stink. She quickly added he claimed my slut of an older sister 8 years ago, they have three kids I've heard.

They both sucked in their breath and said but you were only 13 then. Adele shrugged and said I've had my wolf since I was 4 yrs old when my sister forced it to happen when she left me in a 30 ft high tree, I fell out of course and nearly died if not for my Wolf.

They both growled and asked who is she? They are here, right? Adele bowed her head and said yes, she is Janine, Luna of the Blackguard Wolf Pack, he is Alpha Fernando. I've have never been a part of their pack, I was too young to be initiated and banned from going back after they claimed each other and they took control of the pack. Whatever you hear from them are all lies, if Alpha Sylvester was here with his mate Luna Mariana they could tell you the truth, so beware.

They nodded and said then let's get on with the acceptance of his rejection my dear, I think it's the first thing we must deal with before calling the meeting to start. She smiled and said I do agree way past time as I haven't seen them since I left at 13.

With that said, Alastair kissed her ever so loving while his parents walked to the center of the stage. She turned in his arms as his father cleared his throat before lifting the microphone.

Alpha Reese said excuse me Alphas, Lunas, before we officially start, I need to see this first item dealt with before we carry on. He then called up Adele, and Alastair wouldn't let go so he walked with her to front of the stage.

He handed her the microphone and she first bowed and said welcome Alphas and Lunas. This matter has taken 8 years to come to this, you see I was wondering if any of you have ever heard of a child getting their wolf early, those who have please raise your hands.

When four hands were raised she said thank you, now you see I was four years old when my ugly hearted older sister took me up into a 30 ft high tree and left me there. The crowd gasped, she said yes, I did fall and would have died if my wolf had not shown herself to me.

She heard murmuring and said I never shifted, only had her in my head, she was a godsend, my secret as I never told anyone at first. She sighed and said so when I turned 13, my wolf got an uneasy feeling, I pleaded with my parents not to leave us as they were traveling across the country on pack duties.

A man yelled out who were your parents? She said my apologies, my parents were Max and Helena Roarke. The males who had known them stood and said they were proud to have known them before sitting down. She smiled and said thank you.

She said I pleaded for them to stay home fearing what was going to happen, even had my older brother plead with me for the Alpha not to let them leave, but our pleads were not taken seriously and they left to only die on a deadly mountain pass with 43 others who died as well.

At that time the Alpha's oldest son arrived home, and my older sister and he, took up and yes had a sexual relationship and I had the misfortune of walking in on them. They knew I was coming in, but didn't stop, talk about a live sex education class I never want repeated as long as I live.

As I walked in, my wolf was ill at ease at seeing them because by his scent, he was our true mate. I will skip parts but I requested to be sent to boarding school and while I was there, just a few short weeks after my arrival, I felt my so called true mate claim who I later found out was my much older slut of a sister.

They are here in this room and I would therefore like to say I, Adele Clementine Roarke accept the rejection of Alpha Fernando Durham as mate and renounce all ties as Luna of the Blackguard Wolf Pack. Since I've never been an initiated pack member, I will still renounce all ties to the Blackguard Wolf Pack as I have never been allowed back since the two banned me.

She bowed again and said thank you for all your patience, I now hand you back to Alpha Reese and Luna Elizabeth. Alastair grinned as he watched Fernando gasp out loud and place his hand over his chest hearing her acceptance.

He picked up Adele and swung her around then set her down before kissing her thoroughly. She smiled and kissed him back, before they were rushed off the stage by pack members who were sent.

They were whisked away, taken back home in the limo and left as the pack were told. Adele mind linked Alpha Reese and told him to keep Fernando and Janine here as she wanted to take Alastair to visit her birth place. Alpha Reese agreed, saying the pilot has been informed so get packing, the plane will leave within half an hour.

Adele told Alastair what she planned and he leaped to his feet, took her hand and said come on then, I can't wait. They packed a bag each, changed and jumped in his car and rushed to the airport.

It took them over 12 hours to land in America. They grabbed their bags as the pilot informed them he would be staying in a hotel, they had his number to call to let him know how long they'll be.

Adele hugged the pilot quickly before she and Alastair rented a car and drove to the Blackguard Wolf pack territory. They stopped at the border and waited for the patrol, before they were escorted to the pack house.

They got out and arm in arm entered the pack house and were taken to the Alpha in the office. When Alpha Sylvester opened the door and about to say something, he was caught by Adele's sparkling eyes, filled with joy seeing him.

He gasped and said Adele? She nodded and grinned before giving him a big welcoming hug. She let go and said I'd like to introduce Alastair Rochester, Alpha to be of the Manchester Wolf Pack.

Alastair grinned, shook Alpha Sylvester's hand and said it's good to meet you sir, Adele has told me all about you and her life here in America. They nodded and Alpha Sylvester said come come in, what brings you both here?

Adele sighed and said I must tell you what you will undoubtedly hear as soon as your son and his mate arrive home. She said Alpha Sylvester, I never told you a few things you must hear. Please keep in mind that I was protecting myself from everyone, even my parents never knew.

He said go on Adele. She said you remember when I fell out of that 30 ft tree? He said my god, I thought you were dead when we found you, it was a miracle you survived.

She said well sir, the reason I survived was because my Wolf showed up and we survived. He sighed and said well, you never said and I never asked but I do believe it's possible.

She said thank you Alpha, now when I came to you and pleaded with you to make my parents stay home, it was because of my wolf. Either way, my parents were adamant to leave, I tried my best as did Marcus and no guilt please.

She said what you don't know is that I found my true mate here and he took up with Janine, claimed her and had three kids with her I believe. Alpha Sylvester's mouth dropped and he said you were Fernando's true mate, he never said a word.

Adele said well I'm sure he never knew but if he did, he got what he wanted. At the meeting yesterday, I formally accepted his rejection because he had already fully claimed another and that is a rejection.

Alpha Sylvester sniffled and said damn it all. Adele said I just wanted you to know, the acceptance was done in front of all the Alphas and Lunas before the meeting started. After it was said and done, Alastair and I left, packed our bags and flew here.

She said and Alpha Sylvester it's the whole truth, what happened after, we haven't a clue. She stood up and said now that is off my chest I think Alastair and I will take our leave. I would like permission to visit my parents' graves.

Alpha Sylvester stood and said you can't just drop a bomb and take off Adele, please we are about to sit down to lunch at least have that with us. Alastair stood and said it's okay with me Adele.

She smiled at Alastair and said alright, I guess, I just wanted to get to our private time before we had to head home. Alastair said we can do that too, but first we must eat, so why not here? Adele sighed and said probably because I was banned and feel the gate closing on our escape?

The two males laughed before Alastair hugged her and said I'll protect you, pry those gates wide open if they should close. She hugged him back and said alright, if you promise.

