The Complication

By haylamc

12.1K 226 42

Most girls would be thrilled at the prospect of having two hot guys liking them on their first day at a new s... More

The Complication ~Authors Note~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~.
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~

~Chapter 15~

389 7 0
By haylamc

Sadie POV

        A few weeks later, everything was normal again. Leslie and Drake were now an item, finally, Lucas and Madison were heating up but so far no dating between the two. Jay and I were still dating happily. The day after Jay and I first kissed, he walked up to Miranda and told her off, we won’t be seeing much of her again. Bridgette hasn’t been picking on people as much anymore, she was actually kind of nice now that she and Brendon are best friends again. Poor Kyle had to deal with his and Miranda’s break up but eventually became better. Yes, everything was back to normal, hopefully for the rest of the  year.

        Spring Fling was just a week away so Leslie, Madison and I went dress shopping.

        “I don’t know if I like the blue on me,” Leslie held up the dress. It was strapless and just went past her knees, the bottom half was ruffled and the top was beaded, it was pretty cute but it didn’t go well with her skin tone.

        “Here is the same one in pink,” Madison handed her the dress.

        “Oh thank you Madison you are the best! Do you think drake will love it?”

        “Definitely,” I said as I walked out of the dressing room, “he would love anything on you.”

        “Whoa there sexy, stop burning us with your hotness!” Madison made a sizzling sound.

        “Ha ha, you like?” I twirled around. My dress was a light purple. It went a bit above my knees and tucked in at the bottom. The top was had one thin strap which went higher than the thick strap on the other side, it looked slanted and really cool. The waist had a ribbon that was all beaded and tied in the back.

        “More like love!” Leslie squealed.

        “Okay girls now it’s my turn!” Madison walked back in to her dressing room.

A few minutes later she came out. Madison was the type of girl who would wear jeans and really cute tops. When she walked out of her dressing room I was stunned and speechless.

The dress was cream colored and a one shoulder. It went right to her knees and had three layers of ruffles at the bottom. The ribbon on her waist was peach and made of silk that tied on the side. The top par had a twisted look that sort of curved to the side. It was beautiful.

        “Oh. My. God.” Was all Leslie could say.

        “Madison, it’s stunning!” I exclaimed, “I’m speechless!”

        “Yeah, too bad I don’t have a date though.” Madison’s smile faded,

        “Lucas will ask you don’t worry,” Leslie said, “and you know he is shy, so he is probably afraid to ask. Maybe if you asked him instead you would save him the trouble of bringing up the nerve to ask you. He really likes you Madison there is no doubt he would say yes.”

        “Ok I’ll ask, thank you guys so much!” She came over and hugged us both, “now all we need is…”

        “Shoes!”We yelled together.

Lucas POV

        Something had to be done. Damien just wouldn’t stop would he? Lucas sat on his bed, his plan was about to commence.

        He was going to tell him that mom took his car to the shop to get a new paint job and they accidently painted it yellow instead of gold.

        Lucas got up and walked into Damien’s room, “Uh Damien,” Lucas put on his neutral face,” mom took your car in to get a paint job like you asked but when I walked by there on my way home from school it was painted yellow instead of gold.”

        “Yeah right twerp, now get out of my room.”

        “If you don’t believe me, call the shop yourself.” Lucas handed Damien the phone. He looked at him suspiciously then called the number.

        “Yeah its Damien calling, my car is in there for a new paint job and I was wondering what color it was painted?” There was a pause then he yelled, “Banana yellow? I wanted gold! I’m coming down there now, you better fix this!” With that he hung up the phone and stormed out of his room.

 What Damien didn’t know was that one of Lucas’ buddies from school worked there and hated Damien as much as Lucas did. He decided to help Lucas get him back by working that night and answering the phone when Damien called. It worked so perfectly!

        “That’ll teach him to mess with me,” Lucas said as he strolled happily back to his room.

Sadie POV

        I walked in the door of her house after dress shopping. There were people talking in the living room. My dad never has visitors, this time must be special.

I walked into the room, “Mom? What are you doing here?”

My mom got up and came over to hug me, her brown hair getting into my eyes. There was a man sitting on the couch with my dad, he was clean shaven and had really short blonde hair.

        “This is David,” my mom introduced, “he is a lawyer.”

        “Hi,” I said coldly as I refused his hand shake.

        “Honey don’t you think we better get going? It’s getting late and the flight is in an hour.”

