The New Neighbors lauren/You

By PrettyGreenEyes27

200K 5.4K 725

"Besides I'm only Just your New Neighbor" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
It's Up!!!
New Story?
New Story Update!!
New Book!
hey guys

Chapter 31

2.6K 96 16
By PrettyGreenEyes27

Your POV

After we pulled away from the hug Shawn cupp my face and stare at my eyes.

"Hi babe" he i smile

"Hey" i whispered he kissed my lips i heard a gasp Shit i forgot the girls was here i snapp my had to the girls who look at us jaw drop and wide eyes except to lauren her jaw is clench and her fist is in the ball she look furious Why she look jealous or something? I just shrugg it off normani squeal us to look at her

"Omg! You two?" she ask pointing me and shawn i look shawn and smile I love shawn it's just that i still love lauren i mean who gonna forgot about Lauren Jauregui am i right?

"yup we are" i said and look normani who smile is big and so did ally

"Thank God you move on to your past relationship" my eyes widen when normani said that i look lauren she is glaring at normani
shawn awkwardly standing beside while her hand was in my waist

"What is the problem of y/n past relationship, we all know that she treat her right" lauren said clearly mad

"actually yeah she was sweet and caring you can't even thought that she gonna be cheated on y/n but she did" this time lauren look down and look guilty she look at me i give her a smile that it's ok she return it

"Ok! break it up you two, mani stop now ok" ally warn the two normani scoff

"mani it's fine, it's actually we are ok now, and all i can think now that my boyfriend is here" i said look at shawn he give me a big smile Damn! that smile who never failed to cause a butterfly to my stomach

"I love you" shawn said to me

"I love you too" i said to him and hug him by side "Come on let sit down and tell me why are you here?"

"I actually here to visit you because i miss you, i ask jazz where are you because i got to your house but you are not i was gonna suprise you" he pouted i kiss her pout

"Sorry i forgot to text you i was being move it's just that i have a lot of my mind" i said you can hear my guilty

"No, No it's fine babe, So i came here i actually suprise that you know the girls" we look at the girls ally and mani is smilling to us that they look like they saw a puppy i chuckle mila, dj and lauren is look i don't know i can't put in the a finger "you even not mention it to me" the girls look sad i look down

"sorry it's just that something is really happen that i still can't talk about" he squezz my hand for reassurance

"it's ok" he said

"Wait ! Shawn she is the one you always talking about? she is y/n you talking about?" mila ask my boyfriend nodded "She is the one who you saw in the bar-" i cut mila and talk

"Don't tell me you talk about how you saw me?" i said in annoyed camila or the girls can't know what happen last past 2 yrs in my life He look down and nodded

"I-i'm sorry, i-i didn't k-know you two know e-each other i mean she is my bestfriend p-promise babe i didn't anything to much" i sigh and look at her desbelief i look at mila she look guilty I think shawn told her about me being drunk and cutting myself she look at my wrist i hidded on the under the table i look ate shawn and grab his hand excuse us we go to the hallway i look at him

"it's fine babe it's just that i don't want to remember what to my past and especially the girls to know" i said he nodded

"but why?"

"just please don't" he nodded

"ok i'm sorry again" he said i lean in and kissed him

Lauren POV

After y/n and shawn go to the living i look at mila curiously i saw her look sad and guilty

"Mila do you know something?" i ask her she snapp

"w-what? " she stutter

"I know you know something about y/n, she never gonna drag shawn in the hallways if something is going on" she shook her head i sigh in defeat

"Mila just tell us please?" ally and mani ask her dinah was looking lost i don't know about her

"I d-don't know what your talking about" she said she look like she gonna breakdown she look down

Camila POV

If y/n is the one who talk about when shawn and i see each other. She is in the pain and dinah and i was really wrong about that she is happy without us and she is never care. she is was depressed ,drunk herself to forget and she cut. i run to my room i heard the girls call me but i shut my door lock it and i breakdown i curl to a ball in my bed sobbing uncontronable

"I am the worst bestfriend, I should be there when she need me i should not to give up on her"

Damn! shawn told about your past and camila regret what she said and what she acting when you saw each other. and shawn and you was being together (Because someone suggest so here you go) 😉

I hope you enjoy this chapter sorry for the mistake i didn't read this and check the wrong spelling and grammar. i just wanted to give you an update 😇

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