Alpha Sylvester clapped his hands and said good, I'm starved, come on you too, let's head downstairs where my mate is squealing with joy you're both here.

Alpha Sylvester led them downstairs, Adele gripping Alastair's hand tightly and stayed by his side. She linked him and said last time I came in this place, the members were snickering and whispering lies that Janine and Fernando had told them, I felt no welcome here and that is why I feel unsettled.

He hugged her and kisses her head as they walked into the dining room moments later. The Luna was found jumping at seeing her face, she rushed to Adele and grabbed her by the shoulders inspecting her face.

The Luna said oh my Adele, your gorgeous, look at you all grown up. Adele bowed her head and said thank you Luna, your words are too kind. The Luna looked at Alastair and said she doesn't really know does she? He shook his head and said no, she doesn't see herself that way, never has from day one we met.

The Luna hugged him next and said it's good to meet the man that brought Adele home to visit, thank you. Alastair said it wasn't me who brought her, she brought me. Nice to meet you Luna Marian.

Luna Marian let go of him and said pleasure to meet you too, Alastair. They were taken to their seats as the pack started to mumble, they heard the lies start up again as members remembered her name.

Alpha Sylvester growled and said enough with the lies, you were gullible to believe them in the first place. He said everything you were told by Janine and Fernando were all lies, every one.

They bowed then food was brought out and the table was silent. Until she heard a man say she's here! Adele stood and told Alastair it was her brother Sammy. He stood up too as Sammy rushed into the room, grabbed Adele by the waist and swung her around.

Sammy said I heard through the pack link you were here and rushed my mate to come meet you, Anna come in here honey. In walked a very pregnant female who blew her bangs out of her face and said I'm here, I'm here.

Anna came closer and said my goodness, your beautiful. Adele snorted and said your glowing and gorgeous. Anna hugged Adele tightly and said Sam here talks about you all the time, he really misses you Adele.

Adele made Anna sit down and said oh, he knows I miss him too, I call when I can, I'm still finishing up my University studies. Alastair shook Sammy's hand and Adele said sorry, this is Alastair Rochester, Alastair snuck in and said hopefully future mate to Adele if she'll have me.

Adele grinned and said who knows Als, maybe by the time I finish school. She squealed as he picked her up and swung her around, planted a kiss on her lips and said only two weeks to go!

Adele chuckled and said now you understand why I wanted to leave, now you have to wait. Alpha Sylvester said she did try, but we talked her into having a meal. Sammy hugged Alastair and asked but are you mates?

Alastair said no, my true mate passed on, she had cancer and died four years ago. Adele sighed and said well, I guess you should all hear, most of you won't believe me but I could care less.

She said my true mate claimed another 8 years ago, she happens to be my older sister Janine. Sammy swore and Adele said we've just come from seeing them actually, I accepted his rejection in front of the Alphas and Lunas attending the meeting in England, left as soon as it was done and flew here.

Sammy swore again and Adele said you'll have to stop that Sammy, you'll pollute your children's ears. Sammy sighed before saying sorry Addy, your right. She said just use other words, like fudge in a basket, words that won't be picked up by your children, remember daddy always used them.

Sammy smiled and said I remember Addy and I'll use his for sure. He hugged her and said now let's eat I'm starved, how about you honey? Anna rubbed her belly and took a deep breath.

Adele frowned before kneeling before Anna and rubbing her tummy too. She said well, looks like we're staying for a bit, I would love to meet my, hmm, nephew. Sammy gulped and said but it's not time, she's due next week.

Adele stood and said well Sammy, babies are unpredictable, some are early some are late, yours happens to be ready to see the world. She said take her to the infirmary, we'll bring you some food and sit with her while you eat.

Sammy nodded and lifted Anna up into his arms carefully and nuzzled her neck while he carried her downstairs. Alastair kissed Adele's palm and sat her down while the pack still stared in disbelief.

The Alpha and Luna just waved to the pack and said eat. While Alastair and Adele enjoyed the Alphas company they ate and chatted not listening to the pack members at all.

After lunch, Alpha Sylvester rushed upstairs as the phone rang and Luna Marian took them in the kitchen to get another plate of food for Sammy before they headed downstairs.

They walked into the infirmary to find Sammy pacing the floor, she frowned and Adele asked why are you out here and in there with your mate Sammy?

He rushed to her and hugged her close and said the doctor rushed her off Addy, what could be wrong? Adele handed him over to the Luna and she kissed Alastair before going in to see what was wrong.

The doctor grunted as she walked in and she said she was a taking classes in nursing, can she help? The doctor nodded and said come over here, what's your name?

She said old member, Adele Roarke. He handed her the stethoscope and said do you hear something weird. Adele put them to her ears and listened until she heard two heart beats and said oh, yeah, she's having twins.

The doctor asked are you sure Adele? She smiled and said Doctor, my older brother and sister are twins, Sammy, Anna's true mate is from a family that have twins. I'm shocked that Janine didn't have twins with Fernando.

He said alright then twins it is, you can bring in Sam then, if you think he can take it. Anna sighed and asked we're having twins? Adele leaned down and said nothing to worry about now Anna, you're in good hand, I'll stay if you want me too, but the doctor can take good care of you too.

Anna just nodded and then moaned as a contraction hit, so Adele walked out of the room and called Sammy, she whispered your having twins congrats bro. She hugged him quick before telling him to go to his mate and help her through this.

He grinned and rushed in saying thanks Addy, see you soon. He closed the door and Alastair hugged her and said twins, they run in your family, so why does it upset them?

Adele hugged him and said no idea, I'm shocked Janine didn't have a set of twins. Luna Marian said yeah me too since she is a twin.

They sat and waited for only an hour before Sammy rushed out and pulled Adele inside the room. Adele smiled as the first baby had been born, they named him Maxwell after their father.

Adele took charge of the baby and took him out of the room while Anna delivered the next. Luna Marian squealed as Adele handed him over and told her his name.

Alastair peeked at the baby while Adele was holding her nephew and felt his heart pound as he was so in love with Adele. He was so ready and waiting for the day to come when he could claim her as his, she was perfect in his eyes.

When she took the baby back from Luna Marian, Adele took him back to the room and found the next baby just delivered. The doctor was wiping her off as she placed baby Max in Sammy's arms and said he is precious, congratulations to you both.

The baby girl was passed to Anna who smiled and said I want to call her Adeline, what do you think Sam? Sam said how about Madeline instead, because I call Adele Addy, so to call the baby that same would feel wrong, we can call her Maddie for short.

Anna smiled and said I love that name and I think your right Sam, let's call her Madeline. Adele took the baby from Anna when allowed and cooed at her, then took her outside where the Alpha and Luna as well as Alastair were waiting.

She smiled as she handed the baby over to the Luna and said this is Madeline, nick name is going to be Maddie, you missed seeing Maxwell Alpha, he is precious as is Maddie here.