        “Yes but just a minute I need to talk to Sadie alone,” she pulled me into the kitchen, “Sadie I know you don’t like the fact that your father and I divorced but David is such a nice guy!”

        “Mom, I don’t care that David’s a nice guy! Don’t talk to dad and me ever again, just go!”

        “If that’s what you want.”

        “It’s what we all want! You should have never come back!”

I hated talking to my mom that way but I had to do it for dad.

        “Ok Sadie, we’ll go. Goodbye.” She started to lean in for another hug but thought better of it, got up, and left without another word.

        Lucas POV

        The next day, Lucas was at his locker getting his books when Madison walked up to him.

        “Hi!”She said.

        “Hey Madison. What’s up?” he said as he grabbed his math textbook.

        “Listen, I have something to ask you,” Madison pulled him aside,” I know you’re really shy and you probably won’t bring up the nerve to ask so will you go to Spring Fling with me?”

Lucas did want to go with her and she was right about being shy, he was too nervous to ask.

        “You were right, I did want to ask you but I was too chicken,” He laughed, “of course I’ll go with you.”

They held hands and walked to their next class together.


        It was the night of the Spring Fling and Jay was all ready to pick up Sadie. His parents went out for the night, thank god, so he had the house to himself. Jay looked in his dirt streaked mirror. He had a black shirt on with a purple tie and black pants. Sadie’s dress was purple so he had to have a purple tie. It didn’t look that bad on him. Jay didn’t live that far away from Sadie so he decided to walk over to her house.

        When he walked up the front steps she opened the door.

        “Sadie, you look beautiful!”

Lucas POV

        After Damien found out the banana painted car was a prank by Lucas he actually gave him props and didn’t bother him. He actually helped Lucas get ready for Spring Fling and offered to drive him to pick up Madison.

        In the car, Damien was quiet, until he actually apologized.

        “Listen twerp, I don’t apologize very much but I’m sorry for the stuff I did to you. My friend, Jake, him and his brother fought like we did and they ended up hating each other and never talking to each other all through high school and college. They moved their separate ways and never contacted each other again. Jake is miserable now that his bro won’t talk to him and he regrets everything. I don’t want that to happen to us.” Lucas was so surprised that he didn’t know what to say.

        “Thanks for apologizing Damien that means a lot. I’m sorry too.”

        Then they were quiet for the rest of the ride until they picked Madison up. When Damien saw her he said, “You got yourself a fine lady Lucas. Don’t turn into me and date a girl like Brittany.” That was the greatest advice he heard from Damien in his whole life.

Leslie and Drake were getting their pictures taken by Drake’s mom.

        “Okay mom, I think we are done now.”

        “Ok honey have fun!” she called after them as they walked out the door.

        “You look beautiful Leslie,” Drake said.

        “Stop it!” Leslie playfully punched him on the arm.

        “I’m serious!” Drake leaned down and kissed her, “now let’s go have some fun!”

Sadie POV

        The gym looked so cool! The floor had soft synthetic grass and the streamers were pink, yellow, blue, green and purple. There were many different types of lights and the DJ was playing the hottest songs. In the other room, there were four tables full of food and drinks!

        “You girls did a good job,” Jay said as he admired the decorations.

        “Thanks, we worked really hard.”

Drake, Leslie, Lucas and Madison came in behind us.

        “Hey guys!” I yelled over the loud music.

        “Hey! Great job on the decorations!” Drake said.

        “Yeah love the grass!” Lucas added.

        “Thanks guys!” I exclaimed.

        “Thank you!” Madison and Leslie said in unison. They started laughing.

        “Would you like to dance?” Jay asked in a fake English accent.

        “Why yes I would love to dance with you,” I said in the same accent. He led me to the dance floor.

Lucas POV

        “Want to dance with me?” Lucas asked Madison.

        “Of course!” She grabbed his hand and they strolled to the dance floor.

        “Madison, I know I’m shy so I’m going to come right out and ask, will you go out with me?” It felt good to get it off his chest.

        “Sorry what? I can’t hear you!” She yelled.

        “Here, come with me.”

        “What?” Madison yelled again.

        “Come with me!” Lucas yelled back.

Madison nodded and followed Lucas into the equipment room.

        “That’s better,” Madison said, “now what did you want to ask me?”

        “I wanted to know if-“

        “Hey Lucas, Madison, come take a picture with all of us!” Drake said as he opened the door to the equipment room.

Madison looked at me apologetically, “Tell me after the picture,” she whispered in Lucas’ ear. Then she grabbed his arm and led him out.

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