Beacon High and what changed...

By Razzoom

424 12 1

What happens when a girl goes to high school in the 2000's and doesn't know where to fit in? Find out here! ... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII

Chapter V

28 1 0
By Razzoom

"So great. Tragedy hits the school and I somehow get more popular. Because I'm the misery chick that stands up for herself. But I'm not miserable! I'm just not like everybody else!" I slam my fork down, causing Mom to stare at me. "Penelope, surely it can't be that bad. It's just the school doing what it should, surely." I raise an eyebrow. "Mom, if you define controlling our lives their job, then yes. The school newspaper recently went out of print because someone uttered an opinion. They're censoring, editing even, all the things we do. All sorts of student council meetings were canceled because of this stupid new substitute principal." Mom tried to keep her smile on. "Well, it can't be as terrible as you say it is. Anyway, why didn't Llewesere get the job to fill in?" I shrug. "The hell do I know. Probably the same reason why we suddenly have all sorts of different posters around school flaunting the school commission's alleged greatness." Mom's smile cracks. "That's starting to sound an awful lot similar to propaganda. Soviet Union and such." I nod whilst chewing. "It is, mom, it is." Mom tries to change the subject. "Did you hand in your first song for the battle of the bands?" I nod, sighing. "Yeah, but they say they wanna check all the songs. I don't remember Llewesere announcing that yesterday." Mom looks at the TV. "Oh look, 6teen is on."


"You will not believe this, Mom. They censored our song! They cut and replaced a verse! And now they want us to send in a revised version." Mom sighs. "Well, what are you going to do?" I smirk. "Simple. All I'm gonna do is send in the original, unchanged version. They can't just cut away Teen Angst et cetera out of a song about Teen Angst and the like." I hang up and look at Chloe. "Time to get our lyrics copied!" Chloe smiles. "Thank god your mother is a lawyer. This could get really nasty." I smirk. "I smell protest and angry students coming around." We walk into class, history. East Germany, press censorship and complete surveillance of the population. Why does that sound vaguely similar to my school is doing right now?


Mom picks up the phone angrily and rings the school. The secretary picks up. "Hello, Mrs. Munblé, can I please speak to the substitute principal, Mr. Kawasan? Good, thanks. Hello, Mr. Kawasan." She nods. "Yes, this is Anne Grayson, I'm calling about the incident today. Yes, I know that you plan to publish the songs online in lyric form. I also know about my daughter covering up your edits." She goes silent, obviously because Mr. Kawasan is talking. She frowns heavily. "Sir, I think we have largely differing opinions on that. You see, it's not just my daughter's lyrics that have been changed. I hear that this practice has been applied to several other members of the student body at Beacon High." Chloe sends me a text message, asking me how it's going. I tell her it is all up in the air right now. Mom starts talking again. "Sir, I can see your reasoning... Sir, please let me finish." That was it. Mom's face turns into the angriest face I have ever seen. "So what you're telling me is that my daughter and her band defaced their own text after you had rigorously edited it against their will and wish to showcase it amongst other such texts against their author's wills and you wish to discipline them for this? Excuse me, but I have to ask you. Are you familiar with the phrase 'Violation of Civil Liberties'? Are you familiar with the phrase 'Violation of Copyright'? Are you familiar with the phrase 'Illogical'? Are you, how you say, familiar with the phrase 'Big, Fat Lawsuit'?! And this isn't the end of your unscrupulous acts. Ending the school newspaper because of an article that you did not like? Propaganda in school halls? Are you well aware that you are speaking to Anne Grayson, respected lawyer and freedom of speech activist, not to mention member of the school's parent council and mother of Penelope Grayson, grade-A student and band member?" The other end of the phone line seems quiet. "Excuse me sir, but I am pretty sure you do not need to scream at me. We are both adults perfectly capable of handling a difference of opinion." I hear a crackled loud voice. "I certainly will not be minding my quote on quote own damn business, sir." The substitute principal shouts and Mom remains calm. "Yes sir, I wish you a good day as well." Mom puts down the phone. "Penelope! Tell your friends that it is so very on with your school. Tell them to tell their parents. Tell them to tell everybody they know. Because if enough people show disagreement, something is sure to happen."


"Mr. Llewesere, just calling to announce my return to Beacon High in two days time. I will be resuming my duties as principal as soon as possible." The vice principal smiles. "Okay, Mr. Forlan, I'll tell the students. Get well soon!" He puts the phone down and stares at me. "Ah, Penelope, what seems to be the problem?" I hand him a piece of paper. "My mother wants me to give this to the secretary or whoever's in charge." I see Mr. Kawasan walk past, snatch it, and shred it. I pull out another copy. "The good thing about lawyers, Mr. Llewesere, is that they make loads of copies." I hand it to him and he places it in a folder, and the bell rings, beckoning me to come hither to the call of the next borefest of a subject. French, yay. This'll be interesting.


"Dear Students, we have heard backlash against our edits of your lyrics. But why are you lashing out at us? We're only trying to keep your songs at PG-levels with minor edits." One person from the back calls bullshit. "Well, you must be mistaken, good sir. And I also wanted to announce that all songs will be published on the website of Beacon High. And, my last announcement for today, anybody who does not feel our edits are alright, is officially disqualified from the annual Beacon High Battle Of The Bands." As Mr. Kawasan leaves under the roars of an angry mob, Mr. Llewesere stares at us, seemingly mouthing "I'm Sorry" at us. One thing's for sure, this is most certainly not over. It certainly isn't until the bell rings, that is. And it just has. Time to resume class. But before I go, I go to my locker to find a note. I read it. "Penelope, I am waiting for our agreed exchange. You drop out of the battle of the bands, while I keep these photos from the public." Shit, I forgot about those. Well, to be honest, I have more important things on my mind.


"So Chloe, you will not believe what Lyle did yesterday." Skyler tells us the story as we walk out of the school building. "He fell backwards onto an escalator when he was running!" We all laugh but I stop. "Mom, what are you doing here?" She smiles. "Oh, nothing much, just handing in a notification of the charges against this school. You know, Violation of Civil Liberties and Copyright, you know, nothing major." I love it when she has that calm, nonchalant tone when speaking about really important things. "Mrs. Grayson, I really respect your efforts to stand up for our rights..." Mom smiles. "Oh please, just call me Anne, and yes Chloe, I do it gladly. Do you think I'm going to let a substitute principal stand in the way of my daughter and her friends?" I smile and laugh. That's my Mom, how I know her. "Mom, can you drive me home then?" She nods, handing the paper to the secretary. "Of course. Do any of your friends need a lift home?" Chloe says yes and we say goodbye to Lyle and Skyler. As we walk to Mom's car, I see Brendan. Be still, my beating heart. "Penelope you are about as subtle as a mallet to the face." I stare at Chloe. "Miss P, we can all see that you're stalkerishly staring at Brendan." Mom chimes in. "Who's Brendan?" Chloe spills the beans. "Oh, just this guy that Penelope really likes." I frown. "I do not." Mom doesn't help. "Well, that's great! He looks like he's a pretty nice kid." Can this drive home possibly get any more awkward?

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