While Luna Marian held Maddie, Adele kissed Alastair and said aren't they the sweetest little things, my niece and nephew, just amazing we came when we did.

He hugged her close and nuzzled her neck making her shiver. He linked her and said can we make babies like that do you think? She chuckled and said yes I think we can.

He twirled her around and said I think I need time alone with you before we have any kids Adele. She smiled and said okay, I agree, I need time with just you too sweetheart. He dipped her and swung her to his own beat.

The Alpha said I hate to interrupt your dancing, but Janine called and she and Fernando are on their way home now. It seems that their welcome was not as appreciative after hearing they weren't true mates like they told everyone.

Alastair said wow, you mean they lied to everyone. Takes some balls to lie like that to others, they could have said so many other things.

Adele asked how much time do we have before they get here Alpha? He said not long, she called after waking up, they are nearly home, another two hours I think.

Adele said okay, then I think we need to make one stop here to the cemetery before we leave the pack lands and head off to see Marcus. Alpha Sylvester sighed deeply and said I feel like we didn't have enough time to see or talk to you Adele, I now understand why you never came to see us.

She nodded and said that and they banned me from coming to see you Alpha. He nodded and said your right, Marian and I took a vacation after the title was passed over and didn't know until after the fact.

Adele took the baby back and took her to his parents. She kissed both their heads and said I hate to do this, but Alastair and I must leave, Janine and Fernando are just about home. She called Alpha Sylvester and told him that they are coming back because they were not welcomed anymore as they both lied that Fernando was her true mate and the Alphas are unhappy.

The doctor grunted and said they aren't true mates? Are you sure? Adele said yes doctor, I was actually Fernando's true mate, but when he fully claimed Janine, that severed our mate bond. I finished it when I accepted the rejection in front of the Alphas and Lunas at the meeting being held in England. The pack I belong to was sponsoring it.

He grunted and said well those dirty rotten s.o.b.'s, they lied to us all. Adele said they sure did doctor, more than you'll ever know.

She hugged Sammy and said I hate to leave Sam but I don't want to be here when that ugly hearted bitch arrives back home, I just might kill her for all she's done to me.

He sighed and hugged her back and said keep calling me Addy, I miss your calls. She smiled and said I'll call more often Sammy, I promise and leave messages if it's too late here.

He let her go and she went to Anna, kissed her on the head and said I'm so happy you and Sam found each other Anna, your beautiful just the way you are. Don't let anyone say any different. She hugged Anna and said take care of yourself and send me pictures.

Anna teared up and said I hate goodbyes, so Adele kissed her head again and said alright sis, see you soon. She waved and left the room to find just Alastair waiting.

He stood and she hugged him before saying come on lets go see my parents. They walked upstairs to find both Alpha and Luna dressed and waiting to leave.

They took two cars, Alastair followed the Alpha's car as they drove to the cemetery and parked. Adele got out and Alastair came around and put his arm around her as they walked with the Alpha couple to the grave site.

For the next half hour, they sat around the graves and told stories of the old days and what Adele remembered about her parents. They were calm now as when they first started tears flowed from them all but Alastair, he was her rock.

When Alpha Sylvester stiffened, Adele stood up and said it's time to go now, I see it in his eyes. The Luna nodded before hugging Adele and said keep in touch Adele, even if it's though Sammy and Anna.

Adele said sure Luna Marian, that she can do. When the Alpha stood, he looked saddened. Adele hugged him and said you can always come see us in England, both of you are welcome if I have any say.

Alastair said the doors will be open for you both, I'm next Alpha and your welcome to stay anytime. Alpha Sylvester cheered up and said your both on, we'll let you know, but we will come.

Adele smiled and said that's wonderful, I have lots of places to show you both, you'll get to meet Alpha Reese and Luna Elizabeth, they are sweethearts.

She hugged them both again before Alastair grabbed her and said we have to leave if they landed honey. She waved back at the Alpha couple and they rushed to the car and drove off quickly.

Alastair had called the pilot and said we need to head to Dallas Texas next, as soon as you can get clearance let me know.

When they arrived at the airport, they checked in and went to their plane and boarded. They waited only half hour and they got underway and it took four hours in which time Adele called Marcus and told him they were coming.

She had to pull the phone away from her ear as he started to swear she should have given him more time to prepare. He calmed down when his mate took the phone and said we are ready and waiting Adele, he's just a bucket of nerves you're coming here.

Adele chuckled and said you'll never guess, but Sam and Anna just had twins, they'll send pictures but we had to leave in a hurry and never got any.

Marcus grabbed the phone and said really, they had twins too? Adele said yes, they had twins to the surprise of the doctor. She said they called their son who was born first Maxwell and their little girl Madeline.

She said come pick us up at the airport, we are on a private jet to land in about another hour. Marcus said okay, they'll all be there to welcome them. Adele said goodbye, see you soon Marcus, love to you all.

Alastair kissed her thoroughly after she ended her call and said I love you Adele, I simply love you. She smiled and said I love you too Alastair, you're my rock.

He grinned and said you're my moon and the stars above. She smirked and said you're the sun shining on my face when the day is gray, the air I breath and...

He kissed her again and again to shut her up to start with and later they sighed when the pilot said they were cleared for landing, so buckle up.

Alastair took Adele's hand as they each grabbed their bags and were getting off the plane, the pilot said call me, I'm at the hotel. They waved as he told them and entered the airport to find Marcus and his mate Tara.

They waited only five minutes until Adele heard someone scream out her name. She looked around until Alastair pointed him out and shoved Adele to go meet him. Alastair grabbed her bag and carried them both as he watched her fly into her older brother's waiting arms.

Alastair walked up to them and set the bags down as Adele grabbed his hand and pulled him forward. Adele looked at her older brother and said I want introduce someone special to me Marcus, he is my rock.

She teared up and Alastair hugged her and kissed her shoulder until she calmed down. Alastair shook Marcus's hand and said I'm Alastair Rochester, soon to be mate of your younger sister Adele, who is the love of my life.

Adele wiped her tears and said yes Marcus, not my true mate but my chosen mate. She sniffled and hugged him again and said sorry for the tears.

Marcus wiped them away and asked do I want to know who your true mate is Adele? She shook her head and said not here, but you will find out. He said alright.

Marcus then introduced his mate Tara and their twins Chandra and Simon. Adele got down on her knees and held out her arms and they raced into them laughing.

She kissed both their heads and said I'm so glad to finally meet you both in person, aren't you the sweetest things. Tara snorted and said you realize how like their father they are?

Adele smiled and said then you're very blessed Tara, Marcus was my strength growing up. He was my protector and best friend, if your kids are anything like him, you're truly blessed.

She said are you kids being naughty for your mom? The two kids sighed and then nodded. Adele sighed and said well kids, you're not supposed to be, bad kids are naughty, are you bad kids?

