Meeting of a Lifetime

De ChaoticCorkyx3

3K 108 40

A random encounter in a coffee shop puts Hiccup and Jack through a friendship, that otherwise, they may have... Mais

The Beginning
Coffee Shop
Start of Happily Ever After
Start of Something New
Becoming One on the Beach
Standing Up for Love
Moving In
Next Step
Honeymoon Part 2
Not An Update

I Now Pronounce You...

139 9 4
De ChaoticCorkyx3

  It had been six months since Jack popped the question and Hiccup had spent whatever free-time he had to plan the wedding. He asked Jack for help every so often, but he really wanted the wedding to incorporate both of them, in whatever way possible. But, today was the day. Hiccup's father had come around and had grown to love Jack, so he paid for everything. The wedding, the reception, even the honeymoon. Hiccup planned the perfect wedding, it was small, because he and Jack only wanted close friends and family, but it was beautiful nonetheless. Hiccup had chosen green roses, which symbolize optimism and hope along with ice blue clematis which symbolize mental beauty. The flowers were on the arch that had been placed on the altar, they were also lining the ends of each pew. He had also chosen a three tier wedding cake with blue and green flowers spiraling around the cake. Needless to say, the wedding had a blue and green theme to symbolize both boys. The reception, however, was winter themed for Jack. At the moment, people were arriving and taking their seats. The first to arrive was Hiccup and Jack, who separated from each other to get themselves ready. Stoick was busying himself helping Hiccup, and North was doing the same with Jack. Both fathers were the epitome of proud at the moment.


  Next, Gobber, Astrid, and the few others had arrived along with Jack's friends: Tiana, Sandy and Mundy. They all sat down and began to chatter excitedly. Much to Hiccup's disdain, he had invited his cousin Snoutlot, he really didn't care for him much, but he was family. Snoutlot had always messed with Hiccup, literally his entire life. With everyone there, Hiccup was finished getting dressed. He was wearing a tux with a forest green tie, his hair was the way it usually was because there is no way it would stay in place. Jack however, was wearing a tux as well, except he was wearing an ice blue tie that matched his eyes. Both boys were incredibly nervous, not because they worried someone would end up backing out, but because this was the beginning of the rest of their lives. Today they would be joined together in holy matrimony.


  It was time. Jack made his way to the altar and he had chosen his father to be his best man. Jack looked over only to see Toothless napping with a bright green ribbon tied around his neck. He blinked before letting a small laugh escape his lips. Hiccup would have brought Toothless to the wedding, he assumed that he was Hiccup's best man. Then, the music started. Hiccup was mentally freaking out. His dad gave him a gentle pat on the back before leading him to the aisle. Hiccup's cheeks had became a light pink as he looked around at everyone, then his gaze fell on Jack. He really couldn't believe how incredibly handsome Jack looked, he actually thought he looked more attractive than usual, if that was even possible. Jack had turned to look at Hiccup and as soon as he saw the other, his eyes began to tear up. He thought Hiccup looked beautiful, handsome, among other things.


  Stoick had slowly walked Hiccup down the aisle and stopped at the altar, the large man then stood beside of Hiccup after he picked up Toothless, who was sitting up in Stoick's arms, his eyes darting around the room before landing on his master. Hiccup stared up at Jack with a soft blush before his hands wiped away the stray tears that threatened to fall from Jack's piercing blue eyes.


  "You look stunning..." Jack spoke softly as his gaze never strayed away from Hiccup, at this moment, he felt like he was the luckiest man on the planet.


  "Oh, hush." Hiccup moved back as the preacher began, his gaze shifting from Jack to look at the other man as he spoke.


  Soon, it was time for vows, and they had each written their own, so Jack opted to go first.


  "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, when I first met you, I had no idea we'd get to this point. I remember how you had Toothless in that little basket as if you thought you wouldn't get caught. I remember what I first thought when I saw your smile, something along the lines of 'Wow, how can someone be this cute?'. Then when we started working together, it was honestly the happiest I had ever been. The way you made a mess the first time and got frappe everywhere, you were so embarrassed... Then when we went to the beach, and I had finally confessed... I was honestly so scared once I did. I was afraid you would leave me, but once you said you felt the same, I honestly thought I was going to die from being so happy. We moved in together shortly after and... My god, I swear it was a dream come true. I was able to see the love of my life every second of everyday and I never had to leave your side, except to go to classes. Ever since we met though, I knew... I just knew you'd be the person I would want to spend the rest of my life with. Now, that time has come and I promise, I promise with all my heart to make you happy. I will wipe away your tears, I'll fight away your anger and I'll make you laugh till your sides hurt. In the end, I promise to love you, with all my heart." While speaking, Jack had never let his gaze stray away from Hiccup, whose eyes were already tearing up as he listened to every word, now it was his turn.


  "Jackson Overland Frost. You know... When I met you I was already really weird... Because I swear, I couldn't stop staring at you. Your smile made my heart skip a beat. I remember the first 'date' we had after the first day at work... And that gorgeous waitress... I remember how sick I felt... She kept flirting with you... And I kept thinking that you two would have been perfect together, until the moment she was trying to get your attention and you just focused on me.. As mean as it sounds, I was really happy you ignored her... I just remember feeling.... Good about myself for the first time in forever right at that moment. Then when I went home for the Summer... I swear... Being away from you was torture, not that I disliked being with my dad and everyone... But, I knew I was away from the man I had fallen hopelessly in love with. Then... You proposed... I... I really couldn't believe what I was hearing when you asked... You don't even understand how close I was to going up to you and saying, 'Jack, I swear if you don't propose to me soon I'm going to kick you ass'. Excuse my french, but then you asked. Now, I get to spend my life with you. I know we will have fights... I now sometimes we will probably hate each other, but no matter what, I'm never leaving you. You're stuck with this dork, and you'll just have to live with that." Hiccup had laughed a bit near the end before looking back to the preacher.


  "Jack, do you take Hiccup to be your lawfully wedded husband?"


  "I do." Jack stated with no hesitation.


  "Hiccup, do you take Jack as your lawfully wedded husband?"


  "I do."


  "With that, I pronounce you husband, and husband. You may now kiss the groom."


  Jack grew a loving expression as he leaned down, cupping Hiccup's cheeks before allowing his eyes to close, kissing the smaller male softly before pulling away. Then, everyone erupted with cheers and clapping. Hiccup looked at Jack before grabbing onto the white-haired males hand. The two of them then walked outside to get pictures taken, then Hiccup threw the bouquet of flowers who was caught by Ruffnut, at the same time, Fishlegs and Snoutlot winked at her which caused the blonde to grimace.


  Later on, at the reception, it was time to cut the cake and Hiccup and Jack held the blade before slicing into the cake, cutting out two pieces for them both. With a wide grin, Hiccup took his cake and promptly pushed it into Jack's face before he started to laugh, it was short-lived though, because Jack did the same, smearing the confection all over the auburn-haired males freckled face. Taking one look at one another, they both started to laugh.


  "I love you so much, Hiccup"


  "I love you too, Jack." Then, Hiccup and Jack leaned in and pecked each others cake covered lips before letting everyone else have cake. They were just happily they were finally married, next stop, honeymoon.

A/N: Okay, if this is bad, I apologize. I really suck at wedding scenes and such. Also, the next few chapters will be the honeymoon, so.. they will most likely contain smut. So, thank you for reading.

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