You're supposed to love your mommy and be good for her not bad. They looked up at her like little angels, she pouted and said you're not going to be bad kids are you?

They shook their head and sniffled saying no, we're not bad kids, that's Michael. Adele kissed their heads and said you try your best to be good for your mommy, leave the bad kids for your daddy.

She tickled them and said alright, be good for mommy who feeds you and be sneaky kids with your daddy, he has a whole bunch of tricks to show good kids, and you know how I know that?

They looked and said how? She said because he showed me and I was a good kid ever since. They grinned and said good kids, we're good kids daddy, show us a trick.

She let them go to Marcus and hugged Tara and said hope that helps, he is great isn't he. He almost raised me since our parents were gone so much. Give him plenty of time with your twins and he will set them straight, you go pamper yourself and leave him to it, okay Tara?

Tara smiled and said she has always gone out of her way to let Marcus have time on his own instead of sending the kids to him, not wanting them to bother him. She said I guess he should take care of his own kids and let her have time off like she gave him.

Adele nodded and said you'll see, he will set them straight. Marcus's face was filled with so much joy spending what little time with his kids, he lifted them up and carried them over to his mate who said your turn tomorrow sweetheart, I want a little girl time with Adele.

Marcus grinned and said I love you Tara and then kissed the kids belly before saying we get to spend time with Alastair kids, lets tie him down and tickle him.

Alastair grinned and said okay, he likes kids too, but don't go overboard. Alastair took Chandra and carried her for a bit, taking a bag while Marcus took the other.

They walked to the SUV, put the kids in first before Alastair was taking Adele's hand. They climbed in the very back and had to talk loud over the kids to be heard by Marcus and Tara.

When they arrived at Marcus and Tara's house, there was a car parked waiting. Marcus yelled it was Alpha to be Marshall Dougan and not to worry.

They all got out, Tara took the kids inside while Adele and Alastair were told to meet the Alpha to be. Alastair put Adele behind him which she had no worries about and put her hand up his shirt to touch his bare skin which seemed to calm him down.

She placed her head against his back and he calmed down completely since she wasn't even looking at Marshall. She grinned as she wrapped both arms around Alastair, under his shirt and calmed herself down.

Marcus chuckled and said what are you doing Adele, I want to introduce you to Marshall. She sighed and removed her hands and moved in front of Alastair.

Marshall took a good look at Adele and gave her such a grin. The smile on her face had been wiped off, Marcus had to stop himself from laughing.

Marshall held out his hand to shake her hand, but Alastair didn't like that and moved her back behind him. Marcus bit his lip as Marshall didn't like that and asked who are you?

Alastair said Alastair Rochester, Alpha to be of the Manchester Pack in England, and you? Marshall stood up straight and said Marshall Dougan, Alpha to be of the Dallas County Pack.

Adele snickered and said please don't. Alastair said don't what sweetheart? She said don't start checking whose is bigger, I don't wanna see that.

Alastair grinned and asked you sure? Adele said I'll see yours soon enough but not his ever. Marcus bowed over with laughter and said Marshall, this duo are my younger sister and her chosen mate Alastair, you're barking up the wrong tree to mess with them for sure.

Marshall said but she could be my mate, she didn't shake my hand. Adele stuck her arm through Alastair's and said go for it, you'll see I'm not your true mate.

Marshall grinned and took her hand then sighed before saying okay, I know you're not now. Adele said good because I already met my true mate and he claimed someone else, you're not him.

Marcus growled and asked who was this?, I'll kick his ass. Adele moved in front of Alastair who wrapped his arms around her stomach while she said Marcus, you want to know out here, because I will tell you.

She said you won't like it but won't be able to do anything about it. Marcus nodded and said tell me Adele. She sighed and started telling him like she told the alphas.

She said you remember Janine putting me up that tree when I was four. He growled and she continued until she said and we had to leave quick because they would be back there at any time.

So here we are, you know now that my true mate was once Fernando and since he fully claimed Janine that meant he rejected me. She added I don't know if he knew I was his mate long ago, but it's too late now, with three kids and that evil bitch Janine claimed, it was inevitable that I would accept the rejection.

She grinned and said I told Alpha Reese to keep them there, but they had lied to all the Alphas and said they were true mates. The Alphas did not take kindly to being lied to so they had to go home.

Marcus cussed like their dad did and sighed. He said fine but they are nothing to us anymore Adele. She nodded and said but you have to go see Sammy, he needs your support.

She looked at Marshall who was glaring at Alastair and she said maybe the pack here can request Sammy and Anna to be transferred here, that way you'll both be together, raise your kids in the same pack.

She held her hand to her heart and said I like that idea a whole lot Marcus, I don't want you and Sammy to be so far apart.

Marcus grinned and smacked Marshall's head and said stop it Marshall, get over it. Marcus said we can't talk to Alpha Conrad, he's in England.

Adele looked at Marshall who was looking away, she shuddered and said then you ask Marshall about it. She linked Alastair and said you okay, he kept glaring at you for some reason?

Alastair said it's because he's jealous your with me and can't have you for himself. Adele said yuk, I hate man whores, I stay far away from them. He kissed her head and put his nose to her neck as she tilted it sideways for him.

Adele turned around and kissed him on the lips and smiled. She placed he head on his chest and sighed. He grinned and wrapped his arms around her and put his nose back to her neck and blew. He grinned again when she shivered.

She took a deep breath and got out of Alastair's arms and looked at Marcus. He was trying to talk to Marshall, but Marshall just glared at Alastair.

She huffed and took Alastair's hand and they went inside the house to get away. Alastair chuckled as she led him away. He went willingly.

They sat in the living room and Adele made a call to Alpha Reese. When he answered he said sorry Adele, we didn't know they left. She said it's okay, we got away in time.

She said do you happen to know the Alpha of the Dallas County Pack? Alpha Reese said yes, quite well in fact. She said good, can you tell him to give me a call, we are in Dallas to see my older brother Marcus, his mate Tara and their twins.

But we left my other brother Sammy at the Blackguard Wolf Pack and I would like to see if Sammy and his mate Anna and their newborn twins can be accepted to transfer here to Dallas so they can be together as a family.

He sighed and asked why Adele? She said because it feels wrong. Sammy and Marcus are the two siblings in my family that truly accepted me, my brother Cory is like Janine and is still there.

Even Marcus would like Sammy to move closer, they can raise their kids together just the way it's supposed to be. Alpha Reese asked does Alastair agree?

Alastair took the phone and said hey dad, I met Sammy and his mate Anna who was very pregnant, while we were there, then Adele noticed Anna wasn't feeling right. Anna was then taken to the infirmary where she delivered twins a girl and a boy, I met them both and they are truly good people dad.

Marcus is here in Dallas, his mate Tara and twins Chandra and Simon are wonderful. I can't wait until we can have them come to England and you'll see for yourself, they are Adele's true family.

Alpha Reese said okay son, if you agree I'll just tell Alpha Conrad all about this talk and he will agree. Tell Adele he will call her to let her know the final decision, and hurry home son, all these Alphas here are getting on my nerves.

Adele linked Alastair and said tell your dad to take a midol and get over it, they are only there for a short time. Alastair burst out laughing and said dad, we'll be home soon, just have a drink.

He ended the call and continued to laugh until he said I just couldn't tell my dad to take a midol Adele, maybe when we are in the same room but over the phone he wouldn't be able to take the joke.

Adele grinned and said he was sounding so serious Als, I wanted him to bust a gut laughing too. He pulled her onto his lap and said that was a good one Adele.

She curled up on his lap and they sat there until Marcus came in groaning. When she heard two people enter she sighed deeply. Alastair linked her and said it's okay Adele, no worries.

She lifted her head and saw both Marcus and Marshall enter the living room and takes seats. She said hey Marcus, I have a call in to Alpha Conrad, but it looks good for you to be able to call Sammy and make sure he agrees too.

Marcus grinned and said that's great, I know he will move here Adele, he already mentioned it once before. Adele asked so Anna has agreed? Marcus nodded and said her parents died Adele, they are all alone there.

Adele asked I wonder how fast Sammy can pack? She looked at Marcus and asked how big is this house, is it big enough for Sammy's family?

Marcus grinned and said oh yes. Adele held out her hand and said phone please. Marcus frowned before handing his over and asked why, you have a phone?

Adele snorted and said Alpha Conrad is going to call, I want to take his call. Marcus then nodded and said go ahead then. She grinned and said thanks bro.

She used Marcus's phone and called Sammy who answered and said what's up bro? Adele grinned and said the sky, do I win? Sammy said Adele, you made it to Dallas? She said yes, by the way, were you serious about moving to Dallas?

Sammy said yes, I want to be closer to Marcus and his family, Anna's family has passed on and we all alone here with the bitch and Cory the man whore, two people that could care less about us.

Adele said well, I'll know shortly, I put in a call to the Alpha of the Dallas pack about your moving her with Marcus, but from what Alpha Reese said he is a close friend and will talk him into it.

She asked how long will it take you to pack? He squealed and asked are you serious? Adele said I don't fool around about this stuff Sammy, I take my family serious, I want this to happen and so does Marcus. Tara screamed out come to Dallas Sammy, bring the mate and kids.

Adele said Tara wants you all here too, but Tara the house will be filled to the brim, you okay with that? Tara rushed in the room, took the phone and said Sammy, you pack up your stuff immediately, bring the babies and your lovely mate, our house is absolutely big enough for us all.

Adele heard Sammy say do we need furniture or anything like that because we can leave today if possible. Marcus said just pack your clothes and kids things, we have everything else you need here.

Sammy said alright we can leave in a few hours, I'll have Luna Marian watch the kids and Anna while I pack. Adele linked Alastair who said to her we can send the jet to get them. She nodded and he said tell Sammy he has four hours.

Adele took the phone and said Sammy, Alastair can send the jet to come get you guys, just leave the other stuff. You have four hours as the jet needs to fuel up and it takes four hours travel so you have lots of time.

Sammy said tell Alastair a thanks from us all, we can't wait to see you guys in Dallas if you can stay. Adele said I can stay, Alastair? He said we can stay a few days but will need to leave then.

Sammy said thanks guys, we will see you soon, bye now. Adele hugged and kissed Alastair and tossed the phone back to Marcus as hers rang.

She answered and said hello, this is Adele? She heard a man say this is Alpha Conrad, I hear you would like me to accept a few more members into my pack?

Adele said Alpha Conrad, thank you for calling me. You see Marcus and Tara here would also like to ask if you would kindly agreed to let our brother Sammy, his mate Anna and their new twins born just this afternoon into your pack.

She said they only stayed in the Blackguards Wolf Pack because Anna wanted to stay near her family, but they have since passed on and they would like to move here to be near Marcus and his family. Please Alpha Conrad, this means a lot to me.

He sighed and said since it's you asking so politely, I will accept the others in your family to move. Adele said well Alpha Conrad, they are not the end of family, I have Janine who you heard about and Cory, but I wouldn't accept them if I were you, Cory is man whore who as far as I can tell is like your son.

Alpha Conrad laughed out loud and asked did he pull that shit on you Adele? She sighed before saying yes sir and he's glaring at Alastair while we talk now too.

He growled and said hand him the phone Adele. She got up but Alastair took it and got up and passed the phone. Marshall snatched it and asked what?

Marshall got an earful and once it went silent, he passed the phone and got up. He left without a word and Alastair handed her the phone back. She said you still there Alpha Conrad?

He said yes Adele, did Marshall leave? She said thank you, yes he did, without at word. She said much appreciation to you Alpha Conrad, this means so much as both Marcus and Sammy were my true brothers in every sense, they protected me while and when they could from that bitch Janine and sometimes Cory too.

He said glad to help Adele, hope to see you soon, bye. She said bye Alpha. Alastair then took out his phone and called the pilot. He said return trip with no passenger to there but you'll be picking up Adele's brother Sammy Roarke, his mate Anna and twins Max and Maddie born this morning, treat them as if you would your own family.

The pilot cursed and Adele took the phone and said please Frank, they are all alone in a pack that disgusts me. She head Frank sigh and say only for you Adele. She grinned and said I'll owe you Frank thank you so much. They ended the call and she handed Alastair back the phone and kissed him quickly before saying you all heard that?

Tara squealed and said all right!! Marcus grinned and said sounds great Adele. Adele grinned and said come sit down Tara, we all need to chat before we get the house ready for them.

Marcus and Alastair groaned, but Adele said you two can take the kids while we get the house ready, I see no problem. But Marcus, you need to bring the kids back home when they get tired. No one likes cranky kids, not even you.

Adele said take them grocery shopping, you'll need to have the cupboards full with so many people and Anna unable to help much.

Tara grinned and said I agree, you two can take the kids out and pick up some groceries, I never let Marcus actually do that before now.

Marcus grinned and said who do you think bought the groceries when they were growing up, with the parents gone, he did that's who.

Adele nodded and said he is capable Tara, I'm sure you'll need his help to see everyone is comfortable living here. Tara sighed and said it's hard to give up control. Marcus said you're not giving up control honey, we are sharing it together.

Adele said just don't boss Anna about, I think she's had a hard time since her parents passed on. Tara nodded and said I still have my parents and I can't wait, she's my new sister.

Adele smiled and said that's great, I'm sure Anna will need your guidance and support as she will be yours back and help with all the kids. Adele grinned and said this feels like the right thing to do.

She hugged Alastair again and leaned her head against his chest and said it feels right. Alastair smiled and kissed the top of her head and agreed.

It wasn't until later that night they got the call they were waiting for. Marcus grabbed his keys before kissing his mate and Adele's head and he rushed off.

Tara and Adele did a good job getting the rooms ready for Sammy, Anna and the twins. Tara had to run out and buy the baby things, but she was truly in seventh heaven doing so for Anna.

Adele learned she would even call up Anna from time to time to see how she was doing so Anna knew Tara much better than Adele.

Alastair and Adele were shown to their room, then the strict older brother pointed at them and he said to Alastair no funny business mister.

Adele grinned as Alastair rolled his eyes and said of course not, this is your house and your rules, we can wait. They only placed their bags inside the room and went back downstairs.

So when the plane landed, Frank called Alastair and said jobs done boss. Alastair thanked him and said the next two days your off. Schedule the flight back the following day, give me a call when you do so we can plan accordingly, thanks so much Frank, Adele is over the moon with happiness.

They ended the call and Adele hugged him again so he hugged her back as they waited until Marcus showed up with them all. It took half an hour until the car pulled up and by then Tara and Adele rushed outside to help them in.

Alastair strolled out and helped Marcus with all their belongings and was actually saddened when he didn't see much. When they took the bags to Sammy and Anna's room, Alastair sighed and said I'm leaving you some money, you take them out shopping Marcus, and don't stop until it's all gone, you hear me?

Marcus said okay Alastair but then it's up to him. They shook hands in agreement before heading back downstairs. Tara took one baby, while Adele the other then Sammy picked up Anna and carried her into the house.

They took them to their room, where Sammy sucked in his breath and asked are you sure? Tara smiled and said oh, we are sure, this is your room, the babies' room is next door. There are lots of space for all of us Sammy, and the babies' room connects too.

Tara pulled back the covers and Sammy laid Anna down who was sleeping. They took the babies back downstairs for a while so Anna could sleep comfortably.

Sammy followed them down and said heck this place is huge and beautiful. Tara hugged him one handed and said Marcus designed it with hopes you would come Sammy, so this house is yours too.

Sammy kissed her head and said thank you Tara, for opening your house to us, we were at wits end there. Tara smiled and said it only happened this soon because of Adele and Alastair.

They went downstairs to find the men grabbing things to drink and handed them over once they were all seated. Adele started it off by saying Sammy, I spoke to Marcus about you being there on your own with Anna, I was upset because I had to leave you in a place I wasn't welcome.

She said Marcus said he would like you both to join this pack and things got rolling. I called Alpha Reese who is Alastair's father, he is the one putting on the Alphas meeting in England.

He got Alpha Conrad to call me and agreed to your all moving here and then Alastair arranged for his jet to go get you, so it was a group effort to see that you're back home with Marcus.

She grinned and said it gives me, or us really a better chance of coming to see you while we can. Sammy said you were always a brat Adele getting what you wanted.

Marcus laughed and said sure bro, whatever. Sammy chuckled and said I can't thank you enough, all three of you for seeing this happen. Anna was upset when you left Adele, she wanted to connect to her sister in law so bad, but knows the timing wasn't right.

Adele said well me too Sammy, I was upset that she lost her parents and with you having the useless siblings being your back up I needed to do all I could to see that you were brought here to live.

She added, I've felt this relief lift right off my shoulders once that car parked outside and we saw your faces, such relief. Sammy grinned and said me too sis.

Tara and Adele left the guys talking as soon as the babies started to wake up hungry. They went to Anna and woke her up and smiled and as she wiped her eyes and teared up.

Anna got hugs from both of them and then the babies squeaked. Adele asked Anna if she bottle fed the babies or breast fed them. Anna sighed and said I tried to breast feed but I don't know if I did it right.

Adele wiped Anna's face and said well sis, Tara and I are here for you, just ask and we will tell you what you need to know. Tara took out Maxwell and Adele helped Anna get ready to feed him.

They both took their time to soothe Anna and calmly show her what to do, they explained about breast feeding being the best for babies but bottle feeding will do if she can't.

By the time the babies were fed and diapers changed, Anna looked peaceful as could be. Adele asked Alastair to send up Sammy with food and drink for Anna, who showed up minutes later.

They left the couple together as Anna explained all she learned and Sammy grinned. The two females slapped high fives before going back downstairs and found the men arm wrestling.

They took seats on the couch and watched as they were even and each tried to better the other and win. Tara grinned and stretched and pretended to yawn and said I'm so tired, I think I'll head to bed, what about you Adele?

Adele said yes, all that cleaning has tired me out, I think I'll head to bed too. They stood up and walked away, Tara yelling back don't forget to turn the lights off and locked the doors honey.

They grinned as they peeked and watched both guys let go and said bloody hell. Alastair looked at the time and said it has been a long day, I'm heading up too, see you in the morning Marcus.

The girls rushed up to their rooms and Adele grabbed her pajamas and went to take her shower before drying off and getting ready for bed. She opened the door and saw Alastair sitting on the bed frowning.

She went straight to him and said what's wrong honey? He looked at her and said can we even sleep in the same bed Adele? She said of course we can, it's only a few nights.

She kissed him and said you know we can't do anything here. Then we have a plane ride home. You plan the night Alastair and I'll be there with bells on. But you're going to have to be gentle with me, I've never been with anyone before.

He pulled her onto his lap and said really, Adele, but you're so beautiful, how can that be? She shrugged and said I didn't have the need to be with anyone Alastair.

He almost purred then he asked do you feel that need with me Adele? She smiled and said I do, I haven't any experience Alastair but being a nurse I know what's going to happen.

She said so that's why I know we can sleep in this bed and not have anything happen, because it would be my first and I don't want that to happen here, okay?

He grinned and kissed her swiftly on the lips and said okay, I'll plan the night and it will be well worth it for both of us Adele, I so promise.

She kissed him then got off his lap and said now please take your shower, I am tired and want to go to bed. He said okay you get in and I'll be out shortly.

She picked up her clothes while he grabbed his and she stuffed her laundry in a bag and left it under a chair. She got in and went to grab her phone and put it beside her on the bedside table then turned on the lamps by the bed and went to turn off the overhead one.

Getting back in, she curled up on her side and closed her eyes and was fast to sleep before Alastair even finished with his shower.

When she heard the baby cry in the night, she left the room and went to Anna and Sammy. She knocked on the door and Sammy opened it in stress and closed it after her.

She soothed Anna and showed her again, then said that's right, the baby can feel your stressed being a first time mother. So calm yourself and everything will be just fine Anna, you're doing great.

When she took the next baby from Sammy, she took Max and passed him to Sammy and said just hold him close to your heart Sammy. She guided Anna again and brushed the hair from Anna's face and said you're doing great, I'm going to show Sammy how to change a diaper and I'll be back, so no worries Anna.

Anna smiled and said thank you Adele. Adele kissed her head and said you're welcome Anna, that's what are sisters for. She followed Sammy into the babies' room and helped him lay down Max then did the diaper explaining what they needed to do and why.

When Max was done, she got Sammy to lift him up gently and lay him in the new crib and explained how they should sleep and why.

They both went to Anna again and she was just burping Maddie and ready to hand her over. Sammy took Maddie and kissed Anna before they took her to change her diaper.

Once again she got Sammy to pick up Maddie this time and he put her down to sleep himself. She hugged him and said now you can go back to sleep after giving Anna something to drink because she needs fluids to help nurse the babies.

Sammy kissed her head and said thank you Adele, we wouldn't have been able to do that on our own. Adele smiled and said Tara was on her way too, so you have two of us helping, and when Alastair and I leave, you will still have Tara. No fears Sammy, the babies can feel it. Just calm Anna down anyway you can and then feed the babies.

He said okay, now he needs to find something for Anna to drink. Adele snorted and said you didn't see all the room then, come with me Sammy.

She took him to an alcove and showed him the tiny fridge and microwave and said this is for when you can't go downstairs, keep it stocked for Anna so she doesn't have to travel far when you're not here.

He grinned and said good idea. Adele went to Anna and helped her wash up and then back to bed where Sammy was ready to hand her a drink, Adele said goodnight and left them.

She came to stop to see Tara standing there, Adele said your shift is next, go get some sleep. Night Tara. They went in different directions and Adele crawled into bed and curled up and went to sleep.

The next time Adele woke up to hear the babies, she waited and when they stopped she stayed in bed and went straight to sleep again. She woke up in the morning and stretched before noticing Alastair wasn't in bed.

She got dressed and went downstairs to find Tara missing as well as Sammy. Marcus was feeding his kids and Alastair was laughing at the sounds he was making.

She walked in and said good morning everyone, sorry I'm late, but the babies and all. Marcus grinned and said same with Tara, but it's okay, I get spend more time with my babies.

She grabbed coffee and asked so where's the food? Marcus grinned and said well, you took too long and we ate it, sorry.

She said yeah sure, I'll make breakfast bro, you showed me how. I might not even burn it this time. Alastair chuckled and asked you can't cook?

Marcus snorted and said she's a great cook, our mother taught all of us when she was home how. Adele went through the motions of making breakfast with lots of leftovers and stood at the counter drinking coffee when Tara walked in yawning.

Adele poured her a coffee and moved it towards her and Tara said thanks Addy, Adele said you're welcome Tara, how did it go? Tara smiled and said it went great, Sammy even changed the babies diapers with help. Adele said good, I showed him how and he soaked the information up which is good.

When Adele finished making breakfast, she plated up two plates and said I'm off to upstairs, fix me a plate, I'll see to Anna and Sammy.

She took them up and used her foot to hit the door. Sammy opened it and grinned so she handed him a plate and walked in. She grabbed the bed tray and Anna moved up grinned she was being served in bed.

Sammy put the plate down as he grabbed his and she handed him utensils. She asked everything okay? They both smiled and said were doing great Addy.

Adele nodded and said bring the dirty plates down, I have to go eat now, enjoy my slaving over the stove for you two. Sammy grinned and said no burnt food? Adele said no, that would be bad and she's not bad.

She left them be and went down to grab her plate and found the guys were eating as well. Tara pointed to the microwave and said I saved you some Addy, it was really good, thanks for breakfast.

She grabbed her plate and a fork and ate at the counter, enjoying the food while she could. Once she was done, Adele asked Marcus if she could borrow his car, she needed to head to the bank.

Alastair's perked up and said bank? Adele said yes, I have a cheque here I want cashed. He took the keys from Marcus and said okay, I'll drive. Adele said see you shortly. She and Alastair then went to the nearest bank and went inside.

She didn't go to the till, she asked to see the manager. So they took seats and waited for only minutes until the manager showed up. Adele was happy to see he was a werewolf.

They shook hands before taking seats and Adele said so Roger, you're a werewolf of the Dallas pack? He nodded and said yes that is correct. Adele smiled and said it was just easier to get that out of the way first so I could explain.

She took out her wallet and then a curled up cheque and passed it to him. He unrolled it and said my this cheque is an old one, why? She said you see, my parents died and we had a family home, and when I could no longer live there, my brother moved away too.

He ended up selling the house and we all split the proceeds, that is my share. But I've been living in England and haven't needed the money as I have been living free of costs at a boarding school and then University and living in the pack house.

She said I am here to cash that cheque as I need to give it to my brother who just had twin babies and they don't have much. She said Alpha Conrad is away at the moment and when he comes back my brother and mate will be accepted into the pack.

I would go out right now and pick him up a car but I feel that the money would be better in his hands so he can pick out a car of his choosing. Understand Roger?

He said well Adele, I can help you only because this is a certified cheque. She nodded and said I understand and thank you Roger.

Adele punched Alastair and said your turn, I know you want to and now is the time. Alastair rubbed his shoulder and said sir, I'm a foreigner but I wish to withdraw funds, be it from my English bank if you will.

I also see the need for handing over some funds to Sammy and Anna, but I wish to hand them a cheque in American funds.

Roger asked how much because our country frowns on anything over 10,000. Forms will have to be filled out and the reason stated, like I will need to do with Adele.

Alastair took Adele's hand and said make it for 20,000 American, they will need lots of help seeing as they are brand new parents and only have few clothes. They will soon be my in laws as I plan to claim Adele as mine.

Roger looked at the cheque again spotted it and asked your related to Marcus? Adele said yes sir, he is my eldest brother, Sammy is two years younger than Marcus.

He grinned and said all right then, I'll just grab the proper forms and be right back. Adele smiled at the shock on Alastair's face and said what, I knew what you were both thinking as you carried their bags inside.

Alastair chuckled and said Marcus and I thought you didn't notice, how wrong we were. She smiled and said I love you more for doing this for them Alastair. She kissed his lips and sighed.

He pulled her on his knees and hugged her and said I really couldn't believe that they had so little Adele. She nodded and said I don't know why Alastair, but he got the same as the rest of us, Marcus has a really good job, but Sammy was in sports, any type and he did it.

She laid her head on his shoulder and said I really don't care about the money if you're worried about it, it was there and they are in need. This way Sammy will have transportation and can get a job.

Alastair nodded and said he wants them to take the cheque, cash is cumbersome to say the least. She said we could just open up and account, Roger could do that for us right?

Roger walked in and said sorry Adele, I can't as the customer has to open it. She sighed and said okay thanks Roger, she just thought handing over a suitcase of money was tacky.

They grinned and said we can give it to you in larger bills Adele, they spend just as quick as smaller ones. Adele blushed and said well what do I know, I spend very little money.

She said our parents had other money and that was shared too, that is the money she had been using so she is fine with what she has.

They took an hour doing all the paperwork and counting out the cash Adele was finally given. She snorted once she got the funds and asked are you sure it's all here?

Roger said yes Adele you watched me count it. Alastair smirked and said she was thinking it would have to be in small bills Roger like on the TV.

Roger nodded and then stood as did they and they shook hands. He said to Alastair you have a keeper there Alastair, lucky man you. Adele blushed again and both males chuckled before she was whisked away.

They went back to Marcus's house and parked, they got out and went inside to find everyone there waiting. Adele apologized for taking so darned long, then walked over to Sammy and Anna.

She knelt down in front of Anna and said I would like you both to have this, it comes from my heart, so please don't refuse it. She handed it to Sammy who opened the pouch and said holey toledo Adele what did you do, rob a bank?

Adele snorted and said you're so silly Sammy, hand it to Anna so she can see. Anna took the pouch and she started to cry and said thank you Adele, this will help get us back on our feet again.

Adele said that's my girl, thank you Anna. She hugged them both and smiled as she took a seat and watched Alastair stand up in front of them now.

Sammy frowned and then Alastair got on his knees and said Adele isn't the only one who wants to help you both, I would like to as well.

He handed the check to Sammy and said I believe that will do for purchasing you a new or used vehicle of your choice. That way when you find work you have transportation.

Sammy stared at the cheque and looked at Alastair with shock and disbelief so Alastair said yes Sammy it's real. He said you'll be a part of my family too, and I want to help you both.

Sammy showed Anna who gasped and said but Alastair that is a lot of money? Alastair smiled and said but it's not hard for me to let it go, is it hard for you to accept it as it comes from my heart as well?

Anna smiled and said we thank you Alastair, soon to be brother in law. Alastair grinned and sighed with relief then looked at Sammy and said and you Sam?

Sammy stood up and so did Alastair, they gave hugs and Sammy sniffled and said thanks bro, it means the world for this help at this moment.

Alastair said then your very welcome Sam, Anna. Alastair took the seat beside Adele who took his face in her hands and kissed him thoroughly until Marcus and Sammy growled.

Adele let go and said all in good time to Alastair through their link. She gulped before saying I was just showing him my thanks, my style and then grinned.

Marcus sighed before saying they aren't the only ones that want to help you both out, but they took this step without me and I feel empty handed at this moment.

Adele stood and went to him, got on her knees and said but Marcus you opened up your home to them, and that is the best gift ever. You ask for nothing in return.

She added, they get to see you every day, share your life and your family. I felt empty handed Marcus and needed to show them that I cared too. She had tears rolling down her face and he wiped her tears away and said never fear Adele, they know you love them and care for them, you show it every time you smile.

Sammy rushed over and pulled Adele to her feet and hugged her and said we know you love us Adele, and we miss you every day.

Tara and Anna burst into tears, so their mates had to go to them, Alastair stood behind Adele and took over, he pulled her into his arms before lifted her up into his arms and carried her upstairs.

He laid her down on their bed and crawled in next to her and just let her cry, he grabbed the box of tissues and laid them on her stomach and held her close. She blew her nose and sighed as she then said damn it, I never cry.

Alastair said yup you had a cry fest the first I've seen, and it wasn't pretty to see either. She smacked his chest and said hey. He chuckled and kissed her head and said well I guess you needed that, right?

She rolled over and kissed him softly and yes and thank you or Tara and Anna would have been crying all day with her if he left her there.

He pulled her over on top of him and said nap if you need to, I'll hold you Adele so you're not alone. She smiled and laid her head down and he hugged her close while they drifted to sleep.

They napped for just over an hour until Adele heard the babies cry. She lifted her head and kissed Alastair's chin and grinned when he opened his eyes and smiled back at her.

She got up on all fours and his eyes flashed to his wolf, so she bend down and kissed him thoroughly before linking him and saying I have to go help Anna, I'll see you downstairs honey.

She smiled as got up and rushed to Anna and opened the door. She went to Anna and took the baby as he was crying to hard and she rocked him gently and cooed as he slowly calmed down.

They tried again, Adele let the baby get hold and she kissed Anna's forehead and said you're doing fine. You just need to relax and not get stressed. It will all soon be as easy as tying your shoes.

Anna smiled and said I want to thank you again Adele, the money, from you and Alastair. Adele shook her head and said I'm more than happy to give you what I can Anna, you're in need, you're family and we care about our family members.

Anna nodded then laid her head back and sighed deeply. Adele brushed Anna's hair out of her face and asked where Sammy was? Anna smiled and said he went to buy a car with Marcus, they have a dealership here that is pack owned so they can get a better deal if Marcus is with Sam.

Adele said good, I would have gone out and bought one myself if I could, but I figured that Sammy could do the choosing better than I could.

Adele went to get Maddie while Anna finished up with Max then they traded as Adele changed Max's diaper and took him back to place him beside Anna.

Then when Maddie was done, she took her and changed her diaper and took her and laid her on Anna chest to nap. She placed Max on her other side and said there, as she sat down.

Anna smiled at her babies and said we did good, right? Adele smiled and said you did real good Anna. They are precious and it's amazing that Janine who is a twin never had twins herself, then Marcus had twins and now you and Sammy having twins. It runs in the family but Janine is a shocker.

Anna said she's not very nice is she? Adele said no, Janine has never shown me much kindness and I'm supposed to be her sister. Anna asked why do you think she's the way she is?

Adele said well, as Marcus once told her, Janine was jealous that he spent more time with me than her and being his twin she got angry at me for taking him away.

She added same with Cory, he was the baby of the family until I showed up, he's jealous of that, and sided with Janine in most all things, he did have some good qualities but his bad qualities outshined the good.

Anna said we rarely saw Cory, he was always off doing something with the pack or on a hot date, too many hot dates if you catch my drift. Adele nodded and said he was that way before his 16th birthday, away tried to catch the human girls, sex them up and leave them.

When Anna started to drift off to sleep, Adele took the babies one at a time and put them to bed, when she was done, she told Anna to sleep.

She left her there and went downstairs to find Alastair and Tara in the kitchen. Adele asked so they're not back yet? Tara said no, but they're on their way now, just stopping to pick up something to eat first.

Adele looked at the time and said would you like me to make something to eat Tara or are they bringing enough for all of us? Tara said good question, let me ask.

She smiled and said they are bringing us all food. Adele said good, Anna needs to eat and drink. They showed up 10 minutes later, Alastair left to go help them and they did bring enough.

Sammy came in first and set his bags down, followed by Marcus and then Alastair who took the kids hands and then said go to their mom.

Adele smiled as the kids where gushing over what they did and who they saw and papa was strong carrying all those bags.

Sammy gathered up enough food for Anna and himself and took the tray upstairs then came down for drinks and was gone for some time.


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